Ahmed Madrali, Turkish wrestler known as the Terrible Turk
Cartoon impression of the Russo-Japanese War 3 of 5Card 3 of 5 - The Wrestlers. A cartoon interpretation of the Russo-Japanese war, acted out by the principal ruling individuals from the International Community
Wrestling MatchOne of the wrestlers has been hurled in the air by the other and is about to land on his back - ouch!
Two Turkish WrestlersA spectacular postcard photograph of two Turkish wrestlers, showing off their muscles, finely crafted moustaches and bowties!
Photograph of Wrestlers PH, Highgate, London. The main side of the print (shown here) depicts: Left Face on view of the pub
Battle of Austerlitz, between the French Empire
Swiss Wrestlers at a National Festival - May, 1904Swiss Wrestlers at a National Festival at Montreux - 8th May, 1904 Date: 1904
Sumo wrestlers, Japan, early 1900s. Date: early 1900s
Wrestling club for women in VauxhallMembers of a wrestling club for women, opened in Vauxhall, London in 1928
Womens wrestling school in Vauxhall, 1928Gladiators of the feminine age. A wrestling school for women recently opened in Vauxhall, London
Betsimisaraka tribal group, Madagascar, wrestlersVintage 19th century photograph: Betsimisaraka tribal group, Madagascar, two men, wrestlers
Wrestling Match (Wrestlers - Luchadas) - Canary IslandsCanarain Wrestling Match (Wrestlers - Luchadas) - Canary Islands, Spain. Canarian Wrestling is a form of folk wrestling, originally from the Canary Islands, where it is known as Lucha Canaria
Gladiators. Roman art. Terra-cotta. ITALY. PUGLIA. Taranto. Taranto Archaelogical National Museum
DORɬ Gustave. The BibleDore, Paul Gustave (1832-1883). La Sainte Bible. 1866. The angel of the Maccabees. Engraving
Spanish Civil War. Soldiers of the nationalist side during a battle
Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Battle of Brunete (July 1937). Soldiers facing an attack of artillery and red aviation in the point 333. Drawing
Mongolian wrestlersWrestling is possibly the most popular sport in Mongolia, and Mongolians have won several Olympic medals in the freestyle wrestling divisions. Date: 1970s
Comic postcard, Struggling hard to earn a living Date: 20th century
c. 1890s India - wrestlers taking part in a fighting bout
Group of sumo wrestlers, JapanVintage 19th century photograph: group of sumo wrestlers, Japan/
c. 1880s Japan - sumo wrestlers and refereec.1880s Japan - sumo wrestlers and referee
Sketch of Wrestlers PH, Highgate, London. The main side of the print (shown here) depicts: Sketch of the pub
A wrestling bout in the ring at Rainbow Corner, the famous American Red Cross Club in London which claimed to have, " doors that never close" (though they eventually did in 1946)
Two Kayan wrestlers of Borneo, SE Asia (then part of the British Empire) - a popular sport with the older boys and men of the tribe. 1922
Wrestling match, Curzon Hall, Birmingham, UKOpening of a wrestling match between Sol Davies and Hippy Homer, Curzon Hall, Suffolk Street, Birmingham, West Midlands, UK, 15 June 1908. Date: 1908
Sumo wrestlers and referee, Japan, circa 1890. Date: circa 1890
PERSIAN WRESTLINGPersian wrestlers struggle against each other, watched by several soldiers. Date: ancient
Two men wrestling. Date: 1960s
Wrestlers, 1853, by Gustave CourbetGustave Courbet (1819-1877). French painter. Wrestlers, 1853. Museum of Fine Arts. Budapest. Hungary
Capture of the Algerian corsair xebec L Uccello by the Genoese galleys Taggia and San Giorgio on August 11, 1788 near San Remo. Engraving. ITALY. LIGURIA. Genoa. Pegli. Navy Museum
Sumo Wrestlers, Japan
Don Bradman wrestlingAustralian cricketer and batsman, Don Bradman enjoying another sporting pursuit, wrestling with Jim Deakin, a well-known Australian wrestler. Date: 1931
The Empress Hall, Earls Court, 1948 London Olympic GamesThe Empress Hall at Earls Court was the venue for Olympic wrestling and weight-lifting. Date: 1948
Illustration, two men wrestling in the open air, watched by a circle of spectators. Date: 1832
Die Herren der Welt (The Masters of the World. When the kings of industry are mad, the common people suffer), cover of Simplicissimus magazine, 1922. Critique of the power of big industries
