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Images Dated 8th March 2021

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129 Items

Background imageImages Dated 8th March 2021: Effigy of a Norman knight, Danbury church, 13th century

Effigy of a Norman knight, Danbury church, 13th century
Effigy of a Norman knight in armour from Danbury church, 13th century. Carved wooden monument of a man in suit of chain-mail armour of coif, hauberk and hose, with sleeveless surcoat

Background imageImages Dated 8th March 2021: Work on the tramway in Kingsway, London, connecting the lines in the north and south

Work on the tramway in Kingsway, London, connecting the lines in the north and south. Date: 1905

Background imageImages Dated 8th March 2021: Anglo-Norman king with crown, 11th century

Anglo-Norman king with crown, 11th century
Anglo-Norman king with crown, seated on a throne, wearing fur-lined mantle, embroidered long tunics. From the Winchester Psalter, Cotton MS Nero C iv. Royal state habit of the 11th century

Background imageImages Dated 8th March 2021: Anglo-Saxon nobleman in his state dress, 8th century

Anglo-Saxon nobleman in his state dress, 8th century. With beard, mantle fastened at the chest, surcoat over tunic. From Old English Hexateuch, Cotton MS Claudius B iv

Background imageImages Dated 8th March 2021: Saxon noble in Phrygian cap and others in mantles, 8th century

Saxon noble in Phrygian cap and others in mantles, 8th century
Saxon noble in mantle and Phrygian cap from the Caedmon manuscript, Bodleian Junius xi

Background imageImages Dated 8th March 2021: Templar knight's effigy, Temple Church, London, 12th century

Templar knight's effigy, Temple Church, London, 12th century
Templar knight's effigy, Temple Church, London, 12th century. Carved stone monument of a bare-headed knight in chain-mail tunic hauberk and hose, long-sleeved surcoat wIth sword and shield

Background imageImages Dated 8th March 2021: Norman soldiers in armour, 11th/12th century

Norman soldiers in armour, 11th/12th century
Norman soldiers in nasal helmet, chain-mail armour, 11th/12th centur

Background imageImages Dated 8th March 2021: King Henry I and Henry II of England

King Henry I and Henry II of England
King Henry I (1068- 1135) and King Henry II (1133-1189) of England, from their great seals. In crown, mantle, tunic, seated on throne with sword and orb

Background imageImages Dated 8th March 2021: Anglo-Norman nobleman in state habit, 11th century

Anglo-Norman nobleman in state habit, 11th century
Anglo-Norman nobleman in richly embroidered mantle and tunic, 11th century. From the Winchester Psalter, Cotton MS Nero C iv

Background imageImages Dated 8th March 2021: Anglo-Norman male costume, 11th century

Anglo-Norman male costume, 11th century
Man in hooded mantle to the calf, man with staff in unusual leather shoes or galoches, and man in manteaux des rois (mantles of the kings) trailing on the ground

Background imageImages Dated 8th March 2021: Norman rustics of the 11th century

Norman rustics of the 11th century
Norman shepherds in capuce (hooded cloak) with crook and horn, and a peasant in red trousers with staff. Norman rustics of the 11th century

Background imageImages Dated 8th March 2021: Saxon figure of St Michael in suit of scale armour, 9th century

Saxon figure of St Michael in suit of scale armour, 9th century
Saxon figure of St Michael in suit of gilt scale armour, 9th century. Originally holding a sword and scales, weighing a human head against the world. Ancient statue found in Monmouthshire

Background imageImages Dated 8th March 2021: Anglo Saxon women's costumes, 9th and 10th century

Anglo Saxon women's costumes, 9th and 10th century
Anglo Saxon woman in mantle, and woman wearing her veil crossed from Prudentius, Cotton MS Cleopatra C viii, and woman in a tunic with embroidered border from Gregory's Book of Job, Royal MS C vi

Background imageImages Dated 8th March 2021: Anglo Saxon men's costume, 9th and 10th century

Anglo Saxon men's costume, 9th and 10th century
Anglo Saxon man in double tunic, buttoned tunic and man wearing only coaxalia or long trousers (from a picture of Job in his affliction). From the Harley Psalter, Harley MS 603, 11th century

Background imageImages Dated 8th March 2021: Maurice, Duke and later Elector of Saxony, 1521-1553

Maurice, Duke and later Elector of Saxony, 1521-1553
Maurice the Brave, Duke and later Elector of Saxony, 1521-1553. In red satin robe and toque, both lined with ermine, sword with double-headed eagle of Austria. Maurice le Brave, Electeur de Saxe

Background imageImages Dated 8th March 2021: Woman in the court of King Francis I, 16th century

Woman in the court of King Francis I, 16th century
Woman in the court of King Francis I. In black chaperon hood, grey gown with square-cut bodice, fur-lined sleeves. Dame de la Cour de Francois I

Background imageImages Dated 8th March 2021: Pope Julius II, 16th century

Pope Julius II, 16th century
Pope Julius II kneeling in prayer, 16th century. Le Pape Jules II. After the painting by Raphael, Mass at Bolsene, La Messe de Bolsene, 1512

Background imageImages Dated 8th March 2021: Louise of Savoy, Duchess of Auvergne

Louise of Savoy, Duchess of Auvergne, 1476-1531. Louise de Savoie, Duchesse d'Angoulme, Mere de Francois I. After a miniature in a manuscript offered to Louise de Savoie

Background imageImages Dated 8th March 2021: Peter II of Rohan-Gié (†1523)

Peter II of Rohan-Gié (†1523). In suit of plate armour, plumed helmet with sword, on a horse caparisoned with his coat of arms. Pierre Vicomte de Rohan, Seigneur de Gie, Marechal de France

Background imageImages Dated 8th March 2021: Isabella d'Este (1474-1539), Marchioness of Mantua

Isabella d'Este (1474-1539), Marchioness of Mantua
Isabella d'Este (1474-1539), Marchioness of Mantua, cultural and political figure of the Italian Renaissance. In long red robe with wide slashed fur-lined sleeves

Background imageImages Dated 8th March 2021: Scene from a tournament at Nuremberg, 16th century

Scene from a tournament at Nuremberg, 16th century
Scene from a tournament at Nuremberg between the Hirshvogel and Riet noble families, 16th century. Two teams of lancers in an exercise match

Background imageImages Dated 8th March 2021: Woman of Burgos, Spain, 16th century

Woman of Burgos, Spain, 16th century. In muslin chaperon hood, dress with square-cut bodice, apron, and platform espadrilles or alpargatas. Espagne, Dame de Burgos

Background imageImages Dated 8th March 2021: Woman in the court of King Francis I, 16th century

Woman in the court of King Francis I, 16th century
Courtier of King Francis I. She wears a multi-coloured chaperon hood, fur-lined gown with square-cut bodice over a red silk robe. Dame de la Cour de Francois I

Background imageImages Dated 8th March 2021: Mace bearer to King Louis XII of France, 16th century

Mace bearer to King Louis XII of France, 16th century
Mace bearer to King Louis XII of France. In black toque, grey mantle with blue collar, red hose and shoes. After manuscript 145 in the Bibliotheque imperiale, Paris. Massier sous Louis XII

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