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Zodiac Collection

Background imageZodiac Collection: Palmistry map of the hand

Palmistry map of the hand
A palmistry map of the hand, labelling the different areas

Background imageZodiac Collection: Aztec calendar

Aztec calendar
A polychrome facsimile of the Piedra del Sol (Sun Stone) or Aztec calendar also know as a Tonalpohualli. Date: 1479

Background imageZodiac Collection: Achilles Shields

Achilles Shields
THE SHIELD OF ACHILLES in 12 Tables: 3 of a Town in Peace; 3 of a Town in War; 3 of Agriculture and 3 of Pastoral Life

Background imageZodiac Collection: CELLARIUS, Andreas (1596-1665). Atlas Coelestis

CELLARIUS, Andreas (1596-1665). Atlas Coelestis seu Harmonia Macrocosmica. 1661. Fol 24. Hemisphaerium stellatum boreale antiquum. Representation of the Northern Hemisphere

Background imageZodiac Collection: PTOLEMYs SYSTEM (1)

A representation of his system, showing Earth at the centre of the cosmos, circled by the planets and by the signs of the Zodiac

Background imageZodiac Collection: 12 Signs of Zodiac

12 Signs of Zodiac
Symbols of the Twelve Houses

Background imageZodiac Collection: Constellation map. On the left side, the northern

Constellation map. On the left side, the northern
" Constellation map. On the left side, the northern constellations and on the right side, the southern constellations

Background imageZodiac Collection: SKY CHART

Sky chart showing the signs of the Zodiac and other celestial features

Background imageZodiac Collection: Achilles Shields

Achilles Shields
The Shield of Achilles

Background imageZodiac Collection: Taurus

The Constellation Taurus

Background imageZodiac Collection: Gemini

The Constellation Gemini

Background imageZodiac Collection: Sagittarius

The Constellation Sagittarius

Background imageZodiac Collection: Pisces (Rossum)

Pisces (Rossum)
PISCES the Fish 19 February - 20 March

Background imageZodiac Collection: Zodiac with winged male, poss. Cupid / Eros

Zodiac with winged male, poss. Cupid / Eros
Zodiac with winged male, poss. Cupid/Eros. Engraving by J. vander Schley, from Pierre de Hondt, Histoire Naturelle generale et particuliere avec la description du Cabinet du Roy

Background imageZodiac Collection: Picnic on the Beach

Picnic on the Beach
Two girls take a break from driving, and enjoy a picnic on the beach and a spot of reading

Background imageZodiac Collection: Astrology / Zodiac

Astrology / Zodiac
Zodiac signs painted on the inside of an Egyptian sarcophagus found at Thebes in 1823, containing the mummy of a Greek

Background imageZodiac Collection: Zodiac / Taurus (Maxims)

Zodiac / Taurus (Maxims)
portrayed as a bull in a china shop (although the china shop is seemingly a combination of the British Museum and the Victoria and Albert Museum)

Background imageZodiac Collection: Modern Zodia: Scorpio

Modern Zodia: Scorpio
The Modern Zodiac: An Artists Almanac of English Society. A woman wearing a headdress of autumn leaves surrounded by scenes of fox hunting, college life & the new seasons ale

Background imageZodiac Collection: Capricorn

The Constellation Capricorn

Background imageZodiac Collection: Pisces

The Constellation Pisces

Background imageZodiac Collection: Greeting a Friend

Greeting a Friend
A couple wave goodbye to their friend who is about to drive off in a sparkling Ford Zodiac

Background imageZodiac Collection: Virgo (Rossum)

Virgo (Rossum)
VIRGO the Virgin 22 August - 21 September

Background imageZodiac Collection: Whittaker Star Map 28

Whittaker Star Map 28
The Southern Hemisphere, with its Zodiac signs

Background imageZodiac Collection: Whittaker / Star Map 1

Whittaker / Star Map 1
The Northern hemisphere, including the signs of the Zodiac

