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363 Items
Wind in Willows / GrahameWind in Willows/Grahame
Wind in the Willows" The Badgers winter stores, which indeed were visible everywhere, took up half the room." Date: First published: 1908
Philemon and Baucis, two hospitable cottagers, ask the gods that they may die together, so P is turned into an oak tree and B to a linden, their branches intertwining
Tortoise and Hare (Fol)The Hare and the Tortoise Date: 1912
Wind in Willows / GrahameThe Water Rat & Mole picnicking: " The Mole begged as a favour, to be allowed to unpack it all by himself." Date: First published: 1908
Wind in Willows / GrahameToad, Ratty & Mole set off with a yellow caravan, pulled by an old grey horse on the Open Road... Date: First published: 1908
Shakespeare; TitaniaAct II, Scene I Titania, Queen of the fairies with her train; "...Fairies, away! We shall chide downright, if I no longer stay Date: 1908
Badger & Mole / WillowBadger & Mole on their way to rescue the Toad: " Crossing the hall, they passed down one of the principal tunnels". Date: First published: 1908
Wind in Willows / Rat SnowRat & Mole in the Wild Wood: " The Rat pondered awhile, and examined the humps and slopes that surrounded them." Date: First published: 1908
Pandora and her BoxHephaistos created Pandora, on Zeuss orders, to bring ruin to mankind : married to Epimethus, she brought a box which when opened released all the evils
Daphne Becomes a Tree
Odin / Wotan Rides / RackhamOdin/Wotan rides through the sky
The Tempest, ArielAct I, Scene II Ariel guides the ship to safety Date: 1909
Wind Willows / Onion Sauce" Onion sauce! Onion sauce! he (the Mole), remarked jeeringly, & was gone before they could think of a reply." Date: First published: 1908
The Haunted Wood C1903
Orestes & EumenidesOrestes is pursued by the Eumenides
Siegfried Goes AwayPrelude : Siegfried leaves Brunnhilde in search of adventure
Dickens / Christmas CarolMr Fezziwig invites Mrs Fezziwig to dance Date: First published: 1843-44
The Ravens of Wotan
Dickens / Christmas CarolBob Cratchit sliding on the ice at Cornhill on Christmas Eve Date: First published: 1843-44
At the SerpentineFairies at the Serpentine in Kensington Gardens
Fairies Steal a ChildA fairy flies off carrying a baby human on her back Date: 1908
Cordelia in King LearPortrait of Cordelia Date: 1909
Willows / Rat & BeerRat & Mole: " He presently reappeared somewhat dusty, with a bottle of beer in each paw & another under each arm." Date: First published: 1908
Wind in Willows / MiceThe field mice & harvest mice join Ratty & Mole at their picnic. Date: First published: 1908
The Ring RecoveredAct three : the Rhinemaidens recover the Ring from Hagen and bear it away in triumph
Arthur Rackham / St IvesARTHUR RACKHAM English illustrator: self-portrait in his own illustration to As I was going to St Ives Date: 1867 - 1939
Poe / Cask of AmontilladoTHE CASK OF AMONTILLADO Fortunato, dressed as a clown, is duped into a trip to the vaults
Fairies Hunt BatsBats are hunted by fairies for their wings
Alice & the DuchessAlice with the duchess in the chaotic kitchen Date: First published: 1865
Alice&flamingo CroquetAlice uses flamingo as croquet mallet. Date: First published: 1865
Aesop / Hare & TortoiseThe Hare and the Tortoise
Pandora and HopeWhen Pandora first opens her box, she lets loose all the evils that can plague mankind; but when she and Epimethus open it a second time, Hope appears
Rackham / Cinderella / G maCinderella with her fairy godmother about to get into the carriage which was once a pumpkin
Danae Cast Adrift (1903)Danae, daughter of Acrisius king of Argos, is impregnated by Zeus : perceiving her son Perseus as a threat, papa casts them adrift in a boat, but of course they survive Date: 1903
Diana and PantherDiana the Huntress, with her pet panther
Fairies Pick ApplesFairies and elves pick apples
Midsummer Nights DreamBottom & Titania, surrounded by the fairies Date: 1909
Peer Gynt / Troll DancePEER GYNT The dance of the Trolls
Poe / Tales / Telltale HeartTHE TELL-TALE HEART (Page footer: heart & head). Date: First published: 1842
Edgar Allan Poe / EleonoraELEONORA Eleonora & her cousin in the Valley of the Many Coloured Grass. Date: First published: 1850
Contemplating SunriseA man contemplates the sunrise
Brunnhilde AwakensAct three : Brunnhilde awakens
Arthurian / GuinevereGuinevere rides a-Maying in the woods
Alice: croquet MatchThe Croquet Match: The quarrelsome Queen shouts " Off with his head"... Date: First published: 1865
Siegfried Kills FafnerAct two : armed with the magic sword Notung, Siegfried kills Fafner, who has taken on the form of a dragon
Wotan at the PyreWotan bids farewell to his daughter Brunnhilde as she sleeps a magic sleep surrounded by a magic fire which only a true hero can penetrate (Sigfried does it !)
