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Westwood Collection

Background imageWestwood Collection: Bolton Wanderers FC football team 1935

Bolton Wanderers FC football team 1935. Back row: Goslin, Atkinson, Smith, Jones, Finney (Captain), Taylor. Front row: Taylor, Eastham, Milsom, Westwood, Cook. 1935

Background imageWestwood Collection: The study of Rev. Charles Haddon Spurgeon at Westwood

The study of Rev. Charles Haddon Spurgeon at Westwood Victorian period

Background imageWestwood Collection: Imperial moth, gray-banded zale and black zale

Imperial moth, gray-banded zale and black zale
Imperial moth, Eacles imperialis 1, 2, gray-banded zale, Zale squamularis 3, and black zale, Zale undularis 4. Handcoloured lithograph from John O

Background imageWestwood Collection: King swallowtail and Jamaican kite butterfly (endangered)

King swallowtail and Jamaican kite butterfly (endangered)
King swallowtail butterfly, Papilio thoas 1, 2, and Jamaican kite swallowtail, Protographium marcellinus (endangered) 3, 4. Handcoloured lithograph from John O

Background imageWestwood Collection: White admiral, gold-spotted sylph and pathfinder butterflies

White admiral, gold-spotted sylph and pathfinder butterflies
White admiral butterfly, Limenitis camilla 1, 2, gold-spotted sylph, Metisella metis 3, 4, and common pathfinder, Catuna crithea 5, 6. Handcoloured lithograph from John O

Background imageWestwood Collection: Fluminense swallowtail, Anteros acheus and Parides agavus

Fluminense swallowtail, Anteros acheus and Parides agavus
Fluminense swallowtail, Parides ascanius, vulnerable 1, Anteros acheus, upper side 2, under side 3, and Parides agavus swallowtail butterfly 4. Handcoloured lithograph from John O

Background imageWestwood Collection: The Study of Charles Spurgeon at Westwood

The Study of Charles Spurgeon at Westwood

Background imageWestwood Collection: Double-decker bus - Ramsgate - Westwood - Margate

Double-decker bus - Ramsgate - Westwood - Margate
Double-decker bus; Ramsgate - Westwood - Margate, 48 seater Hall Lewis. Date: circa 1940

Background imageWestwood Collection: Dragon stick insect and Stagmomantis domingensis

Dragon stick insect and Stagmomantis domingensis
Dragon stick insect, Haplopus jamaicensis 1, and Stagmomantis domingensis 2. Handcoloured lithograph from John O

Background imageWestwood Collection: Damselfly, carpenter bee and potter wasp

Damselfly, carpenter bee and potter wasp
Helicopter damselfly, Mecistogaster lucretia 1, tropical carpenter bee, Xylocopa latipes 2, and potter wasp, Synagris cornuta, male 3. Handcoloured lithograph from John O

Background imageWestwood Collection: Dragonflies and skimmers

Dragonflies and skimmers
Dragonflies: bar-winged skimmer, Libellula axilena 1, halloween pennant, Celithemis eponina 2, portia widow dragonfly, Palpopleura portia 3, and fulvous forest skimmer, Neurothemis fulvia 4

Background imageWestwood Collection: Giant grasshopper, Tropidacris dux

Giant grasshopper, Tropidacris dux. Handcoloured lithograph from John O. Westwoods new edition of Dru Drurys Illustrations of Exotic Entomology, Bohn, London, 1837

Background imageWestwood Collection: Schizodactylus monstrosus and giant tobacco cricket

Schizodactylus monstrosus and giant tobacco cricket
Schizodactylus monstrosus cricket 1, and giant tobacco cricket, Brachytrupes membranaceus 2. Handcoloured lithograph from John O

Background imageWestwood Collection: Exotic crickets and grasshoppers

Exotic crickets and grasshoppers
Eupropacris coeruleus grasshopper 1, Chromacris miles 2, and Gryllacris tessellata 3. Handcoloured lithograph from John O

Background imageWestwood Collection: Exotic crickets and wasps

Exotic crickets and wasps
Eneoptera surinamensis cricket 1, bedbug species, Cimex corticatus 2, mammoth wasp, Megascolia maculata flavifrons? 3, and Pelecinus polyturator wasp 4. Handcoloured lithograph from John O

