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58 Items
The Nativity with other scenes, by Master Alberto (ca.1450)Master Alberto (ca.1450). The Nativity with other scenes. This artwork depicts three scenes related to the birth of Christ. Detail of the Madonna with her hands held together in prayer
Radiated tortoise, Astrochelys radiata. Critically endangered. Testudo coui. Testuggine coui
Madonna and Child known as the HodegetriaUnknown artist. Byzantine School. Madonna and Child known as the Hodegetria. Tempera on panel. National Museum of Fine Arts. Valletta. Malta
Roanoid bakelite shelf and brackets in marbled cream. Date: 1930s
Street musicians in traditional Maltese costume, 1891Girolamo Gianni (1837-1895). Italian painter. Street musicians in traditional Maltese costume, 1891. Oil on panel. National Museum of Fine Arts. Valletta. Malta
The Nativity with other scenes by Master AlbertoMaster Alberto (ca.1450). The Nativity with other scenes. It depicts three scenes related to the birth of Christ.Tempera on wood. National Museum of Fine Arts. Valletta. Malta
The Virgin of Purity - Juan de Juanes (ca.1523-1579)The Virgin of Purity. Copy after original by Juan de Juanes (ca.1523-1579). Oil on canvas. National Museum of Fine Arts. Valletta. Malta
Holy conversation by Domenico di Michelino (1417-1491)Domenico di Michelino (1417-1491). Italian painter. Holy conversation. Tempera on panel. National Museum of Fine Arts. Valletta. Malta
Saint Joseph. Unknown Neapolitan artist. 17th century. Polychrome sculpture. National Museum of Fine Arts. Valletta. Malta
Virgin Mary. Unknown Neapolitan artist. 17th century. Polychrome sculpture. National Museum of Fine Arts. Valletta. Malta
Pedestal with reliefs depicting St Paul and St FrancisAttributed to Antonello Gagini (1478-1536). Italian sculptor. Pedestal with reliefs depicting Saint Paul and Saint Francis. Marble. Detail. National Museum of Fine Arts. Valletta. Malta
Pedestal with reliefs depicting Saint Paul and Saint FrancisAttributed to Antonello Gagini (1478-1536). Italian sculptor. Pedestal with reliefs depicting Saint Paul and Saint Francis. Marble. National Museum of Fine Arts. Valletta. Malta
Holy water stoup. Attributed to Antonello GaginiAttributed to Antonello Gagini (1478-1536). Italian sculptor. Holy water stoup. Marble. National Museum of Fine Arts. Valletta. Malta
Saint John the Evangelist at Patmos, by Mario Minniti (1577-1640). National Museum of Fine Arts. Valletta. Malta
Holy Family with the Infant Saint John the BaptistFrancesco Trevisani (1656-1746). Italian painter. Holy Family with the Infant Saint John the Baptist. National Museum of Fine Arts. Valletta. Malta
Sacred conversation by Domenico di Michelino (1417-1491)Domenico di Michelino (1417-1491). Italian painter. Sacred conversation. Tempera on panel. National Museum of Fine Arts. Valletta. Malta
Sea mice, Aphrodita aculeata and Laetmonice hystrixSea mouse, Aphrodita aculeata 1 and Laetmonice hystrix 2. Afrodita aculeata, Ermione ispida
Victorian illustration from the song / poem Annie LaurieA Victorian illustration from the song / poem Annie Laurie'. This is image number 1. There are eight images in total
Victorian illustration from the story The Mistletoe BoughA Victorian illustration from the story The Mistletoe Bough'. This is image number 1 The old oak chest
Onyx agate. Agata onice, con la sua scorza, a zone innumerevoli
Agate nodules. Ovoid nodule of agate 1, aphanite with agate geode 2, and nodule of agate 3
Brazilian giant tortoise, Chelonoidis denticulatusYellow-footed tortoise or Brazilian giant tortoise, Chelonoidis denticulatus Testudo tabulata Testuginne intarsiata. Vulnerable
Greater amberjack, Seriola dumerili, Seriola di Dumeril
Naked-eye medusa and hydrozoan jellyfishNaked-eye medusa, Orythia viridis, Oritia verde 1, and hydrozoans, Geryonia proboscidalis, Dianea gabert 2, and Liriope tetraphylla, Gerionia tetrafilla 3
Jellyfish speciesRhizostoma octopus, Rhizostoma cuvieri, Rizostoma di Cuvier 1, cauliflower jellyfish, Cephea cephea, Cephea guerini, Cefea di Guerin
