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Woodcut Collection

Background imageWoodcut Collection: Colour Woodcut print

Colour Woodcut print. Florence Mary Anderson / Molly MacArthur (1893-1972) had two distinct styles of illustration

Background imageWoodcut Collection: House carpenter planing a board on a bench

House carpenter planing a board on a bench. His workshop contains carpentry tools such as saws, hammer, chisel, as well as finished products such as a door, rafters, ladder, etc

Background imageWoodcut Collection: Common tern, Sterna hirundo

Common tern, Sterna hirundo. Laro nigro, Brandvogel, Brandfuchs, Brandhirss

Background imageWoodcut Collection: Farmer sowing seeds

Farmer sowing seeds
Woodcut rendering of a German farmer sowing seeds on his land. Date: circa 1930

Background imageWoodcut Collection: Fireworks at Ryogoku by Utagawa Hiroshige (Edo series)

Fireworks at Ryogoku by Utagawa Hiroshige (Edo series)
Fireworks at Ryogoku (Ryogoku Hanabi), No. 98 from One Hundred Famous Views of Edo by Utagawa Hiroshige (1797 - 1858) - (see: 10505423 for alternate version). Date: circa 1858

Background imageWoodcut Collection: Tribute - Return

Tribute - Return. Florence Mary Anderson / Molly MacArthur (1893-1972) had two distinct styles of illustration

Background imageWoodcut Collection: Hokusai woodcut - Ushibori: A Junk moored among reeds

Hokusai woodcut - Ushibori: A Junk moored among reeds
Reproduction of a woodcut by Katsushika Hokusai (1760 - 1849) entitled: Ushibori: A Junk moored among reeds. Date: early 19th century

Background imageWoodcut Collection: Mount Lebanese man wearing turban, cloak, carrying a spear

Mount Lebanese man wearing turban, cloak, carrying a spear.. Handcolored woodcut from Auguste Wahlens Manners, Customs and Costumes of all the People of the World, Brussels, 1845

Background imageWoodcut Collection: Basket maker weaving a basket from willow

Basket maker weaving a basket from willow taken from an osier-bed. Handcoloured woodcut engraving from The Book of English Trades and Library of the Useful Arts, Tabart, London, 1810

Background imageWoodcut Collection: Spanish Invading Mexico

Spanish Invading Mexico

Background imageWoodcut Collection: Lily of the valley, Convallaria majalis

Lily of the valley, Convallaria majalis, and carnation, Dianthus caryophyllus. Handcoloured woodblock engraving of a botanical illustration from Adam Lonicers Krauterbuch, or Herbal, Frankfurt, 1557

Background imageWoodcut Collection: Red vipers bugloss, Echium wildpretii

Red vipers bugloss, Echium wildpretii, and common bugloss, Anchusa officinalis

Background imageWoodcut Collection: Common dittany, Cunila mariana, and sweet

Common dittany, Cunila mariana, and sweet basil, Ocimum basilicum. Handcoloured woodblock engraving of a botanical illustration from Adam Lonicers Krauterbuch, or Herbal, Frankfurt, 1557

Background imageWoodcut Collection: Wild thyme, Thymus serpyllum, and dittany

Wild thyme, Thymus serpyllum, and dittany of Crete, Origanum dictamnus. Handcoloured woodblock engraving of a botanical illustration from Adam Lonicers Krauterbuch, or Herbal, Frankfurt, 1557

Background imageWoodcut Collection: A saddler making a saddle in his leather workshop

A saddler making a saddle in his leather workshop
A saddler in leather apron making a saddle in his workshop. Handcoloured woodcut engraving from The Book of English Trades and Library of the Useful Arts, Phillips, London, 1818

Background imageWoodcut Collection: A weaver weaving fabric on a loom in a cottage

A weaver weaving fabric on a loom in a cottage. Handcoloured woodcut engraving from The Book of English Trades and Library of the Useful Arts, Phillips, London, 1818

Background imageWoodcut Collection: Jeweller at his bench with leather covers

Jeweller at his bench with leather covers. His tools include files, drills, hammer, pliers, wire drawer and crucible

Background imageWoodcut Collection: C17 WOOD TURNER / WOODCUT

A wood turner Date: 17th century

Background imageWoodcut Collection: Man of Lahore (Punjab) in black suit, turban

Man of Lahore (Punjab) in black suit, turban and cape, carrying a bow.. Handcolored woodcut from Auguste Wahlens Manners, Customs and Costumes of all the People of the World, Brussels, 1845

