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Vulnerable Collection

Background imageVulnerable Collection: Evacuees on a Train

Evacuees on a Train
Its goodbye to the little tots who are bound for new homes with new parents in the safe country districts of Britain - evacuees looking out of the window of a train

Background imageVulnerable Collection: Great bustard, Otis tarda (vulnerable)

Great bustard, Otis tarda (vulnerable), and common ringed plover, Charadrius hiaticula

Background imageVulnerable Collection: Siren, salamander and axolotl

Siren, salamander and axolotl
Greater siren, Siren lacertina, three-toed amphiuma, Amphiuma tridactylum, olm, Proteus anguinus (vulnerable), axolotl, Ambystoma mexicanum (critically endangered), dwarf waterdog

Background imageVulnerable Collection: Haddock, Melanogrammus aeglefinus. Vulnerable

Haddock, Melanogrammus aeglefinus. Vulnerable
Haddock, Melanogrammus aeglefinus (Gadus aeglefinus). Vulnerable. Handcoloured copperplate drawn and engraved by Edward Donovan from his Natural History of British Fishes, Donovan and F.C. and J

Background imageVulnerable Collection: Brown kiwi, Apteryx australis Vulnerable

Brown kiwi, Apteryx australis Vulnerable
Brown kiwi, Apteryx australis. Vulnerable.. Handcolored copperplate engraving from George Shaw and Frederick Nodders The Naturalists Miscellany 1812

Background imageVulnerable Collection: Silky anteater, Cyclopes didactylus, and giant

Silky anteater, Cyclopes didactylus, and giant
Silky anteater or pygmy anteater, Cyclopes didactylus, and giant anteater, Myrmecophaga tridactyla (vulnerable)

Background imageVulnerable Collection: Downy wattle, Acacia pubescens (vulnerable)

Downy wattle, Acacia pubescens (vulnerable)
Downy wattle, Acacia pubescens, vulnerable (Hairy-stemmed mimosa, Mimosa pubescens). Handcoloured copperplate engraving by F. Sansom Jr

Background imageVulnerable Collection: Warthog Phacochoerus africanus and South American

Warthog Phacochoerus africanus and South American
Warthog, Phacochoerus africanus, and South American tapir, Tapirus terrestris (vulnerable)

Background imageVulnerable Collection: Comic postcard, Scotsman and beehives Date: early 20th century

Comic postcard, Scotsman and beehives Date: early 20th century

Background imageVulnerable Collection: Canary Islands dragon tree, Dracaena draco. Vulnerable

Canary Islands dragon tree, Dracaena draco. Vulnerable
Canary Islands dragon tree or drago, Dracaena draco. Vulnerable. Handcolored copperplate engraving by J

Background imageVulnerable Collection: Sperm whale or cachalot, Physeter macrocephalus

Sperm whale or cachalot, Physeter macrocephalus, vulnerable. Blunt-headed cachalot. Top: uncertain species, var. Physeter gibbosus, Schreber

Background imageVulnerable Collection: Siberian musk deer or ciervo, Moschus moschiferus

Siberian musk deer or ciervo, Moschus moschiferus. Vulnerable. As Tibetan musk deer

Background imageVulnerable Collection: Barbary sheep, Ammotragus lervia. Vulnerable

Barbary sheep, Ammotragus lervia. Vulnerable. Bearded sheep, Ovis ornata. Taken from a print by Basan after a painting by Jean-Baptiste Oudry of a live specimen in the French king's menagery

Background imageVulnerable Collection: Species of pangolin and armadillo

Species of pangolin and armadillo
Critically endangered Chinese pangolin, Manis pentadactyla 1, vulnerable black-bellied pangolin, Manis tetradactyla 2, gualacate, Euphractus sexcinctus 3, nine-banded armadillo

Background imageVulnerable Collection: Greater siren and olm

Greater siren and olm
Greater siren or eel-shaped siren, Siren lacertina 1, and olm or anguina siren, Proteus anguinus, vulnerable

Background imageVulnerable Collection: Bengal tiger and African leopards

Bengal tiger and African leopards
Critically endangered Bengal tiger, Panthera tigris 1, and vulnerable African leopard, Panthera pardus 2, 3. Copperplate engraving by J

