Wild boar, Sus scrofaEurasian wild pig, wild boar, Sus scrofa. Handcoloured copperplate engraving by James Heath from George Shaw's General Zoology: Mammalia, Thomas Davison, London, 1801
Tapir, hippo, pig and boarSouth American tapir, Tapirus terrestris a, hippo, Hippopotamus amphibius b, domestic pig, Sus domesticus c, and wild boar, Sus scrofa d
Hunters and hounds hunt a wild boar in England, 18th century. The boar stands on a prone huntsman while hounds bark and snap. Hunstmen in hunting pinks with spears ride horses in the background
A fox watching a wild boar sharpen its tusks on a tree in preparation. The fox and the wild boar. Illustration of a fable by Greek author Aesop
A lion and wild boar fight while vultures circle above. Wild boar and lion. Illustration of a Greek fable
A flock of sheep wait for slaughter by a butcher, and a boar mocks them from the long grass. Wild boar, sheep and butcher. Illustration of a fable by English poet John Gay
The Gardener and the Hog. A gardener in apron is attacked by a drunken pet hog. He hits the boar with a shovel as it bites his leg. In a formal garden with terrace, pond, balustrade and vase
Wild boar and domestic pigWild boar, Sus scrofa 29, and boar, domesticated pig, Sus domesticus 28, outside a pig sty
Cupid hunting stag, fox and wild boar with houndsCupid hunting stag, wild boar and fox with hounds. Winged cupids armed with darts chase game animals. Genii Caccia in cristallo
Wild boar hunting in ancient Rome. Hounds harry a boar that has been speared under a tree. In carnelian. Caccia del Cingniale. In corgniola