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76 Items
The Vegetable Lamb of Tartary, Agnus scythicus or Planta Tartarica Barometz, legendary zoophyte. The Tartarian Lamb
King vulture and turkey vultureKing vulture, Sarcoramphus papa, and turkey vulture, Cathartes aura. Le roi des vautours, Vultur papa, L'urubus, Vultur aura
A Briton from the pre-Roman eraA Briton of the interior, carrying tarian (shield), fon-wayw (spear) and bwyell-arv (battle axe), from the pre-Roman era. In front of a Catterthun fortress. Handcoloured aquatint by R
Andean condor and southern crested caracaraAndean condor, Le condor, Vultur gryphus 2, and le cara-cara, southern crested caracara, Caracara plancus 1
Red kite, honey buzzard and common buzzardRed kite, Milvus milvus (top), European honey buzzard, Pernis apivorus (left) and buzzard, Buteo buteo (right). Le Milan, Falco milvus, Le bondree, Falco apivorus, Le buse Falco buteo
Endangered Egyptian and Nubian vulturesEndangered Egyptian vulture, Neophron percnopterus, and endangered lappet-faced vulture or Nubian vulture, Torgos tracheliotos. Le vautour a aigrettes, Vultur cristatus, le petit vautour
Bearded eagle and Eurasia griffonBearded eagle, Gypaetus barbatus, and Eurasia griffon, Gyps fulvus. Le griffon, Vultur barbatus, Le percnoptere, Vultur fulvus
Osprey and white-tailed eagleOsprey, Pandion haliaetus, and white-tailed eagle, Haliaeetus albicilla. Le balbusard, Falco haliaetus, l'orfraie, Falco ossifragus
Golden eagle, Aquila chrysaetos 1, 2. L'aigle commun, Falco fulvus, le grand aigle, Falco chrysaetos
Common ostrich, Struthio camelusCommon ostrich, L'autruche, Struthio camelus
Eurasian tawny owl, hawk owl and short-eared owlEurasian tawny owl, Strix aluco, hawk owl, Surnia ulula, short-eared owl, Asio flammeus. Le chat-huant, Strix stridula, La chouette, Strix ulula, L'effraie, Strix flammea
Snowy owl and Eurasian pygmy owlSnowy owl, Bubo scandiacus, and Eurasian pygmy owl, Glaucidium passerinum. Le harfang, Strix nyctea, La cheveche, Strix passerine
Greater spotted eagle and bald eagleGreater spotted eagle, Clanga clanga, and bald eagle, Haliaeetus leucocephalus (Le petit aigle, Falco naevius, la pigargue, Falco ossifragus)
Eurasian eagle-owl, long-eared owl and scops owlEurasian eagle-owl, Bubo bubo 1, long-eared owl, Asio otus 2, and European scops-owl, Otus scops 3. Le duc ou grand duc, Strix bubo, Le hibou, Strix otus, Le scops, Strix scops
Red-backed shrike and Iberian gray shrikeRed-backed shrike, L'ecorcheur, Lanius collurio 1, and Iberian gray shrike, southern grey shrike, Pie-grieche meridionale, Lanius meridionalis 2
Hook-billed vanga, rufous vanga and yellow-crowned gonolekHook-billed vanga, Vanga curvirostris 1, rufous vanga, Schetba rufa 2, and yellow-crowned gonolek, Laniarius barbarus 3
Woodchat shrike and great grey shrikeWoodchat shrike, Lanius senator 1 and great grey shrike, Lanius excubitor 2. Le pie-grieche rousse, Lanius rufus, Le pie-grieche grise, Lanius excubitor
Sparrowhawk, goshawk and gyrfalconEurasian sparrowhawk, Accipiter nisus (top), goshawk, Accipiter gentilis (center), and gyrfalcon, Falco rusticolus (bottom)
Bokmakierie and violet-backed starlingBokmakierie, Telophorus zeylonus 1 and violet-backed starling, Cinnyricinclus leucogaster 2. Pie-grieche a plastron noir, merle a ventre blanc
Merlin, Falco columbarius aesalon 1, kestrel, Falco tinnunculus 2, and Eurasian hobby, Falco subbuteo 3. L'emerillon, Falco aesalon, Le crecerelle, Le Hobereau
