Two Ancient Britons, male and female, painted with woad (a blue dye) and armed with swords and spears
Woaded Briton in CoracleA native of ancient Britain in woad markings paddles his coracle fishing boat on the river
Ancient Britons lounging in a hutAncient Celtic Britons lounging in a hut. Man with bow and quivers of arrows, torso tattooed with woad, fur robe, bare-breasted woman in animal-skin skirt, cattle and sheep in the background
Maaeata and Caledonian men of the pre-Roman eraMaaeata and Caledonian men, inhabitants of the plains and forests of North Britain, pre-Roman era. The Catini man on the left carries a cat, a club with four spikes
Britons, tattooed Caledonians and Queen BoudicaAncient Briton with spear and shield, naked Caledonians with woad tattoos, and Queen Boudica with wooden chariot
Woad species, Isatis tinctoria. Handcoloured woodblock engraving of a botanical illustration from Adam Lonicers Krauterbuch, or Herbal, Frankfurt, 1557
Dyers woad, Isatis tinctoria. Dyer sDyers woad, Isatis tinctoria, Pastel des Teinturers. Handcoloured steel engraving by L. Lebrun after a botanical illustration by Edouard Maubert from Pierre Oscar Reveil, A. Dupuis, Fr
Passionflower and dyers woadPassionflower, Passiflora uraniae 1, and dyers woad, Isatis tinctoria 2. Passiflore, pastel
Woad, Isatis tinctoria. Handcoloured copperplate engraving after an illustration by Richard Duppa from his The Classes and Orders of the Linnaean System of Botany, Longman, Hurst, London, 1816
Woad and dyers rocketWoad or glastum, Isatis tinctoria 1, and dyers rocket, Reseda luteola 2
Curtis British Entomology Plate 734Coleoptera: Trogosita mauritanica = Tenebroides mauritanicus [Plant: Isatis tinctoria (Woad)] Date: 1824-39
An ancient Briton in a fishing boatAn ancient Briton in a round coracle boat catching fish with a net. He has paint on his body (woad) which would have been used to intimidate his enemies during battle. Date: circa 400BC
PLANTS / ISATIS TINCTORIAWOAD Date: early 20th century
WOADPict warrior dressed in woad
Woad-leaved centaurea with yellow fluffy flowers, native of the east, Centaurea glastifolia
Pict WarriorA Pict warrior dressed in woad
Briton, Pict, Roman, DruidAncient Briton, Roman, Pict and a Druid
Plants / Isatis TinctoriaSmallage, or Wild Celery
Uncultivated StateAncient Britons in their most uncultivated state