Portsmouth, Southsea & Isle of Wight Aviation PosterPoster, Portsmouth, Southsea & Isle of Wight Aviation Ltd, Spithead Air Ferry to and from the island, winter fare seven shillings and sixpence return, seven services daily
Map of WessexA map of the Wessex of the novels
Royal Navy helicopters photographed off Portland. From top: Westland Sea King, Westland Wessex HAS1, Westland Wessex HU5, Westland Wessex HAS1, Westland Lynx, Westland Wasp HAS1 and Westlad Gazelle
Three Royal Navy helicopters alongside St Michaels Mount, Cornwall
A Westland Wessex flies over HMS Albion (R07)
An RAF Westland Wessex flies over HMS Fearless (L10) at ?An RAF Westland Wessex flies over HMS Fearless (L10) at Lee-on-Solent, 2 March 1966
Westland Wessex HAS1, XP116, of 845 Royal naval Air Squa?Westland Wessex HAS1, XP116, of 845 Royal naval Air Squadron on the Batang Rajang, September 1963
Page from the Anglo-Saxon ChronicleA page from a version of the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, narrating events of the years 772 to 794
Royal Marine Commandos re-embarking from a Westland Wessex helicopter on to a Royal Navy Commando Carrier
Westland Wessex HC2, XT678, of No28 Squadron RAF Kai Tak?Westland Wessex HC2, XT678, of No28 Squadron RAF Kai Tak, Hong Kong
Drawing Room at Thomas Hardys home, Max GateView of the Drawing Room at Max Gate in Dorchester, Dorset, the home of Thomas Hardy, English novelist and poet
Pleasure Flights Poster, Portsmouth, Southsea & Isle of Wight Aviation Ltd, Bembridge Farm Aerodrome at any time by arrangement at the farm
Queen Elizabeth II and family at Frogmore, 1965The royal family photographed at Frogmore in April 1965
Teenage barmaid, Halfway House, Rame, CornwallTeenage barmaid at the Halfway House, Rame, Cornwall. circa 1980s
Wessex / Waterstone HouseWessex scenery: Waterstone House, Dorset, home of Bathsheba Everdene in Thomas Hardys novel Far From the Madding Crowd
Thomas Hardy, English novelist and poet, at Max GateThomas Hardy, English novelist and poet, outside his home at Max Gate in Dorchester, Dorset. Hardy designed the house, and his brother built it -- Hardy and his first wife Emma moved there in 1885
Wessex / Bockhampton LaneWessex scenery: Bockhampton Lane near Dorchester, model for Mellstock Lane in Thomas Hardys novel Under the Greenwood Tree
Royal Air Force Westland Wessex HC. 2 XR505Royal Air Force Westland Wessex HC.2 XR505 (msn WA130) at RAF Odiham First flight on 01-10-1963, delivered 18-10-1963, to Uruguay Navy as A-081 on 01-1998 Date: 1964
Royal Family at Christmas Service, 1969Members of the Royal family leave St. Georges Chapel, Windsor after attending the Christmas service there
Westland Wessex 52 helicopters for the Iraqi Air Force
A Royal Navy Westland Wessex HU5, XT485, lifts supplies ?A Royal Navy Westland Wessex HU5, XT485, lifts supplies from HMS Hermes (R12)
Westland Wessex HC2s, XR527 and XR588, of No28 Squadron ?Westland Wessex HC2s, XR527 and XR588, of No28 Squadron RAF Kai Tak, Hong Kong, August 1976
Wessex / Bindon Abbey MillWessex scenery: Bindon Abbey Mill, Dorset, where Angel Clare in Thomas Hardys novel Tess of the d Urbervilles proposes to learn milling
Westland Wessex HC-2RAF Westland Wessex Hc-2 Mk-2 at the Intensive Flying Trials Unit at Odiham, UK Date: 1963
Wessex / Blackmore ValeWessex scenery: Blackmore Vale, Dorset, setting for a scene in Thomas Hardys novel Jude the Obscure
Events / Britain / NormanKing Edward the Confessor sends Harold, earl of Wessex, to confirm to William, duke of Normandy, that he will succeed him on the English throne
Westland Wessex HU.5 XS480 BRoyal Navy - Westland Wessex HU.5 XS480 B (msn WA154) of 848 Naval Air Squadron, with another Date: circa 1970
Westland Wessex HC.2 XR526Royal Air Force - Westland Wessex HC.2 XR526 (msn WA148), at the SBAC Farnborough Airshow from 7-13 September 1964 Date: 1964
Westland Wessex HAS.3 XM328Royal Navy - Westland Wessex HAS.3 XM328 (msn WA9), at Le Bourget for the Paris Air Show on 20 June 1965 Date: 1965
Westland Wessex HU.5 XS523Royal Navy - Westland Wessex HU.5 XS523 (msn WA192), sling loading a Land Rover 1/2 ton Lightweight Date: circa 1975
