Dr Johannes VogelPortrait of Dr Vogel, Keeper of Botany at the Natural History Museum, London. Photographed for Museums part in British Association Annual Festival of Science in Cardiff
Portable bird-hide, for use when shooting birds. Illustration from Canarien Bogeln, Grhe Anweisung alle Arten Vogel zu fangen, einzustellen, abzurichten, zahm zu machen. Date: 1768
Mozart VogelWOLFGANG AMADEUS MOZART the Austrian composer as a young man Date: 1756 - 1791
A patriotic Hartwig & Vogel AG lozenge boxA patriotic Hartwig & Vogel A.G. lozenge box. Schwere artillerie in gefecht stellung which means Heavy artillery ready for battle.. Trench Art
Sir Julius VogelSir JULIUS VOGEL New Zealand statesman, Prime minister in 1875 Date: 1835 - 1899
Elise Vogel PolkoELISE POLKO (nee Vogel) German singer and writer Date: 1823 - 1899
Capturing birds, possibly larks. Illustration from Canarien Bogeln, Grhe Anweisung alle Arten Vogel zu fangen, einzustellen, abzurichten, zahm zu machen. Date: 1768
Balzac / Vogel DrawingHONORE DE BALZAC French novelist in a drawing of 1815 Date: 1799 - 1850
Various sculptures at the Festival of Britain, LondonVarious sculptures on display at the Festival of Britain, South Bank, London
Marathon (Vogel)BATTLE OF MARATHON Miltiades, with 11, 000 Athenians and Plataeans, defeats the 60, 000-strong Persian army of Darius Hystaspes