Background imageVulnerable Collection: Pitcher plant, Nepenthes distillatoria

Pitcher plant, Nepenthes distillatoria. Vulnerable. Carnivorous plant raised from seeds gathered in the Circar Mountains, Bengal. Endemic to Sri Lanka

Background imageVulnerable Collection: Aldabra giant tortoise, Aldabrachelys gigantea, vulnerable

Aldabra giant tortoise, Aldabrachelys gigantea, vulnerable. Tortues

Background imageVulnerable Collection: Orders of reptiles

Orders of reptiles: vulnerable Indian softshell turtle, Nilssonia gangetica, spectacled caiman, Caiman crocodilus, frilled-necked lizard, Chlamydosaurus kingii, common scaly foot

Background imageVulnerable Collection: Indian rhinoceros, Rhinoceros unicornis, vulnerable

Indian rhinoceros, Rhinoceros unicornis, vulnerable. Copied from an illustration by Adolph Fries in Felix-Edouard Guerin-Meneville's Dictionnaire Pittoresque d'Histoire Naturelle, 1839

Background imageVulnerable Collection: Leopard, Panthera pardus, vulnerable

Leopard, Panthera pardus, vulnerable. Felis leopardus

Background imageVulnerable Collection: Leopard, Panthera pardus, vulnerable

Leopard, Panthera pardus, vulnerable. Panther, Felis pardus

Background imageVulnerable Collection: Clouded leopard, Neofelis nebulosa

Clouded leopard, Neofelis nebulosa. Vulnerable. (Clouded tiger, Felis nebulosa)

Background imageVulnerable Collection: African lion, Panthera leo. Vulnerable

African lion, Panthera leo. Vulnerable
African lion, male, Panthera leo. Vulnerable. Felis leo

Background imageVulnerable Collection: Koala, Phascolarctos cinereus

Koala, Phascolarctos cinereus. Phascolarctos fuscus

Background imageVulnerable Collection: Long-footed potoroo, Potorous longipes. Vulnerable

Long-footed potoroo, Potorous longipes. Vulnerable. Rat-tailed hypsiprymnus, Hypsiprymnus murinus

Background imageVulnerable Collection: Eastern barred bandicoot, Perameles gunnii

Eastern barred bandicoot, Perameles gunnii. Vulnerable. Gunn's perameles, Perameles gunnii

Background imageVulnerable Collection: Vulnerable tuatara, Sphenodon punctatus, on the shore

Vulnerable tuatara, Sphenodon punctatus, on the shore. Hatteria or tuatara are living-fossil reptiles native to New Zealand. Neuseelandische Bruckeneidechse

Background imageVulnerable Collection: Venus flytrap, Dionaea muscipula, vulnerable

Venus flytrap, Dionaea muscipula, vulnerable carnivorous plant (North and South Carolinas, North America)

Background imageVulnerable Collection: Cooktown orchid, Dendrobium bigibbum var. superbum, vulnerable

Cooktown orchid, Dendrobium bigibbum var. superbum, vulnerable. Native to Queensland, Australia, discovered by Dr Thomson on Mounth Adolphus, Torres Straits

Background imageVulnerable Collection: Whorl-leaved banksia, Banksia verticillata, vulnerable

Whorl-leaved banksia, Banksia verticillata, vulnerable
Granite banksia, Albany banksia, or whorl-leaved banksia, Banksia verticillata, vulnerable. Native of Western Australia, discovered by Scottish botanist Archibald Menzies in New Holland

Background imageVulnerable Collection: Panther or leopard, vulnerable

Panther or leopard, vulnerable
Panther or leopard, Panthera pardus, vulnerable. Le panthere, le leopard

Background imageVulnerable Collection: Male lion with dark mane, possibly an extinct Cape lion

Male lion with dark mane, possibly an extinct Cape lion
Male lion, Panthera leo, Felis leo, near a waterfall in the jungle. Depicted with a dark mane, like the extinct Cape lion, Panthera leo melanochaita, of South Africa

Background imageVulnerable Collection: Spotted eagle, Clanga clanga

Spotted eagle, Clanga clanga. Vulnerable. De Avibus, de Aquila anataria. Aquila planga, Aquila clanga, Plaintive Eagle, Aquila naevia

