Focke Wulf Ta 154 -too late to be encountered in any numbers, this was one of Germanys last night fighters
Focke-Wulf Fw200 Condor of Lufthansa
Focke Wulf FW 189A -this twin engined tactical reconnaissance type was used extensively on the Eastern Front
Illustration of FW190 Fighter; Second World War, 1942Illustration showing a German Focke-Wulf 190 fighter airplane, with cutaways of the engine and machine-guns, August 1942
Focke Wulf FW-61 / Focke Achgelis FA-61Hanna Reitsch Flying a Focke-Achgelis Fa-61 Autogyro for the Worlds First Indoor Flight Inside the Deutschlandhalle, Berlin During a Practice Session in an Empty Hall Date: 1938
Focke Wulf FW-200 B-2 CondorFocke-Wulf Fw.200 Condor Taken from the Factory by the Luftwaffe and Used by K.Gr.Z.B.105 Date: 1940s
Focke Wulf FW-190D-9Focke Wulf FW-190D9 Parked Date: 1940s
Focke Wulf FW-200 C-3 CondorFocke-Wulf Fw.200C-3 / U-2 Condor Date: 1940s
Focke Wulf FW-200 A-0 CondorFocke-Wulf Fw.200 Condor Airliner Date: 1940s
Focke Wulf FW-200 CondorFocke-Wulf Fw.200 Condor Rear-Gunner and Gun-Turrett Date: 1940s
Focke Wulf FW-190V-1Luftwaffe Focke Wulf FW-190V-1 First Prototype Parked with Pilot Hans Sander Aboard Date: 1940s
Focke Wulf FW-200 B CondorFocke-Wulf FW-200B Condor Airliner Danish Air Lines Date: 1937
Focke Wulf FW-190A-4 / U-8A Captured Luftwaffe Focke Wulf FW-190 in RAF Livery Flying Enroute As Flown by Test-Pilot Captain Eric Melrose Winkle Brown, Cbe, Dsc, Afc, Fraes
Focke Wulf FW-190A-4 / R-1A Captured Luftwaffe Focke-Wulf FW-190A-4 in RAF Marking, Being Flown by Captain Eric Winkle Brown, flying in formation with Escort Royal-Navy Supermarine Spitfire 1 R7193 Y1-M
Focke Wulf FW-190A-2Luftwaffe 9 / Jg2 Focke Wulf FW-190A-2 Gelb-2 Parked During Maintenance - Feldwebel Karl Novak the Regular Pilot of This Aircraft Went Missing after Air Combat over the English Channel on 10 June
Focke Wulf FW-190ALuftwaffe Focke Wulf FW-190 Date: 1940s
Focke Wulf FW-190 / TA-152C-V7Focke Wulf FW-190 / Ta-152C-V7 Parked Date: 1940s
Focke-Wulf Fw200V2 Condor D-AETA Westfalen, Lufthansa Airlines Date: 1938
Piaggio-Focke Wulf P. 149D D-EDNNPiaggio-Focke Wulf FWP.149D D-EDNN (msn 173), at Boscombe Down for the Air Tournament International on 13 June 1992. Date: 1992
Focke Wulf FW-200 S-1 CondorFocke-Wulf Fw.200S-1 Condor Airliner Date: 1940s
Focke Wulf FW-200 V-1 CondorFocke-Wulf Fw.200 Condor Airliner Date: 1940s
Focke Wulf FW-200 C CondorFocke-Wulf Fw.200 Condor Date: 1940s
Focke Wulf FW-190V-30 / U-1Focke Wulf FW-190V30/U1 Werke Nummer 0055 Parked Which Was Rebuilt for the Ta-152H Programme Date: 1940s
Focke Wulf FW-190DA Captured Focke Wulf FW-190D Parked with Rope Tie-Downs Date: 1940s
Focke Wulf FW 56 Stosser trio of advanced fighter trainers formating
Focke Wulf FW 190A-8 R1 -this (on the ground) support variant carries a very heavy armament for strafing
Focke Wulf FW 191 -an experimental bomber design that proved too advanced for its time
Focke-Wulf Fw200A-03 Condor D-AMHC Nordmark of LufthansaFocke-Wulf Fw200A-03 Condor, D-AMHC, Nordmark, of Lufthansa
Focke-Wulf 190 FighterProduced from 1943 onwards in a variety of models, the FW 190 is a versatile fighter and ground attacker, sometimes carrying bombs in addition to two cannon, two machine guns. Date: circa 1944
Focke Wulf FW 200C -one of the major scourges of Allied convoys over both the Atlantic and Arctic oceans
Focke Wulf FW 58C -one of the luftwaffes standard twin-engined trainers
Focke Wulf FW 190A hit and rolling
Focke Wulf FW 190D-9 -the last of this formidable fighter line
Focke Wulf FW 190A pair in playful mood, belying their effectiveness as butcher birds
Focke Wulf FW 187A trio of this twin engined losing competitor to Messerschmitts Bf 110
Focke-Wulf Fw56 Stosser D-ITAUFocke-Wulf Fw56 Str, D-ITAU
Focke-Wulf Fw44B Stieglitz
Focke-Wulf Fw44 Stieglitz
Focke-Wulf Fw200C Condor of the Lufwaffe
Focke-Wulf Fw200V2 Condor D-AETA Westfalen of LufthansaFocke-Wulf Fw200V2 Condor, D-AETA, Westfalen, of Lufthansa
Focke-Wulf Fw200S-1 Condor D-ACON BrandenburgFocke-Wulf Fw200S-1 Condor, D-ACON, Brandenburg
Focke-Wulf Fw200V1 Condor D-AERE Saarland of LufthansaFocke-Wulf Fw200V1 Condor, D-AERE, Saarland, of Lufthansa
Focke-Wulf Fw191V1
Focke-Wulf Fw58C Weihe
Focke-Wulf Fw58 Weihe
A captured Focke-Wulf Ta152H-1 in UK markings at the RAE
Focke-Wulf Fw190A-5
A captured Focke-Wulf Fw190 in US markings over North Africa
Focke-Wulf Fw190A-5 abandoned prior to the occupation of Monte Corvino aerodrome near Naples by an advance party from the RAF. 11 September 1944
Focke-Wulf Fw190 on display in Green Park, London, after the war
Focke-Wulf Fw190