Background imageWestwood Collection: Sawyer, jewel and longhorn beetles

Sawyer, jewel and longhorn beetles
Steirastoma pustulatum beetle 1, Carolina sawyer beetle, Monochamus carolinensis 2, metallic jewel beetle, Chrysochroa fulgens 3, and longhorn beetle, Lagocheirus araneiformis 4

Background imageWestwood Collection: Diamond beetle and weevils

Diamond beetle and weevils
Brazilian diamond beetle, Entimus imperialis 1, bearded weevil, female, Rhinostomus barbirostris 2, red-spotted lily weevil, Brachycerus ornatus 3, strawberry root weevil, Sciaphilus asperatus 4

Background imageWestwood Collection: Exotic weevils

Exotic weevils
Stem-boring weevil, Hadroplontus litura 1, 2, Curculio longipes weevil, Calandra serrirostris male? 3, and Phyllobius oblongus 4, 5. Handcoloured lithograph from John O

Background imageWestwood Collection: Exotic beetles including vulnerable rosalia alpina

Exotic beetles including vulnerable rosalia alpina
Longhorn beetles: Sternotomis mirabilis 1, Prosopocera bipunctata 2, Polyrhaphis spinosa 3, citrus long-horned beetle, Anoplophora chinensis 4, and vulnerable rosalia longicorn, Rosalia alpina 5

Background imageWestwood Collection: Macleays swallowtail, dark umber and chain-dotted geometer

Macleays swallowtail, dark umber and chain-dotted geometer
Macleays swallowtail moth, Lyssa macleayi (underside) 1, dark umber, Philereme transversata 2, and grey chain-dotted geometer, Cingilia catenaria 3. Handcoloured lithograph from John O

Background imageWestwood Collection: Exotic moths including the achemon sphinx

Exotic moths including the achemon sphinx
Achemon sphinx, Eumorpha achemon 1, Macroglossum passalus 2, Glaucopis? pulchra 3, and Manduca brontes 4. Handcoloured lithograph from John O

Background imageWestwood Collection: Exotic moths including yam and Levant hawkmoths

Exotic moths including yam and Levant hawkmoths
Yam hawk moth, Theretra nessus 1, Trichura druryi, female 2, Horama plumipes 3, and Levant hawk-moth, Theretra alecto 4. Handcoloured lithograph from John O

Background imageWestwood Collection: Fig sphinx, huckleberry sphinx and pawpaw sphinx moths

Fig sphinx, huckleberry sphinx and pawpaw sphinx moths
Fig sphinx moth, Pachylia ficus 1, huckleberry sphinx, Paonias astylus 2, and pawpaw sphinx, Dolba hyloeus 3. Handcoloured lithograph from John O

Background imageWestwood Collection: Giant sphinx and twin-spotted sphinx moths

Giant sphinx and twin-spotted sphinx moths
Giant sphinx moth, Cocytius antaeus Sphinx antaeus 1, and twin-spotted sphinx, Smerinthus jamaicensis 2, 3. Handcoloured lithograph from John O

Background imageWestwood Collection: Madagascan sunset moth and pan hairstreak

Madagascan sunset moth and pan hairstreak
Madagascan sunset moth, Chrysiridia rhipheus 1, 2, and pan hairstreak, Electrostrymon pan 3, 4. Handcoloured lithograph from John O

Background imageWestwood Collection: Great eggfly and perseis mimic forester butterflies

Great eggfly and perseis mimic forester butterflies
Great eggfly or blue moon butterfly, Hypolimnas bolina, female Nymphalis jacintha 1, 2, and perseis mimic forester, Euphaedra perseis Nymphalis perseis 3, 4. Handcoloured lithograph from John O

Background imageWestwood Collection: Amesia sanguiflua and milkweed tiger moth

Amesia sanguiflua and milkweed tiger moth
Amesia sanguiflua moth 1, 2, milkweed tiger, Euchaetes egle 3, and Noctua chera moth of Surinam 4. Handcoloured lithograph from John O

Background imageWestwood Collection: Common glider, original club-dot sailer and smoky orange tip

Common glider, original club-dot sailer and smoky orange tip
Common glider butterfly, Cymothoe caenis, male 1, 2, original club-dot sailer, Neptis melicerta 3, 4, and smoky orange tip, Colotis euippe omphale 5, 6. Handcoloured lithograph from John O

Background imageWestwood Collection: Jamaican banner, soldier pansy and brilliant