Background imageWoodcut Collection: Girl from the Himalayan mountains playing with a parrot

Girl from the Himalayan mountains playing with a parrot
Siamese man (Thailand) in pointed hat, shirt, dhoti, and slippers.. Handcolored woodcut from Auguste Wahlens Manners, Customs and Costumes of all the People of the World, Brussels, 1845

Background imageWoodcut Collection: Riga, mid-16th century. Woodcut. Cosmographia

Riga, mid-16th century. Woodcut. Cosmographia
History of Latvia. Riga. View of the city in the mid-16th century. Woodcut. Cosmographia by Sebastian Munster (1488-1552). Basel, 1550. Latvian War Museum. Riga. Latvia

Background imageWoodcut Collection: Woodcut depicting a peasant with axe, bow

Woodcut depicting a peasant with axe, bow
Peasant with axe, bow and arrows, 16th century, Woodcut of unknown artist. Sweden, 16th century

Background imageWoodcut Collection: Witches Sabbath as reported in a judgment delivered

Witches Sabbath as reported in a judgment delivered by the court of Arras in 1460

Background imageWoodcut Collection: Wale fishing. Facsimile after a woodcut from La

Wale fishing. Facsimile after a woodcut from La
Whale fishing. Facsimile after a woodcut from La cosmographie universelle by Andre Thevet (1516-1590), published in Paris in 1575

Background imageWoodcut Collection: Transport of goods by camel for loading onto ships

Transport of goods by camel for loading onto ships. Facsimile after a woodcut from La cosmographie universelle by Andre Thevet (1516-1590), published in Paris in 1575

Background imageWoodcut Collection: Court-fool. Engraving after a woodcut in Sebastian

Court-fool. Engraving after a woodcut in Sebastian Munster's Cosmographia universalis, published in Basel in 1552

Background imageWoodcut Collection: Lion trainers and sellers in Constantinople. Facsimile

Lion trainers and sellers in Constantinople. Facsimile after a woodcut from La cosmographie universelle by Andre Thevet (1516-1590), published in Paris in 1575

Background imageWoodcut Collection: Interior of Italian Kitchen. Cooks preparing a

Interior of Italian Kitchen. Cooks preparing a feast. Facsimile of a woodcut from the cookbook of Cristoforo di Messisbugo, Banchetti compositioni di Vivende, published in Ferrara, 1549

Background imageWoodcut Collection: The sommelier in his function. Engraving after

The sommelier in his function. Engraving after a woodcut in Sebastian Munster's Cosmographia universalis, published in Basel in 1552

Background imageWoodcut Collection: Interior of an hostelry. 19th century facsimile

Interior of an hostelry. 19th century facsimile after a woodcut from an edition of Virgil's works published in Lyon in 1517

Background imageWoodcut Collection: The pond fisherman. Engraving after a woodcut

The pond fisherman. Engraving after a woodcut in Sebastian Munster's Cosmographia universalis, published in Basel in 1552

Background imageWoodcut Collection: Dealer in eggs. Engraving after a 16th-century

Dealer in eggs. Engraving after a 16th-century
Dealer in eggs. Engraving after a woodcut by Cesare Vecellio (ca. 1521-ca. 1601) from De gli habiti antichi, et moderni di diverse parti del mondo, Venice, 1590

Background imageWoodcut Collection: Poultry dealer. Facsimile of a 16th century engraving

Poultry dealer. Facsimile of a 16th century engraving
Poultry dealer. Facsimile from a woodcut by Cesare Vecellio (ca. 1521-ca. 1601). Moeurs, usages et costumes au moyen-age et a l'epoque de la Renaissance, by Paul Lacroix. Paris, 1878

Background imageWoodcut Collection: State banquet. Serving the peacok. 19th century

State banquet. Serving the peacok. 19th century facsimile after a woodcut from an edition of Virgil's works published in Lyon in 1517

Background imageWoodcut Collection: Cultivation of grain for use of the peasants

Cultivation of grain for use of the peasants, and making barley and oat bread. 19th century facsimile after a woodcut from an edition of Virgil's works published in Lyon in 1517

Background imageWoodcut Collection: Village feast. Facsimile of an engraving from 1609

Village feast. Facsimile of an engraving from 1609
Village feast. Facsimile after a woodcut of the Sandrin ou Verd Galant, edition of 1609. Moeurs, usages et costumes au moyen-age et a l'epoque de la Renaissance, by Paul Lacroix. Paris, 1878

Background imageWoodcut Collection: Life in the countryside. A woman with a distaff