Background imageVulnerable Collection: Great bustard, Otis tarda. Vulnerable

Great bustard, Otis tarda. Vulnerable. De Avibus, De Gustarda ave Scotica, tarda, starda

Background imageVulnerable Collection: Unknown species of scoter, possibly common scoter or velvet scot

Unknown species of scoter, possibly common scoter or velvet scot
Unknown species of scoter, possibly common scoter, Melanitta nigra, or velvet scoter, Melanitta fusca (vulnerable). De Avibus, de Anate fera fusca vel media

Background imageVulnerable Collection: Common pochard, Aythya ferina, vulnerable

Common pochard, Aythya ferina, vulnerable. De Anatib. feris. Anas graminea vel iuncea, Schmilente, Schmalen, Tafelente

Background imageVulnerable Collection: Olm or proteus, Proteus anguinus, vulnerable

Olm or proteus, Proteus anguinus, vulnerable. Dorsal I, ventral II, and internal organs III

Background imageVulnerable Collection: Horse chestnut tree, Aesculus hippocastanum. Vulnerable

Horse chestnut tree, Aesculus hippocastanum. Vulnerable. With blossom, fruit, nut, seed, leaf, section through branch. Horse-chestnut, European horse-chestnut, buckeye or conker tree

Background imageVulnerable Collection: Endangered green sea turtle and loggerhead sea turtle

Endangered green sea turtle and loggerhead sea turtle
Green sea turtle, endangered, Chelonia mydas 1, and loggerhead sea turtle, vulnerable, Caretta caretta 2

Background imageVulnerable Collection: Lioness and her cubs, Panthera leo, in a cage

Lioness and her cubs, Panthera leo, in a cage
Lioness and her three cubs, Panthera leo, vulnerable, in a cage. Depiction of a six-year old lioness in the zoo of the Jardin des Plantes, Paris, 1801. Handcoloured copperplate engraving by Th

Background imageVulnerable Collection: Harlequin beetle and vulnerable sabertooth longhorn beetle

Harlequin beetle and vulnerable sabertooth longhorn beetle
Harlequin beetle, Acrocinus longimanus 1, and vulnerable sabertooth longhorn beetle, Macrodontia cervicornis 2. Cerambyx longimanus 1, Prionus cervicornis 2. Very curious scarab beetles

Background imageVulnerable Collection: Gang-gang cockatoo, Callocephalon fimbriatum

Gang-gang cockatoo, Callocephalon fimbriatum. Vulnerable. As fringe-crested cockatoo, Psittacus fimbriatus. Depicted by Royal Navy officer James Grant in his voyage to New South Wales, Australia

Background imageVulnerable Collection: Grey-shanked douc langur, Angolan talapoin and white-headed capu

Grey-shanked douc langur, Angolan talapoin and white-headed capu
Critically endangered grey-shanked douc langur, Pygathrix cinerea 212, vulnerable Angolan talapoin, Miopithecus talapoin, with scarf 213, and vulnerable Colombian white-headed capuchin

Background imageVulnerable Collection: Mandrill and endangered wanderoo

Mandrill and endangered wanderoo
Vulnerable mandrill, Mandrillus sphinx 199, and endangered wanderoo or lion-tailed macaque, Macaca silenus 200

Background imageVulnerable Collection: Ixia abbreviata var. ovata. Vulnerable

Ixia abbreviata var. ovata. Vulnerable
Ixia abbreviata var. ovata. South Africa. Vulnerable. Bunch-flowering ixia, var. egg-shaped purple petals, Ixia capitata var. ovata

Background imageVulnerable Collection: Least weasel, red panda and bearcat

Least weasel, red panda and bearcat
Least weasel, Mustela nivalis 1, red panda, Ailurus fulgens 2, vulnerable, and bearcat, Arctictis binturong 3, vulnerable

Background imageVulnerable Collection: Vickers Wellington GR Mk. XIV MP714

Vickers Wellington GR Mk. XIV MP714
Royal Air Force - Vickers Wellington GR Mk. XIV MP714. Seen fitted with chin-mounted ASV Mk

Background imageVulnerable Collection: Common water hyacinth, Eichhornia crassipes

Common water hyacinth, Eichhornia crassipes. Chromolithograph from an illustration by Desire Bois from Edward Steps Favourite Flowers of Garden and Greenhouse, Frederick Warne, London, 1896

