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Whip Collection

Background imageWhip Collection: Cats in a dog cart - Louis Wain

Cats in a dog cart - Louis Wain
Expect Us. A group of cats go for a spin in a cart pulled by two slightly disgruntled dogs! A fun postcard design by Louis Wain, the master of the anthromophisation of cats. Date: 1905

Background imageWhip Collection: Setting off on a Fox Hunt - leaving the Chateau

Setting off on a Fox Hunt - leaving the Chateau
A group of Upper Class French Gentlemen and lady set off on a Fox Hunt - leaving the Chateau along with attendant handlers, Master of the hounds, horn bearers

Background imageWhip Collection: Shire horse drawn dray

Shire horse drawn dray
Shire horse drawn brewery dray passes through a village, delivering beer to The Lamb and Flag pub. Painting by Malcolm Greensmith

Background imageWhip Collection: Railway Sleeper - Melton Mowbray Station

Railway Sleeper - Melton Mowbray Station
The Railway Sleeper series - A snoozing Hunstman taking a nap with his foxhound at Melton Mowbray Station! Painting by Malcolm Greensmith

Background imageWhip Collection: Silhouette of fox hunting scene

Silhouette of fox hunting scene
Silhouette of a fox hunting scene with two horse riders in red jackets leaping a fence

Background imageWhip Collection: Horse-Drawn Bus London

Horse-Drawn Bus London
A Horse-drawn bus operating the Waterloo Station to Somerset house route

Background imageWhip Collection: Chaucer, Wife of Bath

Chaucer, Wife of Bath
The Wife of Bath on her pilgrimage

Background imageWhip Collection: Barnum & Bailey Poster

Barnum & Bailey Poster
Poster for Barnum and Baileys Circus

Background imageWhip Collection: Fox hunter is thrown and falls on his head

Fox hunter is thrown and falls on his head
A fox hunter is thrown when his horse refuses a fence, and he lands on his head in the next field

Background imageWhip Collection: Britannia and Eve magazine, November 1939

Britannia and Eve magazine, November 1939
Front cover illustration featuring a 1930s lady decked out in the finest equestrian attire, complete with top hat, tails and whip

Background imageWhip Collection: Mrs Sullivan of Covent Garden Market

Mrs Sullivan of Covent Garden Market
Mrs Sullivan, or Auntie of the Garden, a famous character in Covent Garden Market who earned her living from looking after the carters whips

Background imageWhip Collection: Mr Percy Holden Illingworth, MP, and Lord Murray

Mr Percy Holden Illingworth, MP, and Lord Murray
Mr Percy Holden Illingworth, the chief whip for the Liberal Party pictured with Lord Murray whose purchase of the American Marconi shares had been leaked, causing much scandal at the time

Background imageWhip Collection: Shavington Day / Hunting

Shavington Day / Hunting
SHAVINGTON DAY A trial between rival packs and horsemen. Participating is the eccentric Shropshire Squire of Halston John Mytton (1796-1834)

Background imageWhip Collection: Hotspur and his Wife

Hotspur and his Wife
Act II Scene 3 Hotspur and his wife (Lady Percy)

Background imageWhip Collection: Princess Elizabeth riding as Colonel of the Grenadier Guards

Princess Elizabeth riding as Colonel of the Grenadier Guards
Princess Elizabeth (1926-2022) (later Queen Elizabeth II) riding in the uniform of Colonel of the Grenadier Guards - pictured outside Buckingham Palace. Preparing to hold the reins of power

Background imageWhip Collection: Sir William Hart Dyke MP, Vanity Fair, Ape

Sir William Hart Dyke MP, Vanity Fair, Ape
SIR WILLIAM HART DYKE MP, 7th Baronet (1837-1931) English Conservative politician and Conservative whip from 1868 to 1874. Caption: A whipper Date: 1837-1931

Background imageWhip Collection: Nursery Rhyme - Ride a Cock-Horse

Nursery Rhyme - Ride a Cock-Horse
Nursery Rhyme -- Ride a Cock-Horse to Banbury Cross. Showing a cute little boy on a hobby horse. Date: circa 1920s