Naked-eye medusa and crystal jellyNaked-eye medusa jellyfish, Berenix euchroma 1 and crystal jelly, Aequorea cyanea 2
Moon jellyfish, Aurelia labiata. Handcoloured copperplate stipple engraving from Antoine Laurent de Jussieus Dizionario delle Scienze Naturali, Dictionary of Natural Science, Florence, Italy, 1837
African pompano and ponyfishAfrican pompano, Alectis ciliaris, Blepharis ciliaris, Blefaride ciliare 1 and ponyfish, Poulain ruse, Leiognathus equulus 2. Blefaride ciliare, Equula scaltra
Two-toed amphiuma and critically endangered axolotlTwo-toed amphiuma, Amphiuma means, Anfiuma means 1, and critically endangered axolotl or Mexican walking fish, Ambystoma mexicanum, Assolotl del Messico 2
Jungle runner and golden teguJungle-runner, Ameiva ameiva, , Lucertola ameiva 1 and golden tegu, Tupinambis teguixin, Salvaguardia d America 2
Saw-scaled viper and Madagascar leafnose snakeSaw-scaled viper, Echis carinatus 1, and Madagascar leafnose snake, Langaha madagascariensis 2. Scitale zigzag, Langaha a muso appuntato
House gecko and broad-tailed geckoHouse gecko, Hemidactylus frenatus 1, and broad-tailed gecko, Phyllurus platurus 2. Tarantola delle case, Filluro della Nuova Olanda
Lyreshead lizard and mophead iguanaLyreshead lizard, Lyriocephalus scutatus 1 and diving lizard or mophead iguana, Uranoscodon superciliosus 2. Lofiro ad elmo bifido, Lofiro a sopraccigli
Fossil skeleton of an extinct Anoplotherium commune
Fossil skeleton of the giant ground sloth, Megatherium americanum. Megaterio di Cuvier
Sapphire damsel and harlequin sweetlipsSapphire damsel, Pomacentrus pavo, pavone di mare 1, and harlequin sweetlips, Plectorhinchus chaetodonoides, Plettorinco chetodonoides 2
Red lionfish and blue blanquilloRed lionfish, Pterois volitans, Pteroide volante 1, and blue blanquillo, Taenianotus latovittatus, Tenianoto striata larga 2
Cod fish and whitingCod fish, Gadus morhua, Baccala 1 and whiting, Merlangius merlangus, Merlango comune 2
Karut croaker and black drumKarut croaker, Johnius carutta, Ionio carutta 1 and black drum, Pogonias cromis, Pogonias fasciatus, Pogonia fasciato 2
Christmas tree worms and feather duster wormChristmas tree worm, Spirobranchus giganteus 1 and feather duster worm, Sabella spallanzanii 2, 3. Cymospira gigantea, Anfitrite ventilabro, Anfitrite dello Spallanzani
NereidsLeodice antennata, Nereidonta antennata 1, and Eunice sanguinea, Nereidonta sanguinea 2
Scaleworms or segmented worms. Eumolpe impatiens 1, Eumolpe scolopendrina 2, and Eumolpe longissima 3
Perinereis nuntia and Syllis armillarisBar-toothed nereid, Perinereis nuntia 1 and nereid, Syllis armillaris 2
Spiny scale worm and scalewormSpiny scale worm, Iphione muricata 1, and scaleworm, Lepidonotus clava 2
Lady with a fanExotic lady with a fan
Man with a hornWoodcut of a man blowing his horn standing in front of his stage coach
Eye catching womanThe art print shop Hollerbaum & Schmidt, headquartered in Berlin, founded in 1894 (according to different data)
Printers utensilsAdvertisement for a tri-colour printer. Date: 1935
Artists utensilsFront cover of Gebrauchsgraphik April 1940. Date: 1940
Men reading documentsAdvertisement for long-established printers Konig & Ebhardt of Hanover
Roanoid bakelite switch plates in dark red. Date: 1930s
Berwick Street MarketA scene at night of Berwick Street Market, in the heart of Soho, doing a brisk trade just before Christmas. Date: 15 December 1933
RIDING ELEPHANTSEuropeans and Indians riding on elephants hunt a tiger using guns and spears
HUNTING TIGER / WILLIAMSONEuropeans and Indians riding on elephants hunt a tiger using guns and spears
Victorian illustration from the story The Mistletoe BoughA Victorian illustration from the story The Mistletoe Bough'. This is image number 6 He grew old never knowing what happened to his bride
Fossil skeleton of an extinct pterodactyl, Pterodactylus antiquus
Roanoid bakelite electric light fittings. Date: 1930s