Suffragette Cat Scratch and Fight Police
Suffragette Board Game PANK-A-SQUITHA suffragette board game called Pank-A-Squith which was first advertised in the pages of Votes for Women, October 1909
Suffragette Rally Womens Sunday Programme 1908. Official programme & souvenir of the Votes for Women Demonstration, 21st June 1908
The Suffragette that knew Jiu-Jitsu - The Arrest. A crowd of terrified Policemen look on in trepidation at a lone suffragette, her sleeves rolled up, ready to take on all-comers
Suffragette W. S. P. U Badge and RibbonA circular tin badge with green border, white centre and purple lettering - W.S.P.U Votes for Women. Attatched to the badge is a piece of purple, white and green satin ribbon. Date: circa 1908
Suffragette W. S. P. U Badge Sylvia PankhurstBadge issued by the Womens Social & Political Union with design by Sylvia Pankhurst
Suffragette Pankhurst Manchester Docks. Mrs. Pankhurst stands in the dock, resplendent in picture hat and votes for women sash. A reference to the fact that the Pankhursts hailed from Manchester
Suffragette Votes for Women Meeting. Leaflet/flyer issued by the National Womens Social & Political Union, advertising a public meeting at the Music Hall, Aberdeen, March 5th 1909, Mrs
Suffragette Cat in Straw Hat Votes for Women. Cat in a straw hat, placed at a jaunty angle, wears a large placard which reads, Votes for Women Date: circa 1908
Suffragettes - Christmas Dinner in Holloway by Lawson WoodFour portly prison officers and policemen force feed a handcuffed suffragette Christmas pudding from the police buffet trolley in Holloway Prison. Date: 1912
Suffragette W. S. P. U Sash Votes for WomenSash produced for the Womens Social & Political Union, in the colours of purple, white and green
Suffragette W. S. P. U Sash Votes for WomenWomens Social & Political Union sash, in the colours of purple, white and green. White background with border edging of purple and green, dark green lettering
Suffragette W. S. P. U Ribbon BadgeSuffragette badge in purple, white and green grosgrain ribbon, with Votes for Women woven into the middle white section
Suffragette Hyde Park Demonstration 1908. Mrs. Emmeline Pankhurst stands beside Mrs. Wolstenholme Elmy (1833-1918) Pioneer Suffragist then aged 75 yrs, in a Votes for Women sash
Suffragette Votes for Women Christmas Card. Tabby cat with a feather in its hat, ribbon badge and satchel, holds a Vote for Women scroll
Card Game - The Game of SuffragetteThe Game of Suffragette was devised and produced by the Kensington branch of the Womens Social & Political Union
Suffragette Badge Womens Freedom LeagueBadge produced for the Womens Freedom League in tin with celluloid (?) covering, in W.F.Ls colours of green, gold and white
Sheet Music Suffragettes Humorous One or Two Step
Hogarth / Election / B / W / (2)2. THE ELECTION Canvassing for votes
Votes for Women Hyde PkPhotograph showing the scale of the Votes for Women demonstration in Hyde Park on 21 June 1908; many women and men attended; some hold banners
Suffragette woman in the stocks, unsympathetic cartoonUnsympathetic comment on Votes or Women 1913
Suffragette W. S. P. U Sash Votes for WomenW.S.P.U Votes for Women sash. Date: circa 1908
Suffragette Votes for Women Pepper PotA silver suffragette pepper pot or muffineer a small pot with a removable lid - the head of the figure. Holes in the bonnet dispense pepper or sugar
Suffragette Rush House of Commons Flyer 1908. An original leaflet/flyer issued by the WSPU
Suffragette W. S. P. U Christmas CardSuffragette W.S.P.U Christmas Card
Suffragette Militant Cat FifiA large white cat, hammer in her claws and a Votes for Women sash, addresses a group of toys on the necessity of militant action, not sure if the message is getting through Date: circa 1913
Election poster, The Great Naval Eclipse 1900 to 1910, a vote for the radicals is a vote against the British Navy. circa 1910s
Anti-Suffrage Votes for Women Never!. Let the suffragists know that you simply will not have petticoat government for this old country and world-wide Empire Date: circa 1910
Suffragette Hunger Strike Medal Christmas Card. Votes for Women and lots of em. This Merry Christmas time is the caption above a silver Hunger Strike Medal
