Westland Widgeon IIIA, G-aGH
An Afternoon At Home at a Modern Flying Club by JohnsRepresentative types of British light aeroplanes flying over a typical modern aerodrome
Westland WS-51 Mk.3 Widgeon G-APTW Date: circa 1966
Grumman G-44A Widgeon N44CH - FP469Grumman G-44A Widgeon N44CH / FP469 (msn 1454) Date: circa 2000
Grumman G-44A Widgeon ZK-CFA (msn 1439), of N.Z. Tourist Air Travel Ltd, at Mechanic's Bay, NZ. Date: 1964
Westland Widgeon G-APTWWestland S-51 Series 2 Widgeon G-APTW (msn WA/H/150), of Westland Aircraft Limited, in the colours of Executair, which leased it from June 1959. Date: circa 1959
Westland WS. 51 Srs. 2 Widgeon G-APPSWestland WS.51 Srs.2 Widgeon G-APPS (msn WA/H/3), of British United Airways 1960-1961
Grumman G. 44 Widgeon N4617Grumman G.44 Widgeon N4617 (msn 1364), which is seen after being re-engined with Lycoming GO-435 six-cylinder, horizontally opposed engines of around 212 hp. Date: circa 1960
Grumman G. 44 Widgeon N4617NGrumman G.44 Widgeon N4617N Date: 1950s
Westland-Sikorsky WS-51 Mk. 1A G-ALIKWestland-Sikorsky WS-51 Mk.1A G-ALIK (msn WA/H/3) at the Royal Aeronautical Society Garden Party on 15th June 1952. In the background can be seen British European Airways Bell 47B-3 G-AKFB
RTAF Museum - WidgeonLiaison Type 6 - Grumman G.44A Widgeon in the Royal Thai Air Force Museum at Don Mueang Royal Thai Air Force Base. Date: 1970s / 1980s
Grumman J4F Widgeon of US Coast Guard that came under US Navy jurisdiction in wartime
The Water Crawl Widgeon by Heath RobinsonThe " Water Crawl" Widgeon - bluffing device on the Norfolk jungle
Westland Widgeon III, G-AUGI / VH-UGIWestland Widgeon III, G-AUGI/VH-UGI, is still airworthy
Westland Widgeon IIIA, G-aFD, Miss Ethyl, of the Anglo-American Oil Co
Fully-enclosed cabin temporarily fitted to Westland WidgeonA fully enclosed cabin was temporarily fitted to Westland Widgeon III, G-EBRO
Westland Widgeon III, G-EBRL
Westland Widgeon III
Westland Widgeon I
Westland Widgeon II, G-EBJT
Wackett Widgeon model
Wackett Widgeon
Wackett Widgeon, G-EAKB
The Goliah steamer paying out the electric wireThe first submarine electric telegraphic despatch from Dover to Cape Grinez, near Calais