Red Riding Hood and Little Boy Blue, grand Christmas pantomime by W Younge, directed by E F Edgar, at the Imperial Theatre, Westminster, London, under the management of Marie Litton. Date: circa 1880s
Music cover, I ve Been Photographed Like This! Sung by Lydia Thompson as Pauline in the burlesque of the Lady of Lyons. Words by William Younge, music by Charles Dubois
Elizabeth Pope - 4ELIZABETH POPE (when still miss Younge ) actress as Angelica in Congreves Love for love
Elizabeth Pope - 3ELIZABETH POPE (when miss Younge ) actress as Hermione in Ambrose Philips The distrest mother
Elizabeth Pope - 2ELIZABETH POPE (when miss Younge ) actress as Artemisa in Nicholas Rowes The ambitious stepmother
Elizabeth Pope - 1ELIZABETH POPE (when miss Younge ) actress as Creusa in Whiteheads play of that name, based on the Ion of Euripides. It was highly praised by Horace Walpole