Jamaican banner, soldier pansy and brilliant
Jamaican banner butterfly, Lucinia cadma 1, 2, soldier pansy or soldier commodore, Junonia terea 3, 4, and brilliant nymph, Acraea circeis 5, 6. Handcoloured lithograph from John O

Background imageWestwood Collection: Spotted joker, calypso white and silver emperor butterflies

Spotted joker, calypso white and silver emperor butterflies
Spotted joker butterfly, Biblia ilithyia 1, 2, calypso white, Belenois calypso 3, 4, and silver emperor, Doxocopa laure 5, 6. Handcoloured lithograph from John O

Background imageWestwood Collection: Western blue-banded forester and African giant skipper

Western blue-banded forester and African giant skipper
Western blue-banded forester, Euphaedra eupalus (Nymphalis erithonius) 1, 2, and African giant skipper, Pyrrhochalcia iphis (Hesperia iphis) 3, 4, ventral and dorsal

Background imageWestwood Collection: Exotic moths including Imbrasia epimethea

Exotic moths including Imbrasia epimethea
Imbrasia epimethea (Saturnia epimethea) 1, pink-striped oakworm moth, Anisota virginiensis (Dryocampa virginiensis) 2, Crameria aegocera (Aegocera amabilis) 3

Background imageWestwood Collection: Exotic moths including the female promethea silkworm

Exotic moths including the female promethea silkworm
Promethea silkmoth, Callosamia promethea (Saturnia promethea) female, dorsal 1, ventral 2, short-lined chocolate moth, Argyrostrotis anilis (Noctua anilis) 3, and figured tiger moth

Background imageWestwood Collection: Exotic moths including the promethea silkworm

Exotic moths including the promethea silkworm
Promethea silkmoth, Callosamia promethea (Saturnia promethea) male, dorsal 1, ventral 2, Pitthea famula (Callimorpha? famula) 3, and Antheua servula (Odonestis? servula) 4

Background imageWestwood Collection: Exotic butterflies including the common jezebel

Exotic butterflies including the common jezebel
Wavy common palmfly, Elymnias hypermnestra undularis (Biblis undularis) 1, 2, white admiral, Limenitis arthemis (Nymphalis Limenitis arthemis) 3, 4, and common jezebel

Background imageWestwood Collection: Indian fritillary butterfly, Argynnis hyperbius

Indian fritillary butterfly, Argynnis hyperbius, female 1, male 2. Handcoloured lithograph from John O. Westwoods new edition of Dru Drurys Illustrations of Exotic Entomology, Bohn, London, 1837

Background imageWestwood Collection: Western emperor swallowtail and Indian sunbeam

Western emperor swallowtail and Indian sunbeam
Western emperor swallowtail, Papilio menestheus 1, 2, and Indian sunbeam, Curetis thetis (Thecla thetis), female 3, 4, ventral and dorsal views. Handcoloured lithograph from John O

Background imageWestwood Collection: Blue diadem and redbase jezebel

Blue diadem and redbase jezebel
Blue diadem butterfly, Hypolimnas salmacis (Nymphalis salmacis) 1, 2, ventral and dorsal, and redbase jezebel, Delias pasithoe (Pieris pasithoe) 3, 4. Handcoloured lithograph from John O

Background imageWestwood Collection: Tree-nymph, large smoky acraea and glasswing

Tree-nymph, large smoky acraea and glasswing
Tree-nymph butterfly, Idea lynceus (Idaea lyncea) 1, large smoky acraea, Acraea camaena 2, and glasswing, Ithomia drymo (Heliconia diaphana) 3. Handcoloured lithograph from John O

Background imageWestwood Collection: Exotic moths including the tasar silkmoth

Exotic moths including the tasar silkmoth
Tasar silkmoth, Antheraea mylitta (Saturnia mylitta) 1, specious tiger moth, Asota speciosa (Noctua? speciosa) 2, and Hypocrita pylotis (Callimorpha? pylotis) 3. Handcoloured lithograph from John O

Background imageWestwood Collection: Green-banded swallowtail and spotted fritillary butterfly

Green-banded swallowtail and spotted fritillary butterfly
Green-banded swallowtail butterfly, Papilio nireus 1, 2, and spotted fritillary, Melitaea didyma (Melitaea cytheris) 3, 4, ventral and dorsal. Handcoloured lithograph from John O

