Advertisement for Castellane champagneThe first advertisement for Vicomte de Castellane Epernay champagne, France. Date: 1902
The Selfridge family at Highcliffe Castle, 1921
Chateaubriand in ParcFRANCOIS RENE, vicomte CHATEAUBRIAND French writer depicted in the parc de Richemont, with scenes from some of his books. Date: 1768 - 1848
Laclos / Liaisons / ValmontLe Vicomte de Valmont uses his mistress, Opera as a writing desk whilst writing to the virtuous Mme. Tourvel, whom he plans to seduce
Coats of arms of the French dignitaries, 18th centuryCoats of arms of French dignitaries, 18th century
Miss Violet Selfridge & Vicomte Jacques de SibourMiss Violet (Violette) Selfridge, daughter of retail magnate Harry Gordon Selfridge, pictured at the time of her engagement to Vicomte Jacques de Sibour of whom there is an inset photograph
Emile de Girardin and his wife Delphine, French writersEmile de Girardin (1802-1881), French journalist, publisher and politician. and his wife Delphine (nee Gay, 1804-1855), French author under the pen name of Vicomte Delaunay. Date: circa early 1850s
Caricature of Andre Boniface Louis Riqueti, Vicomte de Mirabeau, with yo-yo (emigrette) and regiment of hussars in black and yellow uniforms
Paul Francois Jean Nicolas, Vicomte de Barras (1755-1829), leader of the Directory. In the uniform of a member of the Directoire
Jean Marie Roland, Vicomte de la Platriere, Girondist and revolutionary 1752-1793
Rene d Hautefort, Vicomte de Lestrange, d. 1621Rene d Hautefort, Vicomte de Lestrange, governor of the town of Puys, d.1621
Andre de Foix, Lesparre, French soldier 1490-1547Andre de Foix, Seigneur d Esparros, vicomte de Villemur, Lesparre, French soldier 1490-1547
Gaston de Foix, Duke of Nemours, military commander 1489-1512
Odet de Foix, Vicomte de Lautrec, Marshal of France, d. 1528Odet de Foix, Vicomte de Lautrec, Marshal of France, d.1528
Tanneguy IV du Chatel, vicomte de la Belliere d. 1477Tanneguy IV du Chatel, vicomte de la Belliere, grand maitre d hotel of Francis II, Duke of Brittany, d. 1477
Chateaubriand with BookFrancois-Rene, vicomte de CHATEAUBRIAND French writer, of romantic leanings
Port Said, Egypt - Ferdinand de Lesseps statue
Barras, Paul-Francois-Jean-Nicolas, vicomte de (1755-1829). French revolutionary politician. Litography
Miss Lily Elsie and Mr Robert Evett in The Merry WidowMiss Lily Elsie (1886-1962) popular Edwardian Actress in the role of Sonia and Mr Robert Evett (1874-1949) English singer, actor
Henri de la Tour d Auvergne Vicomte de Turenne (1611-1679) - French General. Date: circa 1650
Ferdinand de Lesseps (1805-1894). Engraving. ColoredFerdinand de Lesseps (1805-1894). French diplomat and entrepreneur. Engraving in The Iberian Illustration, 1894. Colored
Ferdinand de Lesseps (1805-1894) with his family. EngravingFerdinand de Lesseps (1805-1894). French diplomat and entrepreneur. Lesseps with his family. Engraving in The Artistic Illustration, 1886. Colored
Portrait of Aben-Hamet. The Last of the Abencerrages by ChatFrancois Rene Vicomte of Chateaubriand (1768-1848). French writer. The Last of the Abencerrages. Illustration depicting Aben-Hamet. 1826. Colored engraving
Chateaubriand, Franc?ois Rene?, Vicomte de (1768-1848). French writer and member of the French Academy (1811). Nineteenth-century colored engraving
Amable Vicomte CourtaisAMABLE HENRY, vicomte COURTAIS French soldier and statesman with his autograph Date: 1786 - 1877
Louis Vicomte CormeninLOUIS MARIE de LAHAYE, vicomte de CORMENIN French statesman Date: 1788 - 1868
Chateaubriand (Girodet)FRANCOIS RENE, vicomte CHATEAUBRIAND French writer Date: 1768 - 1848
Chateaubriand, OlderFRANCOIS RENE, vicomte CHATEAUBRIAND French writer Date: 1768 - 1848
