Agnes Maria BennettAGNES MARIA BENNETT - Popular novelist : her Vicissitudes abroad, or the Ghost of my Father, in 6 volumes, sold 2000 copies on the first day in 1806 ! Date: ? - 1808
White Star Line, RMS Titanic - six books
White Star Line, RMS Titanic - five book covers. Building the Titanic, an illustrated history of the Olympic class ships, Titanic Calling, A Titanic Myth, and The Riddle of the Titanic
Ocean Liners - Mauretania, Lusitania and AquitaniaHard bound reference books relating to ocean liners Mauretania, Lusitania and Aquitania, by Mark Warren. Date: 20th century
The Engineer, three bound volumes, 1910-1911The Engineer, three bound volumes CXI from January to June 1910, July to December 1910 and January to June 1911, including in supplement Olympic launch, page 209 Olympic fitting-out
Five maritime books from a collection including volumes of the Cunard Magazine, the Official Guide & Album of the Cunard Steamship Service, International Medical Guide for Ships
Financial Records?Manuscript records on paper, possibly financial or legal records
Sir John Sinclair of Ulbster, BtAn Oil painting of Sir John Sinclair of Ulbster, a British politician and writer of works including Statistical Account of Scotland of which there are a vast 21 volumes
A display of bound, illustrated volumes. Date: circa 1954
Elegant Edwardian reception room with polished wooden table, chaise longue, large family photographic portrait over the mantelpiece and neat shelves of leather-bound volumes. Date: 1912
Bernard Barton Circa Quaker Poet Who Publishedbernard, barton, circa, quaker, poet, who, published, volumes, stuff, seaweeds, convict, appeal, verses, death, shelley, convict's, 1820, history, historical, 10152092
Bernard BartonBERNARD BARTON (1784 - 1849) The Quaker poet who published volumes of stuff such as Seaweeds, The Convict's Appeal and Verses on the Death of Shelley'. Date: circa 1830
Public Record Office - Domesday Book and chestPublic Record Office - Domesday Book (two volumes) and chest. A manuscript record of the Great Survey of much of England and parts of Wales completed in 1086 by order of King William the Conqueror
Joanna Baillie (1762-1851) was a Scottish poet and dramatist, known for such works as Plays on the Passions (three volumes, 1798-1812) and Fugitive Verses (1840). Date: 1875
Engravers work through the night to produce the latest news for that week. Date: 1881
Some of the artist in the early Graphic newspaper that produce the thousands of sketches or elaborate drawings of different subjects that went together to make this interesting publication. Date: 1881
Phola Singh Nihang. Watercolour by a Company artist, Punjab, 1865 (c). From the second of two volumes of watercolours titled, The Kingdom of the Punjab
Bookbinding / DiderotThe interior of a French book binding establishment : preparing the leather, sewing the gatherings, making the boards, pressing the volumes. Date: circa 1760
Bruce IngramSir Bruce Stirling Ingram (1877 - 1963), journalist and newspaper editor
Botanical illustration Sempervivum arboreumSempervivum arboreum: plate from John Sibthorps book on the plants of Greece Flora Graeca Sibthorpiana published 1806-40 in 10 volumes
Botanical illustration Glaucium phoenicum (Sibthorp)Glaucium phoenicum: plate from John Sibthorps book on the plants of Greece Flora Graeca Sibthorpiana published 1806-40 in 10 volumes
Botanical illustration Morina persica from SibthorpMorina Persica: plate from John Sibthorps book on the plants of Greece Flora Graeca Sibthorpiana published 1806-40 in 10 volumes
Caricature of William Ballantine, Serjeant-at-lawCaricature of William Ballantine (1812-1887), Serjeant-at-law, a legal position abolished in the reforms of 1873. In the early 1880s he retired from the law and published several volumes of memoirs
Braille Books on ShelfA young woman holds a novel in one hand & the same novel made up of seven braille volumes in the other. Date: circa 1930s
Binding Braille BooksBinding Braille books for the blind. The large volumes each contain 100 pages. Date: circa 1930s
Reading W / Book MachineA man uses a circular contraption to read books, enabling him to move between volumes with ease. Date: 1588
Celia Thaxter - PoetCelia Thaxter (1835 - 1894) American poet; her volumes of verse include " Poems" (1872), " Driftweed" (1879), & " Poems for Children" (1884)
The Letters of Gertrude Bell Volumes I and II. Date: 1927
Paul Hamilton HaynePAUL HAMILTON HAYNE American poet, nephew of the noted lawyer, who left us several volumes of poems, none of which you have read, have you ? Date: 1830 - 1886
Volumes of silhouettes by August EdouartA group of volumes containing 5, 579 English portraits taken from 1825 - 1839 and 3, 625 American portraits taken from 1839 to 1845 by the famous (and prolific) silhouette artist, August Edouart
Portrait of the silhouette artist, August EdouartA portrait of August Edouart, the famous 19th century silhouettist, seated in his library where some of his folio volumes of silhouette portraits are on display. Date: c. 1840
Vols. I, II and IIIThree ladies read by the sea on a bench, observed by two small dogs. Date: 1889
Selfridges, London - Book SectionSelfridges & Co, Oxford Street, London - Book Section. Founded by American-born retail magnate Harry Gordon Selfridge (1858 - 1947), the Flagship store in Oxford Street was opened in 1909
The Book ShopTwo girls (one hardly older than a toddler!) look through a variety of volumes in a Bookshop
The oldest bookseller in ParisA wonderful photographic postcard showing the Oldest Book Dealer in Paris - an old bearded man selling volumes from large wooden crates on the banks of the Seine
Reading Outside ShopA bookseller stands in his shop doorway while customers leaf through his volumes of quality books outside the shop
The Three-Decker NovelThree ladies read the successive volumes of a three-decker - the tranquil opening volume, the awful disclosures of the second, the tearful denoument of the third
Classic AlchemistThe archetypal alchemist - more magician than scientist with his black cat and crow, ancient volumes and wile-eyed dedication