Background imageWestwood Collection: Exotic butterflies including the Madagascar

Exotic butterflies including the Madagascar
Madagascar giant swallowtail, Pharmacophagus antenor (Papilio antenor) 1, hairstreak butterfly, Thecla sylvanus 2, 3, and white-banded babul blue, Azanus isis (Polyommatus isis) 4, 5

Background imageWestwood Collection: Common brown morpho and falsehead butterfly

Common brown morpho and falsehead butterfly
Common brown morpho, Antirrhea philoctetes (Haetera philoctetes) 1, 2, wing 3, common falsehead butterfly, Oxylides faunus (Thecla faunus) female 4, 5, ventral and dorsal views

Background imageWestwood Collection: Mantis and stick insects

Mantis and stick insects
Conehead mantis, Empusa pennicornis 1, wandering violin mantis, Gongylus gongylodes 2, common walkingstick insect, Diapheromera femorata 3. Handcoloured lithograph from John O

Background imageWestwood Collection: Hunter s, orange tip and grey pansy butterflies

Hunter s, orange tip and grey pansy butterflies
Hunters butterfly, Pyrameis huntera 1, orange-tip butterfly, Pieris (Thestias) pyrene? 2, and grey pansy butterfly, Junonia atlites 3. Illustration drawn and engraved by Moses Harris

Background imageWestwood Collection: African and brown-spotted locusts

African and brown-spotted locusts
African locust, Phymateus cinctus 1, and brown spotted locust, Cyrtacanthacris tatarica? 2. Handcoloured lithograph from John O

Background imageWestwood Collection: Exotic dragonflies and skimmers

Exotic dragonflies and skimmers
Carolina saddlebags dragonfly, Tramea carolina 1, ebony jewelwing, Calopteryx maculata 2, seaside dragonlet, Erythrodiplax berenice 3, slender skimmer, Orthetrum sabina 4, and 12-spotted skimmer

Background imageWestwood Collection: Exotic dragonflies, darners and skimmers

Exotic dragonflies, darners and skimmers
Dragonfly larval forms 1, 2, 3, common whitetail dragonfly, Libellula lydia 4, green darner, Anax junius 5, and scarlet skimmer or crimson darter, Crocothemis servilia 6

Background imageWestwood Collection: Exotic antlion lacewings and fishfly

Exotic antlion lacewings and fishfly
Antlion lacewing species: Palpares libelluloides 1, Euptilon ornatum 2, fishfly species, Chauliodes pectinicornis 3, and lacy wings, Vella americana 4. Handcoloured lithograph from John O

Background imageWestwood Collection: Flies, wasps and dauber

Flies, wasps and dauber
Mydas fly, Mydas clavatus 1, horsefly, Tabanus americanus 2, 3, digger wasp, Sphex jamaicensis 4, scoliid wasp, Scolia fossulana 5, and black and yellow mud dauber, Sceliphron caementarium imago 6

Background imageWestwood Collection: Exotic insects

Exotic insects
Jewel bug, Poecilocoris druraei 1, 5, Galerita americana 2, snout weevil, Brenthus minutus 3, magnified 7, and Casnonia longicollis, natural size 4, magnified 6. Handcoloured lithograph from John O

Background imageWestwood Collection: Leopard and red lacewing butterflies

Leopard and red lacewing butterflies
Leopard lacewing, Cethosia cyane 1, and red lacewing butterfly, Cethosia biblis 2, ventral and dorsal views. Handcoloured lithograph from John O

Background imageWestwood Collection: Exotic longhorn beetles

Exotic longhorn beetles
Longhorn beetles: Stenodontes damicornis 1, hardwood stump borer, Mallodon dasystomus 2, Nothopleurus maxillosus 3. Handcoloured lithograph from John O

Background imageWestwood Collection: Scarab beetles

Scarab beetles: Copris sulcatus 1, Carolina copris, Dichotomius carolinus 2, rainbow scarab beetle, Phanaeus carnifex 3, male 4, female 5, small black dung beetle, Copris minutus 6

Background imageWestwood Collection: Goliath beetle, Goliathus giganteus

Goliath beetle, Goliathus giganteus. Handcoloured lithograph from John O. Westwoods new edition of Dru Drurys Illustrations of Exotic Entomology, Bohn, London, 1837

Background imageWestwood Collection: Hercules beetle and sculptured pine borer

Hercules beetle and sculptured pine borer
Hercules beetle, Dynastes hercules male 1, female 2, and sculptured pine borer, Chalcophora virginiensis 3. Handcoloured lithograph from John O

