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170 Items
New buildings at the London Hospital, WhitechapelNew buildings of the London Hospital in Whitechapel, East London, opened in 1887 by the Prince and Princess of Wales
Royal Procession passing the London Hospital, WhitechapelCrowds cheering Queen Victoria as she drives in a carriage through Whitechapel during one of her Golden Jubilee progresses
The friendship of David and Jonathan - 1 Samuel 20. circa 1690
The Parable of the Seed - Matthew 15. circa 1688
The Ascension of Jesus - Acts 1. circa 1688
Types of German aeroplanes, World War OneTypes of German aeroplanes flying over France and Belgium in the First World War, autumn 1914
The death of Samson - Judges 16. circa 1690
The death of Moses - Deuteronomy 34. circa 1690
The death of Amnon - 2 Samuel 13. circa 1690
The death of Eleazar - 2 Maccabees 6. circa 1690
The death of Absalom - 2 Samuel 18. circa 1690
Resurrection of Lazarus - John 11. circa 1688
Nicholaus Ahlers, sentenced to death for high treason 1914Sentenced to death for high treason: Nicholaus E. A. H. Ahlers, sentenced to death for High Treason. He had been the German Consul at Sunderland. Date: 1914
The Seven Seals of the Book - Revelation 5. circa 1688
Victorian girl training her dogVictorian girl (Katie) training her dog (Hector) who is sitting on a chair. Date: circa 1870s
The death of Judas Maccabeus - 1 Maccabees 9. circa 1690
Temptation of Jesus in the wilderness - Matthew 4. circa 1688
St Stephen stoned - Acts 8. circa 1688
Judge not lest ye be judged - Matthew 6. circa 1688
Pharaoh and his host drowned in the Red Sea - Exodus 14. circa 1690
Woman with two Airedale Terrier dogs in a studio photo. Date: circa 1945
Bavarian machine-gun detachment of the German army, 1914Bavarian machine-gun detachment of the German army, carrying telescopes and range-finders. Date: 1914
Sun through clouds over the sea Italy
The Dispensary at the London Hospital, WhitechapelPatients with a variety of ailments being administered medicine at the Dispensary at the London Hospital in Whitechapel, East London in 1888. Date: 1888
The Transfiguration of Christ - Matthew 17. circa 1688
Scrapbook cover design - Ballooning. circa 1860s
The Visitation of the Virgin Mary (Mary visits Elizabeth, future mother of John the Baptist) - Luke 1. circa 1688
Tobit recovers his sight - Tobit 11. circa 1690
The Vision of St John - Revelation 10. circa 1688
The Twelve Spies sent to explore CanaanThe Twelve Spies sent by Moses to explore Canaan - Numbers 13. circa 1690
The victory of Judas Maccabeus - 1 Maccabees 4. circa 1690
The taking of Jericho - Joshua 6. circa 1690
The Second Table (Ten Commandments) - Exodus 34. circa 1690
The Salutation of the Blessed Virgin - Luke 1. circa 1688
The seven golden candlesticks - Revelation 1. circa 1688
The ruin of Babylon - Revelation 18. circa 1688
The raining down of manna - Exodus 16. circa 1690
The Queen of Sheba comes to see Solomon - 1 Kings 10. circa 1690
The possessed man healed by Jesus - Matthew 9. circa 1688
The Paschal Lamb (Passover sacrifice) - Exodus 12. circa 1690
The Nativity of Jesus Christ - Luke 11. circa 1688
The miracle of the fleece - Judges 6. circa 1690
The miracle of Elisha - 2 Kings 4. circa 1690
The marriage of Isaac - Genesis 24. circa 1690
The Last Supper - John 13. circa 1688
The Last Judgement - Matthew 25. circa 1688
The Israelites passage over Jordan - Joshua 31. circa 1690
The Idol of Dagon - 1 Samuel 5. circa 1690
The Idol of Bel - Daniel 14. circa 1690
The Holy Zeal of Mattathias - 1 Maccabees 2. circa 1690
The Heaven Opened - Revelation 4. circa 1688
The gushing of water from the smitten rock - Exodus 17. circa 1690
The healing of Naaman - 2 Kings. circa 1690
The Golden Calf - Exodus 32. circa 1690
Samson carrying off the Gates of Gaza - Judges 16. circa 1690
The destruction of Hai (Ai, Canaan)The destruction of Hai (Ai or Canaan) - Joshua 7. circa 1690
The First Tables (Ten Commandments)The First Tables (tablets of stone containing the Ten Commandments) - Exodus 19. circa 1690
The Descent of the Holy Ghost - Acts 2. circa 1688
The defeat of the Midianites - Judges 7. circa 1690
The Dedication of the Temple - 1 Kings 8. circa 1690
The Courage of Eleazar - 1 Maccabees 6. circa 1690
The children devoured by bears - 2 Kings 2. circa 1690
The Chastity of Susanna - Daniel 13. circa 1690
The Canaanitish Woman - Matthew 15. circa 1688
The Brazen Serpent - Numbers 21. circa 1690
The birth of Samson - Judges 14. circa 1690
St Peter walks on the sea towards Jesus - Matthew 14. circa 1688
Susannas deliverance - Daniel 13. circa 1690
St Philip baptises the eunuch - Acts 8. circa 1688
St Peter delivered out of prison - Acts 12. circa 1688
New Testament frontispiece. circa 1688
Miracle of the loaves and fishes - Matthew 14. circa 1688
Mary Magdalen, Jesus and the Disciples - Luke 7. circa 1688
Martha and Mary - Luke 10. circa 1688
The labourers in the vineyard - Matthew 20. circa 1688
King Davids ambassadors - 2 Samuel 10. circa 1690
Judith - Judith 10. circa 1690
Judas Maccabees (Maccabeus) - 1 Maccabees 2. circa 1690
Judas betraying Jesus with a kiss - Matthew 25. circa 1688
Josephs chastity, fleeing from Potiphars wife - Genesis 39. circa 1690
Joseph reveals himself to his brethren - Genesis 45. circa 1690
Joseph and his brethren - Genesis 42. circa 1690
St Mark the Evangelist, writer of the second gospel of the New Testament. circa 1688
St Matthew the Evangelist, writer of the first gospel of the New Testament. circa 1688