Life in the countryside. A woman with a distaff stirring food in a pot. 19th century facsimile after a woodcut from an edition of Virgil's works published in Lyon in 1517

Background imageWoodcut Collection: Tribunal of the King's Bailiff. Engraving. Facsimile

Tribunal of the King's Bailiff. Engraving. Facsimile
Tribunal of the King's Bailiff. Facsimile of a woodcut from Praxis Rerum Civilium by Josse Damhoudere. Antwerp, 1557

Background imageWoodcut Collection: Philip IV (1268-1314). King of France (1285-1314)

Philip IV (1268-1314). King of France (1285-1314), called Philip the Fair. King Philip IV in battledress on his entry into Paris in 1304 after having defeated the Communes of Flanders

Background imageWoodcut Collection: George Gascoigne, English poet and soldier, 1534-1577

George Gascoigne, English poet and soldier, 1534-1577
George Gascoigne, English poet, soldier and courtier of the Elizabethan era, 1534-1577. In ruff collar and suit of armour, with books on a shelf. Tam Marti Quam Mercurio

Background imageWoodcut Collection: William Bullein, English physician and cleric, c.1515-1576

William Bullein, English physician and cleric, c.1515-1576. Bearded man in cap, furred mantle, standing with staff next to a human skull and bone

Background imageWoodcut Collection: Andrew Boorde, English traveller, physician and writer

Andrew Boorde, English traveller, physician and writer
Andrew Boorde, c. 1490 - 1549, English traveller, physician, holy man and writer

Background imageWoodcut Collection: Malay man of Singapore

Malay man of Singapore. He wears a bandana, long-sleeved jacket, pants and belt. Malais (Oceanie)

Background imageWoodcut Collection: Warrior of Sawu island, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia

Warrior of Sawu island, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia. He wears a batik headcloth, ikat sarong (skirt), belt with kris, bracelets, and carries a lance and shield

Background imageWoodcut Collection: Warrior of Solor Island, Lesser Sunda Islands, Indonesia

Warrior of Solor Island, Lesser Sunda Islands, Indonesia. His war dress is decorated with tall plant fronds. He wears a coat with cowrie shells, sash belt, shield and sword

Background imageWoodcut Collection: Javanese man in court dress

Javanese man in court dress. He wears a kuluk (cap), batik chelana (pantaloons), dodot (sarong cloth), sabuk (waistband), kris (dagger) and wedung (chopper). Javanais en habit de cour

Background imageWoodcut Collection: Young Malay woman carrying pales of water with a yoke

Young Malay woman carrying pales of water with a yoke. She is bare-breasted and wears a sarong. Jeune Malaise portant de l'eau. Oceanie

Background imageWoodcut Collection: Noble woman of Java, Indonesia

Noble woman of Java, Indonesia. She wears a dodot and sarong (skirt) in batik, sabuk (waistband), kemban (corset), gold necklace and bracelets. Dame Javanaise de la haute classe (Oceanie)

Background imageWoodcut Collection: Aborigines man of Jervis Bay and Kangaroo Island, Australia

Aborigines man of Jervis Bay and Kangaroo Island, Australia
Aborigine man named Djacamel of Jervis Bay, and aboriginal women of Kangaroo Island, Australia. Naturel du Port Jervis, Femmes de l'Ile des Kanguroos (Oceanie)

Background imageWoodcut Collection: Native of Pulau Yos Sudarso, Muli Strait, New Guinea

Native of Pulau Yos Sudarso, Muli Strait, New Guinea. He wears a necklace, armlet and belt, and holds a spear, bow and arrows. Naturel du Detroit Princesse Marianne

Background imageWoodcut Collection: Native of the island of Vatulele, Fiji, Melanesia

Native of the island of Vatulele, Fiji, Melanesia. He wears a turban and loincloth and carries a bow and arrows. Naturel de l'ile Vatou-Lele (Archipel Viti)

Background imageWoodcut Collection: Melanesian man of Vanikoro, Solomon Islands, Pacific Ocean

Melanesian man of Vanikoro, Solomon Islands, Pacific Ocean. He wears a bandana, nose piercing, loincloth, necklace, armlets and anklets. He holds a bow and poisoned arrows

Background imageWoodcut Collection: Melanesian chief and man of Vanou, Vanikoro, Solomon Islands

Melanesian chief and man of Vanou, Vanikoro, Solomon Islands, Pacific Ocean. The chief wears a bandana, earrings and necklace, the man below with a wooden nose piercing

Background imageWoodcut Collection: Tuluun warrior of the Carteret Islands, Papua New Guinea