Background imageWhip Collection: Cowboy on a Bucking Bronco

Cowboy on a Bucking Bronco Date: 1906

Background imageWhip Collection: Profile portrait of a racehorse

Profile portrait of a racehorse in full flight, along with inset illustrations of a jockeys cap and crop. Date: circa 1910s

Background imageWhip Collection: Whip and Whipping Post at Wandsworth Prison

Whip and Whipping Post at Wandsworth Prison
Whip and Whipping Post at Surrey Prison and House of Correction, Wandsworth Date: 1862

Background imageWhip Collection: Board of Trade Rocket Apparatus for Saving Lives from Shipwr

Board of Trade Rocket Apparatus for Saving Lives from Shipwr
Engraving showing Board of Trade equipment for use to help shipwrecked sailors, 1886

Background imageWhip Collection: Mail coach on the High Street at Stony Stratford

Mail coach on the High Street at Stony Stratford
A packed vintage four-horse mail coach on the High Street at Stony Stratford, Buckinghamshire

Background imageWhip Collection: Racial Type / Buchanan

Racial Type / Buchanan
James Buchanan wears checked jodhpurs, gaiters & boots, a red waistcoat, a wing collar & tie, a tweed jacket with rounded front borders & a low crowned top hat

Background imageWhip Collection: Thomas Merthyr Guest, Vanity Fair, CG

Thomas Merthyr Guest, Vanity Fair, CG
THOMAS MERTHYR GUEST (1838-1904) Wealthy landowner, shown on horseback in red hunting jacket, smoking a pipe. Caption: Blackmore Vale Date: 1838 - 1904

Background imageWhip Collection: Corporal of 16th The Queens Lancers

Corporal of 16th The Queens Lancers
Corporal of The 16th The Queens Lancers - the medals worn are the India Medal (2 bars)and the Distunguished Conduct Medal

Background imageWhip Collection: Chinese Emperor Wu Wang in horse-drawn carriage

Chinese Emperor Wu Wang in horse-drawn carriage
Chinese Emperor Wu Wang (Zhou Dynasty) in his eight-horse carriage

Background imageWhip Collection: Book cover, Londres et Les Anglais

Book cover, Londres et Les Anglais (London and the English), by Dumont and Suger. 1908

Background imageWhip Collection: Riding habit

Riding habit
Woman wearing a traditional Victorian riding habit. circa 1840s

Background imageWhip Collection: Brochure cover, W Barratt & Co Ltd, Northampton

Brochure cover, W Barratt & Co Ltd, Northampton
Brochure cover design, W Barratt & Co Ltd, Northampton, advertising Footshape boots by post. Depicting an 18th century scene with a coach and horses and a road sign: Boots by Post in 1780

Background imageWhip Collection: Horse drawn bus, Walton-on-the-Naze, Essex

Horse drawn bus, Walton-on-the-Naze, Essex
Sudbury Mills, a well-known local whip, reins up his horses for this photo, taken before setting out on a pleasure trip from Walton-on-the-Naze to Clacton-on-Sea and back

Background imageWhip Collection: African Elephant and Zoo Keeper

African Elephant and Zoo Keeper at the London Zoological Gardens in Regents Park

Background imageWhip Collection: Lady Randolph Churchill

Lady Randolph Churchill
JENNIE JEROME, (1854 - 1921) Lady Randolph Churchill, mother of Winston Churchill and wife of the Tory politician Randolph Churchill

Background imageWhip Collection: Shadow drawing. C. H. Bennett, Trumpet

Shadow drawing. C. H. Bennett, Trumpet
Blowing his own trumpet. Illustration from a series of shadow portraits of fictional characters by Charles H Bennett entitled Shadow and Substance, 1860

Background imageWhip Collection: Man riding out of town on a Bank Holiday

Man riding out of town on a Bank Holiday
A man rides his skinny white horse out of a smoky town on a Bank Holiday

Background imageWhip Collection: Foxhunting lady in studio photo, Mid Wales

Foxhunting lady in studio photo, Mid Wales
A foxhunting lady poses in full hunting gear in the photographers studio, Mid Wales. She sits sidesaddle on a table, rather than on her horse