Background imageZodiac Collection: BLUNT / CAPRICORN / 47 / 1849

BLUNT / CAPRICORN / 47 / 1849
The constellation of Capricorn, this version has the head, shoulders and fore- legs of a goat and the hind body and tail of a fish

Background imageZodiac Collection: Blunt / Scorpio / Plate 45

Blunt / Scorpio / Plate 45
The constellation of Scorpio, the scorpion

Background imageZodiac Collection: Blunt / Virgo / Plate 43

Blunt / Virgo / Plate 43
The constellation of Virgo

Background imageZodiac Collection: Copernicuss System (2)

Copernicuss System (2)
The universe with our Sun as its centre, circled by our Earth and the other planets, and by the signs of the Zodiac : Jupiter is shown with its satellites

Background imageZodiac Collection: Zodiac Charms Libra

Zodiac Charms Libra

Background imageZodiac Collection: Zodiac Charms Aries

Zodiac Charms Aries

Background imageZodiac Collection: Meunier Zodiac Aquarius

Meunier Zodiac Aquarius

Background imageZodiac Collection: Libra

The Constellation Libra

Background imageZodiac Collection: Sun God in a Chariot

Sun God in a Chariot

Background imageZodiac Collection: Zodiac two-seat biplane of 1912

Zodiac two-seat biplane of 1912. Date: 1912

Background imageZodiac Collection: Signs of The Zodiac

Signs of The Zodiac

Background imageZodiac Collection: White Star Line, calendar

White Star Line, calendar
White Star Line - rare complete Liverpool Printing Stationery Company White Star calendar showing a different liner/view for each month. Date: 1905

Background imageZodiac Collection: Alessandro Piccolomini (1508-1578)

Alessandro Piccolomini (1508-1578). Italian astronomer and humanist. Draco constellation. De le Stelle Fisse (The sphere of the world and The fixed stars). Edited in Venice in 1540. Engraving, 1559

Background imageZodiac Collection: Theodosius I on horseback with sceptre

Theodosius I on horseback with sceptre. Theodosius the Great with sceptre, plumed helmet and caparisoned horse. From a column in Istanbul built after his victory over Magnus Maximus. Porta Aurea

Background imageZodiac Collection: Woman in costume as a pansy for a masquerade ball

Woman in costume as a pansy for a masquerade ball
Woman in costume as a pansy (pensee) for a masquerade ball. Costume designed by M. Robin. Handcoloured lithograph by published by Martinet, Paris, 1880s

Background imageZodiac Collection: Oval rosewood box mounted in steel

Oval rosewood box mounted in steel decorated with signs of the Zodiac, oval and square cameos. Chromolithograph by W. Griggs from Frederick Rathbones Old Wedgwood

Background imageZodiac Collection: Armillary sphere with zodiac

Armillary sphere with zodiac. Date: 1719

Background imageZodiac Collection: Valentine Zodiac Card for August Virgo Date: 1910

Valentine Zodiac Card for August Virgo Date: 1910

Background imageZodiac Collection: Pair of Balances Date: 1880

Pair of Balances Date: 1880

Background imageZodiac Collection: Irish Monks in Homage to Sun

Irish Monks in Homage to Sun

Background imageZodiac Collection: Saturn with two Zodiac Signs Date: 1450

Saturn with two Zodiac Signs Date: 1450

Background imageZodiac Collection: Zodiac Constellations

Zodiac Constellations

Background imageZodiac Collection: ALL SIGNS OF THE ZODIAC

All twelve signs of the zodiac shown together in a circle. Date: early 19th century

Background imageZodiac Collection: NEWTONS SUNDIAL

NEWTONS SUNDIAL showing signs of the Zodiac, the seasons and the months of the years. Date: late 17th century