Western plantain-eater, saker falcon and peregrineWestern plantain-eater, Crinifer piscator 1, endangered saker falcon, Falco cherrug 2, and peregrine falcon, Falco peregrinus 3
Western marsh harrier and short-toed snake eagleWestern marsh harrier, Circus aeruginosus, and short-toed snake eagle, Circaetus gallicus. La harpaye, Falco rufus, Jean le blanc, Falco gallicus
Hen harrier, Eurasian marsh-harrier and Montagu's harrierHen harrier, Circus cyaneus 1, Eurasian marsh-harrier, Circus aeruginosus 2, and Montagu's harrier, Circus pygargus 3, L'oiseau saint-martin, Falco cyaneus, Le busard, Falco aeruginosus, La soubuse
Greater rhea and southern cassowaryGreater rhea, Rhea americana, and southern cassowary, Casuarius casuarius. Le touyou, Struthio rhea, Le casoar, Struthio casuarinus
Hawfinch and Java sparrowHawfinch, Coccothraustes coccothraustes, and Java sparrow, Lonchura oryzivora. Le gros bec, Loxia coccothraustes, le padda, Loxia oryzivora
Perch, pearl oyster, velvet worm and lacewingEuropean perch, Perca fluviatilis 1, and fishermen fishing with rods, velvet worm, Peripatus iuliformis 2, lacewing, Perla marginata 3, and pearl oyster, Isognomon isognomum 4
Pen shells or fan musselsNoble pen shell or fan mussel, Pinna nobilis 1, 3, critically endangered, and rough pen shell or spiny fan-mussel, Pinna rudis 2
Pin crabs and pearl oysterPea crab, Pinnotheres pisum 1, 2, and pearl-oyster, Pinctada radiata 3. Pinnotheres, Pintadine (mere perle)
Mitre shells and green clinging crabMitre shells, Mitra mitra, and green clinging crab, Mithraculus sculptus
Sea snails and tobacco plantSea snail, Nerita polita 1, Clithon corona (Neritina brevispina) 2, Tobacco, Nicotiana tabacum 3. Nerite, Neritine, Nicotiane
Hazelnut tree, Corylus avellana
Crack willow or brittle willow, Salix fragilis
Downy birch, Betula pubescensDowny birch, moor birch, white birch, European white birch or hairy birch, Betula pubescens. Birch Tree, Betula alba
Grey alder or speckled alder, Alnus incana. Alder Tree, Betula alnus
Hornbeam tree, Carpinus betulusHornbeam tree with male and female catkins, Carpinus betulus
Yew tree, Taxus baccata. The Yew Tree
Wych elm or Scots elm, Ulmus glabra. Common Elm Tree, Ulmus campestris
Wild service tree, Sorbus torminalisWild service tree, chequers, and checker tree, Sorbus torminalis. Wild Service Tree, Crataegus torminalis
American planetree, Platanus occidentalis. Occidental Plane Tree
The Greendale Oak, Welbeck Park, Nottingham. Famous hollow tree reputed to be 700 years old in the 18th century. Hollow widened with axes by Henry Bentinck in 1724 on a bet
Cork oak, Quercus suber. The Cork Tree
Norway spruce or European spruce, Picea abies. Spruce Fir Tree, Pinus abies
European larch, Larix decidua. Larch Tree, Pinus larix
European silver fir, Abies alba. Silver Fir Tree, Pinus picea
Eastern white pine, Pinus strobus. Weymouth Pine Tree
Scots pine tree, Pinus sylvestris. Scotch Fir Tree
Holly Tree, Ilex aquifolium
Horse chestnut, Aesculus hippocastanum. Horse Chestnut Tree, Aesculus hippo-castanum
Walnut tree, Juglans regia. Wallnut Tree
Whitebeam, Sorbus aria. White Beam Tree. Crataegus aria
European beech or common beech, Fagus sylvatica. The Beech
Sour cherry, tart cherry or dwarf cherry, Prunus cerasus. Wild Black Cherry Tree
Field maple, Acer campestre. Common Maple Tree
Common lime tree, Tilia -- europaea
Sycamore Tree, Acer pseudoplatanus
