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63 Items
Brazilian RainforestThe Brazilian rainforest 150 years ago. Date: 1850
Derby Water Polo ClubDERBY WATER POLO CLUB Eight men in swimming costumes, six in formal suits and a cup in the centre of the photograph. Date: 1906
Little Big HornGeneral Custers last stand Date: 25 June 1876
Winston Churchill walking along the streetWinston Churchill MP with another man, walking along the street. early 20th century
Helsinki HarbourThe fortress of Suomenlinna (= Sveaborg) in Helsinki harbour: in five years time it will be bombarded by the dastardly English. Date: 1850
Walhalla InteriorInterior of the Walhalla, overlooking the Donau (Danube) in Bavaria, the German hall of fame, inaugurated in 1842 by Ludwig I. Date: 1850
Priests consulting the omens in Classical Rome
Kenneth Swain, Yorkshire County swimmerKENNETH E SWAIN Yorkshire County swimmer, in costume, with large shield (swimming trophy). Date: September 1912
Neu Freiburg, BrazilGerman settlement in Brazil, near Rio de Janeiro. Date: 1850
Galveston, TexasThe seafront at Galveston, Texas, will be battered by hurricanes in 1900, 1961 and the 1980s. Date: 1850
Salzburg Church EtcThe chapel of Saint Maximus and the church of saint Peter. Date: 1850
Pompeii Forum 1850The ruined Forum in 1850 : Vesuvius is puffing away in the distance. Date: 1850
Piemonte CoastThis is Mortole, not mentioned in any of our reference books or on the internet, but its a fine view of the coast of northern Italy. Date: 1850
Greenland MelvilleGreenlands icy mountains, on an inlet of Baffin Bay on the northwest coast. Date: 1850
San Antonio, TexasThe peaceful little Texas town of San Antonio will change a bit in the 150 years since this view was drawn... Date: 1850
Coastal Scene Near CaenCoastal scene near Caen : hard to imnagine the D-day landings on this romantic shore ! Date: 1850
Chapel at ColdspringThe Chapel of Our Lady, at Coldspring (New York) stands on a bluff overlooking the Hudson river. Date: 1850
Schloss at EltzEltz, overlooking the Mosel river, must surely be one of the most romantic of castles. Easily defended by the narrow bridge, and enjoying divine protection from that shrine. Date: 1850
Parnassos OrosMount Parnassus, near Delphi, is where Apollo and the Muses hang out : the other peak is sacred to Bacchus, hence the association of poets with wine and ale. Date: 1850
Salt Lake CityThe Mormons have already made this their chief settlement when this engraving is made. Date: 1850
Nicaragua River SceneThe estuary of the Rio de las Lajas : in the distance is one of the countrys many volcanoes. Date: 1850
Kaskaskia, IllinoisThis village is located close to the oldest town in the American West (1703). Date: 1850
MARATHONThe mountains look on Marathon, and Marathon looks on the sea (Byron) - scene of battle between Athenians and Persians (490 BCE) and the run bearing the news of victory. Date: 1850
Nimes Maison CarreeLa maison carree, a Roman temple, subsequently used as a warehouse before becoming a must-see tourist attraction. Date: 1850
Frauenkirche AndernachThe tomb of saint Genoveva in the ruined Frauenkirche at Andernach. Date: 1850
Postojna / AdelsbergThe stalactite caves of Postojna (Adelsberg is the German name) in Slovenia. Date: 1850
Lake George, USAScene among the highlands on Lake George, New York state. Date: 1850
Tbilisi / TiflisThis ancient town has been successively under Persian, Byzantine, Arab, Mongol, Turkish and Soviet rule before its present incarnation in independent Georgia. Date: 1850
Barhydts Lakenear Saratoga, New York state. Date: 1850
Elkhorn PyramidElks contemplate the Elkhorn Pyramid in Missouri. Date: 1850
Vittoria, SpainAncient buildings fronting on the marketplace, with the cathedral in the background. Date: 1850
Burg LandsbergA romantic hilltop castle near Meiningen, in Thuringia. Date: 1850
