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Images Dated 10th May 2012

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Background imageImages Dated 10th May 2012: When Sioux and Blackfeet met

When Sioux and Blackfeet met. Battle between Sioux and Blackfeet Indians. Date 1902, c1910

Background imageImages Dated 10th May 2012: Florizel and Perdita

Florizel and Perdita. A bust portrait divided vertically by a line down the center of the face, left half of face representing the Prince of Wales, and right half representing Mrs

Background imageImages Dated 10th May 2012: Tatler front cover, 9 March 1960

Tatler front cover, 9 March 1960
Front cover of the Tatler featuring a photograph of a woman, eating breakfast while arranging to meet friends over the telephone. 1960

Background imageImages Dated 10th May 2012: La Journee Serbe 25 juin 1916. Anniversaire de la bataille d

La Journee Serbe 25 juin 1916. Anniversaire de la bataille de Kossov. Serbian civilians and military personnel crossing the River Drina in what is now Yugoslavia

Background imageImages Dated 10th May 2012: A union in the interest of humanity - civilization - freedom

A union in the interest of humanity - civilization - freedom and peace for all time. Poster showing personifications of America (Columbia and Uncle Sam) and Great Britain (Britannia and John Bull)

Background imageImages Dated 10th May 2012: Pour que vos enfants ne connaissent plus les horreurs de la

Pour que vos enfants ne connaissent plus les horreurs de la guerre, souscrivez a l Emprunt National. Societe generale. A mother cuddling her child before putting her to bed. Date 1917

Background imageImages Dated 10th May 2012: Four years in the fight. The women of France, we owe them ho

Four years in the fight. The women of France, we owe them houses of cheer. United War Work Campaign. YWC.A. Women working in a factory. Date 1918

Background imageImages Dated 10th May 2012: Journee de Paris... 14 Juillet 1917

Journee de Paris... 14 Juillet 1917. Little girl with bandaged soldier doll on her knee and a poodle at her side begging. Date 1917. Journee de Paris... 14 Juillet 1917

Background imageImages Dated 10th May 2012: On ne passe pas. 1914... 1918. Par deux fois j ai tenu et

On ne passe pas. 1914... 1918. Par deux fois j ai tenu et vaincu sur la Marne. A soldier standing on a battlefield wearing gas mask around his neck. Poison gas was first used in World War I

Background imageImages Dated 10th May 2012: Oeuvre du soldat belge

Oeuvre du soldat belge. Belgian soldiers holding a tattered flag. Date 1915

Background imageImages Dated 10th May 2012: British valour and Yankee boasting or, Shannon versus Chesap

British valour and Yankee boasting or, Shannon versus Chesapeake. Cartoon shows a British boarding party routing the crew of the Chesapeake; in a matter of minutes the crew was subdued

Background imageImages Dated 10th May 2012: Comite Americain pour les Regions Devastees de France

Comite Americain pour les Regions Devastees de France. A woman in a military uniform is aiding a woman with two small children. Date 1917. Comite Americain pour les Regions Devastees de France

Background imageImages Dated 10th May 2012: Exposition de tableaux de maitres modernes... vente au pr

Exposition de tableaux de maitres modernes... vente au profit de l oeuvre le vetement du prisonnier de guerre. Galerie Georges Bernheim

Background imageImages Dated 10th May 2012: Avec la carte, nous en aurons peu, mais nous en aurons tous

Avec la carte, nous en aurons peu, mais nous en aurons tous. Casse aujourd hui ton sucre en deux pour en avoir demain?. Large sword cutting sugar cone in two. Date 1916

Background imageImages Dated 10th May 2012: Foire France-Americaine de Saint-Sulpice. Le Secours de Guer

Foire France-Americaine de Saint-Sulpice. Le Secours de Guerre. Four allegorical figures: Justice, Liberty (who is holding the American flag), Demeter, and Athena above Saint Sulpice. Date 1917

Background imageImages Dated 10th May 2012: American winter scene

American winter scene. Four horse-drawn sleighs in front of house. Date c1867

Background imageImages Dated 10th May 2012: Martin Luther

Martin Luther. Martin Luther, head-and-shoulders portrait, facing right

Background imageImages Dated 10th May 2012: Souscrivez e l Emprunt de la Liberation

Souscrivez e l Emprunt de la Liberation. French soldier holding a tattered French flag as two women from Alsace-Lorraine look on. Date 1918. Souscrivez e l Emprunt de la Liberation