Quicken tree, Sorbus aucupariaQuicken tree or Quick-Beam, Sorbus aucuparia
White Poplar Tree, Populus alba
Costume of a pagan Saxon Chief standing on a dead Briton
Gormo the Old, King of Denmark and a Danish youthGurm Gamle, or Gormo the Old, King of Denmark and a Danish youth. The king wears a leather corslet, tunic and crown, and holds a sceptre or hammer
Saint Jestin ab GeraintSt. Jestin ab Geraint, son of the celebrated naval hero Geraint ab Erbin, a prince of the Devonshire Britons. He wears a cope fastened with fibula, short mantle and tunic, and holds a staff
Military costume of the Gothic Nations of the BalticMilitary costume of the Gothic Nations on the western coast of the Baltic, Dane and Sclavonian. They are dressed as Berserkirs
Pabo, the Pillar of Britain, son of Arthwys ab Mor, 5th century, wearing a long Dalmatic tunic bordered with fur, decorated with pearl-studded lace. Handcoloured aquatint by R
Hibernian male and female costume, post-Roman era. Man in fallin shirt, trousers, brogues (shoes), and fringed plaid coat holding a short lance. Woman in large piece of cloth trimmed with fringe
Irish Brehons and Filidhs or judges, of the Roman era, with Irish wolf-hound. Brehon in cloak, coat, pantaloons, biorrad (cap), carrying laws engraved on bark
Costume of the Pagan Irish in the post-Roman era. The subject is an initiation ceremony into the Helio-arkite religion
Roman British Females in gwn (tunic) and pais (petticoat)Roman British Females. They both wear the gwn (tunic) in the Roman style over the pais (petticoat). Handcoloured aquatint by R
A Romanised Briton and a Feryllt, a blacksmith, metallurgist, chemist and botanist. The Briton in a plaid cloak and sagum, carrying a two-handed sword, cleddyv deuddwrn
Boadicea Queen of the Iceni, Roman eraBoadicea, Queen of the Iceni, Roman era. She wears a gwn (tunic) over a long pais (petticoat), a cloak, fibula (brooch), bracelets, and holds a lance
Grand Conventional Festival of the Britons at Stonehenge, pre-Roman era. Druidic Helio-arkite ceremony on May eve, the stones covered with veils depicting the dragon king. Handcoloured aquatint by R
British Bard and an Ovate, Druidic priests, of the pre-Roman era. The bard sits on a rock in blue robes and holds a telyn (harp)
Irish ollamh and an heraldic bard, pre-Roman eraIrish ollamh (dignified philosopher) and a filidhe (herald bard), pre-Roman era. The ollamh wears a saffron cota (tunic), cochal (cloak) and trousers
Druidic Awenydd (Bardic disciple) and novice, from the pre-Roman era. In the background are British straw-roofed wooden cabins. The disciple carries a cup and a dove, bird of good omen
Costume of the Druidical Order of the pre-Roman eraCostume of the Druidical Order, pre-Roman era. Arch-Druid in garland of oak leaves, and Druid holding a Cornan, a symbol of a festival. Handcoloured aquatint by R
Mounted British warrior from the pre-Roman era. He wears a brazen helmet, a mantell gedenawg (shaggy cloak), trousers and shoes, and carries a club
Maaeata and Caledonian men of the pre-Roman eraMaaeata and Caledonian men, inhabitants of the plains and forests of North Britain, pre-Roman era. The Catini man on the left carries a cat, a club with four spikes
Belgic Briton and one of the Cassiterides from the pre-Roman eraBelgic Briton and one of the Cassiterides of Cornwall from the pre-Roman era. Briton in checkered saic (mantle) over a pais (tunic) and llawdyr (pantaloons) and brog (shoes)