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Worm Collection

Background imageWorm Collection: Life Cycle of Silk Worm

Life Cycle of Silk Worm
The life cycle of a silk worm & silk culture

Background imageWorm Collection: LAMBTON WORM

The Lambton heir kills the loathsome worm, but is cursed because he fails to kill the first living thing he then meets - his own father!

Background imageWorm Collection: Nematode worm

Nematode worm
This nematode worm specimen has an unsegmented, cylindrical body and is also known as a roundworm

Background imageWorm Collection: Robins nesting on a bell-shaped Christmas card

Robins nesting on a bell-shaped Christmas card
Robins nesting in the snow on a bell-shaped Christmas card. Date: circa 1890s

Background imageWorm Collection: Charles Darwin studying a worm

Charles Darwin studying a worm
A satire on Charles Darwin -- after charting the Descent of Man he goes even lower and studies worms

Background imageWorm Collection: From silkworm to silk stocking - British Empire Exhibition

From silkworm to silk stocking - British Empire Exhibition
The silk worm farm in the Hong Kong section at the British Empire Exhibition at Wembley in 1924

Background imageWorm Collection: Glenlivet Scotch Whisky distillery 1890

Glenlivet Scotch Whisky distillery 1890
View of the worm tubs, where spirit vapour is condensed, at Andrew Usher & Co, in Edinburgh. Date: 1890

Background imageWorm Collection: Observation - Picket watching Salmah from the Worm, WW1

Observation - Picket watching Salmah from the Worm, WW1
The Surrey Yeomanry on the Struma Valley Front, Salonika 1917-1918. Observation - Picket watching Salmah from the Worm, North West corner of Gloucester Wood, Winter 1917-1918

Background imageWorm Collection: Comic postcard, Bird brings worm to hungry chicks in the nest Date: early 20th century

Comic postcard, Bird brings worm to hungry chicks in the nest Date: early 20th century

Background imageWorm Collection: Comic postcard, three humanised ducks - Now then, no treating! Date: early 20th century

Comic postcard, three humanised ducks - Now then, no treating! Date: early 20th century

Background imageWorm Collection: The Ravens, the Sexton and the Earth-Worm

The Ravens, the Sexton and the Earth-Worm. A gravedigger stands with a shovel next to a tomb with a stone effigy in a churchyard. A skull and worm in the excavated earth

Background imageWorm Collection: Sea mice, Aphrodita aculeata and Laetmonice hystrix

Sea mice, Aphrodita aculeata and Laetmonice hystrix
Sea mouse, Aphrodita aculeata 1 and Laetmonice hystrix 2. Afrodita aculeata, Ermione ispida

Background imageWorm Collection: Common Glow-worm - female - glowing on a cut grass stalk to attract males - late in

Common Glow-worm - female - glowing on a cut grass stalk to attract males - late in the dusk - midsummer - June (Lampyris noctulica ). meadow in Ural Mountains - Tchelyabinsk region - Russia

Background imageWorm Collection: Peanut worms, Sipunculus nudus, etc

Peanut worms, Sipunculus nudus, etc
Peanut worms, Sipunculus nudus 1, Siphonosoma cumanense 4, etc. Sipunculo nudo, Sipunculo microrinco, Sipunculo macrorinco, Sipunculo commestible

Background imageWorm Collection: The Mother Fish

The Mother Fish
This illustration shows a mother fish teaching her children about the worm bait on a hook, accompanied with a caption translated from French, The worm, my children, is generally good only so far

Background imageWorm Collection: THE MOTHER EARTH WORMTO ITS WORMLET: Now

THE MOTHER EARTH WORMTO ITS WORMLET: Now, then, Florizel, that just serves you right. How often have I told you to keep away from the wicket during these Test Matches! Date: 1926

Background imageWorm Collection: Comic postcard, Fish avoids worm and hook Date: 20th century

Comic postcard, Fish avoids worm and hook Date: 20th century

Background imageWorm Collection: WW2 era - Comic Postcard - Ladies in Waiting

WW2 era - Comic Postcard - Ladies in Waiting
The Caption is Ladies in Waiting. This colourful queue is very cheerful. They obviously know that the early bird catches the worm and they are at the top. Cute Kids WW2 Wartime humour Date: 1945