Background imageImages Dated 10th May 2012: 3e Emprunt de la Defense Nationale. Souscrivez pour la Franc

3e Emprunt de la Defense Nationale. Souscrivez pour la France qui combat! Pour celle qui chaque jour grandit. A French soldier is holding his child and his wife is nursing the baby. Date 1917

Background imageImages Dated 10th May 2012: Birth of Antichrist

Birth of Antichrist
The birth of Antichrist Date: 1516

Background imageImages Dated 10th May 2012: The Loss of the Titanic Magic Lantern Slide 1912

The Loss of the Titanic Magic Lantern Slide 1912

Background imageImages Dated 10th May 2012: Ohe! Les braves gens... Versez votre or nous versons bien

Ohe! Les braves gens... Versez votre or nous versons bien notre sang... Soldier shouting, standing and holding a rifle near barbed wire fence. Date 1914?. Ohe! Les braves gens

Background imageImages Dated 10th May 2012: Banque Privee. Souscrivez ? Emprunt de la Reconstitution Banque Privee. Souscrivez

Banque Privee. Souscrivez ? Emprunt de la Reconstitution Banque Privee. Souscrivez ?� Emprunt de la Reconstitution

Background imageImages Dated 10th May 2012: Extrait de Javel le Coq Gaulois... Rene Guichard

Extrait de Javel le Coq Gaulois... Rene Guichard. Date 1917?. Extrait de Javel le Coq Gaulois... Rene Guichard. Date 1917?

Background imageImages Dated 10th May 2012: The Loss of the Titanic Magic Lantern Slide 1912

The Loss of the Titanic Magic Lantern Slide 1912

Background imageImages Dated 10th May 2012: The Loss of the Titanic Magic Lantern Slide 1912

The Loss of the Titanic Magic Lantern Slide 1912

Background imageImages Dated 10th May 2012: The Loss of the Titanic Magic Lantern Slide 1912

The Loss of the Titanic Magic Lantern Slide 1912

Background imageImages Dated 10th May 2012: The Loss of the Titanic Magic Lantern Slide 1912

The Loss of the Titanic Magic Lantern Slide 1912

Background imageImages Dated 10th May 2012: Amilcar - Vintage French car

Amilcar - Vintage French car
Germany, Bavaria, Herrsching, Stegen: Vintage Amilcar car - a French automobile manufactured from 1921 to 1940. Date: 2012

Background imageImages Dated 10th May 2012: Souscrivez pour la victoire. Banque Nationale de Credit

Souscrivez pour la victoire. Banque Nationale de Credit. Victory flying over the battlefield and bringing the allies into the war. Date 1916. Souscrivez pour la victoire. Banque Nationale de Credit

Background imageImages Dated 10th May 2012: Souscrivez a l Emprunt de la Liboeration! Lloyds Bank (Franc

Souscrivez a l Emprunt de la Liboeration! Lloyds Bank (France) and National Provincial Bank (France) Limited. A large tank emerging out of a trench onto a battlefield. Date 1918

Background imageImages Dated 10th May 2012: Cultivons notre potager

Cultivons notre potager. Picture of carrots, cabbage, and potatoes. Date 1916

Background imageImages Dated 10th May 2012: Soignons la basse-cour. Je suis une brave poule de guerre, j

Soignons la basse-cour. Je suis une brave poule de guerre, je mange peu et produis beaucoup. A black hen sitting on top of a large pile of eggs. Date between 1914 and 1918

Background imageImages Dated 10th May 2012: The death of the property tax! Or 37 mortal wounds for minis

The death of the property tax! Or 37 mortal wounds for ministers & the inquisitoral commissioners!. Henry Brougham, John Bull

Background imageImages Dated 10th May 2012: American Eagle Tobacco Company, Detroit, Michigan Manufactur

American Eagle Tobacco Company, Detroit, Michigan Manufactur

Background imageImages Dated 10th May 2012: Exposition des oeuvres des artistes originaires des Departem

Exposition des oeuvres des artistes originaires des Departements envahis. Ecole des Beaux-Arts. Three artists, the sculptor Chavaillaud, the sculptor Engrau

Background imageImages Dated 10th May 2012: Le Petit parisien. Tete de Boche, grand roman national pa

Le Petit parisien. Tete de Boche, grand roman national par Aristide Bruant. Bust of a German soldier wearing a spiked helmet and iron cross around his neck. Date 1915. Le Petit parisien

