DURER, Albrecht (1471-1528). Hare. 1502. Renaissance art. Watercolour. AUSTRIA. Vienna. Albertina Gallery
Tango. Watercolor by Marcel Vertes (1895-1961) published in l Illustration on November 26, 1925. Watercolour
FLEMING-WILLIAMS, C. R. (19 c. -20 c. ). Hit!: A patrolFLEMING-WILLIAMS, C.R. (19 c.-20 c.). Hit!: A patrol of F2A flying boats bombing a German submarine. ca. 1918. Watercolour. UNITED KINGDOM. ENGLAND. London. Imperial War Museum
Reconstruction of the Templo Mayor complex in the city of Mexico-Tenochtitlan, founded in 1325
Les Diables Bleus - 21st Regiment of the Chasseurs AlpinsLes Diables Bleus - the 21st Regiment of the Chasseurs Alpins. A platoon on a mountain path by a stream. Pierre Comba (1859-1934)
German design, Spring and Autumn, after watercolours by H Schmidt. Date: circa 1910s
German design, Summer and Winter, after watercolours by H Schmidt. Date: circa 1910s
Prehistory. Paleolithic. Hunters manufacturing weapons and cutting skins. Illustration by Lluis Bargall atercolour
Spanish Golden Age Theater (Siglo de Oro), 16th-17th centuries. classical Open-Air Theatre (Corral de Comedias) in a court. Illustration by Lluis Bargall atercolour
Newmarket ScenesReproductions of watercolours by French artisit Maurice Taquoy (1878-1952), depicting scenes at Newmarket. The top image shows the dip before the finish of the Exeter Stakes
Reeves and Sons Ltd AdvertisementAdvertisement for Reeves and Sons Ltd, The leading artists colourmen. Manufacturers of artists oils and watercolours, brushes, pastels, canvas etc. Date: circa 1930
The Dog ShopReproduction of a watercolour by Christopher Gifford Ambler (1886-1965) Date: circa 1930s
VALUE!value, horizontal, colour, color, outdoor, daylight, exterior, outside, daytime, sunlight, 1, one, man, with, people, person, persons, men, male, masculine, painting, paintings, pictures, picture
Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Ruins of the Alcazar of Toledo, painting by A. Kremer. Watercolour
Spnaish Civil War (1936-1939). Carriage gate on the western facade of the Alcazar of Toledo. Painting by A. Kemer. Watercolour. SPAIN. Madrid. Military Historical Service
S. & J. Fuller printseller & stationery supplier S. & JPublishers of at the time the greatest variety of sporting prints and rudimental works of drawing by first artists. Date: 19th Century
Soldier in green uniform of the Cisalpine Republic, French satellite state in northern Italy created by Napoleon Bonaparte the June 29, 1797 and a precursor of the Italian Republic
Interior of a printing press in the early modern age. Illustration by Lluis Bargall atercolour
Europe. Middle Age. Construction of a gothic Cathedral. Illustration by Lluis Bargall atercolour
Army of the Roman Empire. Officers in the review of the formed legions. Illustration by Lluis Bargall atercolour
Middle Ages in Spain. Market sceneMarket scene in the Middle Ages in the Iberian Peninsula. From left to right, dealer Muslim, Christian and Hebrew. Illustration by Lluis Bargall atercolour
Ballet Les Sylphides, performed by the Diaghilevs Ballets Russes after the choreography by Mikhail Fokin. Watercolour by Ernst Oppler (1925). Watercolour
Medieval city under construction. Watercolour
Phola Singh Nihang. Watercolour by a Company artist, Punjab, 1865 (c). From the second of two volumes of watercolours titled, The Kingdom of the Punjab
Refugees in the London underground (1941). Watercolor by Henry Moore belonging to the series The Shelter Drawings. Watercolour. Private Collection
PELLEGRINI, Carlos Enrique (1800-1875). Tertulia porte Buenos Aires). 1831. Costumbrism. Watercolour
Reconstruction of a Spanish mission as those built from 16th century by Jesuit and Franciscan orders to evangelize territories in Central and South America
BERICOURT, Etienne (18th c. ). Revolutionary processionBERICOURT, Etienne (18th c.). Revolutionary procession, c. 1789. Watercolour. FRANCE. Ό E-DE-FRANCE. Paris. Mus饠 Carnavalet (Carnavalet Museum)
VALTURIO, Roberto (1405-1475). De re militari. 1446 - 1455. Military engineering treaty. Project of chariot of war. 1470 edition. Watercolour. ITALY. VENETO. Padua. Capitular Library
The forum of the city of Rome during the imperial era. Illustration by Lluis Bargall&, xf3;. Watercolour. The forum of the city of Rome during the imperial era
SABATTIER, Louis R魹(1863 - 1935). End of theSABATTIER, Louis R魹 (1863 - 1935). End of the First World War. 1918. The liberation in the Place de la Concorde of Paris. Watercolour
Roman shipsMONLEON Y TORRES, Rafael (1835-1900). History of the navigation: Ships of the Ancient Rome. Military bireme and trade ship. Watercolour. SPAIN. MADRID (AUTONOMOUS COMMUNITY). Madrid. Navy Museum
First Balkan War, 1912-13. Bulgarians in AdrianopolisFirst Balkan War (1912-1913) between the Balkan League and the Ottoman Empire. Bulgarian soldiers under the dome of the Great Mosque of Adrianople (now Edirne) in Turkey
Les Diables Bleus - A patrol of WWI Chasseurs AlpinsLes Diables Bleus - A patrol of First World War Chasseurs Alpins resting on a mountain path. Pierre Comba (1859-1934)