Background imageWorm Collection: Tree sparrow, snow bunting, worm-eating warbler

Tree sparrow, snow bunting, worm-eating warbler
American tree sparrow, Spizelloides arborea 1, snowflake or snow bunting, Plectrophenax nivalis 2, worm-eating warbler, Helmitheros vermivorum 3, and magnolia warbler, Setophaga magnolia 4

Background imageWorm Collection: Pine grosbeak, red crossbill and white-winged crossbill

Pine grosbeak, red crossbill and white-winged crossbill
Pine grosbeak, Pinicola enucleator, male 1, female 2, American crossbill or red crossbill, Loxia curvirostra 3, white-winged crossbill, Loxia leucoptera 4, males

Background imageWorm Collection: Jellyfish species

Jellyfish species
Rhizostoma octopus, Rhizostoma cuvieri, Rizostoma di Cuvier 1, cauliflower jellyfish, Cephea cephea, Cephea guerini, Cefea di Guerin

Background imageWorm Collection: Fan worm and other worms

Fan worm and other worms
Fan worm, Serpula vermicularis 1, polychaete worm, Spirorbis corrugatus 2, tube-building annelid worm, Spirobranchus triqueter 3 and Galeolaria caespitosa 4

Background imageWorm Collection: Bootlace worm, proboscis worm, ribbon worm

Bootlace worm, proboscis worm, ribbon worm
Bootlace worm, Lineus longissimus 1, Borlasia angliae 1, proboscis worm, Cerebratulus bilineatus 2, Cerebratulus bilineatus 2, ribbon worm, Tubulanus polimorphus 3, Tubulanus elegans 4

Background imageWorm Collection: Two-toed amphiuma and critically endangered axolotl

Two-toed amphiuma and critically endangered axolotl
Two-toed amphiuma, Amphiuma means, Anfiuma means 1, and critically endangered axolotl or Mexican walking fish, Ambystoma mexicanum, Assolotl del Messico 2

Background imageWorm Collection: Christmas tree worms and feather duster worm

Christmas tree worms and feather duster worm
Christmas tree worm, Spirobranchus giganteus 1 and feather duster worm, Sabella spallanzanii 2, 3. Cymospira gigantea, Anfitrite ventilabro, Anfitrite dello Spallanzani

Background imageWorm Collection: Nereids

Leodice antennata, Nereidonta antennata 1, and Eunice sanguinea, Nereidonta sanguinea 2

Background imageWorm Collection: Spiny scale worm and scaleworm

Spiny scale worm and scaleworm
Spiny scale worm, Iphione muricata 1, and scaleworm, Lepidonotus clava 2

Background imageWorm Collection: Bristle worms or sea mice

Bristle worms or sea mice. Golden fireworm, Chloeia flava 1, and Eurythoe complanata 2. Anfinome flava, Pleione alcyonea

Background imageWorm Collection: Albany bottlebrush, Callistemon speciosus

Albany bottlebrush, Callistemon speciosus. (Callistemon speciosum beta, Metrosideros glauca, Metrosidero glauco)

Background imageWorm Collection: The early bird

The early bird catches the worm. A cartoon-style duckling proudly holding a fat worm in its beak. Artist: Anon. Date: circa 1930

Background imageWorm Collection: Bootlace worm, Lineus longissimus

Bootlace worm, Lineus longissimus. Handcoloured copperplate engraving by James Sowerby from The British Miscellany, or Coloured figures of new, rare, or little known animal subjects, London, 1804

Background imageWorm Collection: Copepod parasite on a sprat, Lernaeenicus sprattae

Copepod parasite on a sprat, Lernaeenicus sprattae
Blood-feeding copepod parasite on a sprats eye, Lernaeenicus sprattae (Lernaea sprattae). And another strange worm found on an oyster shell

Background imageWorm Collection: Sand worm with crimson feelers, Amphitrite rosea