Background imageWestwood Collection: Black witch and salt marsh moth

Black witch and salt marsh moth
Black witch, Erebus odora 1, and salt marsh moth, Estigmene acrea, female 2, male 3. Handcoloured lithograph from John O

Background imageWestwood Collection: Satellite sphinx and spurge hawkmoth

Satellite sphinx and spurge hawkmoth
Satellite sphinx, Eumorpha satellitia, female 1, male 2, and spurge hawk-moth, Hyles euphorbiae 3. Handcoloured lithograph from John O

Background imageWestwood Collection: Exotic sphinx moths

Exotic sphinx moths
Vine sphinx moth, Eumorpha vitis 1, mournful sphinx, Enyo lugubris 2, tersa sphinx, Xylophanes tersa 3, and streaked sphinx, Protambulyx strigilis 4. Handcoloured lithograph from John O

Background imageWestwood Collection: Luna and ornate moths

Luna and ornate moths
Luna moth, Actias luna 1, and ornate moth, Utetheisa ornatrix 2, 3. Handcoloured lithograph from John O. Westwoods new edition of Dru Drurys Illustrations of Exotic Entomology, Bohn, London, 1837

Background imageWestwood Collection: Exotic butterflies

Exotic butterflies
Hooked copper, Phasis thero 1, metalmark butterfly, Riodina lysippus 2, large faun, Faunis eumeus 3, and common nawab, Charaxes athamas 4, ventral and dorsal views

Background imageWestwood Collection: Exotic butterflies including the palamedes swallowtail

Exotic butterflies including the palamedes swallowtail
Palamedes swallowtail butterfly, Papilio palamedes 1, 2, Antillea pelops 3, 4, and Caribbean duskywing, Ephyriades arcas arcas 5, 6. Handcoloured lithograph from John O

Background imageWestwood Collection: Exotic moths including cecropia

Exotic moths including cecropia
Cecropia moth, Hyalophora cecropia 2, Limacodes ? arenacea moth 1, arge tiger moth, Grammia arge 3, fall webworm, Hyphantria cunea 4, and goldenrod flower moth, Schinia nundina 5

Background imageWestwood Collection: Gold rim swallowtail and red ring skirt butterfly

Gold rim swallowtail and red ring skirt butterfly
Gold rim swallowtail butterfly, Battus polydamas 1, 2, and red ring skirt, Hestina assimilis 3, 4. Handcoloured lithograph from John O

Background imageWestwood Collection: Azure hawker and exotic insects

Azure hawker and exotic insects
Azure hawker, Aeshna caerulea 1, Lampyris gigantea 2, Phoraspis picta 3, and lantern fly, Phrictus diadema 4. Handcoloured lithograph from John O

Background imageWestwood Collection: Blue admiral, rustic and evening brown butterflies

Blue admiral, rustic and evening brown butterflies
Blue admiral, Kaniska canace 1, 2, rustic butterfly, Cupha erymanthis 3, 4, and common evening brown, Melanitis leda 5, 6. Handcoloured lithograph from John O

Background imageWestwood Collection: Titan and other exotic beetles

Titan and other exotic beetles
Titan beetle, Titanus giganteus 1, Heilipus? scalaris 2, Cosmisoma plumicorne 3, Cyphus 16-punctatus 4, and Solenopus cacicus 5. Handcoloured lithograph from John O

Background imageWestwood Collection: Elater beetles

Elater beetles: Tetralobus flabellicornis 1, Agrypnus quadrimaculatus 2, Cardiophorus? pictus 3, Semiotus ligneus 4, Semiotus suturalis 5, and Chalcolepidus porcatus 6

Background imageWestwood Collection: Exotic beetles

Exotic beetles
Ectrichodia barbicornis 1, Cerbus falx 2, Diactor latipes 3, Hammatocerus purcis 4, Cerbus sanctus 5, Raphigaster validus 6, Cerbus umbrosus 7, and Hammatocerus conspicillaris 8

Background imageWestwood Collection: Flower beetle and other exotic beetles

Flower beetle and other exotic beetles
Flower beetle, Mecynorrhinella torquata 1, Agrilinus rufus 2, Rutela lineola 3, and Macraspis cincta 4. Handcoloured lithograph from John O