Japanese artThe Revenge of the Soga Brothers. 17th c. Detail of the screen with figures of samurais. Japanese art. Tokugawa shogunate period. Painting. ITALY. VENETO. Venice. Museum of Oriental Art
Wrestling on horseback, Indian troops at Salonika, WW1A wrestling match while riding mules - Indian troops at a Sports meeting held at Salonika during the First World War. Date: 1916
An Ukhara, with a view of the British Residents camp. From: Letters written in a Mahratta camp during the year 1809. Date: 1813
Roman WrestlingTwo Roman wrestlers grapple for supremacy. Date: ancient
Wrestling match in MadagascarAudience around a wrestling match between two men in Madagascar. Date: circa 1910
Sumo wrestlers and referee, Japan, 1870s. Date: 1870s
Sumo Wrestlers, Japan, circa 1880s. Date: circa 1880s
Wrestling in Japan 1860STwo Sumo wrestlers compete in front of a large crowd. Date: 1860s
Cornish wrestlers and spectators, CornwallTwo Cornish wrestlers in a grassy area, watched by spectators, Cornwall. circa 1970s
Rooftops and chimney pots, Wrestlers Court, London. Date: 1950s
A Sumo contestTwo Sumo wrestlers crouch in a ring with two referees under an ornimental tent. The competition is about to start. There are many spectators. Date: 1932
French wrestlers, 16th century Champion inFrench wrestlers, 16th century. Champion in violet silk top, blue and white stockings.. Handcolored illustration by E. Lechevallier-Chevignard, lithographed by A. Didier, L. Flameng, F
Fouquet, Jean (1420-1481). Two knights fighting. Illustration from The Great Chronicles of France (XIV). Gothic art. Miniature Painting. FRANCE. Ό E-DE-FRANCE. Paris. National Library
Italian Unification. Insurrection of the Five Days of Milan (18-21 March 1848) against Austrian rule. Combat in the Ticinese Gate in the night of 20 March. Etching. ITALY. LOMBARDY. Milan
Sumo wrestlers and referee, JapanFour Sumo wrestlers and a referee, Japan. Date: circa 1890s
Spain (1910). Solidaridad Obrera, publication" Spain (1910). " Solidaridad Obrera", publication of the Labour Societies. Cover with the news of the Labour National Congress (Barcelona, 4th November 1910)."
Wrestlers at the Worlds Fair in Tunbridge, Vermont. Date 1941 Sept. Wrestlers at the Worlds Fair in Tunbridge, Vermont. Date 1941 Sept
Japanese Arm WrestlingLEONARD TSUGUHARU FOUJITA, Japanese painter and engraver (back right, with glasses and fringe), watching a game of arm wrestling, a favourite Japanese sport. Date: 1886 - 1968
India - Native wrestlersNative wrestlers practising in India
Turkish Wrestler (2 of 4)A Turkish wrestler, Ryza Bey, lifts enormous dumbells whilst another strongman colleague sits on his shoulders
Turkish Wrestler (4 of 4)A Turkish wrestler, Ryza Bey, watches his assistant practising an acrobatic trick handstand on a chair surrounded by dumbells
Turkish Wrestler (3 of 4)A Turkish wrestler, Ryza Bey, throwing knives
Izmir (Smyrna) - Turkish WrestlersWrestlers at Izmir, Turkey. Yagli gures (Turkish wrestling) is the Turkish national sport
Izmir, Turkey - Wrestling matchA wrestling match between African and a Turkish professional wrestlers at Izmir (Smyrna), Turkey - posted from the Russian Post office to Lyon from Smyrna by a French tourist
Merzifon, Turkey - WrestlingWrestling at the Annual Fair at Marsovan - former location of American School in Asia Minor. Known as Merzifon today. Capital of the Amasya Province in the central Black Sea region of Turkey
Sumo wrestlersTwo Japanese sumo wrestlers
Wrestlers with refereeJapanese wrestlers with referee
Two Indian WrestlersA pair of Indian wrestlers wrestle
Indian WrestlingAbove, two Indian wrestlers grapple each other in a bout; below, two dromadaries do much the same thing
Group of Sumo WrestlersA group of burly sumo wrestlers with their oiled hair in top knots & the Yokozuna (highest ranked wrestlers in the sumo hierarchy), at the front
Japanese WrestlersLarge crowds gather to watch two Japanese wrestlers
Sport / WrestlingCourt wrestlers of the Sultan of Turkey - dressed for outdoors, resting and fighting