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152 Items
Advertisement, Surrey Machinist Co, Blackman Street, London, depicting a pennyfarthing bicycle. 1883
Advertisement, Bicycles & TricyclesAdvertisement, James Lillywhite, Frowd and Co, Bicycling, Cricket and Athletic Outfitters, Bicycles and Tricycles. 1880s
Wrapper design, Oliver Twist by Charles DickensWrapper design, first monthly instalment of the novel Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens, with illustrations by George Cruikshank, dated January 1846. 1846
Cover design, The Pickwick Papers by Charles DickensCover design for the first instalment of The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club, by Charles Dickens. 1836
Photo of The Dolly SistersBlack and white photograph of popular revue stars the Dolly Sisters in the Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News of 19th December 1925
Publicity Card, Hotel Bellagio, Lake Como, Italy. circa 1890
Advertisement, The Humber Tricycle, Humber, Marriott & Cooper, Beeston, near Nottingham. 1890s
Stationery, Pawlyn & Sons, Victoria Square, Truro, CornwallStationery, Pawlyn & Sons, Fish & Oyster Merchants, 14 Victoria Square, Truro, Cornwall, with handwritten details. 1918
Advertisement, George Kent Athletic ClothingAdvertisement, George Kent Shirt Maker, Hosier, Glover & Outfitter, Athletic Clothing Manufacturer, Fenchurch Street, London. 1900
Advertisement, Thomas Harris, Opticians to the Royal FamilyAdvertisement, Thomas Harris & Son, Opticians to the Royal Family. 1841
Advertisement, George Augustus Nicholas, FursAdvertisement, George Augustus Nicholas, 36 Bruton Street, London W1, Londons Expert Furrier. 1927
Trade catalogue of cycle accessories 1911Trade catalogue for Harrords department store, showing a selection of cycle accessories; burbury bell, horn, Wunda watch holder, Veeder trip cyclometer, patent hand sheilds for handlebars
Advertisement, Newman Bros Organs, Robert Cocks & Co, New Burlington Street, London, depicting a Chapel Style No. 100 organ. circa 1870
Funerary Monument - Headstone, Thy Will Be Done. circa 1900s
Funerary Monument - Woman clinging to Cross. circa 1900s
Funerary Monument - Woman at foot of CrossFunerary Monument - Woman weeping at foot of Cross. circa 1900s
Artistic Memorial Various Headstone Gravestoneartistic, memorial, various, headstone, gravestone, grave, marker, death, 1900s, f, osborne, london, funerary, monuments, five, headstones, burial, 11774550
Funerary Monument - Urn on Plinth. circa 1900s
Funerary Monument - King Edward VIIFunerary Monument - portrait bust of King Edward VII. circa 1900s
Funerary Monument - Jesus on Cross. circa 1900s
Funerary Monument - Cherub with Flowers. circa 1900s
Funerary Monument - Praying Angel. circa 1900
Funerary Monument - Headstone, In Loving Memory. circa 1900s
Artistic Memorial Headstone Gravestone Graveartistic, memorial, headstone, gravestone, grave, marker, death, 1900s, f, osborne, london, funerary, monument, decorated, burial, 11774541
Funerary Monument - Decorated Headstone. circa 1900s
Funerary Monument - Stone Canopy. circa 1900s
Funerary Monument - Plain Cross. circa 1900s
Funerary Monument - Celtic Cross with Bird. circa 1900s
Funerary Monument - Cross. circa 1900s
Artistic Memorial Cross 1900s F Osborne Londonartistic, memorial, cross, 1900s, f, osborne, london, funerary, monument, plain, sarah, littlebury, death, burial, 11774533
Funerary Monument - Celtic Cross. circa 1900s
Funerary Monument - Cross with Flowers. circa 1900s
Funerary Monument - Angel and Child. circa 1900s
Funerary Monument - Boer War TabletFunerary Monument - Boer War Memorial Tablet, County of Rutland. circa 1900s
Funerary Monument - Anchor. circa 1900s
Funerary Monument - Grave with Cross. circa 1900s
Cover design, David Copperfield by Charles DickensCover design, first instalment of the serial edition of the novel David Copperfield by Charles Dickens, with illustrations by H K Browne, dated May 1849. 1849
Clown with banjo on a Victorian scrapVictorian Scrap - Clown with Banjo -- Our Old Friend. late 19th century
Advertisement, C G Bonehill, BirminghamAdvertisement, C G Bonehill, Belmont Row, Birmingham, Guns and Rifles. 1890s
Advertisement for Abdulla Cigarettes -- Tribute Time. 1935