Tuluun warrior of the Carteret Islands, Papua New Guinea. He is tattooed all over his face and body, wears a feather headdress, necklace and anklets and a grass skirt. He carries a bow and arrow

Background imageWoodcut Collection: Papuan man of Dory Harbour, West Papua

Papuan man of Dory Harbour, West Papua. He wears face tattoos, an ornamental comb in his hair, necklace, harness, armlets, and yellow breechcloth. Papou de Havre Dorey (Nouvelle Guinee)

Background imageWoodcut Collection: Native of the Carteret Bay, Nui Allan, Papua New Guinea

Native of the Carteret Bay, Nui Allan, Papua New Guinea
Native of the Carteret Bay, Nui Allan, New Ireland, Papua New Guinea. He wears face paint, necklace, cape, bracelets and anklets. Naturel du Havre Carteret (Nouvelle Irlande)

Background imageWoodcut Collection: A Javan man in war dress, Indonesia

A Javan man in war dress, Indonesia
A Javan man in war dress. Man in chelana (pantaloons), sikapan (jacket), kotan and sangsang (vests), ang'ger (belt), pedang (sword) and kris (dagger). Javanais en costume de guerre

Background imageWoodcut Collection: Maori chief of Houa-Houa (Uawa), Tolaga Bay, North Island, New Z

Maori chief of Houa-Houa (Uawa), Tolaga Bay, North Island, New Zealand. He wears a cloak, necklace, face tattoos, Te moko, and carries a spear. Chef d'une Tribu de la Nouvelle Zelande (Oceanie)

Background imageWoodcut Collection: Busts of Maori men with face tattoos or Ta moko from New Zealand

Busts of Maori men with face tattoos or Ta moko from New Zealand. Man from Tolaga Bay with feather in his hair (top) and man from Cape Terawhiti (below). Types des naturels de la Nouvelle Zelande

Background imageWoodcut Collection: Maori warrior of Souraki (Hauraki Gulf), North Island, New Zeala

Maori warrior of Souraki (Hauraki Gulf), North Island, New Zealand. He has face tattoos or Ta moko, wears a striped cloak and holds a broad-bladed paddle. Guerrier de Souraki ou Chouraki

Background imageWoodcut Collection: Warrior of Tongatapu, Kingdom of Tonga

Warrior of Tongatapu, Kingdom of Tonga. His face, torso and arms are part-covered in warpaint, he wears a tooth necklace and carries a large mace. Guerrier de Tonga Tabou

Background imageWoodcut Collection: Tahitian girl of Pitcairn Island, 19th century

Tahitian girl of Pitcairn Island, 19th century
Tahitian girl of Pitcairn Island, South Pacific Ocean. One of the Tahitiian women brought by the English mutineers of HMS Bounty

Background imageWoodcut Collection: Native man of Tikei Island, Tuamotu group, French Polynesia

Native man of Tikei Island, Tuamotu group, French Polynesia. Wearing a grass skirt, rolled green-leaf ear plugs, necklace, and headdress. His body decorated with geometric tattoos

Background imageWoodcut Collection: Tattooed warrior of Nuku Hiva, Marquesas Islands

Tattooed warrior of Nuku Hiva, Marquesas Islands (Nukahiwa). Noukahiwa (Oceanie). Standing portrait of a warrior with his body entirely tattooed

Background imageWoodcut Collection: Ronggeng or rongging, dancing girl of Java, Indonesia

Ronggeng or rongging, dancing girl of Java, Indonesia. She wears a silk tapih (petticoat), pemakak (corset) and sembong (sash)

Background imageWoodcut Collection: Warrior of Nuku Hiva, Marquesas Islands

Warrior of Nuku Hiva, Marquesas Islands (French Polynesia). He wears a feather headdress, short cape, lioncloth, holds a cudgel and is tattooed all over his torso and limbs

Background imageWoodcut Collection: Tattooed and bare-breasted young woman dancing a hula, Maui, Haw

Tattooed and bare-breasted young woman dancing a hula, Maui, Haw
Tattooed and bare-breasted young woman dancing a hula while seated on the ground. Dancing girl of Maui, Hawaii

Background imageWoodcut Collection: Warrior of the Hawaiian Islands

Warrior of the Hawaiian Islands. He wears a headdress decorated with mushrooms, face tattoos, cape and check shirt (a tattoo in the original). Guerrier des iles Sandwich

