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22 Items
Spain. Segovia. Panorama of the city. EngravingSpain, Segovia. Panorama of the city from the Fuencisla. Meunier. Engraving by Meunier & Carter. Cronica General de Espana, Historia Ilustrada y Descriptiva de sus Provincias. Castilla-La Vieja, 1870
Spain, Santander. Panoramic view of the harbour. Illustration by Letre. Engraving by Sierra. Cronica General de Espana, Historia Ilustrada y Descriptiva de sus Provincias. Castilla-La Vieja, 1870
A monarchal state habit: long green super-tunic worn under a draped mantle, bare feet, long hair worn with a gold fillet and a forked beard. Date: 8th century
Anglo-Saxon lady in a pink tunic or kirtle underneath a purple draped mantle. Her hair is hidden by an orange head- rail or veil which is draped over the shoulders. Date: 11th century
A German family goes out to gather the eggs of the Easter Hare (or Bunny). Date: 1910
Anglo-Saxon women wearing long tunics & super-tunics or rocs. The end of the sash style girdle is visible on the right. Head rails or veils completely cover the hair. Date: 8th century
Anglo-Saxon with a forked beard wears a green mantle fastened with a long brooch, a roc or super-tunic with a gold border over a short tunic with side vents & an ornate border. Date: 8th century
Anglo-Saxon king in a habit of state wears a long tunic & a roc or super-tunic. Note the forked beard. Date: 8th century
Anglo-Saxon king in his State Habit wears a blue tunic with embroidered hem, a mantle secured with a brooch, red hose with gold criss-cross leg bandages & a square crown. Date: 9th century
Anglo-Saxons: short tunic with girdle & short vertical slit from the neck, short tunic with side vents & broad embroidered border. N.B forked beards. Date: 10th & 11th century
A German huntswoman riding side-saddle. Date: 1910
Two young women at home, relaxing and reading their books. Date: 1910
Chinese warriors from Eastern Tartary practising their archery Date: 1752
The daughter of the house plays for a family party. Date: 1910
Two girls reading books, one sprawled in an armchair, the other kneels on the floor. Date: 1910
Three men, one in an ankle=length gown, the others in shorter garments Date: 12th century
Three men in a field. Date: 14th century
An unidentified Anglo-Norman Queen (1066 - 1100), seems happy to be sitting on the throne of England
POPE PIUS X (Giuseppe Sarto) pope and saint writing Date: reigned 1903 - 1914
Riding sidesaddle Date: 1910
A woman reading with her lapdog Date: 1910
The daughter of the house plays for a family party Date: 1910