Suffragette Jack-in-the-Box Votes for WomenA suffragette Jack-in-the-Box with a bisque headed figure of a snarling woman. She has grey wiry hair which extends either side of a Tyrolean style hat with feather
Suffragette My Valentine Card
Votes for women air balloon, 1909Votes for women more in the air than ever: the suffragettes dirgible for the opening of Parliament
First female to speak in the House of CommonsMargaret Travers Symons (1879 - after 1951), suffragette, the first woman to speak in the House of Commons, who made her way in after running past policeman, Mr Idris into the chamber
Suffragette Grace Chappelow Votes for Women. Grace Chappelow (1884-1971), born in Hatfield Peverel, Nr Chelmsford, Essex. Shown selling and advertising Votes for Women newspaper
Votes for Catharine Susan and Me. Suffragette Childrens book, written and illustrated by Kathleen Ainslie. Come and join us. Date: 1910
Voting on the National Health Service Act, 1948Counting of votes in the British Medical Association plebiscite on the National Health Service Act at BMA House, Tavistock Square, London. 1948
Suffragette Womens Freedom League Caravan. The Womens Freedom toured the South of England in a purpose built caravan, beginning in May 1908
Adela Pankhurst Suffragette. Miss. Adela Pankhurst (1885-1961) portrait, wearing white circular Votes for Women badge. Caption - Organiser National Womens Social and Political union. Date: circa 1908
Suffragette, An Easter Prophecy. Suffragette hen with chick, rabbit and eggs
Mary E Gawthorpe Suffragette. Mary E Gawthorpe (1881-1973) portrait. Caption - Votes for Women, Miss. Mary Gawthorpe, Organiser National Womens Social and Political Union Date: circa 1907
Suffragette Prisoners HollowaySuffragette hunger strikers wave to Christabel Pankhurst, one holding a Votes for Women sash. Date: 1909
Suffragette Cat Votes for Women. A cat in a jacket, hat and bow tie holds a Votes for Women card in its paw. Date: circa 1909
Sudetenland ElectionsSchoolgirls counting the votes during the Sudetenland elections, which had become part of the new Republic of Czechoslovakia in 1918 and included many German speakers
Comic postcard, Suffragette hens campaigning for the vote Date: early 20th century
Votes For Women 1907Suffragists parade the vicinity of the various police courts with sandwich-boards, while representatives of the cause make demonstrations before the magistrates, protesting against man-made laws
Christabel Pankhurst (1880 - 1958), British suffragette born in Manchester. Co-founder of the Women's Social and Political Union (WSPU). Date: 1910
Dundee's enthusiasm - Churchill after victory at pollsWinston Churchill, his car surrounded by rejoicing crowds, returns to his hotel after winning the Dundee by-election in 1908. Note the Votes for Women placard in the background. Date: May 1908
Cartoon -- Asquith half-promises to introduce votes for women - if the country agrees... A parody of Burne-Jones's painting, King Cophetua and the Beggar-Maid. Date: 1908
Selection of suffragette banners 1908Some of the 770 banners carried by suffragettes and suffragists as they marched from the embankment to the Royal Albert Hall
Cartoon, Excelsior! (Suffragist as Sisyphus)Cartoon, Excelsior! A Suffragette depicted as Sisyphus pushing the large boulder of Womens Suffrage up the Parliament Hill
Suffragettes Plain Things at Meeting. A bevy of buck-toothed, grinning suffragettes applaud the speaker at a Votes for Women meeting
Cartoon, The Political Cheap-Jack -- Benjamin Disraeli, portrayed as a conman at a country fair, wooing his Buckinghamshire constituents during the General Election campaign, summer 1847. 1847
Votes for Women at the Court Theatre 1907Votes for Women, the first suffragette play, which was staged at the Court Theatre (now the Royal Court) in 1907
Christabel Pankhurst self-exiled in Paris 1912Christabel Pankhurst (1880 - 1958), British suffragette, photographed buying a newspaper in Paris, following the discovery of her whereabouts after she left London six months before to avoid arrest
Police removing suffragettes chained to railings 1908Police officers removing Edith New and Olivia Smith from the railings of 10. Downing Street