Background imageWoodcut Collection: Portrait of Queen Kaonoe of Hawaii

Portrait of Queen Kaonoe of Hawaii
Queen Kaonoe or Kaou-Onoe of Hawaii. She is shown barebreasted with a headdress, large necklace and tattoos on her face and body. Reine des iles Sandwich

Background imageWoodcut Collection: Toraja man of Tondano, Sulawesi, Greater Sunda Islands, Indonesi

Toraja man of Tondano, Sulawesi, Greater Sunda Islands, Indonesia. He wears a turban with feather, necklaces, batik loincloth, and anklets. He carries a lance and traditional kanta shield

Background imageWoodcut Collection: Chamorro woman of the island of Guam, Mariana Islands

Chamorro woman of the island of Guam, Mariana Islands, Micronesia. Josephe Cortez, daugher of the Alcalde (Mayor) of Umati. She wears a cross, chemise and petticoat, and smokes a cigar

Background imageWoodcut Collection: Make-Tetti, Raja of Dao island, Maluku Islands, Indonesia

Make-Tetti, Raja of Dao island, Maluku Islands, Indonesia
Make-Tetti, Raja of Dao, Maluku Islands, Indonesia. The king wears a bandana, striped shirt and holds a staff. One of the Lease Islands near Ambon, Haruku, Nusa Laut and Manipa. Rajah de Dao

Background imageWoodcut Collection: Native of Rote Island, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia

Native of Rote Island, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia. He wears a conical palm-leaf hat, cape and sarong, and holds a two-prong lance. Naturel de l'Ile Rotti or Rottie

Background imageWoodcut Collection: Herald of Timor, West Timor, Indonesia

Herald of Timor, West Timor, Indonesia
Herald of Amarasi, Kupang, Timor, West Timor, Indonesia. He wears a hat with decorative plant fronds and feathers, and a fringed tunic. Herault de Timor

Background imageWoodcut Collection: Botocudo men of Brazil with wooden plugs in the lip and ear

Botocudo men of Brazil with wooden plugs in the lip and ear
Portraits of Botocudo men of Brazil with their distinctive wooden plugs in the lip and ear. Botocudos. Handcoloured woodcut by L

Background imageWoodcut Collection: Matses or Matis warrior of Brazil

Matses or Matis warrior of Brazil, with facial tattoos, labrets, and piercings with macaw feathers and snail shells. Maxurunas Indian, Brazil. Maxourounas (Bresil)

Background imageWoodcut Collection: Low-class Quechua woman and man of Chuquisaca, Bolivia, South Am

Low-class Quechua woman and man of Chuquisaca, Bolivia, South America. She wears a round pleated and embroidered dress, white bodice, and wears her hair in several long braids

Background imageWoodcut Collection: Native American woman of Lima, Peru

Native American woman of Lima, Peru. She wears the manto (cape), saya (dress), embroidered apron, silk stockings and satin shoes. Femme de Lima

Background imageWoodcut Collection: Mixed-race man with torch, Lima, Peru

Mixed-race man with torch, Lima, Peru
Mixed-race man or mestizo with torch or candle, Lima, Peru. He wears a straw hat, poncho, jacket, short pants and sandals, White and Native American descent. Metis. Handcoloured woodcut by L

Background imageWoodcut Collection: Native American gaucho from the region of Buenos-Ayres, Argentin

Native American gaucho from the region of Buenos-Ayres, Argentina. In sugar-loaf hat, striped poncho, trousers and spurs, holding bolas or boleadoras to hunt on the pampas

Background imageWoodcut Collection: Woman of the Pampas lowlands, Argentina

Woman of the Pampas lowlands, Argentina. She wears a dress of striped fabrics, necklace and earrings, and carries a feather fan and cord or lasso. Femme Pampas

Background imageWoodcut Collection: Inuit woman with facial tattoos, Yukon, Canada

Inuit woman with facial tattoos, Yukon, Canada
Inuit woman with facial tattoos, Mackenzie River, Yukon, Canada. She wears a parka or anorak made of seal skin, trousers and boots of animal skin. Femme Esquimaux

Background imageWoodcut Collection: Native (Inupiat) man of Sarichef Island, Alaska

Native (Inupiat) man of Sarichef Island, Alaska. He wears a hooded parka or anorak, trousers and boots of animal skin, holding a bow and arrow. His mouth has piercings of walrus-ivory rings

Background imageWoodcut Collection: Inuit man of the Mackenzie River, Yukon

Inuit man of the Mackenzie River, Yukon, Canada. He wears a parka or anorak and trousers made of animal skins, holds a knife and fish. Eskimaux

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