Background imageWhip Collection: Gents Private Carriage

Gents Private Carriage
The comfort of being driven like a gentleman

Background imageWhip Collection: Ridinger Haute Ecole 14

Ridinger Haute Ecole 14
Haute Ecole : Trotting the horse in a circle by means of a cord attached to the bridle

Background imageWhip Collection: Sherlock Holmes - The Adventure of The Speckled Band

Sherlock Holmes - The Adventure of The Speckled Band. "He made neither sound nor motion." Date: 1892

Background imageWhip Collection: Sherlock Holmes - The Adventure of The Speckled Band

Sherlock Holmes - The Adventure of The Speckled Band. "We got off, paid our fare." Date: 1892

Background imageWhip Collection: Black Beauty

Black Beauty
Illustration by Edmund Blampied in Black Beauty by Anna Sewell. Go on Beauty, said my master, giving me a touch with the whip. Date: 1922

Background imageWhip Collection: The New Drill - Smart performer with a Diabolo

The New Drill - Smart performer with a Diabolo - In the USA the fad for the toy ran from circa 1905 to 1910 (caricatures of public figures with the toy made it to newspapers)

Background imageWhip Collection: Portrait of a Boy in the 17th-century Style, by

Portrait of a Boy in the 17th-century Style, by
Leonardo Alenza y Nieto (1807-1845). Spanish painter. Portrait of a Boy in the 17th-century Style, ca. 1840. Oil on canvas, 110, 4 x 72, 8 cm. Prado Museum. Madrid. Spain

Background imageWhip Collection: Milan I (1854-1901). Prince of Serbia, as Milan

Milan I (1854-1901). Prince of Serbia, as Milan IV (1868-1882). King of Serbia as Milan I (1882-1889). Entry of Prince Milan IV in Belgrade. Engraving. La Guerra de Oriente (The Russo-Turkish War)

Background imageWhip Collection: Costume of a German waggoner, 16th century

Costume of a German waggoner, 16th century. He wears a fur cap with plume, jacket of coarse cloth or organsin, leather vest or burichetto, large leather bag, culottes and high boots

Background imageWhip Collection: Saint Ursula, martyred in the 4th century

Saint Ursula, martyred in the 4th century
Saint Ursula, Sainte-Ursule, martyred in the 4th century. Roman-British Christian saint who was beheaded along with thousands of other virgin martyrs in Cologne, 383

Background imageWhip Collection: A hunter whips a foxhound Ringwood for barking

A hunter whips a foxhound Ringwood for barking and yelping during the hunt. The hound and hunstman. Illustration of a fable by English poet John Gay

Background imageWhip Collection: King Henry II's penance at Canterbury Cathedral, 1174

King Henry II's penance at Canterbury Cathedral, 1174
King Henry II's public penance at Canterbury Cathedral, 1174. The king has his bare back scourged by monks with cat o'nine tails in front of Thomas Becket's tomb

Background imageWhip Collection: Spahi or cavalry man of the Ottoman Empire

Spahi or cavalry man of the Ottoman Empire
Spahi or cavalry man from the Asiatic provinces of the Ottoman Empire. His uniform comprises tall turban, jacket, shirt, girdle, loose pants, red boots, armed with musket, dagger, pistol and whip

Background imageWhip Collection: Two Janissaries in ceremonial dress

Two Janissaries in ceremonial dress
Two Janissaries or Ottoman infantry in ceremonial dress. One wears a felt hat with a long square tail, cloak and tunic with two daggers in his gold girdle

Background imageWhip Collection: Costume of a Tartar or Tatar man

Costume of a Tartar or Tatar man. He wears a cap, cloak, jacket, loose pants and red boots. In his girdle are pistols, whip and scimitar

Background imageWhip Collection: Egyptian sphynx, scarab beetle, Horus, etc

Egyptian sphynx, scarab beetle, Horus, etc
Egyptian sphynx from the obelisk of the sun, Campus Martius, serpent with tail in its mouth, scarab bettle, head of Sphynx, Horus with whip emerging from a lotus. Vignette of Egyptian Symbols