Advertisement, Moores Orbi-Cycle TricycleAdvertisement, Moores Tricycle & Bicycle Showrooms, Kennington, London -- The Orbi-Cycle Tricycle. 1880s
Stationery design, Grand Hotel Pallanza, ItalyStationery design, Grand Hotel Pallanza, Lake Maggiore, Italy. circa 1900
Publicity Card, Pension Villa Righetti, Locarno, Italy. circa 1890
Marshalls Petal Dust Moth Preventer -- keep your furs and clothes free from ravage. circa 1910s
Original artwork, Illustrated London News, Christmas 1947 - Terence Cuneo. 1947
Pifco Electric Trouser Press, for a knife edged crease! 1950s
Newcastle Upon Tyne - Hotels in Grainger StreetNewcastle Upon Tyne - County Hotel and Douglas Hotel in Grainger Street. circa 1900
Newcastle Upon Tyne - Town Hall. circa 1900
What the Butler Saw - end of pier entertainment. 20th century
Victorian Scrap - Mr Punch and Toby with portraitVictorian Scrap - Mr Punch and his dog Toby with a portrait of Judy and the Baby. late 19th century
Victorian Scrap - Clown squatting. late 19th century
Advertisement, Improved Earth Closets and CommodesAdvertisement, O Brien, Thomas, & Co, Upper Thames Street, London -- Improved Earth Closets and Commodes (Toilets). 1898
The Great Industrial Exhibition, Dublin, 1853The Great Industrial Exhibition, Dublin, Ireland, 1853. 1853
The Last Pinch - old man taking snuff. circa late 19th century
Queen Victoria and Prince Albert - Royal Couple at HomeQueen Victoria and Prince Albert - The Royal Couple at Home, Domestic Felicity, a private sketch in Buckingham Palace. circa 1840
Photographer C Vandyk, SW LondonPhotographer by royal appointment, C Vandyk, 125 Gloucester Road, South Kensington, SW London. circa late 19th century
Stationery, Fortnum & Mason Ltd, LondonStationery, Fortnum & Mason Ltd, Piccadilly and Jermyn Street, London, with handwritten details. 1915
Bathing Cove, Torquay, DevonBathing Cove with bathing huts on wheels, Torquay, Devon. 1870s
Advertisement, Auguste & Cie Costumiers, LondonAdvertisement, Auguste & Cie, Costumiers de Paris, Wellington Street, Strand, London. 1883
Advertisement, Zephyr Bicycle and Tricycle Co, CoventryAdvertisement, The Zephyr Bicycle and Tricycle Co, Lower Ford Street, Coventry. 1883
Advertisement for Tricycles - Flying Scud, Ball Bearing, Double or Single Driving. 1883
Advertisement, The Otto Company Limited, Newgate Street, London, depicting the Otto Tricycle. 1900s
Advertisement, Newman Bros Organs, Robert Cocks & Co, New Burlington Street, London, depicting a Style No. 130 Case organ. circa 1870
Advertisement, Burnett & Co, Leeds, Bicycles. 1890s
Advert Bicycle W. Fletcher Penny FathingAdvertisement, W Fletcher & Co, Bow Street, Sheffield, for bicycles and tricycles. 1890s
Advertisement, Toledo Steel Co, Volante TricyclesAdvertisement, Toledo Steel Co, Kentish Town, London, Special Volante Tricycles. 1890s
Advertisement, Tricycles and Bicycles, The Gnat, The Mazeppa, The King of the Road, Metropolitan Machinist Co, London. 1890s
Advertisement, The Dutton Bicycle and Tricycle. 1890s
Advertisement, The Facile Safety Bicycle, Ellis & Co Limited, Fleet Street, London. 1890s
Advertisement, Lamplugh & Brown, BirminghamAdvertisement, Lamplugh & Brown, Great Colmore Street, Birmingham, Suspension Saddles for bicycles and tricycles. 1890s
Advertisement, Bicycle Bugle or BugletAdvertisement, Henry Keat & Sons, Inventors & Manufacturers, Matthias Road, London -- Bicycle Bugle or Buglet. 1880s
Advertisement, Challis Bros, Bicycle BellsAdvertisement, Challis Bros, Homerton, London, Bicycle Bells. 1880s
Advertisement, New Special Devon TricycleAdvertisement, The Exeter Bicycle and Tricycle Company -- The New Special Devon Tricycle. 1880s
Advert, J H Dearlove, Bicycle AccessoriesAdvertisement, J H Dearlove, Rydon Street, New North Road -- Bicycle Accessories. 1880s
Advertisement, Arrow Hill-Climbing Tricycle. 1883
Music cover, The Junk Polka by D Albert. 19th century
Music cover, Madame Gassiers Waltz, Etude Caprice, composed by Venzano, arranged by Jules Normann for the pianoforte. 19th century
Bestway pattern for Delightful Necklets, easily made from oddments. 1940s
Habit of Greek Papa or Priest and PatriarchOfficiating Habit of a Greek Papa or Priest (left and centre), and of a Patriarch (right). 18th century
Habit of a Grecian Man and Woman in the Greek Islands. 18th century