VESPA SCOOTER 1960SCouple on a VESPA - the machine whose glamorous image is one of the popular icons of the decade, a symbol of freedom and youth
Species of bees, drones, wasps and hornets
Norwegian wasp, Dolichovespula norwegica (British wasp, Vespa britannica)
Species of waspsGreat banded wasp, Vespa tropica (Vespa cincta) 1, solitary wasp, Eumenes flavopictus 2, Stizus speciosus 3, and Chlorion lobatum 4
Tree wasp, Dolichovespula sylvestris (Campanular wasp, Vespa campanaria). Illustration drawn and engraved by Richard Polydore Nodder
Exotic hornets, wasps and beesOriental hornet, Vespa orientalis 1, scarab hunter wasp, Campsomeris quadrimaculata 2, hairy footed flower bee, Anthophora plumipes 3, steel-blue wasp, Chalybion caeruleum 4, preying mantis
Curtis British Entomology Plate 760Hymenoptera: Vespa rufa = Vespula rufa (Anchor-faced Wasp) [Plant: Polycarpon tetraphyllum (Four-leaved Allseed)] Date: 1824-39
Lady on 1950s scooter circa 1950s
Vickers Vespa VII, G-ABIL, captured the World?s Height R?Vickers Vespa VII, G-ABIL, captured the World?s Height Record on 16 September 1932 with an altitude of 43, 976ft
Vickers Vespa VI, G-ABIL
Vickers Vespa IV
Vickers Vespa I, G-EBLD
Artist?s impression of Vickers Vespa I, G-EBLD
Common wasp nestThe rounded nest of the common wasp, (Vespula vulgaris) in the roof rafters of a house. Wasps chew wood and pulp it to make the papery material which the nest comprises of
Vespula vulgaris L. common waspPhotograph of a female worker common wasp (Vespula vulgaris)
Vespula vulgaris, common wasp