Background imageWhip Collection: Cupid, with whip and bridle, mounted on a lion

Cupid, with whip and bridle, mounted on a lion
Cupid, Roman god of love, with whip and bridle, mounted on a lion. The lion holds a goat's head between his paws. Cupid curbing a Lion. From a sardonyx in the Cabinet of Strozzi

Background imageWhip Collection: The skeleton of Death and the Phaeton

The skeleton of Death and the Phaeton. Death kneels behind a two-horse gig loosening one wheel from the axle. A man cracks a whip in the driver's seat and a woman holds a parasol

Background imageWhip Collection: Title page from Volume 2 of Death's Doings

Title page from Volume 2 of Death's Doings
Title page with calligraphy and vignette of the skeleton of Death with rope and whip looking at a man hanging from a gibbet, the Last of the Graceless

Background imageWhip Collection: Dustman with dust cart in front of New Church Strand, London, 18

Dustman with dust cart in front of New Church Strand, London, 18
Dustman with dust cart in front of New Church Strand. In hat, jacket, waistcoat, breeches and boots, holding a bell and whip. Wagon loaded with broken ladder, basket, and other rubbish

Background imageWhip Collection: The Hound and the Huntsman

The Hound and the Huntsman. A huntsman with horn, dismounts his horse and thrashes a young fox hound Ringwood for barking

Background imageWhip Collection: Roman juggler or entertainer with performing bear

Roman juggler or entertainer with performing bear
Marcello, Roman juggler or entertainer with performing bear. In heliotrope. The trainer entices the bear to dance with whip and meat. Giocore Givocolatore Parte Avversa in elitropia

Background imageWhip Collection: Venus riding Capricorn in the ocean

Venus riding Capricorn in the ocean
Love goddess Venus of the Sea in lapis lazuli. She holds a sprig of myrtle and rides a sea goat representing Capricorn. Cupid follows with a whip keeping them on course. Dolphins in the oval frame

Background imageWhip Collection: A fox driving a chariot drawn by two roosters

A fox driving a chariot drawn by two roosters. The birds signify cunning and vigilance. In red jasper. Carro della Volpe, in diaspro rosso

Background imageWhip Collection: Roman charioteer driving a biga to victory

Roman charioteer driving a biga to victory
Aurigator or Roman charioteer driving a biga, a two-horse chariot. He wears a pileus felt hat and holds a whip. The palm signifies victory in a race. In carnelian. Avricatore. In corgnola

Background imageWhip Collection: United States. Emigrants on carts heading out West

United States. Emigrants on carts heading out West
Emigrants on carts heading out West. Engraving by Vernier. Panorama Universal. History of the United States of America, from 1st edition of Jean B.G

Background imageWhip Collection: United States. Emigrants on carts heading out West - Vernier

United States. Emigrants on carts heading out West - Vernier
Emigrants on carts heading out West. Engraving by Vernier. Panorama Universal. History of the United States of America, from 1st edition of Jean B.G

Background imageWhip Collection: Siberian horse with winter coat - Lemaitre, Vernier, Monnin

Siberian horse with winter coat - Lemaitre, Vernier, Monnin
Siberian horse with winter coat. Engraving by Lemaitre, Vernier and Monnin. History of Russia by Jean Marie Chopin (1796-1870). Panorama Universal, Spanish edition, 1839

Background imageWhip Collection: In with the horse-herd Date: 1887

In with the horse-herd Date: 1887

Background imageWhip Collection: Regency physician riding a horse wearing a chin piece

Regency physician riding a horse wearing a chin piece
Regency physician riding a horse wearing a protective wooden chin piece. A bewildered family of farm labourers watch him go. Dr. Cassock F.R.S. Inventor of the Noble Puzzle for Tumble Down Horses

Background imageWhip Collection: Lady in two-wheeled horse-drawn carriage

Lady in two-wheeled horse-drawn carriage. circa 1890

Background imageWhip Collection: Master of the Tiverton Stag Hounds

Master of the Tiverton Stag Hounds. Date: 1961

Background imageWhip Collection: Harold Davidson, former rector of Stiffkey, Norfolk

