Exhausted FootmanAn exhausted footman, reflected in a dressing table mirror, rests his weary head in his hands and ruminates on the lot of an Edwardian servant
Cartoon, The Sleeping Palace (of Westminster)Political cartoon, The Sleeping Palace (of Westminster), at the end of a long and weary House of Commons session - a parody of a painting by Burne-Jones, The Garden Court Date: 1891
WW2 era - Comic Postcard - A Mans JobThe Caption is A Mans job. Women filled so many jobs while the men were away. There is a series of photos showing King George VI and Queen Elizabeth at a balloon site
WW2 era - Comic Postcard - Dreamin of theeThe caption is Dreamin of thee. The card was posted on 24 September 1944 just three months after D-Day, and the war has almost another 8 months to run
The harbour at St. Ives, Cornwall at low tideinsertcaption Date: circa 1920s
Kashmir - boatman paddling his flat-bottomed shikara boatKashmir - yawning boatman paddling his flat-bottomed shikara boat in the Vale of Kashmir Date: 1986
Longing for Past FashionPoor little functionally garbed, war-weary girl of 1917 looks tearfully on as belles of other eras mock her with their pretty feminine elegance. Date: 1917
Patient and Mother / 1879The Convalescent : the sick daughter and her weary watcher Date: 1879
2 Minutes SilenceTwo minutes silence - before getting on with the next war... Date: 1933
Kane / Arctic ExpeditionElisha Kent Kanes Arctic expedition: the escape off Weary Mans Rest Date: 1853 - 1855
Weary Hiker, Comrie, PerthshireWeary Hiker, Comrie, Crieff, near Dalginross, Perthshire, Scotland. Date: 1962
Suffragettes and a Cabinet Minister. Pro-Suffrage Viewpoint showing suffragettes waylaying a Minister weary and worn, who treated the suffragette with scorn The HOUSE that man Built series
Suffragette, Rest for the Weary. A young woman takes a break from the suffrage demo to sit on the lap of a young man. Date: circa 1908
Tramp asks a horrified lady for a hairpin to clean his pipeA Tramp asks a horrified smart lady, seated on a park bench for a hairpin to clean his pipe
Comment on Mixed bathing from two dirty London trampsIn the Bars and Streets. Cartoon drawing by Phil May depicting a vagrant couple giving their opinion on bathing
Kirkpatrick Fleming Poorhouse, Dumfriesshire, ScotlandView of the Kirkpatrick Fleming Combination poorhouse, Dumfriesshire, Scotland. The image is caption " Rest for the Weary" -- the poorhouse mostly catered for the elderly and the bedridden
British troops, the Somme 1916Weary British troops rest after action at Aveluy Wood during the battle of the Somme
Dr. Scotts Electric Hair BrushAdvertisement for Dr. Scotts Electric Hair Brush, 1883. This advert claimed the brush could cure headaches, neuralgia, baldness, dandruff and Immediately soothe the weary brain
Manchester Mill GirlsDinner Time. Mill-girls at a Manchester cotton factory
Merchant Venice / ShylockAct II, Scene v Portrait of Shylock
Schloss RhazunsSCHLOSS (CASTLE) RHAZUNS perched on top of a cliff overlooking a lake. Some weary peasants trudge up steep bank in the foreground
A Weary Seamstress / 1840A weary seamstress
Bunyan / At the GateThe pilgrim at the gate