Westland Wessex HC.2 XR523Royal Air Force - Westland Wessex HC.2 XR523 (msn WA145), of No.60 Squadron, at RAF Fairford for the Royal International Air Tattoo on 30 July 1994. Date: 1994
Westland Wessex HC.2 XT606Royal Air Force - Westland Wessex HC.2 XT606 (msn WA533), of 2 FTS, at RAF Fairford for the Royal International Air Tattoo on 30 July 1994. Date: 1994
Westland Wessex HAS.3 XP142 Humphrey (msn WA75), of the Fleet Air Arm Museum, at RNAS Yeovilton on 15 July 1995
Westland Wessex HC.2 XR529Royal Air Force - Westland Wessex HC.2 XR529 (msn WA151), at RNAS Yeovilton on 15 July 1995. Date: 1995
Westland Wessex HU.5 XS508 (msn WA177), of the Fleet Air Arm Museum, at RNAS Yeovilton on 15 July 1995. Date: 1995
Westland Wessex HAS.3 XS119Royal Navy - Westland Wessex HAS.3 XS119 (msn WA98), of 700H NAS, at RNAS Culdrose. Date: circa 1972
Westland Wessex HU.5 XT755Royal Navy - Westland Wessex HU.5 XT755 (msn WA477), of 848 NAS. Date: circa 1972
Westland Wessex HU.5 XS484Royal Navy - Westland Wessex HU.5 XS484 (msn WA158), at the SBAC Farnborough Airshow on 7 September 1964. Date: circa 1972
King Alfred the Great dividing the kingdomKing Alfred tne Great, with books and maps, dividing England into Viking-held Danelaw and Anglo-Saxon held Wessex and Northumbria, 886. Alfred divides the kingdom. Copperplate engraving from M. A
King Alfred of Wessex burns the cakesOne popular legend from the life of Alfred the Great (849-899 AD), originating from 12th century chronicles, tells how after fleeing to the Somerset Levels
Gwen Ffrangcon-Davies in Tess of the D Urbervilles, based on the novel by Thomas Hardy, at the Barnes Theatre, Richmond, SW London. 1925
Westland Wessex HC.2 XT603 - ARoyal Air Force - Westland Wessex HC.2 XT603 / A, of No.103 Squadron at Tengah in April 1973. Date: 1973
SS Atlantic Conveyor, roll-on roll-off container ship, at anchor near Ascension Island, with a Sea Harrier about to land on before being cocooned for the voyage to the Falkland Islands
Woolbridge Manor House, near Lulworth, DorsetWoolbridge Manor House, just outside the village of Wool, near Lulworth, Dorset
Dorchester - The Manor House, Wool, Dorset
Westland Wessex 60 G-ASWIWestland Wessex 60 series 1 G-ASWI (msn WA199, ex G-17-1) of Bristow Helicopters, at Blackpool-Squire's Gate Airport in October 1974
Westland Wessex HC. 2 XS678Royal Air Force - Westland Wessex HC.2 XS678 (msn WA197), of No.72 Squadron at RAF Odiham, in Hampshire. Date: circa 1968
Westland Wessex 60 G-ATSC (msn ), of Bristow Helicopters, at North Denes on 26 February 1968. Date: 1968
Westland Wessex HU. 5 XS486Royal Navy - Westland Wessex HU.5 XS486 (msn WA160), call-sign V, base code CU'), of 707 Naval Air Squadron, at RAF Church Fenton on 26 February 1965. Date: 1965
Westland Wessex HU. 5 XS521Royal Navy - Westland Wessex HU.5 XS521 (msn WA190), call-sign WR, base code CU'), of 707 Naval Air Squadron. Date: circa 1970
Westland Wessex HC. 2 XT680 ERoyal Air Force - Westland Wessex HC.2 XT680 E (msn WA548), of No.28 Squadron at RAF Sek Kong, in Hong Kong. Date: circa 1973
Westland Wessex HAS. 1 XP157Royal Navy - Westland Wessex HAS.1 XP157 (msn, base code CU, call-sign 503'), of 706 Naval Air Squadron from Royal Naval Air Station Culdrose, seen on the 25 May 1964. Date: 1964
Westland Wasp HAS. 1 XT435Royal Navy - Westland Wasp HAS.1 XT435 503 of 829 Naval Air Squadron, with Wessex HAS.3 XS868 and a Batmobile, circa 1966. Date: circa 1966
KING EGBERT (775 - 839), King of the West Saxons (Wessex) (reigned 802 - 839)
Westland Wessex HC. 2 XR505 AriesRoyal Air Force - Westland Wessex HC.2 XR505 Aries (msn WA130), at the Yeovilton International Air Day on 12 July 1996. ( delivered to Uruguay Navy as A-081 in 1998) Date: 1996
Westland Wessex HAS. 31 WA202Royal Australian Navy - Westland Wessex HAS.31 WA202 (msn WA202), at The SBAC Farnborough Air Show on 8 September 1962. Date: 1962
Westland Wessex Mk. 60 Series 1 ZS-HSLWestland Wessex Mk.60 Series 1 ZS-HSL (msn WA463), of Helicopter Services Pty. Ltd.. Date: circa 1978