Harold Davidson, former rector of Stiffkey, Norfolk
Harold Davidson (1875-1937), defrocked former rector of Stiffkey, Norfolk, seen here lion taming at Skegness in July 1937. Unfortunately, this kind of activity led to his being attacked and killed

Background imageWhip Collection: Cats riding in an open carriage on a postcard

Cats riding in an open carriage on a postcard
Cats riding in an open carriage, drawn by cats, on a postcard. Date: circa 1890s

Background imageWhip Collection: Muriel Dawson Sketchbook Sketch Book Toy Toys

Muriel Dawson Sketchbook Sketch Book Toy Toys
muriel, dawson, sketchbook, sketch, book, toy, toys, horse, horses, wheels, riding, play, playing, hobbyhorse, hobby, mothers, child, children, toddler, toddlers, whip, 1921, 1920s, history

Background imageWhip Collection: The Dogs Dinner Party

The Dogs Dinner Party Date: early 19th century

Background imageWhip Collection: Kraft Cheese Advertisement Illustration

Kraft Cheese Advertisement Illustration
An advertisement illustration for Kraft Cheese Co. Ltd, showing a lady taking a spoonful of miracle whip salad dressing, for her plate of lettuce, tomatoes and salami. Date: circa 1939

Background imageWhip Collection: The New Pet, terrier puppy with whip

The New Pet, terrier puppy with whip, by Ruth Cobb Date: 1937

Background imageWhip Collection: Turkey. Constantinople. The Sehzade Mosque

Turkey. Constantinople. The Sehzade Mosque
Ottoman Empire. Turkey. Constantinople (today Istanbul). Exterior view of the Sehzade Mosque, 16th century. Ottoman era mosque located in the Fatih district

Background imageWhip Collection: The Hobby Horse

The Hobby Horse
An oil painting of a young girl enjoying a day out in the countryside by the sea, with a large decorative hobby horse, wielding a whip. Date: circa 1915

Background imageWhip Collection: Arthur Roberts, actor, in the title role, as Gentleman Joe

Arthur Roberts, actor, in the title role, as Gentleman Joe
Arthur Roberts, actor, theatrical portrait in the title role, as Gentleman Joe, the Hansom Cabbie, in cab driver's uniform with whip. With quotation from the script, Can you spare it?'

Background imageWhip Collection: Scene on the beach at Scarborough, North Yorkshire

Scene on the beach at Scarborough, North Yorkshire Date: 1812

Background imageWhip Collection: Turkey. Constantinople. The Sehzade Mosque. Engraving

Turkey. Constantinople. The Sehzade Mosque. Engraving
Ottoman Empire. Turkey. Constantinople (today Istanbul). Exterior view of the Sehzade Mosque, 16th century. Ottoman era mosque located in the Fatih district

Background imageWhip Collection: Four-in-Hand, 1881, by Jozef Chelmonski (1849-1914). Detail

Four-in-Hand, 1881, by Jozef Chelmonski (1849-1914). Detail
Jozef Chelmonski (1849-1914). Polish painter. Four-in-Hand, 1881. Detail. 19th Century Polish Art Gallery (Sukiennice Museum). National Museum of Krakow. Poland. Date: 2018

Background imageWhip Collection: A two horse carriage with hatted ladies on excursion

A two horse carriage with hatted ladies on excursion
The coach and horses are outside the London South Western Railway offices in Lynton. A poster on the wall offers excursions by Sam Colwill

Background imageWhip Collection: Smartly dressed Edwardian lady cab driver with whip

Smartly dressed Edwardian lady cab driver with whip
This is a set of four picture postcards showing the lady driver on top of the cab and her then falling into the cab and into the arms of a top-hatted elegant gentleman passenger. Date: 1900

Background imageWhip Collection: Early American stage coach

Early American stage coach Date: 1901

Background imageWhip Collection: Advert, H. H. Babcock Carriage Company, New York

Advert, H. H. Babcock Carriage Company, New York
H.H. Babcock Carriage Company, New York Date: 1901

Background imageWhip Collection: Dog grooming, English Foxhounds at the Hunt Kennels

Dog grooming, English Foxhounds at the Hunt Kennels
Dog Grooming, English Foxhounds at the Hunt Kennels by George Wright. Date: 1907

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