Merman (Rackham)A merman on the beach [illustration to The Three Golden Apples] Date: 1922
THE NORNSPrelude : the three Norns
BRUNNHILDE stands on a rock looking the very model of a helden-madchen (hero-maiden)
Concepts / SangraelThe Grail is kept in the Palace of Adventurous, part of the Castle of Carbonek; a maiden bears it in to show it to Sir Bors, one of the few knights to actually see it
Wagner / Ring / DragonLoge pretends to be afraid of Alberich in the guise of a dragon
Arthur Uses ExcaliburHe draws the magic sword Excalibur under battle conditions for the first time, fighting King Lot
Maid Maleen / RackhamThey find the castle in ruins (GRIMM)
Pomona (Rackham)She is the Roman goddess of fruit-trees and fruit
Calvin (Bouvin)JEAN CALVIN (originally Cauvin) French protestant reformer in Switzerland
Alice & the CaterpillarAlice and the Caterpillar Date: First published: 1865
Midsummer Nights DreamTheseus, Duke of Athens Date: 1908
Midsummer Nights DreamAct II, Scene II Hermia finds herself lost in the wood after having been deserted by Lysander Date: 1909
Little Folk / GoblinRobin Goodfellow, a sprite
Dickens / Christmas CarolScrooge is visited by the Ghost of Jacob Marley, his former business partner Date: First published: 1843-44
Fairy Tales / CinderellaSilhouette of Cinderella with a mop and pail. Date: 1919
Town Mouse & Country MouseTHE COUNTRY MOUSE & THE CITY MOUSE " Well if this is your town life, much good may you do with it." Date: 1912
Dancing in WoodFairies dancing in a woodland glade
The Bogey-BeastThe cheerful old lady considers herself lucky to encounter the BOGEY- BEAST, a mischievous but not particularly dangerous folklore creature
Rackham / Snow White FoundSnow White (Snowdrop) found by the seven dwarfs
Mermaid (Rackham)Lots of mermaids on the rocks [illustration to The Three Golden Apples] Date: 1922
Macbeth Meets WitchesMacbeth and Banquo, after defeating the invading Norsemen, encounter three witches on a blasted heath, who predict wonderful events
Aesop / BlackamoorAesop/Blackamoor
Witches Wrecking ShipThree witches, with their familiar, call up a storm to wreck a ship Date: 1931
Pied Piper / RackhamThe Pied Piper in the streets of Hamelin
FAIRY FOLKFairy folk by an old gnarled tree
Macbeth / Three WitchesAct I, Scene iii The three witches: " so wither d and wild in their attire"
Bellerophon & ChimeraOne of the tasks he has to perform for Iobates, king of Lycia, is to slay the CHIMERA, which he does with the aid of the winged horse PEGASUS
The Fairy WifeAndrew King and the Fairy Wife - illustration to a story by Maurice Hewlett
Dick Whittington as BoyAs a boy, he is thrashed in the kitchen
King Midas / Daughter / GoldKing Midas turns his daughter to gold
Louis Pasteur / Iln 1884LOUIS PASTEUR French chemist and microbiologist checking animals in his laboratory at the Ecole Normale, Paris Date: 1822 - 1895
Dublin Street Scene 2buses, carts and pedestrians in the Castle square Date: 1890s
Pope Stephanus V
Pope Stephanus IPOPE STEPHANUS I pope and saint Date: reigned 254 - 257
Pope EutychianusPOPE EUTYCHIANUS pope and saint Date: reigned 275 - 283