Background imageZodiac Collection: Terrestrial and Celestial Globes

Terrestrial and Celestial Globes. Date: circa 1760

Background imageZodiac Collection: ZODIAC SPRING SOLSTICE

The sky as it appeared at the Spring Solstice 2500 BC, at the time of the Golden Fleece voyage; some of the Argonauts are depicted along with their ship and the Zodiac signs Date: circa 1700

Background imageZodiac Collection: ZODIAC ON XMAS DAY

The night sky as it appears at midnight on 25 December, a moment sacred to Mithras (and subsequently to Christians) - the star of the Magi shines over the sign of the Virgin Date: circa 1700

Background imageZodiac Collection: BLUNT / PISCES / PLATE 49

The constellation of Pisces, the fish. Date: 1849

Background imageZodiac Collection: CI8 ASTRONOMERS

Astronomers of the 18th century observe the skies and discern the figures of the Zodiac Date: 18th century

Background imageZodiac Collection: MITHRAS

MITHRAS depicted by the Gauls as a serpent, symbol of eternity, and - in this case - accompanied by Signs of the Zodiac Date: circa 1st century BC

Background imageZodiac Collection: MEUNIER ZODIAC CAPRICORN

Date: circa 1900

Background imageZodiac Collection: ASTROLOGY / ZODIAC

The twelve signs - a medieval series Date: 1489

Background imageZodiac Collection: Thebes, Upper Egypt, North Africa - Tomb of Seti I - Zodiac

Thebes, Upper Egypt, North Africa - Tomb of Seti I - Zodiac Signs. Date: circa 1920s

Background imageZodiac Collection: Zodiac two-seat biplane of 1911

Zodiac two-seat biplane of 1911. Date: 1911

Background imageZodiac Collection: Floor mosaic. About 200 AD. Aion, god of Eternity, surrounde

Floor mosaic. About 200 AD. Aion, god of Eternity, surrounde
Floor mosaic. About 200 AD From a Roman villa near Sentium (Sassferrato) in the Marches. Aion, god of Eternity, surrounded by a zodiac wheel, the seated earth mother Tellus

Background imageZodiac Collection: Rabanus Maurus. De Rerum Naturis, 11th c

Rabanus Maurus. De Rerum Naturis, 11th c
RABANUS, Maurus (c. 780 - 856). De universo or De rerum naturis. 842 - 847. Codex 132. Heaven and zodiac signs. Edition of the 11th century from the original Carolingian manuscript. Romanesque art

Background imageZodiac Collection: The universe with planets, zodiac signs and all the

The universe with planets, zodiac signs and all the heavenly hierarchy. Engraving. 16th century

Background imageZodiac Collection: The Prague Orloj, or Astronomical Clock Old Town Hall. Pragu

The Prague Orloj, or Astronomical Clock Old Town Hall. Prague. Czech Republic

Background imageZodiac Collection: Front Cover of Balls Popular Guide to the Heavens

Front Cover of Balls Popular Guide to the Heavens Date: 1910

Background imageZodiac Collection: QUISPE TITO, Diego (1611-1681). Christ calling St

QUISPE TITO, Diego (1611-1681). Christ calling St. Peter and St. Andrew. 1681. Zodiac Series depicting parables of the life of Christ: Pisces or Vocation of the Apostles. Colonial baroque

Background imageZodiac Collection: Gaius Julius Hyginus (64 BC - 17). Latin author

Gaius Julius Hyginus (64 BC - 17). Latin author. Poeticon Astronomicum. The constellation of Gemini. Work attributed to Hyginus. Incunable, 15th c. Renaissance art. Engraving

Background imageZodiac Collection: Zodiac V11 airship

Zodiac V11 airship

Background imageZodiac Collection: Ford Zephyr Zodiac Mk 2

Ford Zephyr Zodiac Mk 2
Gentleman and his Ford Zephyr Zodiac Mk 2

Background imageZodiac Collection: Castor & Pollux (Tooke)