Ruins at IraklionRuined buildings at Iraklion, Candia, Crete. Date: 1850
Geroldsau WasserfallThe cascade of Geroldsau, near Baden-Baden, Germany. Date: 1850
Geyser, IcelandThe great geyser of Hekla (or Hecla), one of several associated with this volcano. Date: 1850
Mississippi RiverThis particular stretch of the river is picturesque enough but treacherous for navigation, hence its nickname of The Devils Bake-Oven. Date: 1850
Vidin, BulgariaVidin (formerly Widdin) is strategically located on the Donau (Danube), in the heart of wine country. Date: 1850
Pueblo of ZuniNative American pueblo in New Mexico Date: 1850
Pompeys Pillar - wrongly believed to contain remains of Roman general Pompey, this pillar near Alexandria was raised in the 4th century to honour the emperor Diocletian. Date: 4th century / 1850
Ruschtschuk Bulgariaon the Donau (Danube) Date: 1850
Italy, Tuscany, Province of Siena: Petroio, landscape, town view Date: 2010
Montepulciano, Piazza Grande, Tuscany, ItalyItaly, Tuscany, Province of Siena: Montepulciano, Piazza Grande, Palazzo DeNobili-Tarugi Date: 2010
Montepulciano, Piazza Grande - Tuscany, ItalyItaly, Tuscany, Province of Siena: Montepulciano, Piazza Grande, Palazzo De Nobili Tarugi, Cathedral and fountain. Date: 2010
Italy, Tuscany, San BiagioItaly, Tuscany, Province of Siena, Montepulciano: San Biagio. Date: 2010
Wales versus Australia at Wembley, 1930Vigorous defending by the Australian side during the first rugby league match to be played at Wembley Stadium in January 1930. Date: 1930
Wales versus Australia at Wembley, 1930The Australians using rather brutal tactics to overcome the Welsh side at the first rugby league match to be played at Wembley stadium in January 1930. Date: 1930
Laying transatlantic cableLaying the Atlantic Cable : paying out the land end of the cable from the stern of the Niagara. Date: 1857
War / 100 Years War / CrecyThe English army, smaller but tactically more adept then the French, led by Edward III, defeats the French under Philippe VI Date: 26 August 1346
Boy Charlton, Australian Olympic swimmerThe Australian freestyle swimmer Andrew Murray Charlton (1907-1975), nicknamed Boy Charlton. He won a gold medal in the 1500 metres freestyle event at the 1924 Summer Olympics in Paris
Little Big HornTroopers moving the horses Date: 25 June 1876
AUSTERLITZ Napoleon defeats a combined force of Russians and Austrians : all three emperors were present with their armies Date: 2 December 1805
Brighton Pavilion / GrantBrighton Pavilion Date: circa 1960
English International Football TeamPortraits of the English International Football Team -- Evans, Pennington, Sturgess, Woodger, Williamson, Wedlock, Shepherd, Crompton, Warren, Fleming and Simpson
Scene at Crecy 1346Edward III refuses succour to his son, Edward the Black Prince of Wales Date: 26 August 1346
Mens Collar AdvertThe COL MINERVE detachable collar is made out of a special fabric - it does not shrink! Date: early 20th century
Hornby Castle / 1879Hornby Castle, Yorkshire Date: 1879
Greece / Marathon PlainMarathon: the battlefield, seen from Mount Pentelikon Date: 1906
After AusterlitzAUSTERLITZ Following up on their victory, the French engulf the enemy retreating across the Satschan Lake Date: 2 December 1805
Brighton PavilionA fine view of Brighton Pavilion, clearly showing the extravagant Indian inspired architecture by John Nash, built between 1815 and 1822. Date: 1950s
Canada Scenery / GlaciersCanadian scenery: Great Selkirk glaciers Date: 1907
Irish International football teamIrish International Football Team : Thompson, McCann, Hampton, Scott, Connor, McAuley, Burnison, Harris, McDonnell, Lacey and Hannon. They played the English team on 11 February 1911 and lost 1 to 2
Black Prince at BordeauxThe Black Prince is received at Bordeaux after the battle of Poitiers. Date: 1356
Events / Napoleonic WarBATTLE OF AUSTERLITZ The charge of the Mameluke cavalry Date: 2 December 1805