The Stevedores in ArlesGOGH, Vincent van (1853-1890). The Stevedores in Arles. Post-Impressionism. Oil on canvas
Vincent van Gogh (1853-1890). Self-portrait. Bust with brownVincent van Gogh (1853-1890). Dutch post-Impressionist painter. Self-portrait. Bust with brown jacket and gray hat. Oil on pasteboard. Rijksmuseum. Amsterdam. Netherlands
Field with Flowers near Arles by Van GoghVincent Van Gogh (1853-1890). Dutch painter. Field with Flowers near Arles. 1888. Van Gogh Museum. Amsterdam. Holland
Ice skating by Rene VincentIllustration showing two gentlemen trying to steady a clumsy lady on an ice rink. Date: 1934
The Yellow House at ArlesGOGH, Vincent van (1853-1890). The Yellow House at Arles. Post-Impressionism. Oil on canvas
Toulouse geese with dewlap, cock and hen. Oie de Toulouse a bavette, Anser anser domesticus. Bred by James Watts, winners of five first prizes
Silver spangled Hamburgh cock and hen, Henry Beldons pair, Cup at Allerton 1871, Hen first at Birmingham 1871, and cup at Bristol 1872
St Vincent Sailing ShipSailing warship of the Royal Navy, later a training ship at Portsmouth, Hampshire. Date: in 1908
Astoria Column, overlooking the mouth of the Columbia River, Oregon, USA
Millay / Edna St VincentEDNA ST VINCENT MILLAY American poet
St Vincent Died 304SAINT VINCENT Martyr and Deacon to Bishop Valerius of Saragossa (put to death by Diocletian in Valencia)
Liza Maugham and Vincent ParaviciniFront cover of The Bystander announcing the engagement of Liza Maugham and Vincent Paravinci. He was the Swiss ministers son, she was the daughter of the author William Somerset Maugham. 1936
Plymouth Rock chickens, Sir Thomas and Irene, cock and hen, Gallus gallus domesticus. Bred by Mrs. Ainsworth and first and second at Birmingham 1886
Queen Elizabeth II - West Indies royal tour 1966Queen Elizabeth II during her West Indies tour of 1966, probably in St. Vincent. Date: 1966
Silver-grey Dorking hen, Gallus gallus domesticus. Bred by O.F. Cresswell and first prize winner at Ashford, second prize winner at Birmingham 1872
White-faced black Spanish, cock and hen, Gallus gallus domesticus. Cups for chickens at Bristol 1872. Chromolithograph by Vincent Brooks Day & Son after an illustration by J.W
Japanese bantams, black bantams and Pekin bantams. Mrs. Woodcocks Japanese white bantams, first prize at Crystal Palace 1872. E. Cambridges black bantams, cup winner at Bristol 1873. H. B
Ice Hockey by Rene VincentIllustration showing a muscular ice hockey player with his doting girlfriend
Golden spangled Hamburgh cock and hen, Gallus gallus domesticus, Henry Beldons pair, cock cup at Birmingham 1870, hen cup at Kendal, Whitehouse and Spalding 1871
Black Hamburgh cock and hen, Gallus gallus domesticus, Rev. W. Sergeantsons pair, first prize at Birmingham, Edinburgh, Manchester 1871, and Bristol 1872
Advert, William Suggs Patent Gas BurnersAdvert, William Suggs Celebrated Patent Gas Burners, Vincent Works, Vincent Street, Westminster, London. 1880
BEARDSLEY, Aubrey Vincent (1872-1898). Lysistrata" BEARDSLEY, Aubrey Vincent (1872-1898). Lysistrata. 1896. Lysistrata defending the Acropolis. Drawing of the Aristophanes play " Lysistrata" edition illustrated by Beardsley (411 BC)
The HMS Collingwood and seaplaneThe HMS Collingwood with a seaplane flying overhead. A St Vincent Class Dreadnought Battleship, launched in 1908, commissioned in 1910 and scrapped in 1922
Prisoners exercisingGOGH, Vincent van (1853-1890). Prisoners exercising. Post-Impressionism. Oil on canvas
Vincent De Paul / GeilleSAINT VINCENT DE PAUL French priest
Lunardis Second BalloonVincent Lunardi makes his second ascent, from St Georges Fields, London
CONFERENCE AT ERFURT Napoleon and Tsar Alexander receive the Austrian ambassador, Baron Vincent : they offer peace terms to England which are rejected Date: 27 Sept - 14 Oct 1808
CAPE ST VINCENT Nelson on board the San Josef receives the sword of the defeated Spanish Admiral Don Juan de Langara Date: 14 February 1797
Kingstown, Saint Vincent and the GrenadinesKingstown, the Capital of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Caribbean, West Indies. Date: circa 1910s
Hut/Home of an indigenous family on Sao Vicente, Cape VerdeHut/Home of an indigenous family on Sao Vicente (Portuguese for Saint Vincent') - one of the Barlavento Islands, the northern group within the Cape Verde archipelago in the Atlantic Ocean
The Lower City and Mt. Cara - Sao Vicente, Cape VerdeView of the Lower City and Mt
Halberd fern, Tectaria plantaginea. Sent from St. Vincent in the Caribbean by naturalist Rev. Lansdown Guilding. Plantain-leaved polypodium, Polypodium plantagineum
Mademoiselle Duplant, 1793, by Francois-Andre VincentFrancois-Andre Vincent (1746-1816). French Neoclassical painter. Portrait of Mademoiselle Duplant, 1793. Oil on canvas. Calouste Gulbenkian Museum. Lisbon, Portugal
St. Vincent Ferrer (1350-1419). Dominican friar, theologian and preacher. His preaching skills placed him at the service of Pedro de Luna, and later Benedict XIII
