Mocking Bird (Card)(Mimus polyglottus) An American bird renowned for its vocal powers
Francesco MataniaChevalier Francesco Matania (1884-1957), operatic singer and professor of singing
Music cover, Down at the Old Bull & Bush, words by Russell Hunting, Percy Krone and Andrew B Sterling, music by Harry Von Tilzer, sung with enormous success by Miss Florrie Forde. Date: 1905
Miss Mary McSwiney and Hon. Albinia Brodrick expelledTwo vocal denunciators of the proceedings of the Irish Treaty negotiations, expelled from the hall - Miss Mary McSwiney and the Hon. Albinia Brodrick. Date: 1921
Four cats singing on a greetings postcard. Date: circa 1890s
Music cover, Upstairs to Fairyland, vocal fox trot by Stanley I Galpin Date: 1921
Music cover, The Cricketer's Polka, by W H StephensonMusic cover, The Cricketer's Polka, for the pianoforte with vocal refrain, composed by W.H. Stephenson Date: circa 1883
Music cover, Where Dreams Come True, words and music by Val Valentine, sung by Miss Nellie Wigley Date: 1927
Music cover, Turandot, opera by Giacomo Puccini - separate vocal numbers Date: 1926
Music cover, The Dubarry Operette in 9 ScenesMusic cover, Piano Selection, Stanley Scott presents The Dubarry, Operette in 9 Scenes, by Paul Knepler and J M Welleminsky, English book by Desmond Carter and Rowland Leigh, music by Carl Millocker
Music cover, The Harry Lime Theme (The Third Man)Music cover, The Zither Melody, song version of The Harry Lime Theme (The Third Man film, 1949), words by Michael Carr and Jack Golden, based on music composed and arranged by Anton Karas. Date: 1950
The Medal and the Maid, musical comedy at the Lyric Theatre, Tom B Daviss company, book by Owen Hall, lyrics by C H Taylor, music by Sidney Jones. Date: 1900s
The Medal and the Maid, Barn Dance, by Sidney JonesMusical comedy, The Medal and the Maid, Barn Dance, music by Sidney Jones. Merva Sunningdale (Miss Ruth Vincent), Allen Blithe RN (Mr F Ranalow), vocal duet, Consequences. Date: 1900s
The International Advertising Convention, declaring the convention open H. R. HThe International Advertising Convention, declaring the convention open H.R.H. the Prince of Wales at Wembley, London. Date: 1924
Music cover, Das Dreimaderlhaus, by Franz SchubertMusic cover, Das Dreimaderlhaus (House of the Three Girls), by Franz Schubert, a Viennese pastiche operetta in three acts, rearranged by Heinrich Berte
Music cover, Flotows Martha, Cassells Operatic Selections No.10, comprising the Overture, a Fantasia by F W Bradshaw, and some vocal numbers, including The Last Rose of Summer. Date: circa 1900s
Advert, Boosey & Co, Song Books and OperasAdvert, Boosey & Co, The Royal Song Books, The Royal Edition of Operas, Ballad Operas, and Booseys Cabinet Operas for Pianoforte Solo. Date: late 19th century
Front cover, The Scottish Students Song Book, published for the Song Book Committee of the Students Representative Councils of Scotland
Music cover, In Happy Moments Day by Day, ballad from the opera Maritana by William Vincent Wallace. Date: late 19th century
Music cover, Back, Back, Back to Baltimore, words by Harry Williams, music by Egbert Van Alstyne. Date: 1900s
Music cover, Au Revoir, my little Hyacinth, words by A E Sidney Davis, music by Hermann E Darewski Junior, sung by Miss Ellaline Terriss. Date: circa 1900s
Music cover, Blue Bell, march song, words by Edward Madden, music by Theodore F Morse. Date: 1900s
Music cover, Within Your Heart, by H TrotereMusic cover, Within Your Heart, words by G Hubi Newcombe, music by H Trotere. Date: 1901
Music cover, By the Side of the Zuyder Zee, words by A J Mills, music by Bennett Scott, sung by Miss Annie Purcell. Date: circa 1900s
Music cover, Any Rags? by Thomas Allen, sung by Rachel Lowe. A ragtime schottische written in 1902. Date: circa 1900s
Music cover, A Little Boy Called Taps, a march song, words by Edward Madden, music by Theodore Morse, sung with immense success by Miss Madge Lessing. Date: 1904
Music cover, Victoria Music Books, Irish Ballad Album. Date: late 19th century
Music cover, Alexandra Music Books, Songs of the Emerald Isle
Together - Vocal Waltz - Original Music Sheet Cover - published by Campbell Connelly & Co in 1928. Date: 1928
Kittens singing on a French birthday postcard, with a kitten conductor and a basket of flowers. Date: circa 1890s
Two musical cats on a German greetings postcard -- Songs without Words (a pun on a work by Mendelssohn). Date: circa 1890s
WW1 - Patriotic Demonstrations in Russia in support of the Tsar and the war effort against Germany
Satire on the call for more rights for WomenMen Only. A strange satire on the Womens Suffrage Movement, based around the Alice stories by Lewis Carroll
Pauline Viardot-GarciaA singer and composer whose musical and dramatic gifts were greatly acclaimed. As well as her singing career, she founf time to compose four operettas and much vocal music
Three-part song, The flocks shall leave the mountainsSheet music, three-part song (trio) in C minor for Acis, Galatea and Polyphemus, The flocks shall leave the mountains, the woods the turtle dove, the nymphs forsake the fountains
Music cover, Dearie Mine, by Meredith and ThorburnMusic cover, Dearie Mine, vocal waltz, with words by Joe Meredith and music by Billy Thorburn, featured and broadcast by The Savoy Havana Band and recorded by The Savoy Orpheans at the Savoy Hotel
Advert for Columbian Trio Concert Company, Ohio, USAAdvertisement on a postcard for the Columbian Trio Concert Company of West Salem, Ohio, USA, offering instrumental and vocal music. Date: 1910
Liza Lehmann - English opera singer (soprano)Liza Lehmann (1862-1918), English opera singer (soprano) and composer, known for her vocal compositions. Date: 1890
Parmentier, Antoine Augustin (1737-1813). Vocal promoter of the potato as a food source for humans in France and throughout Europe. Engraving
The Edelweiss Jodelling Club, Lucerne, SwitzerlandMen of the Edelweiss Jodelling Club, Lucerne, Switzerland, with the various trophies they have won, and a painted backdrop. Date: circa 1930
Policeman Carries off Suffragette. Very vocal suffragette hauled off her feet by a policeman
Paris, France - Eglise Saint Merri, rue Saint Martin. Date: 1829
Concert at St Jamess Hall, 1860Conversazione and concert of the vocal association at St. Jamess Hall, London. Date: 1860
Met Police male voice choir, Ealing, LondonThe Metropolitan Police " T" Division (Ealing) Male Voice Choir, posing for their photograph in uniform on a street in Ealing, west London. Photo by Wakefields of Ealing
Cornets (Wurl) 2Three Wurlitzer cornets