Les Diables Bleus - A group of WWI Chasseurs AlpinsLes Diables Bleus - A group of First World War Chasseurs Alpins in the Alps sheltering behind a large rock in a snowstorm.. Pierre Comba (1859-1934)
Two Chasseurs of 27e Battalion de Chassuers Alpins restingTwo Chasseurs of the 27e Battalion de Chassuers Alpins resting on a mountain path. Pierre Comba (1859-1934)
The Studdy Dog - His Masters Vice by George StuddyThe Studdy Dog, later known as Bonzo, the canine creation of George Studdy featured in an article on animal caricature in The Strand magazine
Please Sir, that little fork Sir, is to show in my kit Sir.Scenes of life in an Infantry Regiment, 1850 (c).One of nine watercolours, artist unknown, probably intended as illustrations for a book
O Lord O Lord! I can not - I never shall remember?O Lord O Lord! I can not - I never shall remember all these cursed conversions, filings, marches, counter marches and wheelings
London Trade Card - Dorothy Mercier, Printseller and Stationer, at the Golden Ball, Windmill Street, facing Silver Street, Golden Square. 18th century
Promo postcard to demonstrate Hood 3-colour block printingPromotional postcard to demonstrate Hood 3-colour block printing on postcards for the reproduction of watercolours (photo-engraving). Date: circa 1910s
Carlos Juliao (1740-1814). Coronation of a king in the celebrations of Kings, Brazil, 18th c. Costumbrism. Watercolour
PINEDA, Jos頨1837 - 1907). Corvette F. G. with thePINEDA, Jos頨 1837 - 1907). Corvette F.G. with the four-color flag of Barcelona. 1883. Watercolour. SPAIN. CATALONIA. Barcelona. Barcelona Maritime Museum
Sugar Refinery. Illustration by Jan van Grevenbroeck or Grevenbroch (1731-1807) in Treaty of uses and customs of the time, s. XVIII. Early Modern Era. Watercolour. ITALY. VENETO. Venice. Museo Correr
ALLARD L OLIVIER, Fernand (1883-1933). Colonial Africa. Belgian Congo (1908-1960). Kabinda village orchestra. 1926. Watercolour
Scientific experiments in the jungle in the early 20th century. Illustration by Lluis Bargall atercolour
Steam train arriving at a station at the beginning of 19th c. Illustration by Lluis Bargall atercolour
Galleon. Illustration by Lluis BargallatercolourGalleon. Illustration by Lluis Bargall atercolour
Imperial Rome. 1st c. Legions assaulting a city. Illustration by Lluis Bargall atercolour
Revolutionary procession. Etienne Bericourt, ca 1789. Watercolour. FRANCE. Ό E-DE-FRANCE. Paris. Mus饠 Carnavalet (Carnavalet Museum)
Womens seats in Colon Theatre in Buenos Aires, Argentina. 1858. Costumbrism. Watercolour. ARGENTINA. BUENOS AIRES. Buenos Aires
Spanish ship Santma Trinidad with 4 gundecksSpanish ship Sant ma Trinidad with 4 gundecks and 136 cannons, launched in 1797 and sunk in the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805. Illustration after watercolor by Alejo Berlinguero (1750-1810)
Trujillo del Perth cMART͎ EZ COMPAѓ N Y BUJANDA, Baltasar Jaime (1735-1797). Trujillo del Per el siglo XVIII. 1782 - 1785. Vol II. Series on traditional dance. Illustration 158. Ponchos dance
Turkish merchant. Watercolour. ITALY. VENETO. Venice. Museo Correr
BOBERG, Ferdinand. SDistrictBOBERG, Ferdinand (1860-1946). S District. 1927. Watercolour. SWEDEN. Stockholm. The Nacional Museum of Fine Arts
WW2 Poster -- be discreetYou may be a walking RAF - but don t let everyone know it! Be discreet! Colour lithograph by Sgt Norman Tiger Harrison, Royal Corps of Signals, India
Chasseurs d Alpins (the Blue Devils) marchingA company of the Chasseurs d Alpins (the Blue Devils) marching along a Mediterranean coastal road.. Pierre Comba (1859-1934)
French Line Regiment patrolling a Mediterranean roadA company of a French Line Regiment patrolling a Mediterranean coastal road, c. 1914. Pierre Comba (1859-1934)
Les Diables Bleus - a mountain camp of the Chasseurs Alpins. Pierre Comba (1859-1934)
A patrol of Chasseurs Alpins - Vosges, Summer 1916, by Pierre Comba (1859-1934)
MARTINEZ COMPANON Y BUJANDA, Baltasar Jaime (1735-1797). Trujillo del Peru en el siglo XVIII. 1782 - 1785. Vol 2. Plate 142
Artist at WorkA gentleman artist, at work on an 18th century style painting of a lady and gentleman. Date: 1930s
Picture of Memoria para la historia de las tropas" Picture of " Memoria para la historia de las tropas de la Casa Real de Espa uot; " de Seraf Maric de Loto (Madrid, 1828). Honor Guard of Admiral Godoy, 1800
The Tattoo, illustration by Gravenbroch. Watercolour. ITALY. Venice. Museo Correr
Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Sinking of the cruiser Espa 1937), of the nationalist side. Watercolour. SPAIN. Salamanca. Archivo Hist o Nacional
Rie gallos, depiction of a cockfight in ArgentinaRi e gallos, depiction of a cockfight in Argentina. Costumbrism. Watercolour
MONLEON Y TORRES, Rafael (1835-1900). Numancia
FRANCE. Paris. Anonymous watercolour, 18th c. The Theatre of the fair of St. Lauret in Paris. 1786. Watercolour
Military dresses of the Hungarian infantry. 19th c. 1838. Soldier, standard bearer sergeant and second lieutenant. Watercolour
Concert at Princes Hall, 1883Concert at Princes Hall for the New Building of Institute of Painters in Water Colours, Piccadilly. Date: 1883