Sand worm with crimson feelers, Amphitrite rosea

Background imageWorm Collection: Polychaete worm, Phyllodoce lamelligera

Polychaete worm, Phyllodoce lamelligera (Nereis lamelligera)

Background imageWorm Collection: Sea worm, Amphitrite ventilabrum

Sea worm, Amphitrite ventilabrum. Handcoloured copperplate engraving by James Sowerby from The British Miscellany, or Coloured figures of new, rare, or little known animal subjects, London, 1804

Background imageWorm Collection: Black and white worm lizard, blind snake

Black and white worm lizard, blind snake
Black-and-white worm lizard, Amphisbaena fuliginosa, earthworm blind snake, Typhlops lumbricalis, large shieldtail snake, Pseudotyphlops philippinus (Uropeltis philippinus)

Background imageWorm Collection: Lizards and skinks

Lizards and skinks
Caecilian, amphisbaenian or worm lizard, grass lizard, blindsnake, false coral snake, European legless lizard, and skinks

Background imageWorm Collection: Slit worm shell, Tenagodus anguinus

Slit worm shell, Tenagodus anguinus (Anguine serpula, Serpula anguina). Illustration drawn and engraved by Richard Polydore Nodder

Background imageWorm Collection: Gattyana cirrhosa

Gattyana cirrhosa polychaete worm (Cirrhated aphrodita, Aphrodita cirrhosa). Illustration drawn and engraved by Richard Polydore Nodder

Background imageWorm Collection: Black-and-white worm lizard, Amphisbaena fuliginosa

Black-and-white worm lizard, Amphisbaena fuliginosa, and brown and yellow snake of Surinam (Boa constrictor?)

Background imageWorm Collection: Coral species

Coral species
Lettuce coral, Agaricia agaricites, Madrepora agaricites 1, worm holes covered with stony coral 2, Acropora abrotanoides, Madrepora abrotonoides 3, and spherical clump of coral 4

Background imageWorm Collection: Harvest mouse, Micromys minutus (Mus messorius), with worm

Harvest mouse, Micromys minutus (Mus messorius), with worm. Handcoloured steel engraving by Lizars after an illustration by James Stewart from William Jardines Naturalists Library, Edinburgh, 1836

Background imageWorm Collection: Earthworm blind snake, slow worm, Cape legless

Earthworm blind snake, slow worm, Cape legless
Earthworm blind snake, Typhlops lumbricalis 1, slow worm, Anguis fragilis 2, Cape legless skink, Ancontias meleagris 3 and eastern glass lizard, Ophisaurus ventralis 4

Background imageWorm Collection: Chaetopoda or annelid ringed worms

Chaetopoda or annelid ringed worms
Chaetopoda annelids or ringed worms: Sabellastarte indica, Hydroides norvegicus, Sabella spallanzanii, Pista cretacea, Eunice magnifica, Hermione hystricella, and Chloeia viridis

Background imageWorm Collection: Perch, velvet worm, lacewing and pearl oyster

Perch, velvet worm, lacewing and pearl oyster
European perch, Perca fluviatilis 1, velvet worm, Peripatus iuliformis 2, lacewing, Perla marginata 3, and pearl oyster, Isognomon isognomum 4. Perche, Peripate, Perle, Perne

Background imageWorm Collection: Saddleback clownfish and white worm lizard

Saddleback clownfish and white worm lizard
Amphicoma scullelata 1, saddleback clownfish, Amphiprion polymnus 2 and white worm lizard, Amphisbaena alba 3. Amphiprion laticlavius Amphicome, Amphiprion, Amphisbene

Background imageWorm Collection: Earthworm, leech, polypes and tapeworms

Earthworm, leech, polypes and tapeworms
Earthworm, Lumbricus terrestris 1, medicinal leech, Hirudo medicinalis 2, polype species, Hydra vulgaris, 3, 4, 5, 6, pork tapeworm, Taenia solium 7, and unknown species of tapeworm

Background imageWorm Collection: Slow worm, glass lizard and yellowbelly sea snake

