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50 Items
Uruguay. Montevideo. Army parade in honour of the President Julio Herrera Obes (1841-1912). May 1, 1890. Engraving by Urgelles. The Illustration, 1890. Colored engraving
Airways Training Ltd. Aldermaston Airport Berkshire - Aldermaston Airport. Date: 1948
Hubert von Herkomer (1849-1914). Engraving. ColoredHubert von Herkomer (1849-1914). German painter. Engraving in The Artistic Illustration, 1888. Colored
William Jessop Gas Turbine High Temperature Components - William Jessop & Sons Ltd. Date: 1948
Heliodorus expulsed of the Temple of Jerusalem by heavenly mHeliodorus. 2nd century BC. Minister of the Syrian king Seleucus IV Philopator. Tried to seize the treasures of the Temple of Jerusalem. Heliodorus expulsed of the temple by heavenly messengers
Helen of Troy. Engraving. ColoredHelen of Troy. Wife of Menelaus, was abducted by Paris, which triggered the Trojan War. Engraving after a painting of Maignan, Helen in the Fountain. The Iberian Illustration, 1885. Colored
Hussein Awni pasha (1819 1876). Was a Turkish general and statesman. Engraving by Rico. The Spanish and American Illustration, 1876. Colored
Max Hoffmann (1869 A?o??n?1927). Was a German officer and military strategist during World War I. He is regarded as one of the finest staff officers of the imperial period. Engraving by Klose
Karl Ludwig von Haller (1768 -1854). Was a Swiss jurist. Engraving by H. Gedam. Universal History, 1885. Colored
Proclamation of Rutherford B. Hayes (1822-1893) as a presideRutherford B. Hayes (1822-1893). 19th President of the United States. Proclamation of President Hayes in the eastern portico of the Capitol. Washington, United States
Alphonse XII receiving the congratulations of the Moroccan eAlphonse XII (1857-1885). King of Spain. Alphonse XII receiving the congratulations of the Moroccan embassy. Ceuta. March 20, 1877. Engraving by Arturo Carretero (1852-1903)
Uruguay. Montevideo. The President of the Republic of UruguaHistory of Uruguay. Montevideo. The President of the Republic of Uruguay, Julio Herrera y Orbes (1841-1912) visiting the war ship of the Spanish Navy, Infanta Isabel. Engraving
Victor Hugo (1802-1885). French poet, novelist, and dramatist to the Romantic movement. Engraving by Vela. Almanaque de la Ilustracion, 1886. Colored
Victor Hugo (1802-1885). French poet, novelist, and dramatist to the Romantic movement. Victor Hugo after his death. Engraving by H. Thiriat. The Iberian illustration, 1885. Colored
Per Hallstra?o?a?C?m (1866-1960). Was a Swedish author, short-story writer, dramatist, poet and member of the Swedish Academy. Engraving. 19th century. Colored
Maria Heilbronn (19th century). French comic opera singer. Engraving by C. Teaugeon. The Artistic Illustration, 1884. Colored
Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker(1817-1911). English botanist and explorer. Engraving. Universal History, 1885. Colored
Ebenezer Rockwood Hoar (1816-1895). Was an influential American, lawyer, and justice from Massachusetts. He was appointed U.S. Attorney General in 1869 by President Ulysses S. Grant
John Hampden (ca. 1595 A?o??n? 1643). Was an English politJohn Hampden (ca)
Maurice de Hirsch (1831 A?o??n? 1896). Was a German-Jewish philanthropist who set up charitable foundations to promote Jewish education and improve the lot of oppressed European Jewry
Sir Rowland Hill (1795 A?o??n? 1879). Was a teacher and creator of the first British postage stamp in history: the Penny Black. Engraving. Universal History, 1892. Colored
John Hancock (1737-1793). Was a merchant, statesman, and prominent Patriot of the American Revolution
Paul von Hatzfeldt (1831-1901). Was a German diplomat. EngraPaul von Hatzfeldt (1831-1901). Was a German diplomat
Alfred Hedenstierna (1852-1906). Engraving. ColoredAlfred Hedenstierna (1852-1906). Swedish author. Engraving. Colored
Augustus Harris (1852-1896). Engraving. ColoredAugustus Harris (1852-1896). English actor, businessman and dramatist. Engraving in The Artistic Ilustration, 1896. Colored
David Hansemann (1790-1864). Engraving. ColoredDavid Hansemann (1790-1864). Prussian politician and banker. Engraving in Universal History, 1885. Colored