Millicent Fawcett speaking at end of pilgrimage march, 1913Millicent Garrett Fawcett (1847-1929), suffragist and early feminist, co-founder of Newnham College, Cambridge, and president of the moderate National Union of Womens Suffrage Societies (NUWSS)
When Women Vote by Charles Dana GibsonThe Suffragettes as the creator of the Gibson Girls Sees Them. " When Women Vote: After dinner the girls will have to listen to politics"
Cartoon, Women's Suffrage - John Bull and Mrs BullPolitical cartoon, Women's Suffrage - John Bull and Mrs Bull in conflict over the franchise Date: 1891
Cartoon, Strike while the Iron's Hot! Women's SuffragePolitical cartoon, Strike while the Iron's Hot! Women's Suffrage Date: 1891
Coal miners strikeThe conference of the miners federation of Birmingham meeting to discuss the coal miners strike. The names, reading from left to right, are: Sitting--Mr. H. Duff, Mr. T. H. Cann, Mr. M. C. Kerrell
Election map, How England has voted at the Elections'. With description, How England Has Voted at the Elections; The black squares show Unionist and the white Liberal and Labour
Cartoon, The Stage Door of the FutureWomen's suffrage cartoon, The Stage Door of the Future, with stage door Johnnies waiting for women MPs to emerge from the House of Commons. Date: 1920
Katharine (Kate) Louisa Russell, Viscountess Amberley (nee Stanley, 1844-1874), British suffragist and early advocate of birth control
Communist Party members votingCommunist Party delegates (including Janey Glen from Yorkshire, centre) voting in London against American bases in Britain for Cruise missiles. Date: 1982
Miners BallotAt Snowdown colliery in Kent, a miner, having completed his shift underground, votes in a ballot on early retirement Date: 24 November 1980
Peter Tatchell and others, Bermondsey by-electionPeter Gary Tatchell (b 1952), Australian-born British political activist
Keir Hardie, socialist politician, giving a speech, LondonJames Keir Hardie (1856-1915), Scottish socialist politician and labour leader, a founder of the Independent Labour Party and of the British Labour Party
Joe Bent, Communist Party politician in Southwark, LondonJoe Bent (Spencer John Bent) Communist Party politician in Southwark, south-east London. Seen here outside a Polling Station, talking with a voter
Charlotte Despard, political activist and writerCharlotte Despard, nee French (1844-1939), suffragette, novelist and Sinn Fein activist
Carrying of the second reading of the first reform bill in the House of Commons. Date: 21 March 1831
A Suffragette publicises a protest meeting by chalking it onto a pavement. Date: 1908
Comic postcard, Two political candidates campaigning Date: 20th century
Comic postcard, Teddy bear suffragette and policeman. Come Along, Christabear! Date: 20th century
Comic postcard, Votes for Women satire - We only want what the men have got!! Date: 20th century
Great Demonstration in the Albert Hall 1908Some ten thousand women gathered at the Embankment, then proceeded to march, in neat rows of either 4 or 6, to the Royal Albert Hall, London
WSPU leaders at Madame Tussaud s. From left to right, the wax figures are of Annie Kenny, Emmeline Pankhurst, Christabel Pankhurst and Emmeline Pethick-Lawrence. Date: 1908
Cartoon, The Handwriting on the Wall. King William IV wonders if the Reform Bill has anything to do with him
Christabel Pankhurst (1880 - 1958), British suffragette, in Montmartre, Paris, after being forced to leave London for fear of arrest
Underground passage to the House of Commons 1908The underground passage from Westminster Station to the House of Commons, a section of which was privatised for MPs
Christabel Pankhurst defending herself in court 1908Christabel Pankhurst shown defending the " rush" on the House of Commons and her role in it at Bow Street Magistrates Court, London
Processions of suffragists in London 1908Women and men protesting womens right to vote in London, notably a procession leaving Parliament Square for Hyde Park
Women recording votes for the General Election 1955Women recording the General Election votes, 26 May 1955, in Brixton town hall, London
Suffragettes in wax: a cabinet meeting of the militant ladies who seek the vote
Mrs Dora Montefiore, suffragist, in courtMrs Dora Montefiore (1851-1933), English-Australian womens suffragist, socialist, poet, and autobiographer, seen here in court on 31 October 1913. 1913