Henri De BornierHENRI, vicomte de BORNIER French playwright. Date: 1825 - 1901
Charles Cte ArlincourtCHARLES VICTOR PREVOT, vicomte d ARLINCOURT French writer, depicted in romantic style. Date: 1789 - 1856
Turenne (Mauzaisse)Henri de la Tour d Auvergne, vicomte Turenne (1611 - 1675) French military commander
Paul Francois Vicomte BarrasPAUL-FRANCOIS, VICOMTE BARRAS (1755 - 1829) French Revolutionary, Jacobin and later enemy of Napoleon I, here in later life as post- revolutionary statesman Date: circa 1810
Turenne - Holl - LatoureHenri de la Tour d Auvergene vicomte Turenne (1611 - 1675) French military commander
Turenne - Jones ovalHenri de la Tour d Auvergne vicomte Turenne (1611 - 1675|) French military commander
Henri de la Tour d Auvergene vicomte Turenne (1611 - 1675) French military commander
Pierre, Vicomte de Rohan (1451-1513), Seigneur de Gie, Marechal de France.. In full suit of armor, long blue plume, mounted on a plumed horse with heraldic colors. From a tapestry
Barras, Paul-Francois-Jean-Nicolas, vicomte de (1755-1829). French revolutionary politician. Engraving. FRANCE. Ό E-DE-FRANCE. Paris. Mus饠 Carnavalet (Carnavalet Museum)
Panama Canal Being Built. The Illustrated London News. (1888). Engraving
Fran篩s-Ren頤e ChateaubriandFranþ»®s-RenÚ¼ávicomte de Chateaubriand (1768-1848) - French writer, politician, diplomat and historian. Date: circa 1810
Vicomte D uruguayDr PAULINO J SOARES DE SOUZA, vicomte d URUGUAY Brazilian statesman and diplomat Date: 1807 - 1866
Emile Vicomte VogueEUGENE VICOMTE VOGUE French writer and diplomat Date: 1848 - 1910
Vicomte De VauxCHARLES GRANT, vicomte de VAUX French military, marechal des Camps et Armees de sa Majeste tres Chretien... Date: 18th century
TURENNEHENRI de la TOUR d AUVERGNE, vicomte de TURENNE French military commander, marechal de France. Date: 1611 - 1675
Turenne MountedHENRI de la TOUR d AUVERGNE, vicomte de TURENNE French military commander, marechal de France. Date: 1611 - 1675
Charles Vcte. PrevalCHARLES ANTOINE HIPPOLYTE, vicomte PREVAL French military commander Date: 1776 - 1853
Jean-Baptiste MartignacJEAN-BAPTISTE, vicomte de MARTIGNAC French royalist statesman Date: 1778 - 1832
Joseph Vicomte Laine - 1JOSEPH LOUIS JOACHIM, vicomte LAINE French statesman Date: 1767 - 1835
Joseph Vicomte Laine - 2JOSEPH LOUIS JOACHIM, vicomte LAINE French statesman Date: 1767 - 1835
France - St Malo - The Emerald Coast - Tomb of Chateaubriand. FrancO© s-Renevicomte de Chateaubriand (17681848) was a French writer, politician, diplomat and historian
Lesseps, Ferdinand, vicomte de (1805-1894). French
Lesseps, Ferdinand, vicomte de (1805-1894). French diplomat, maker of the Suez Canal (1859-1869). Portrait from 1894
General Castelnau, French army general
Barras (In Costume)PAUL-FRANCOIS, VICOMTE BARRAS French Revolutionary, Jacobin and later enemy of Napoleon I, depicted in his state robes Date: 1755 - 1829
Barras (Ronjat)PAUL-FRANCOIS, VICOMTE BARRAS French Revolutionary, Jacobin and later enemy of Napoleon I. Date: 1755 - 1829
Egypt - Port Said - Statue of Ferdinand de LessepsEgypt - Port Said - Inauguration of a Statue of Ferdinand de Lesseps
Vaux Le Vicomte(aka Vaux-Praslin) The magnificent chateau built by Fouquet near Melun, 60 km SE of Paris, which inspired Louis XIV, not to be outdone by his minister, to build Versailles
Turenne (Serin)Henri de la Tour d Auvergne, vicomte TURENNE French military commander
L E a De LA GueronniereLouis Etienne Arthur, vicomte de LA GUERONNIERE French statesman
Vicomte D archiacEtienne-Jules Adolphe, Desmier de Saint-Simon, vicomte d ARCHIAC French geologist and mineralogist
Chateaubriand / PhilippoVicomte Francois-Auguste Rene de CHATEAUBRIAND French writer and statesman