The Countess-Duchess of Benavente (?), accompaniedAgustin Esteve Marques (1753-1820). Spanish painter
Indian Countrywoman. Portrait by Esteban VillanuevaEsteban Villanueva Vinarao (1859-1920). Philippine painter. Indian Countrywoman, 1875. Oil on canvas, 69 x 54 cm. Prado Museum. Madrid. Spain
El tuno, 1875, by Esteban Villanueva y Vinarao (1859-1920)Esteban Villanueva Vinarao (1859-1920). Philippine painter. El tuno, 1875. Portrait of one of the peasants who arrived in Manila to trade their products. Oil on canvas, 68 x 53 cm. Prado Museum
Michael Servetus (1511-1553). Spanish physician and theologian. Persecuted by the Inquisition, he fled to Geneva, where on Calvin's initiative was condemned to be burned at the stake for heresy
Inauguration of railway - Barcelona to Vilanova i la GeltruSpain, Catalonia. Valls-Vilanova-Barcelona Railway (VVB). Inauguration of the railway from Barcelona to Vilanova i la Geltru on 29 December 1881. Viaduct at the exit of the Falconera Tunnel
Inauguration of railway - Barcelona to Vilanova i la GeltruSpain, Catalonia. Valls-Vilanova-Barcelona Railway (VVB). Inauguration of the railway from Barcelona to Vilanova i la Geltru on 29 December 1881
Inauguration of railway - Barcelona to Vilanova i la GeltruSpain, Catalonia. Valls-Vilanova-Barcelona Railway (VVB). Inauguration of the railway from Barcelona to Vilanova i la Geltru on 29 December 1881. Interior of a first class train carriage. Engraving
Inauguration of railway - Barcelona to Vilanova i la GeltruSpain, Catalonia. Valls-Vilanova-Barcelona Railway (VVB). Inauguration of the railway from Barcelona to Vilanova i la Geltru on 29 December 1881. The Guma locomotive headed the convoy. Engraving
Benjamin Maximo Laguna y Villanueva (1822-1902). Spanish botanist and entomologist. Engraving by Arturo Carretero La Ilustracion Espanola y Americana, 1875. Colored
Shield. House of Inquisition. SpainShield of the Holy Office. Portal of the House of Inquisition. 16th century. Villanueva de los Infantes. Spain
Reconstruction of the cell of Francisco Quevedo. Saint DominFrancisco Quevedo (1580-1645). Spanish writer. Reconstruction of the cell in which the writer died. Saint Dominic Monastery. Villanueva de los Infantes. Castile-La Mancha. Spain
Manuel VillanuevaMANUEL VILLANUEVA Spanish diplomat Date: CIRCA 1871
Joaquin De VillanuevaJOAQUIN LORENZO DE VILLANUEVA Spanish writer and patriot Date: 1757 - 1837
Prior Throne of Blanca of Aragon and Anjou. c. 1321-1348. Clergyman. Gothic art. Tempera on wood; Furniture. SPAIN. Lerida. Lleida Museum. Proc: SPAIN. Villanueva de Sigena. Royal Monastery of Sta
Pot-shaped fibula of the Second Iron Age (6th-3rd c. BC). Iron Age. Decorative Arts. SPAIN. Burgos. Burgos Museum. Proc: SPAIN. CASTILE AND LEON. Villanueva de Teba. Necropolis
Spanish ring-shaped fibula of the Second Iron Age (6th-3rd c. BC). Iron Age. Decorative Arts. SPAIN. Burgos. Burgos Museum. Proc: SPAIN. CASTILE AND LEON. Villanueva de Teba. Necropolis
Horse fibula. Iron Age. Jewelry. Proc: SPAIN. Villanueva de Teba
Juan de VillanuevaGOYA Y LUCIENTES, Francisco de (1746-1828). Juan de Villanueva. Oil on canvas