Background imageVulnerable Collection: Black wildebeest, Connochaetes gnou

Black wildebeest, Connochaetes gnou
Black wildebeest or white-tailed gnu, Connochaetes gnou. Gnus in the Gardens of the Zoological Society

Background imageVulnerable Collection: Sperm whale or cachalot, Physeter macrocephalus (vulnerable)

Sperm whale or cachalot, Physeter macrocephalus (vulnerable)
Sperm whale or cachalot, Physeter macrocephalus (Physeter polycyphus). Vulnerable. Lithograph by Karl Joseph Brodtmann from Heinrich Rudolf Schinzs Illustrated Natural History of Men and Animals, 1836

Background imageVulnerable Collection: Cashmere goat, walia ibex and bezoar ibex

Cashmere goat, walia ibex and bezoar ibex
Cashmere goat, Capra hircus lanigera, walia ibex, Capra walie (endangered) and bezoar ibex, Capra aegagrus aegagrus (vulnerable)

Background imageVulnerable Collection: Dodo, kiwi, cassowary, ostrich and bustard

Dodo, kiwi, cassowary, ostrich and bustard
Dodo, Raphus cucullatus (extinct), ostrich, Struthio camelus, great bustard, Otis tarda (vulnerable), cassowary, Casuarius casuarius (vulnerable), and North Island brown kiwi

Background imageVulnerable Collection: Fluminense swallowtail, Anteros acheus and Parides agavus

Fluminense swallowtail, Anteros acheus and Parides agavus
Fluminense swallowtail, Parides ascanius, vulnerable 1, Anteros acheus, upper side 2, under side 3, and Parides agavus swallowtail butterfly 4. Handcoloured lithograph from John O

Background imageVulnerable Collection: Cod, whiting, pollock and poor cod

Cod, whiting, pollock and poor cod
Cod, Gadus morhua, vulnerable 1, whiting, Merlangius merlangus 2, coalfish or pollock, Pollachius virens 3, and poor cod, Trisopterus minutus 4

Background imageVulnerable Collection: Late Victorian 1890s Card Cards Greetings Design

Late Victorian 1890s Card Cards Greetings Design
late, victorian, 1890s, card, cards, greetings, design, new, year, dead, bird, birds, blue, green, sad, sorrow, sadness, died, death, vulnerable, fragile, feathers, morbid, history, historical

Background imageVulnerable Collection: Curly palm, Howea belmoreana. Vulnerable

Curly palm, Howea belmoreana. Vulnerable. Chromolithograph from an illustration by Desire Bois from Edward Steps Favourite Flowers of Garden and Greenhouse, Frederick Warne, London, 1896

Background imageVulnerable Collection: Javan rusa or Sunda sambar deer, Rusa timorensis. Vulnerable

Javan rusa or Sunda sambar deer, Rusa timorensis. Vulnerable. The Rusa Deer or Samboo Stag in the Gardens of the Zoological Society. Handcoloured copperplate drawn and engraved by W

Background imageVulnerable Collection: Greyhound, Harrier, Foxhound, Spaniel, Pointer, Terrier

Greyhound, Harrier, Foxhound, Spaniel, Pointer, Terrier. Breeds of dog, Canis lupus familiaris

Background imageVulnerable Collection: Sloth bear, Melursus ursinus. Vulnerable

Sloth bear, Melursus ursinus. Vulnerable. The Ursine Sloth in the Gardens of the Zoological Society. Handcoloured copperplate engraved by W. Panormo after an illustration by W

Background imageVulnerable Collection: Indian antelope or blackbuck, Antilope cervicapra

Indian antelope or blackbuck, Antilope cervicapra. The Antelope in the Gardens of the Zoological Society

Background imageVulnerable Collection: Nilgai or blue bull, Boselaphus tragocamelus

Nilgai or blue bull, Boselaphus tragocamelus. The Nyl-ghaus in the Gardens of the Zoological Society

Background imageVulnerable Collection: Arabian oryx or white oryx, Oryx leucoryx. Vulnerable

Arabian oryx or white oryx, Oryx leucoryx. Vulnerable. The Antelope Lycoureux in the Gardens of the Zoological Society. Handcoloured copperplate engraved by W

Background imageVulnerable Collection: South American tapir, Tapirus terrestris, vulnerable