Background imageWestwood Collection: African flower mantis and exotic beetles

African flower mantis and exotic beetles
African flower mantis, Pseudocreobotra ocellata Mantis Harpax ocellaria 1, Pentatoma bicolorata 2, Cerbus? flaveolus 3, Diaspidius scapha 4, and Pyrrhocoris princeps 5

Background imageWestwood Collection: Spider wasps, digger wasp and carpenter ant

Spider wasps, digger wasp and carpenter ant
Spider wasp, Pepsis atrox 1, digger wasp, Sphex sericeus 2, queen carpenter ant, Camponotus fervidus 3, and African spider wasp, Pepsis severa 4. Handcoloured lithograph from John O

Background imageWestwood Collection: Antlion, Palpares libelluloides

Antlion, Palpares libelluloides. Handcoloured lithograph from John O. Westwoods new edition of Dru Drurys Illustrations of Exotic Entomology, Bohn, London, 1837. Antlion, Palpares libelluloides

Background imageWestwood Collection: Royal goliath beetle, Goliathus regius

Royal goliath beetle, Goliathus regius. Handcoloured lithograph from John O. Westwoods new edition of Dru Drurys Illustrations of Exotic Entomology, Bohn, London, 1837

Background imageWestwood Collection: Great eggly and iphiclus sister butterfly

Great eggly and iphiclus sister butterfly
Great eggfly or blue moon butterfly, Hypolimnas bolina 1, 2, and Iphiclus sister, Adelpha iphiclus 3, 4. Handcoloured lithograph from John O

Background imageWestwood Collection: Owl moth, Thysania zenobia

Owl moth, Thysania zenobia. Handcoloured lithograph from John O. Westwoods new edition of Dru Drurys Illustrations of Exotic Entomology, Bohn, London, 1837. Owl moth, Thysania zenobia

Background imageWestwood Collection: Tiger, daggerwing, satyr and sapho butterflies

Tiger, daggerwing, satyr and sapho butterflies
Harmonia tiger wing, Tithorea harmonia 1, sunset daggerwing, Marpesia furcula 2, andromeda satyr, Cithaerias andromeda 3, and sapho longwing, Heliconius sapho 4. Handcoloured lithograph from John O

Background imageWestwood Collection: Crisia mimic white, Drurys delight and bonasia acraea

Crisia mimic white, Drurys delight and bonasia acraea
Crisia mimic white, Dismorphia crisia 1, 2, Drurys delight, Mesoxantha ethosea 3, 4, and bonasia acraea, Acraea bonasia 5, 6, dorsal, ventral. Handcoloured lithograph from John O

Background imageWestwood Collection: Brilliant nymph, alphaea nymph and doriclea nymph

Brilliant nymph, alphaea nymph and doriclea nymph
Brilliant nymph, Cynandra opis Nymphalis afer 1, 2, Papilio Nymphalis alphaea 3, 4, and doriclea nymph, Euriphene doriclea, Nymphalis doriclaea 5, 6. Handcoloured lithograph from John O

Background imageWestwood Collection: Orange kite swallowtail, Pierella nereis

Orange kite swallowtail, Pierella nereis
Orange kite swallowtail, Protographium thyastes 1, Pierella nereis, male, upper side 2, under side 3, and swallowtail butterfly, Protographium asius 4. Handcoloured lithograph from John O

Background imageWestwood Collection: Dactyloceras lucina moth and common silverspot butterfly

Dactyloceras lucina moth and common silverspot butterfly
Dactyloceras lucina moth 1, and common silverspot butterfly, Aphnaeus orcas, upper side 2, under side 3. Handcoloured lithograph from John O

Background imageWestwood Collection: Eudoxus charaxes and western nightfighter

Eudoxus charaxes and western nightfighter
Eudoxus charaxes butterfly, Nymphalis Charaxes eudoxus mechowi, upper side 1, under side 4, and western nightfighter, Artitropa comus, Hesperia helops, dorsal 2, ventral 3

Background imageWestwood Collection: Common dotted border, western dotted border

Common dotted border, western dotted border
Common dotted border butterfly, Mylothris rhodope 1, 2, western dotted border, Mylothris chloris 3, 4, diverse white or African albatross, Appias epaphia, upper side 5, under side 6

Background imageWestwood Collection: Karkloof emperor or pearl emperor butterfly

Karkloof emperor or pearl emperor butterfly, Charaxes varanes Nymphalis varanes, upper side 1, under side 2. Handcoloured lithograph from John O

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