Spain, Avila. Gate of St Vincent. Engraving, 19th centurySpain, Avila. Gate of St Vincent (Puerta de San Vicente). Engraving. Cronica General de Espana, Historia Ilustrada y Descriptiva de sus Provincias. Castilla-La Vieja, 1870
Portugal. Lisbon. Belem Tower (Tower of Belem). 16th centuryPortugal. Lisbon. Belem Tower (Tower of Belem). Built between 1515 and 1519 by Francisco de Arruda (d.1547). Manueline style. Declared UNESCO World Heritage Site. Architectural detail
Portugal, Lisbon. Monastery of Sao Vicente de For aPortugal, Lisbon. Monastery of Sao Vicente de Fora (Saint Vincent Outside the Walls)
Rouen ducks, Anas platyrhynchos, cock and hen. Bred by J. K. Fowler and winner of cup at Aylesbury. Chromolithograph by Vincent Brooks Day & Son after an illustration by J.W
Hull, St Vincent's HomeChildren and staff in front of St Vincent's children's home, Hull, run by the Daughters of Charity of St Vincent de Paul
Nelson receiving the swords (as a symbol of surrender) on board the San Jose (later renamed HMS San Josef), a ship captured from the Spanish navy during the Battle of Cape St Vincent
Javillo or antidote caccoon fruit, Fevillea cordifolia. (Fevillea hederacea, Fevillea a foglie d ellera)
White Dorking fowl, cock and hen, Gallus gallus domesticus. Bred by Miss Fairhurst and first prize winner at Colchester 1873
Minorca chickens, cock and hen, Gallus gallus domesticus. Bred by A.G. Pitts and cup winners in 1886 and 1887. Chromolithograph by Vincent Brooks Day & Son after an illustration by J.W
White-crested black Polish chickens, cock and hen, Gallus gallus domesticus. Bred by P. Unsworth and winners of numerous cups and prizes
Black East India ducks and black Cayuga ducksBlack East India ducks, Anas platyrhynchos, and black Cayuga ducks, Anas rubripes. G. S. Sainsburys black East India duck won the cup at Bristol 1872. The black Cayuga duck were sent by Mr
Henny or hennie game birds, Gallus gallus domesticus. Cock and hen. Chromolithograph by Vincent Brooks Day & Son after an illustration by J.W
Malay cock and hen, Gallus gallus domesticus, Rev. A.C. Brookes pair, prizes at Crystal Palace and Birmingham 1871, Dublin 1872
Dark Brahma cockerel, Gallus gallus domesticus, Lady Gwydyrs Sultan, cup at Middleton 1871, winner at Crystal Palace, Birmingham, Bristol
Interesting personalities of the racing worldPage from The Tatler featuring various well-known personalities of the racing world. Clockwise from top left, jockey Danny Maher and Sir E
Advert, Vincent Woods ladies wearAdvert for Vincent Woods ladies wear, including a Cycling Corset, Corset Belt and Obstetric Binder. 1897
Paintings by Post-Impressionists - Grafton GalleriesGiving Amusement to all London: Paintings by Post-Impressionists. Works by " A Group of artists who cannot be defined by any single term", exhibited at the Grafton Galleries, London
Manet and Post-Impressionists Exhibition, Grafton GalleriesBy Men who think the Impressionists too Naturalistic: The Manet and the Post-Impressionists Exhibition at the Grafton Galleries, London. (from top left) 1
Telegraph company, St Vincent Island, Cape Verde IslandsEntrance to Western Telegraph Companys offices and cable station, St Vincent (Sao Vicente) Island, Cape Verde Islands, Atlantic Ocean. 1922
Scene from Tom Jones, comic opera by Edward GermanScene from Tom Jones, a comic opera by Edward German, based on the 18th century novel by Henry Fielding, with a libretto by Robert Courtneidge and Alexander Thompson, and lyrics by Charles Taylor
Island of St Vincent, West Indies
Vincent Coronelli - Cartographer
Making rope from hemp, St Vincent, Caribbean Date: early 1900s
Thinning cotton seadlings, St Vincent, Caribbean Date: early 1900s
Rope factory in St Vincent early 1900s Date: early 1900s
Thinning cotton seedlings, St Vincent, Caribbean Date: early 1900s
Picking cotton seeds, St Vincent, Caribbean Date: early 1900s
Picking cotton seeds in St Vincent early 1900s Date: early 1900s
Thinning cotton seadlings in St Vincent early 1900s Date: early 1900s
Superfine cotton, Oteley Hall, St Vincent, Caribbean Date: early 1900s
Superfine cotton Ottley Hall in St Vincent early 1900s Date: early 1900s
Weeding a cotton field, St Vincent, Caribbean Date: early 1900s
Weeding a cotton field in St Vincent early 1900s Date: early 1900s
Banking sand, St Vincent, Caribbean Date: early 1900s
Banking sand in St Vincent early 1900s Date: early 1900s
Shipping cotton bales, St Vincent, Caribbean Date: early 1900s
Shipping cotton bales from St Vincent early 1900s Date: early 1900s
360 lb bale of cotton, St Vincent, Caribbean Date: early 1900s
Central cotton ginnery, St Vincent, Caribbean Date: early 1900s
A 360 lb bale of cotton in St Vincent early 1900s Date: early 1900s
Sorting and cleaning cotton, St Vincent, Caribbean Date: early 1900s
Sorting and cleaning cotton in St Vincent early 1900s Date: early 1900s
Central cotton Ginnery in St Vincent early 1900s Date: early 1900s
Small growers selling their cotton, St Vincent, Caribbean Date: early 1900s
Small growers selling their cotton in St Vincent early 1900s Date: early 1900s