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66 Items
Westminster HospitalView of the front of the building Date: circa 1906
Records of first UK aerial mail serviceThepostmasters official handwrittenrecordsrelatingto thefirst UKaerialmail service from London to Windsor andWindsor to LondoninSeptember1911. 1911
Cover design, Exposition de Locomotion AerienneCover design, official catalogue of the 7th Exposition International de Locomotion Aerienne, Grand Palais, Champs Elysees, Paris, 12-27 November 1921
Cover design, Doncaster Aviation Contest ProgrammeCover design, programme for the Doncaster Aviation Contest, 15-23 October 1909. Claimed to be the first flying meeting in England. October 1909
Popular Aviation Magazine
Jersey Airways PosterPoster, I d prefer Jersey Airways. A cartoon of animals powering and piloting a flying machine above a rough sea, with a Jersey Airways biplane high above them
Cover design, Popular Aviation and Aeronautics Magazine, showing a passenger plane coming in to land at an airport at night. January 1929
Poster, Jersey AirwaysPoster, I m going by Jersey Airways, showing monkeys, a pig and a puppy rejecting alternative means of transport
Cover design, Popular Aviation Magazine combined with Practical Mechanics, showing two criminals in a red car being pursued by two policemen in a biplane
Carroll at Various AgesLEWIS CARROLL Four pictures of Carroll, aged 8, 25, 49 and 66. Date: 1832 - 1898
Brochure design, Cobham Air Routes, serving London, Southampton, Portsmouth, Bournemouth, the Isle of Wight, and Guernsey. circa 1935
Book cover design, The Cloud King: or up in the air & down in the sea, by W Stephens Hayward, London: Darton and Hodge, 1866. Showing a balloon attached to a whale. 1866
Book cover design, The Romance of Aeronautics: an Interesting Account of the Growth and Achievements of All Kinds of Aerial Craft, by Charles C Turner, London: Seeley, Service & Co. Limited, 1912
Cover design, Blackpool Aviation WeekCover design, souvenir programme for Blackpool Aviation Week, 18-24 October 1909. Showing a gold aircraft on a white and black background. October 1909
Cover design, Aero and Motor Boat ExhibitionCover design, catalogue of Aero and Motor Boat Exhibition, 19 to 27 March 1909, at Olympia, west London. Showing three Edwardian people looking up at one of the latest aircraft designs. March 1909
Cover design, Aeronautics magazineCover design, Aeronautics Magazine, formerly Popular Aviation, showing an elegant woman sitting on the edge of a cockpit. June 1929
Cover design, Aeronautics magazineCover design, Aeronautics Magazine, formerly Popular Aviation, showing a well-dressed couple walking across an airport runway, their chauffeur following on behind, carrying their luggage. July 1929
Cover design, Popular Aviation and Aeronautics Magazine, showing a passenger plane flying near an island in the moonlight. March 1929
Cover design, Popular Aviation and Aeronautics Magazine, showing people on a runway, watching a passenger plane take off. February 1929
Cover design, Popular Aviation Magazine, showing a woman waving to passengers in a nearby plane. November 1928
Book cover design, All About Aircraft, by Ralph Simmonds, London: Cassell & Co. Ltd, 1915. Showing an airship hovering over a range of mountains. 1915
Book cover design, With the Airmen
Cover design, Popular Aviation Magazine, showing a seaplane by moonlight. September 1928
Napoleonic era cartoon woman in bonnet on hot dayInk and watercolour cartoon no.2 Walking fast and far, in a hot sun to overtake a woman?you have decided?is Angelic till on eagerly turning as you pass her you are petrified by a Gorgon
Advert for buying Defence Bonds in WW2 1941Advert issued by The National Savings Committee, london. When the axis crumbles before the thunder of British tanks, will you be able to say.... I played my part to the full. Buy 3% Defence Bonds
Newsagents 1930SThis shop may have been the inspiration for the shop kept by sheep in Alices Adventures in Wonderland. Lewis Carroll ( Charles Dodgson) lived opposite it in Christ Church. Date: 1930s
Lancaster Bomber in AirThe most successful heavy night bomber used by the Royal Air Force will appear in several modifications as the war proceeds : defensive armament consists of 8 machine guns. Date: 1942 - 1945
Lewis Carroll / Pic BookLEWIS CARROLL alias CHARLES LUTWIDGE DODGSON English mathematician, clergyman and writer - creator of Alice Date: 1832 - 1898
Henrik Ibsen / Oslo HomeHENRIK IBSEN Childhood home at Oslo of the Norwegian dramatist Date: 1828 - 1906
Henrik Ibsen / Anon EngHENRIK IBSEN Norwegian dramatist Date: 1828 - 1906
Henrik Ibsen / Skien BirthHENRIK IBSEN Birthplace at Skien of the Norwegian dramatist Date: 1828 - 1906
