Missal Vetus Oxemense. Drop cap depicting The Pentecost. 12tCodex Missal Vetus Oxemense. Anonimous. 12th-13th centuries. Parchment. Drop cap depicting The Pentecost. Spain
Aboa Vetus & Ars Nova. Museum. Exterior. Finland. Turku
Missal Vetus Oxemense. The Circumcision of Jesus. 12th-13thCodex Missal Vetus Oxemense. Anonimous. 12th-13th centuries. Parchment. The Circumcision of Jesus. Spain
Missal Vetus Oxemense. The Ascension of Jesus. 12th-13th cenCodex Missal Vetus Oxemense. Anonimous. 12th-13th centuries. Parchment. The Ascension of Jesus. Spain
Aboa Vetus & Ars Nova. Antique reproduction wooden house. Model. Finland. Turku
Violin. 1200-1550. Aboa Vetus & Ars Nova. Finland. Turku
Aboa Vetus & Ars Nova. Ceramic pieces. Right, German dish of 1600. Turku. Finland
Aboa Vetus & Ars Nova. Aboa Vetus. Remains of six medievalAboa Vetus & Ars Nova. Aboa Vetus. Includes the remains of six medieval buildings. The urban character of the area can be seen in the ruins and the old cellars
Old keys. 1200-1600. Aboa Vetus & Ars Nova. Turku. FinlandOld keys. 1200-1600. Aboa Vetus & Ars Nova.Turku. Finland