Castor & Pollux (Tooke)
The twin sons of Zeus and Leda, known as the DIOSCURI, sail with Jason to steal the Golden Fleece, and end up as the Gemini of the Zodiac

Background imageZodiac Collection: Primeval Chaos

Primeval Chaos
Primeval chaos pre-existed the Big Bang and Gods seven-day Creation. The Zodiac signs and other notable celestial celebrities tumbled about the cosmos every which way

Background imageZodiac Collection: Aquarius

The Constellation Aquarius

Background imageZodiac Collection: Zodiac - Birthday Horoscope - Sagittarius The Archer

Zodiac - Birthday Horoscope - Sagittarius The Archer (November 21st to December 21st). Apparently Sagittarians are good riders! Date: circa 1920s

Background imageZodiac Collection: The Jungman Sisters as Gemini

The Jungman Sisters as Gemini
Teresa (Baby) Jungman and her sister Zita, posing as the Gemini sign of the Zodiac. The costumes were part of a The Signs of the Zodiac pageant organised by Mrs Robin D Erlanger at the Park Lane

Background imageZodiac Collection: Astronomical Clock. Old Town Hall. Prague. Czech Republic

Astronomical Clock. Old Town Hall. Prague. Czech Republic
The Prague Orloj, or Astronomical Clock Old Town Hall. Prague. Czech Republic

Background imageZodiac Collection: Nova Orbis Tabula in Lucem Edita by Frederik de Wit (1630-17

Nova Orbis Tabula in Lucem Edita by Frederik de Wit (1630-1706). 17th century. Detail of the Americas, Pacific Ocean and islands discovered. Amsterdam

Background imageZodiac Collection: Zoophorus. Detail. Baptistery of Parma

Zoophorus. Detail. Baptistery of Parma
Italy. Parma. Baptistery (1196-1260). Reliefs of different zodiacal signs and animals by Benedetto Antelami. 13th century. Detail. Sagittarius

Background imageZodiac Collection: Baptistery of Parma. Exterior. Detail

Baptistery of Parma. Exterior. Detail
Italy. Parma. Baptistery (1196-1260). Statues and reliefs of different zodiacal signs and animals by Benedetto Antelami and their school. 13th century

Background imageZodiac Collection: Italy. Cremona. Torrazzo

Italy. Cremona. Torrazzo
Italy. Cremona. Bell tower of the Cremona Cathedral, known commonly by Torrazzo. 13th century. Lombardy

Background imageZodiac Collection: William of Conches (1090-1154)

William of Conches (1090-1154). French philosopher. Dragmaticon Philosophiae. Earth and the Zodiacal Signs. Manuscript 144. Folio 62. Chapter Archive of Tortosa. Spain

Background imageZodiac Collection: Astronomical clock in the Clock Tower of St. Marks Square

Astronomical clock in the Clock Tower of St. Marks Square. 15th century. Venice. Italy

Background imageZodiac Collection: Franklin / Almanack Page

Franklin / Almanack Page
BENJAMIN FRANKLIN a typical page from his famous Poor Richards Almanack for the month of September, together with a stanza about harvesting Date: 1706 - 1790

Background imageZodiac Collection: Zodiac / Sagittarius / Maxim

Zodiac / Sagittarius / Maxim
illustrated as an archer firing an arrow at a target held by a frog (!) Date: 1887

Background imageZodiac Collection: Zodiac / Libra (Maxims)

Zodiac / Libra (Maxims)
a literal view showing a book keeper balancing the books! Date: 1887

Background imageZodiac Collection: Zodiac / Scorpio (Maxim)

Zodiac / Scorpio (Maxim)
a peculiar illustration showing a knight putting a scorpion to the sword Date: 1887

Background imageZodiac Collection: Zodiac / Virgo (Maxims)

Zodiac / Virgo (Maxims)
illustrated as an encounter between Elizabeth I and the Earl of Essex (seemingly caught in the act of graffiti) Date: 1887

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