DragonfliesThe Pond Patrol. Various types of dragonfly. From the Look and Learn Eighth Book of the Wonders of Nature (1974)
Okapi chewing leavesOkapi eating leaves from a tree branch drawn for Drawing at the Zoo published in 1949
Winter Circle by Vernon WardSwans and ducks swim together in a pond, watched by gulls who stand in the snow
Winter Plumage by Vernon WardA group of waterfowl on a lake in a London park including a tufted duck, Mallard, Pintail and Sheldrake
Family Tree by Vernon WardA group of tufted ducks huddle together on the lake in St. Jamess Park in London during the winter
Round Pond 1927Wildlife on the Round Pond in Kensington Gardens
Futuristic encounter with an octopusA futuristic encounter with an octopus on the seabed. A man rescues a woman from its clutches
A lion attacking a rhinoA male lion leaps on the back of a rhinoceros and tries to bite into its neck
Wolves fightingA pack of wolves circle two of their number who are fighting. One wolf appears to have the upper hand over his rival
Animals and Their Homes
Fox chasing rabbitsA fox chases a colony of rabbits through the snow and brings one down
Animals of Mount Everest, 1924Illustration showing Mount Everest and the wildlife seen there in 1924
Venezuela / Orinoco 1894VENEZUELA - The banks of the Orinoco teem with picturesque wildlife, but some it can be dangerous, too - note that leopard prowling nearby
Railways and Wild BoarIn Sweden, a herd of wild boar are panicked by a railway train plowing through their forest habitat
Z for Zoo. Chimpanzees tea-partyZ for Zoo. Which is the biggest zoo in the world? The Etosha Reserve in South-West Africa, home to this chimpanzees tea-party. From Treasure no. 215 (25 February 1967)
Blue tits feeding on nuts
The Dead Tree. Things you might find in and around a dead tree include a dove, an owl, a bat, a pigeon or even a field mouse
Feeding ducks from a hammock
Feeding the birds in winter
Boy watching an unidentified bird
Unidentified butterfly
Robin Redbreast and Jenny Wren
Gnu in a zoo. Cartoon
Duck and ducklings
Performing seal
Duck and flying ducklings
Ducks in the rain
Animal railway station
Baby Elephant and Bird
Smartly-dressed squirrel. Source unknown
By the Stream. From Once Upon a Time no. 135 (11 September 1971)
Squirrel on a scarecrow. Source unknown
Giselle of the Woods
A swan glides elegantly along a river, with a castle in the background, and a lizard, bird and flowers in the foreground 1925
A witch sits by her cauldron surrounded by wildlife: a raven sit on top of her armchair, an owl perches in the beams, a tortoise and fish (presumably alive no more) dangle from the ceiling
WPC with children at London Zoo conservation eventA Metropolitan Police WPC poses for her photograph with three children and one adult at London Zoo, where they are taking part in a Conservation in Action event
An idyllic rural scene: a farmhouse surrounded by fertile land, with a hedgehog and rabbit roaming peacefully, and a bird singing happily in the foreground. 1925
A deer lounges in lush, tropical surroudings. Flowers bloom and trees merge with one another in a scene of beautiful abundance. 1925
Group of people on Westminster Beach, LondonA man and woman with three children and an inflatable dolphin on " Westminster Beach", an area of sand in a London park
A vixen with her cubsA vixen playing with her fox cubs
The World of Animal Life book front coverBook jacket for The World of Animal Life featuring silhouettes of a lion and monkeys. 1910
Burmese Pagoda - Kolkata (Calcutta), IndiaA promotional card for the National Council for Animals Welfare of London. " God gave us the World" - " Man gives us a CAGE" Date: circa 1920s
Scott Polar Expedition 1910 - 1912 - seals and iceSeals basking on newly formed pancake ice off Cape Evans, captured by photographer Herbert Ponting during the ill-fated Scott Polar Expedition to the South Pole, 1910 - 1912. Date: 1913
Death in StratosphereDEATH IN THE STRATOSPHERE (Henry J Kostkos) Explorers encounter alarming wildlife up there : the heroine, dressed for golf, defends her spacecraft Date: 1937
Ducks in LindisfarneEider and Long-tailed ducks swimming just off Holy Island on the Northumberland coast
Studies of avocetsA series of studies of avocets, ducking under the water surface, taking off, looking for fish
Zoology of the Antarctic Regions drawn by Dr. WilsonA series of heads of the Adelie penguin, Pygoscelis adeliae, drawn by Dr Wilson, who accompanied and died with Captain Scott on his fateful expedition to reach the South Pole in 1912
A pair of long-eared owls, one large, one small, inside a shallow alcove in Paradise Park, a wildlife sanctuary in Hayle, Cornwall. The long-eared owl is medium-sized
Close-up of a Snowy OwlA close-up of a Snowy Owl in Paradise Park, a wildlife sanctuary in Hayle, Cornwall. The Snowy Owl is a large, diurnal white owl with a rounded head, yellow eyes and black bill
A pair of young Little Owls. This small owl was introduced to the UK in the 19th century. It can be seen in the daylight, usually perching on a tree branch, telegraph pole or rock
Wildlife sceneCountryside wildlife scene, with a variety of different animals, insects, plants and birds
Stag leapingA stag leaps over a fence in a wintry landscape - illustration for The Harbourer story
FlamingoesPink flamingoes wading in a pool
Giraffes / Filming / 1970SFilming giraffes at Woburn Abbey
THE HOTHOUSE PLANET (Arthur K Barnes) Space travellers from Earth encounter the wildlife of Venus - and find that it is very wild indeed !
Neptune WildlifeMONSTERS OF NEPTUNE (Henrik Dahl Juve) Visitors to Neptune encounter powerful creatures who trample on their spacecraft
Caribbean Landscape 1520The beautiful landscape and fauna of the Caribbean as it was seen by the first Europeans
Beetle / Lamia Roylii / TzsLAMIA ROYLII