Slow worm, glass lizard and yellowbelly sea snake
Slow worm, Anguis fragilis 1, eastern glass lizard, Ophisaurus ventralis 2, yellowbelly sea snake, Hydrophis platurus 3, and Anguis variegata 4

Background imageWorm Collection: Peacock worm, Sabella pavonina, and feather

Peacock worm, Sabella pavonina, and feather duster worm, Bispira volutacornis

Background imageWorm Collection: Worm fern, Dryopteris filix-mas

Worm fern, Dryopteris filix-mas (Aspidium filix-mas). Handcoloured copperplate engraving from Dr

Background imageWorm Collection: Cabbage worm, longhorn beetle, Rutpela maculata, on a flower

Cabbage worm, longhorn beetle, Rutpela maculata, on a flower

Background imageWorm Collection: Chinese silk - dyeing and weaving

Chinese silk - dyeing and weaving
Chinese silk loom, is shown; the figure seated above among the machinery, appears to assist the labour by means of weight. Date: 1833

Background imageWorm Collection: Chinese silk - winding from the cocoons

Chinese silk - winding from the cocoons
Winding off the silk into singles, but the woman appears for the moment to have left her post for the purpose of blowing the fire. Date: 1833

Background imageWorm Collection: Chinese silk - cleaning the cocoons

Chinese silk - cleaning the cocoons
The cocoons being completed by the insect, are being cleared of dirt and dead leaves, before they are removed from the frames. Date: 1833

Background imageWorm Collection: Chinese silk - feeding the silk worms

Chinese silk - feeding the silk worms
Engraving showing the apartment in which the worms are fed and the manner in which the little trays containing the silk worms are arranged. Date: 1833

Background imageWorm Collection: SLOW WORM

A Slow Worm is superficially like a snake, but is actually a legless lizard, distinguishable because it has eyelids. Date: 1950s

Background imageWorm Collection: LONG WORM

A tapeworm taken from a patient in Paris by Dr Nicolas ?Antry on 9th June 1698 which measured 4 fathoms long before it broke off! Date: 1698

Background imageWorm Collection: Bait fisherman, Kent

Bait fisherman, Kent
A fisherman sucks up lug worm bait with a vacuum device on the beach at Dungeness, Kent, England. First published The Sunday Times Date: 1990

Background imageWorm Collection: Three types of Pipefish and a Seahorse

Three types of Pipefish and a Seahorse
Three types of Pipefish and a Short-Nosed Seahorse (Hippocampus hippocampus)

Background imageWorm Collection: Common Glow-worm - female - climbed on top of a

Common Glow-worm - female - climbed on top of a cut grass stalk in the dusk - attracts males by glowing and waving abdomen from side-to-side - late in the dusk - midsummer - June (Lampyris noctulica)

Background imageWorm Collection: Common Glow-worm - female - attracts males by glowing

Common Glow-worm - female - attracts males by glowing - holds to top of a cut grass stalk - dusk - midsummer - June (Lampyris noctulica ). meadow in Ural Mountains - Tchelyabinsk region - Russia

Background imageWorm Collection: Bursa, Turkey - School of Silk Weaving / Silk Worm Farming

Bursa, Turkey - School of Silk Weaving / Silk Worm Farming. Fourth largest city and the first Ottoman Capital. Historically also known Prussa and later Brussa

Background imageWorm Collection: Taenia solium, pork tapeworm

Taenia solium, pork tapeworm
The pork tapeworm parasite can reach lengths of up to 8 metres. It is found in humans and animals which have consumed meat infected with the larvae

Background imageWorm Collection: Capillaria philippinensis, parasitic worm

Capillaria philippinensis, parasitic worm
This worm species (Capillaria philippinensis) is a parasite of the human small intestine

Background imageWorm Collection: Roundworm

Scanning electron microscope (SEM) image of a parasitic roundworms head (x 1000 on a standard 9 cm wide print)

Background imageWorm Collection: Fish staring at worm on hook on a triangular Christmas card

Fish staring at worm on hook on a triangular Christmas card
Three fish staring at a worm on a hook on a triangular Christmas card -- Temptation, designed by Robert Dudley. Date: circa 1880s