Dinner Party / Du MaurierGuests finding their places at dinner Date: 1882
Henrik Ibsen / Albert PhotHENRIK IBSEN Norwegian writer Date: 1828 - 1906
Henrik IbsenHENRIK IBSEN Norwegian writer at age 40 Date: 1828 - 1906
Henrik Ibsen / JungmanHENRIK IBSEN Norwegian writer Date: 1828 - 1906
Ibsen / Illus TidningHENRIK IBSEN Norwegian writer at age 52 Date: 1828 - 1906
Alice and the Cheshire Cat -- She noticed a curious appearance in the air.... Date: First published: 1865
Table SettingSetting for a SUPPER BUFFET for a ball room or an evening party Date: 1907
Book cover design, The Clipper of the Clouds, by Jules Verne, London: Sampson, Low, Marston, 1887. 1887
Book cover design, My Airships: the Story of my Life, by Alberto Santos-Dumont, London: Grant Richards, 1904. 1904
Book cover design, Andree and his Balloon, by Henri Lachambre and Alexis Machuron, London: Archibald Constable & Co, 1898. 1898
Book cover design, The Mastery of the Air, by William J Claxton, Glasgow: Blackie and Son Limited, 1914. 1914
Book cover design, The Air Patrol: a Story of the North-West Frontier, by Herbert Strang, London: Henry Frowde, Hodder & Stoughton, 1913. Showing an airman with a map. 1913
Book cover design, Through the Air: a Narrative of Forty Years Experience as an Aeronaut, by John Wise, Philadelphia: To-day Printing & Pub. Co, 1873. Showing a balloon over the sea. 1873
Book cover design, Conquering the Air: the Romance of the Development and Use of Aircraft, by Archibald Williams, London: T. C. & E. C. Jack, Ltd, 1926. 1926
Book cover design, King of the Air: or, to Morocco on an Airship, by Herbert Strang, London: H. Frowde, Hodder & Stoughton, 1908. 1908
Book cover design, How to Fly: or the Conquest of the Air, by Richard Ferris, London: Thomas Nelson & Son. 1910. Showing a man in a primitive monoplane. 1910
Book cover design, From the Earth to the Moon: Direct in 97 Hours 20 Minutes and a Trip Round It, by Jules Verne, London: Sampson Low, Marston, Searle & Rivington, 1888. 1888
Book cover design, Aerial Warfare by RP Hearne, London: John Lane, The Bodley Head, 1908, with an introduction by Sir Hirams Maxim. 1908
Book cover design, Aerial Transport by G Holt Thomas, London: Hodder & Stoughton Ltd, 1920. 1920
Book cover design, Travels in the Air, by James Glaisher, London: Richard Bentley, 1871. Showing a man flying a balloon. 1871
Book cover design, Airships and Other Aerial CraftBook cover design, The Boys Book of Airships and Other Aerial Craft, by Harry Delacombe and EJ Partridge, London: Grant Richards Ltd, 1910. 1910
Cover design, Luftschiffahrt Ausstellung catalogueCover design for the official catalogue of the Internationale Luftschiffahrt Ausstellung (International Airship Exhibition), Frankfurt, 1909. 1909
Cover design, Aerial Derby at HendonCover design, Souvenir Programme for the Aerial Derby at Hendon, 6 June 1914. Showing aircraft flying over the heads of spectators on an airfield. June 1914
Cover design, Circuit of Britain ProgrammeCover design, official programme issued by the Royal Aero Club for the Circuit of Britain 1010 Miles Air Race for the Second 10, 000 Daily Mail prize
Cover design, Gordon Bennett Aeronautic CupCover design, Official Program of the Second Competition for the Gordon Bennett Aeronautic Cup, Forest Park, St Louis, USA, October 1907. Showing men flying in balloons. October 1907
Cover design, Aero & Marine ExhibitionCover design, catalogue of Aero & Marine Exhibition, 16-25 March 1914, at Olympia, west London, under the patronage of His Majesty the King
Cover design, Aero and Motor Boat ExhibitionCover design, catalogue of Aero and Motor Boat Exhibition, 24 March to 1 April 1911, at Olympia, west London. Showing a range of aircraft and boats. 1911
Cover design, Aero and Motor Boat ExhibitionCover design, catalogue of Aero and Motor Boat Exhibition, 11 to 19 March 1910, at Olympia, west London. Showing a variety of aircraft and boats. 1910
Flying by Mechanical MeansDesigns for man-powered flight, modelled on birds. 1810
Cover design, Popular Aviation Magazine, showing three draughtsmen with their designs, looking up in wonder at their inventions, to commemorate the 25th anniversary of motored flight. December 1928
Cover design, Popular Aviation Magazine, showing a passenger plane with a coastline below. October 1928
Cover design, Popular Aviation and Aeronautics Magazine, showing biplanes flying near a battleship. May 1929
Cover design, Popular Aviation Magazine combined with Practical Mechanics, showing a pilot taking off from an airfield in a colourful biplane. October 1932
Cover design, Popular Aviation Magazine combined with Practical Mechanics, showing racing cars on a circuit with a futuristic red aeroplane soaring above them. September 1932