South American tapir, Tapirus terrestris, vulnerable. The Tapir in the Gardens of the Zoological Society

Background imageVulnerable Collection: Yellow alder, Turnera ulmifolia

Yellow alder, Turnera ulmifolia
Ramgoat dashalong or yellow alder, Turnera ulmifolia, Turnera a foglie d Olmo

Background imageVulnerable Collection: Starfish or sea star, Asterias rubens

Starfish or sea star, Asterias rubens. Stella di mare

Background imageVulnerable Collection: Polar bear, Ursus maritimus

Polar bear, Ursus maritimus. Handcoloured steel engraving from Georg Friedrich Treitschkes Gallery of Natural History, Naturhistorischer Bildersaal des Thierreiches, Liepzig, 1842

Background imageVulnerable Collection: Spur-thighed tortoise, Testudo graeca. Vulnerable

Spur-thighed tortoise, Testudo graeca. Vulnerable
Spur-thighed tortoise or Greek tortoise, Testudo graeca. Vulnerable

Background imageVulnerable Collection: Olm or proteus salamander, Proteus anguinus

Olm or proteus salamander, Proteus anguinus (Hypochthon laurentii). Vulnerable

Background imageVulnerable Collection: Collared mangabey, Cercocebus torquatus

Collared mangabey, Cercocebus torquatus, vulnerable

Background imageVulnerable Collection: Great white shark and suckerfish

Great white shark and suckerfish
Great white shark, Carcharodon carcharias (vulnerable), and suckerfish, Remora remora

Background imageVulnerable Collection: Red-faced spider monkey and red-handed tamarin

Red-faced spider monkey and red-handed tamarin
Red-faced spider monkey, Ateles paniscus, kwata or quato (vulnerable), and red-handed tamarin, Saguinus midas, sagoewenki or saccawinkee

Background imageVulnerable Collection: Grey-winged trumpeter and crested curassow (vulnerable)

Grey-winged trumpeter and crested curassow (vulnerable)
Agamy or grey-winged trumpeter, Psophia crepiteans, and powese or crested curassow, Crax alector (vulnerable) in tree

Background imageVulnerable Collection: Great anteater and South American coati

Great anteater and South American coati
Great anteater or tamandua, Myrmecophaga tridactyla tridactyla (vulnerable), and South American coati or coatimundi, Nasua nasua

Background imageVulnerable Collection: Sowerbys beaked whale, Mesoplodon bidens

Sowerbys beaked whale, Mesoplodon bidens (Physeter bidens, two-toothed cachalot)

Background imageVulnerable Collection: Common box turtle, Terrapene carolina

Common box turtle, Terrapene carolina (close tortoise, Testudo clausa)

Background imageVulnerable Collection: Greek tortoise, Testudo graeca

Greek tortoise, Testudo graeca
Spur-thighed tortoise or Greek tortoise, Testudo graeca

Background imageVulnerable Collection: Tortoise and turtles

Tortoise and turtles
Greek tortoise c, Testudo graeca (vulnerable), hawksbill sea turtle b, Eretmochelys imbricata (critically endangered), green sea turtle a, Chelonia mydas (endangered) and European pond turtle d

Background imageVulnerable Collection: Mandrill male, Mandrillus sphinx. Vulnerable

Mandrill male, Mandrillus sphinx. Vulnerable. Simia maimon Linn

Background imageVulnerable Collection: Diana monkey or Diana guenon, Cercopithecus

Diana monkey or Diana guenon, Cercopithecus diana. Vulnerable. Simia faunus Linn

Background imageVulnerable Collection: Mandrill, Mandrillus sphinx. Vulnerable

Mandrill, Mandrillus sphinx. Vulnerable. Simia mormon Alstroem

Background imageVulnerable Collection: Walrus, Odobenus rosmarus. Vulnerable

Walrus, Odobenus rosmarus. Vulnerable. Trichecus rosmarus Linn

Background imageVulnerable Collection: Mandrill pair, Mandrillus sphinx. Vulnerable

Mandrill pair, Mandrillus sphinx. Vulnerable. Simia sphynx Linn

Background imageVulnerable Collection: American manatee, Trichechus manatus. Vulnerable

American manatee, Trichechus manatus. Vulnerable. Trichecus manatus Linn

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