Ju-Jitsu suffragetteIf you want to earn some time throw a policeman! The Ju-Jitsu suffragette shows how a policeman may be tackled
Cartoon impression of the Russo-Japanese War 3 of 5Card 3 of 5 - The Wrestlers. A cartoon interpretation of the Russo-Japanese war, acted out by the principal ruling individuals from the International Community
Two Turkish WrestlersA spectacular postcard photograph of two Turkish wrestlers, showing off their muscles, finely crafted moustaches and bowties!
Swiss Wrestlers at a National Festival - May, 1904Swiss Wrestlers at a National Festival at Montreux - 8th May, 1904 Date: 1904
Germans Drown John BullThanks to their U-boats, the German navy will drown John Bull
Wrestling School, Japan, early 1900s. Date: early 1900s
Persian men exercising in a gymnasium, 1800sPersian men exercising in a gymnasium, Persia (Iran), 1800s. One man walks on his hands, while others plank, wrestle, run up a wall, etc
Wrestling Match (Wrestlers - Luchadas) - Canary IslandsCanarain Wrestling Match (Wrestlers - Luchadas) - Canary Islands, Spain. Canarian Wrestling is a form of folk wrestling, originally from the Canary Islands, where it is known as Lucha Canaria
Advertisement Illustration Monkey WrestleA comic illustration showing a pair of scrambling monkeys wrestling with each other in humourous fashion. Date: circa 1939
MISERS & DEATHTwo misers wrestle with Death over their hoard of gold Date: 16th century
Comic postcard, Struggling hard to earn a living Date: 20th century
Costumes of the Gabr disciples, Armenians, KurdsCostumes of the Gabr disciples of Zoroastrianism, Armenians, Kurds. Abiti di Guebri, degli Armeni de Curdi
The Empress Hall, Earls Court, 1948 London Olympic GamesThe Empress Hall at Earls Court was the venue for Olympic wrestling and weight-lifting. Date: 1948
Illustration, two men wrestling in the open air, watched by a circle of spectators. Date: 1832
The American Twins, or North and SouthNorth grapples with south as America is depicted at war with its own flesh and blood. Date: 1856
Black Ahmed - Champion WrestlerBlack Ahmed (Cara Achmed) - a champion wrestler from Constantinople, wearing a champions sash and bearing the medals of his victories with pride
Tunisia - Wrestler at AissaouaA Wrestler drawing a crowd at Aissaoua, Tunisia. The throng behind the wrestler includes musicians, some local dignitaries and a European in a bowler hat
Turkish Wrestler (2 of 4)A Turkish wrestler, Ryza Bey, lifts enormous dumbells whilst another strongman colleague sits on his shoulders
Turkish Wrestler (4 of 4)A Turkish wrestler, Ryza Bey, watches his assistant practising an acrobatic trick handstand on a chair surrounded by dumbells
Turkish Wrestler (3 of 4)A Turkish wrestler, Ryza Bey, throwing knives
Izmir (Smyrna) - Turkish WrestlersWrestlers at Izmir, Turkey. Yagli gures (Turkish wrestling) is the Turkish national sport
Izmir, Turkey - Wrestling matchA wrestling match between African and a Turkish professional wrestlers at Izmir (Smyrna), Turkey - posted from the Russian Post office to Lyon from Smyrna by a French tourist
Merzifon, Turkey - WrestlingWrestling at the Annual Fair at Marsovan - former location of American School in Asia Minor. Known as Merzifon today. Capital of the Amasya Province in the central Black Sea region of Turkey
Jacob & Angel WrestleJacob, for reasons not very clearly explained, wrestles with an angel
Japanese Boys WrestleTwo wrestling children are watched by their peers
Two Indian WrestlersA pair of Indian wrestlers wrestle
Treasure Island / FightingHands & his companion locked together in a deadly wrestle"
Botocudo Ritual CombatRitual combats of macho males of the BOTOCUDO people of Brazil - some bash each other with staffs, others wrestle on the ground