Background imageImages Dated 10th May 2012: Les Alsacians et les Lorrains sont Francais

Les Alsacians et les Lorrains sont Francais!. An Alsatian woman with her hand chained to a brick wall. Alsace and Lorraine were lost to Germany in the Franco-Prussian war of 1870-71. Date 1914

Background imageImages Dated 10th May 2012: Souvenez-vous! 1914. Rien d Allemand!!! Des Allemands

Souvenez-vous! 1914. Rien d Allemand!!! Des Allemands. Marianne, the personification of France, and Rheims cathedral burning in the background. Date 1919

Background imageImages Dated 10th May 2012: Journee du Poilu. Organisee par le Parlement

Journee du Poilu. Organisee par le Parlement. A young girl in a Red Cross nurses uniform and a small boy wearing a red cap

Background imageImages Dated 10th May 2012: La guerre est l industrie nationale de la Prusse... Atta

La guerre est l industrie nationale de la Prusse... Attaques, nous ne faisons que nous defendre au nom de la liberte et pour sauver notre existence. General Petain, juin 1917

Background imageImages Dated 10th May 2012: The Leas Lifts, Folkestone, Kent

The Leas Lifts, Folkestone, Kent. The Folkestone cliff lift is a water balanced funicular opened in 1885. This proved so popular three further lifts were added. circa 1910s

Background imageImages Dated 10th May 2012: Refrains de Guerre de Botrel - No 202

Refrains de Guerre de Botrel - No 202
Refrains de Guerre de Botrel - No. 202. Published by Librairie Larousse, 13-17 rue Montparnasse, Paris. Les Chansonnier des Arm饳. Book

Background imageImages Dated 10th May 2012: Popular Songs of the AEF (American Expeditionary Force)

Popular Songs of the AEF (American Expeditionary Force)
Popular Songs of the A.E.F. (American Expeditionary Force). Compiled by Bureau of Libraries and Periodical, A.E.F. Y.M.C.A. Published by the Y.M.C.A. Paris, 1918

Background imageImages Dated 10th May 2012: Popular Songs of the AEF (American Expeditionary Force)

Popular Songs of the AEF (American Expeditionary Force)
Popular Songs of the A.E.F. (American Expeditionary Force). Compiled by Bureau of Libraries and Periodical, A.E.F. Y.M.C.A. Published by the Y.M.C.A. Paris, 1918

Background imageImages Dated 10th May 2012: British Legion Album - for Field Marshal Earl Haigs Appeal

British Legion Album - for Field Marshal Earl Haigs Appeal
The British Legion Album in aid of Field Marshal Earl Haigs Appeal for ex-Servicemen of all ranks. Compiled by E. Lonsdale Deighton. Book

Background imageImages Dated 10th May 2012: British Legion Album - for Field Marshal Earl Haigs Appeal

British Legion Album - for Field Marshal Earl Haigs Appeal
The British Legion Album in aid of Field Marshal Earl Haigs Appeal for ex-Servicemen of all ranks. Compiled by E. Lonsdale Deighton. Book

Background imageImages Dated 10th May 2012: British Legion Album - for Field Marshal Earl Haigs Appeal

British Legion Album - for Field Marshal Earl Haigs Appeal
The British Legion Album in aid of Field Marshal Earl Haigs Appeal for ex-Servicemen of all ranks. Compiled by E. Lonsdale Deighton. Book

Background imageImages Dated 10th May 2012: British Legion Album - for Field Marshal Earl Haigs Appeal

British Legion Album - for Field Marshal Earl Haigs Appeal
The British Legion Album in aid of Field Marshal Earl Haigs Appeal for ex-Servicemen of all ranks. Compiled by E. Lonsdale Deighton. Book

Background imageImages Dated 10th May 2012: British Legion Album - for Field Marshal Earl Haigs Appeal

British Legion Album - for Field Marshal Earl Haigs Appeal
The British Legion Album in aid of Field Marshal Earl Haigs Appeal for ex-Servicemen of all ranks. Compiled by E. Lonsdale Deighton. Book

Background imageImages Dated 10th May 2012: British Legion Album - for Field Marshal Earl Haigs Appeal

British Legion Album - for Field Marshal Earl Haigs Appeal
The British Legion Album in aid of Field Marshal Earl Haigs Appeal for ex-Servicemen of all ranks. Compiled by E. Lonsdale Deighton. Book

