Vendee : Cholet TakenThe Breton royalists led by Cathelineau take the town of Cholet from the revolutionaries
Vendee LarochejacquelinIf I retreat, shoot me : if I advance, follow me : if I am killed, avenge me. Vendee commander Larochejacquelein leads his men heroically, but he will be killed in action
Dassault Mirage F. 1C 5-NOArmee de l'Air - Dassault Mirage F.1C 5-NO (msn 208), of Escadron de Chasse 1/5 Vendee'. (Armee de l'Air - French Air Force). Date: 1980
BONCHAMP DIES 1793Bonchamp (or Bonchamps), Royalist Vendeean leader, dies at Cholet. Date: 1793
Women kayaking in northern France 1904Two women in a kayak being helped by a male instructor at Olonne in the Vendee, France. 1904
Grotto and prehistoric stones in the Vendee, FranceEntrance to the grotto at St. Brandriere and prehistoric stones, dolmen, menhir, obelisk, column at St. Gilles, in the Vendee, France
VENDEEANS DROWNEDThe Noyades [drownings] de Nantes - Republican general Carrier orders priests and royalist sympathisers taken out onto the Loire in barges and drowned. Date: February - May 1794
END OF VENDEE WARThe end of the Vendee war - Hoche signs a treaty with the Bretons; henceforward the west is officially peaceful, though most retain their anti- republican sympathies. Date: 20 April 1795
ROYALIST DEFENDS HERSELFA shopkeeper of Saint-Mithier defends her royalist sympathies when her shop is invaded by Republicans, by holding a pistol over a barrel of gunpowder. Date: 1794
END OF VENDEE WARSAfter making two treaties with the Vendeans, Hoche signs one with the Bretons, thus officially bringing to an end the Vendean insurrection Date: 20 April 1795
VENDEANS AT NANTESAfter successfully taking Saumur and Angers, the Vendeans are defeated at Nantes Date: 29 June 1793
Francois de Charette - French Royalist soldier & politicianFrancois Athanase de Charette de la Contrie (1763-1796) - a French Royalist soldier and politician. He was one of the leaders of the bloody events termed the " Revolt in the Vend饦 quot;
LarochejacquelinHenri du Verger, comte de LAROCHEJACQUELIN French royalist leader in La Vendee Date: 1772 - 1794
Charette De LA ContrieFrancois Athanase CHARETTE DE LA CONTRIE French royalist of the Vendee, enemy of the Revolution Date: 1763 - 1796
Louis Lazare Hoche (1768-1797), French military commander in the Revolutionary War, suppressed the Vendee rising, died of a chest ailment. Date: circa 1790s
Vendee RisingCarrier suppresses the counter-revolution in the Vendee (Bretagne) with ruthless rigour : royalists beg for mercy, but in vain. Date: 1793
Vendee : BlacksmithRoyalist resistance comes from ordinary people such as the heroic Blacksmith of the Vendee, armed only with the tools of his trade. Date: 1793
Vendee : Heroic WomanRenee Bordereau, aka l Aangevin, saw her father butchered and lost 40+ relatives fighting the Revolution : usually in male dress, she is captured and imprisoned but survives. Date: circa 1793
Francois WestermannFRANCOIS-JOSEPH WESTERMANN unscrupulous soldier and thief, who acted without pity to suppress the Vendee resistance, but was guillotined along with Danton. Date: 1751 - 1794
Henri LA RochejaqueleinHENRI AUGUSTE GEORGES DU VERGIER, marquis de LA ROCHEJAQUELEIN (or Rochejaquelin) French statesman, nephew of the Vendee general Date: 1805 - 1867
Lazare HocheLAZARE HOCHE French military commander in the Revolutionary War, suppressed the Vendee rising, died of a chest ailment. Date: 1768 - 1797
Journee de la Vendee. 5 mars 1916. A disabled soldier and a boy in a uniform walking along the water. Date 1916. Journee de la Vendee. 5 mars 1916
Vendee War - 2Charette de la Contrie, leader of the Vendee insurgents, in combat with the Revolutionary forces. Date: 1792
A Vende
Vendee DefeatThe Royalist forces are forced to withdraw across the Loire
Vendee SubmissionAfter Napoleon, first consul, offers them an amnesty, the royalist leaders submit to the government : their surrender brings the bitter Vendee struggle to an end
Vendee NoyadesCarrier is the most ruthless of revolutionary commanders : at Nantes he orders royalist prisoners to be thrown into the river - les noyades (drownings) de la Loire
Vendee War - 5The Vendeans besiege Granville
Vendee : PassportFacsimile of a passport issued at Chollet (Cholet) by the royalists in the Vendee by the commanders of the catholic and royal armies of the Breton resistance
Vendee : CatholicsThe Vendee struggle is as much religious as political : the Catholic clergy are harassed by the government and forced to hold clandestine masses in the countryside
Vendee War - 1In the early stages of the rising, Breton insurgents taken at Fouessant are brought into Quimper
Vendee War - 3A Breton royalist is arrested by the revolutionaries. Date: circa 1793