Westland Wessex HAR. 2 XR518Royal Air Force - Westland Wessex HAR.2 XR518, of No.22 Squadron Search and Rescue squadron. Date: circa 1975
King Edgar of England and King Alfred of Wessex, 9th centuryKing Edgar the Peaceful of England and portrait of King Alfred the Great of Wessex, 9th century
British & Canadian Liberators Monument BrettevilleThis striking Memorial lists all the Participants in the Liberation of Communes between the rivers Thue & Mue, 3rd Can Div, RCA, 2nd Armoured Bde, 43rd Wessex Div, 15th Scottish Div
Westland Wessex passenger aircraft G-ABVB, of the Portsmouth, Southsea and Isle of Wight Aviation Co, also known as the Spithead Ferry. Date: circa 1932
HMS Wessex, British destroyerHMS Wessex (D43), British W-class destroyer. Date: circa 1920s
Alfreds Mother presents him with a volume of poetryAccording to the writings of Asser (a Welsh monk from St David s, Dyfed, who became Bishop of Sherborne in the 890s)
Nieppe, just outside Northern boundary of Armentieres, WW1Nieppe - just outside the Northern boundary of Armentieres. The old Mill, where eggs and fresh milk could be obtained almost up to the time the Bosche attacked
Portuguese Army mule cart en route through Erquinghem, WW1Portuguese Wagon - Portuguese Army mule cart en route through Erquinghem - 14.7.17. Shows regimental insignia in red and green with the figures 13 and 169 on the cart
Storeyard from farmhouse Delacroix Farm, WW1View of the RE storeyard from farmhouse, Delacroix Farm, Sailly-sur-la-Lys. Birds eye view of the Delacroix Farm as laid out as our depot
Typical French kitchen stove, with Hortense Delacroix, WW1A typical French kitchen stove, with Hortense Delacroix. Here I took my cafe au lait each morning before going down line
Sad End of a German Spy Behind the British Line, WW1The Sad End of a German Spy Behind the British Line
Signpost Lane, from British lines to German lines, WW1Signpost Lane, which ran from the British lines, through the German lines into the village of Neuve Chapelle
RE wiring party in front of the trenches, WW1An RE [Royal Engineers] wiring party in front of the trenches
Spy Farm, Rue de Bois, RE store destroyed by shell fire, WW1Spy Farm, Rue de Bois, another RE store, destroyed by shell fire, 26th January 1915. A considerable amount of constructive woodwork was stored here
Cenulph of Wessex is murderedCenulph, King of Wessex, is murdered at Merton, Surrey, by his rival Kynehard and his followers. Kynehard was the brother of the previous king, Sigebert, who had been expelled. Date: 784
THOMAS HARDY (COBURN)THOMAS HARDY Wessex writer Date: 1840 - 1928
Royal Air Force - Westland Wessex HC. 2 XV724 at RAF MarhamWestland Wessex HC.2 XV724 of No. 22 Squadron search and rescue unit. Date: 1980s
Wessex - Moreton - TalbothayWessex scenery: Moreton, Dorset, model for the village near Talbothays in Thomas Hardys novel Tess of the dUrbervilles Date: 1906
WESSEX / PUDDLETOWN 1906Wessex scenery: Puddletown, Dorset, model for Weatherbury in Thomas Hardys novel Far From the Madding Crowd Date: 1906
Blackmore Vale - WessexBlackmore Vale, Dorset: the setting for one of the episodes in Thomas Hardys novel, Jude the Obscure Date: 1906
Westland Wessex 60 series 1 G-AVNE (msn WA561) of Bristow Helicopters at Newcastle Airport. Date: 1969
Westland Wessex 60 series 1 G-AWOX (msn WA686). Date: 1968
Piper PA-30 Twin Commanche - G-ASROPiper PA-30 Twin Commanche G-ASRO (msn 30-395) at Woolsington (Newcastle Airport) owned by Wessex Aviation Ltd. seen shortly after importation from the US. Date: 1964
Westland Wessex HAS. 1 XS125Westland Wessex HAS.1 XS125 call-sign 517 of 771 Naval Air Squadron from RNAS Portland (PO). Date: 1970s
Royal Australian Navy Westland Wessex HAS. 31Royal Australian Navy Westland Wessex HAS.31 (msn WA221) at Yeovil awaiting delivery. Date: circa 1962
Wessex Ridgeway - farmer feeding sheepA farmer feeds his sheep in the early morning on the Wessex Ridgeway high above Wiltshire England Date: 1989
Wessex Ridgeway Wiltshire viewA farmer stands to admire the early morning view across Wiltshire from a hill on the Wessex Ridgeway Date: 1989