Background imageImages Dated 10th May 2012: British Legion Album - for Field Marshal Earl Haigs Appeal

British Legion Album - for Field Marshal Earl Haigs Appeal
The British Legion Album in aid of Field Marshal Earl Haigs Appeal for ex-Servicemen of all ranks. Compiled by E. Lonsdale Deighton. Book

Background imageImages Dated 10th May 2012: Alexandra Day ribbon tabard, worn by collectors

Alexandra Day ribbon tabard, worn by collectors
An Alexandra Day ribbon tabard, worn by collectors for Alexandra Day collections. Includes an Alexandra Day posy of roses.. Commemorative Ware

Background imageImages Dated 10th May 2012: British Legion Album - for Field Marshal Earl Haigs Appeal

British Legion Album - for Field Marshal Earl Haigs Appeal
The British Legion Album in aid of Field Marshal Earl Haigs Appeal for ex-Servicemen of all ranks. Compiled by E. Lonsdale Deighton. Book

Background imageImages Dated 10th May 2012: British Legion Album - for Field Marshal Earl Haigs Appeal

British Legion Album - for Field Marshal Earl Haigs Appeal
The British Legion Album in aid of Field Marshal Earl Haigs Appeal for ex-Servicemen of all ranks. Compiled by E. Lonsdale Deighton. Book

Background imageImages Dated 10th May 2012: Refrains de Guerre de Botrel - No 202

Refrains de Guerre de Botrel - No 202
Refrains de Guerre de Botrel - No. 202. Published by Librairie Larousse, 13-17 rue Montparnasse, Paris. Les Chansonnier des Arm饳. Book

Background imageImages Dated 10th May 2012: Comite d assistance en Alsace-Lorraine. Tombola artistique

Comite d assistance en Alsace-Lorraine. Tombola artistique. Exposition du 7 au 30 avril 1916 au Musee des Arts Decoratifs. Two girls Alsace and Lorraine running towards the figure of Minerva

Background imageImages Dated 10th May 2012: Semez du ble. C est de l or pour la France

Semez du ble. C est de l or pour la France. A large sickle, a sheaf of wheat, and a French flag in the background. Date 1918. Semez du ble. C est de l or pour la France

Background imageImages Dated 10th May 2012: Union amicale d Alsace Lorraine. Femmes francaises! Hatez-vo

Union amicale d Alsace Lorraine. Femmes francaises! Hatez-vous pour que l annee 1918 apporte aux fillettes pauvres une poupee Alsacienne ou Lorraine

Background imageImages Dated 10th May 2012: The great international Caledonian games Held at Jones Woods

The great international Caledonian games Held at Jones Woods New York City, July 1st 1867 /. Illustration shows a large crowd of spectators around a circular playing field on which the games are in

Background imageImages Dated 10th May 2012: Emprunt National 1920. Souscrivez. Banque de Paris et des Pa

Emprunt National 1920. Souscrivez. Banque de Paris et des Pays-Bas. A little girl wearing a torn dress with red, blue, and white stripes, the colors of France, and a Phrygian cap

Background imageImages Dated 10th May 2012: Banque Industrielle de Chine... 4e Emprunt National

Banque Industrielle de Chine... 4e Emprunt National. A German soldier being buried by bags of gold thrown on top of him by Victory.. Date 1918

Background imageImages Dated 10th May 2012: Fighting between the cavalry and the war ships

Fighting between the cavalry and the war ships - The letter surrendered. Japanese cavalry fighting Russian warships. Date 1919

Background imageImages Dated 10th May 2012: Journee du Puy de Dome. Paquetage du soldat. 23 janvier 1916

Journee du Puy de Dome. Paquetage du soldat. 23 janvier 1916. On the right is a woman with her two children. In the center is a train. On the left are two soldiers at the front

Background imageImages Dated 10th May 2012: Il faut vaincre la tuberculose comme le plus malfaisant des

Il faut vaincre la tuberculose comme le plus malfaisant des reptiles. A hand squeezing the throat of a snake. The snake is dripping venom. Date 1918

Background imageImages Dated 10th May 2012: 1778-1783 America owes France the most unalterable gratitude

1778-1783 America owes France the most unalterable gratitude. 1917-... French comrade, your children shall be as our children. American Ouvroir Funds

Background imageImages Dated 10th May 2012: The modern Job! or John Bull and his comforts

