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2 Aug 2010 Collection3 Items
3 Aug 2010 Collection2 Items
5 Aug 2010View of Yorkshire landscape with daisies
16 Aug 2010Horseguard
18 Aug 2010 Collection132 Items
20 Aug 2010Excerpta Mathematica
23 Aug 2010Advert / Lime Juice 5 / 5
24 Aug 2010Battersea Power Station
31 Aug 2010 Collection35 Items
Cottages, Achill Island, Co Mayo (1913). Henri, Robert 1863-1929. Date: 1913
Battersea Power StationThe chimneys of Battersea Power Station, view across the River Thames, from Chelsea Reach, London
Madonna and Child The Carrickfergus MadonnaMadonna and Child (The Carrickfergus Madonna). Bruges, School of, early 16th century
HEAVENTHE BROAD AND NARROW WAY the narrow road to Heaven contrasted with the broad way to Hell
Turf Bog, Connemara (c.1920-40). Craig, James Humbert 1877-1944. Date: 1920-40 (circa)
Grey Day, Cushendun. Craig, James Humbert 1877-1944
The Tipster (1928). Luke, John 1906-1975. Date: 1928
Propaganda PosterHelft uns siegen, (Help us triumph) Propaganda Poster, Germany WW1. Date: c. 1914-1918
Ray Charles, american jazz pianist, Stockholm 1962. Date: 1962
Seagull in flight black and white
The City Hall under Snow csThe City Hall under Snow (c1920s). Conor, William 1881-1968. Date: 1920s (circa)
Peter Schlemihls Amazing StoryIllustration to Adelbert von Chamisso (1781-1838): Peter Schlemihls wundersame Geschichte (Peter Schlemihls Amazing Story, 1814)
Zagreb, 1939A girl selling apples, Zagreb, Yugoslavia, 1939 (Bosnia and Herzegovina) Date: 1939
Sugar FactorySugar loaves at a factory, Landskrona, Sweden ater 1907. Date: 1907
Cycling competitionBicycle Competition for old boys, Landskrona, Sweden c, 1910. Date: c.1910
Dubrovnik, 1939Dubrovnik, Croatia, 1939. Date: 1939
Wedding of King Carl XVI GustavThe wedding between Silvia Sommerlath and king Carl XVI Gustaf in Stockholm 19/6 1976. Date: 19th June 1976
King Gustaf VI Adolf of Sweden in his Summer Residence, Sofiero, 1972. Date: 1972
King Oscar II (1829-1907) King of Sweden 1872-1907 and Norway 1897-1905. Portrait painted by Anders Zorn, 1898. Date: 1898
HangingA serf is punished by being hanged in his ribs. 1800s. Date: 1800s
Crown Prince Gustav (later king Gustav V) on BIRD SHOOTING, Skabersjo Manor, Scania, Sweden
Huckleberry Finn (1885). O Kelly, Alyosius 1850-1929. Date: 1885
Joachim von Ribbentrop (1893-1946)
Goodshaw Prize Band
The First Lock at Stranmillis (1850). Wilson, James Glen 1827-1863. Date: 1850
Drumfresky, Cushendun. Craig, James Humbert 1877-1944
Abstract (1922). Jellett, Mainie 1897-1944. Date: 1922
Le Gouter au Jardin (1903). Le Sidaner, Henri Eugne Augustin 1862-1939. Date: 1903
King Carl XVI GustavKing Carl XVI Gustaf, Queen Silvia, Crown Princess Victoria and prince Carl Philip look at candle dipping at Skansen Folklore Museum, Stockholm 1980. Date: 1980
Carl Bildt, Honorary KCMG, b.1949 iSwedish politician, diplomat and nobleman
Princess Sibylla
Peter DahlThe Swedish artist Peter Dahl 15/2 1994. Date: 15th February 1994
Heinrich Schliemann (1822-1890)
Dr. Kurt SchmittGeneral director of the Alliance-Versicherung, Dr Kurt Schmitt 1933 Date: 1933
View from a window Yorkshire, UK
Sheep in Yorkshire field
Seagull perched on stone head Whitby, UK
Hand-carved WWI African Black Wood Askari soldier - spoonHand-carved First World War African Black Wood Askari soldier. Made in the form of a spoon. Trench Art
The Haystacks. Charles, James 1851-1906
Archimedes and Hiero at the Siege of Syracuse. Ricci, Sebastiano 1659-1734
Waterworks, Antrim Road (1912). McBurney, John 1877-1917. Date: 1912
Landscape with Sheep. Monselet, E. 19th - 20th century
Park, St. Doulough s. Hone, Nathaniel 1831-1917
Cows under Trees. Hone, Nathaniel 1831-1917
Venus Anadyomene (c.1772). Barry, James 1741-1806. Date: 1772 (circa)
Excerpta MathematicaDESCARTES, Ren (1596-1650). French rationalist philosopher, mathematician and scientist. Excerpta Mathematica. Photography
Swedish royaltyPrince Carl-Philip, Crown Princess Victoria and Princess Madeleine playing on Christmas Eve 1988. Date: 1988
Tycho Brahe statue by the Swedish sculptor Ivar Johnsson (1885-1970) Island of Ven, Scania, Sweden
Randolph Spencer Churchill
Princess BirgittaThe Princess Birgitta of Sweden and prince Johan George of Hohenzollern on their way to Stockholm Castle for preparing their wedding
Rock carvingsAmbush, Rock Carving at Tanum Bohuslan, Sweden, from the Bronze Age
Runic stone at Sparlosa, Sweden. 800s. Date: c.800AD
Prince Eugen
King Gustaf VI Adolf
Gothenburg 1960Fishing boat, Gothenburg 1960 Date: 1960
Swedish princessesThe Princesses Birgitta and Margaretha at Solliden, the Royal Summer Residence, 1942. Date: 1942
Gothenburg 1960
Crown Prince Carl Gustaf
A girl from SaterdalenPainting by Carl Frederick Sundt-Hansen (Norwegian, 1847-1907) A girl from Saterdalen, Norway
Crown prince Carl GustafCrown Prince Carl Gustaf and on a submarine exhibition in Stockholm, 1946 Date: 1946
Sarajevo 1939School for girls, Sarajevo, Yugoslavia 1939 (Bosnia and Herzegovina) Date: 1939
Laura La Plante
Malmo 1950
Swedish princessesPrince Gustaf Adolf, the Princesses Sibylla, Desiree, Margaretha, Christina & Birgitta at Haga CAstle, Stockholm, C. 1945 Date: 1945
William Chalmers
Swedish princessesHagaprinsessorna Birgitta, Desiree and Margaretha, Lucia celebration 1943 Date: 1943
Air Hostess 1960
Princess Christina, 1963. Date: 1963
Princess Desiree BaptismBaptising of Princess Desiree at the Church of Solna, Sweden 30/6 1938. Date: 30th June 1938
Swedish princessesPrincesses Margaretha, Birgitta and Sibylla visit a dog exhibition 1/6 1940, Date: 1st June 1940