Background imageWorm Collection: Why Not Matches? WWI cartoon by William Heath Robinson

Why Not Matches? WWI cartoon by William Heath Robinson
Lights for All: Trapping Glow Worms in Kensington Gardens. A typically ridiculous idea by Heath Robinson for trapping glow worms, thus providing light for Londoners during the black out. Date: 1917

Background imageWorm Collection: Caterpillars & pupa, Margaret Fountaine

Caterpillars & pupa, Margaret Fountaine
Page 11 from bound volume. Watercolour and ink on paper, 1909 by Margaret Elizabeth Fountaine (1862-1940). Held in the Library and Archives Date: 1909

Background imageWorm Collection: Tiger Leech / Painted Leech on a leaf, typical

Tiger Leech / Painted Leech on a leaf, typical in lowland rainforest of Kinabatangan river floodplain (Haemadipsa picta). Sabah, Borneo, Malaysia; June

Background imageWorm Collection: Ascaris lumbricoides, human roundworm

Ascaris lumbricoides, human roundworm
The human roundworm (Ascaris lumbricoides) is the largest nematode to parasitize humans, growing up to 16 inches long

Background imageWorm Collection: Fungia, coral

Fungia, coral
Fungia is a free-living scleractinian coral

Background imageWorm Collection: Old Maid card game - Sorry, My Mistake

Old Maid card game - Sorry, My Mistake -- a bird thinks the pigs tail is a worm. circa 1950s

Background imageWorm Collection: Lumbricus lumbricus, Earth worms copulating

Lumbricus lumbricus, Earth worms copulating - Earth worms (Lumbricus lumbricus) copulating. Watercolour by Franz Bauer. Natural History Museum, London - General Library

Background imageWorm Collection: Happy Families - Mr Flower

Happy Families - Mr Flower. circa 1940s

Background imageWorm Collection: Cooking and heating equipment 1929

Cooking and heating equipment 1929
Economical equipment for cooking and heating, products for Harrods catalogue building & decorating department. Date: 1929

Background imageWorm Collection: Endpaper illustration, goslings and signpost

Endpaper illustration, goslings and signpost
Endpaper illustration, goslings looking up at a signpost which points to market, to the duck pond, and to town. A bird with a worm stands on top looking down at them. Date: circa 1933

Background imageWorm Collection: Slow-worm or blind worm and eastern glass lizard

Slow-worm or blind worm and eastern glass lizard.. Handcolored copperplate engraving from Gottlieb Tobias Wilhelms Encyclopedia of Natural History: Amphibia, Augsburg, 1794

Background imageWorm Collection: Surinam amphisboena or tropical worm lizard

Surinam amphisboena or tropical worm lizard, Amphisbaena species

Background imageWorm Collection: White worm lizard, Amphisbaena alba

White worm lizard, Amphisbaena alba.. Handcolored copperplate zoological engraving from George Shaw and Frederick Nodders The Naturalists Miscellany, 1792

Background imageWorm Collection: Plume worm, Serpula vermicularis

Plume worm, Serpula vermicularis.. Handcolored copperplate zoological engraving from George Shaw and Frederick Nodders The Naturalists Miscellany, 1792

Background imageWorm Collection: Ophidonais serpentina worm

Ophidonais serpentina worm.. Handcolored copperplate zoological engraving from George Shaw and Frederick Nodders The Naturalists Miscellany, 1792

Background imageWorm Collection: Yellow-haired terebella, Terebella flavicoma

Yellow-haired terebella, Terebella flavicoma.. Handcolored copperplate zoological engraving from George Shaw and Frederick Nodders The Naturalists Miscellany, 1792

Background imageWorm Collection: Horsehair worm, Gordius aquaticus

Horsehair worm, Gordius aquaticus.. Handcolored copperplate zoological engraving from George Shaw and Frederick Nodders The Naturalists Miscellany, 1792

Background imageWorm Collection: Frail caecilian, Caecilia gracilis, Typhlops

Frail caecilian, Caecilia gracilis, Typhlops lumbricalis, and red worm lizard, Amphisbaena alba

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