The modern Job! or John Bull and his comforts!. John Bull, in tattered clothes, seated on a stool, gazing gloomily at a book on the ground: The Extraordinary Red Book

Background imageImages Dated 10th May 2012: Francais, souscrivez au deuxieme Emprunt de la Defense Natio

Francais, souscrivez au deuxieme Emprunt de la Defense Natio

Background imageImages Dated 10th May 2012: The Frenchwoman in war-time

The Frenchwoman in war-time. Scene depicting French women in war-time. One woman is working in a factory, one is nursing her child, and another woman is hoeing in the field

Background imageImages Dated 10th May 2012: 3e Emprunt de la Defense Nationale. Credit Lyonnais. Souscri

3e Emprunt de la Defense Nationale. Credit Lyonnais. Souscrivez. A French soldier sticking a flag with the word Liberte on it into a large globe. Date 1917. 3e Emprunt de la Defense Nationale

Background imageImages Dated 10th May 2012: Pas trop de chahut - SVP. Les Foyers du soldat

Pas trop de chahut - SVP. Les Foyers du soldat. Soldier writing a letter home. Date 1916

Background imageImages Dated 10th May 2012: L argent qu on prete ?nterets est le nerf de la victoire L argent qu on prete

L argent qu on prete ?nterets est le nerf de la victoire L argent qu on prete
L argent qu on prete a interets est le nerf de la victoire. La Marseillaise going into battle with the French soldiers. Date 1917. L argent qu on prete ?� nterets est le nerf de la victoire

Background imageImages Dated 10th May 2012: A l oeuvre! Societe Marseillaise de Credit. Souscrivez a l E

A l oeuvre! Societe Marseillaise de Credit. Souscrivez a l Emprunt Francais. A French harbor scene with ships and men working on the docks. Date 1920. A l oeuvre! Societe Marseillaise de Credit

Background imageImages Dated 10th May 2012: La paix de l ennemi

La paix de l ennemi. Kaiser pointing a dagger at a woman (Romania), while showing her the Traite de Paix and stepping on a man (Russia)

Background imageImages Dated 10th May 2012: British troops marching down street in New York City, New Yo

British troops marching down street in New York City, New York. Date 1778?

Background imageImages Dated 10th May 2012: Comite de L Or du Departement du Rhone pour la patrie versez

Comite de L Or du Departement du Rhone pour la patrie versez votre or. Shells and gold coins heading towards a German soldier on the battlefield

Background imageImages Dated 10th May 2012: Mikhail Lermontov

Mikhail Lermontov, half-length portrait, facing front. Date between 1880 and 1886

Background imageImages Dated 10th May 2012: Emprunt National. Societe Generale. Pour le supreme effort

Emprunt National. Societe Generale. Pour le supreme effort. A French soldier strangling the Imperial eagle. Date 1918. Emprunt National. Societe Generale. Pour le supreme effort

Background imageImages Dated 10th May 2012: L art guerrier et art moderne. Exposition Bordeaux, lithogra

L art guerrier et art moderne. Exposition Bordeaux, lithographies, originales, eaux fortes, pointes seches... Organisee par A. Le Prince editeur d art, Paris

Background imageImages Dated 10th May 2012: Grand festival des allies. Kermesse de l enfance... au pr

Grand festival des allies. Kermesse de l enfance... au profit de l ecole de reeducation professionnelle des mutiles de guerre de Bordeaux. A woman nursing her baby

Background imageImages Dated 10th May 2012: Emprunt de la Defense Nationale - eux aussi! Font leur devoi

Emprunt de la Defense Nationale - eux aussi! Font leur devoi

Background imageImages Dated 10th May 2012: Ce ciel est notre azur ce champ est notre terre! Cette Lorra

Ce ciel est notre azur ce champ est notre terre! Cette Lorraine et cette Alsace, c est a nous! Victor Hugo. Three French soldiers on a hillside looking out toward an oversized Strasbourg Cathedral

Background imageImages Dated 10th May 2012: Credit Lyonnais. Emprunt National 1920. Terre de France

Credit Lyonnais. Emprunt National 1920. Terre de France. A farmer ploughing with two oxen. In the foreground is a wooden cross with flowers and commemorative ribbons on it

Background imageImages Dated 10th May 2012: Oeuvre du soldat ardennais... vente de charite avec matin

Oeuvre du soldat ardennais... vente de charite avec matinee artistique. Soldier in a trench looking at female apparitions in sky. Date 1916. Oeuvre du soldat ardennais

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