Franco-British Exhibition, London - UnityFranco-British Exhibition, White City, Shepherds Bush, London - Unity
The Great Rapprochement - Great Britain and USACard illustrating The Great Rapprochement - a term that was used to specifically describe the convergence of social and political objectives between the United Kingdom
Italy Map Pre-UnityA map of Italy prior to unification
Wedding of Diana Mitford and Bryan GuinnessGroup wedding photograph showing the bride, Mrs Bryan Guinness, formerly Miss Diana Freeman Mitford, with eleven bridesmaids. From left, Miss Diana Churchill, Miss Mercer-Nairne, the Hon
Independent Order of Rechabites - Salford Unity Friendly SocIndependent Order of Rechabites, a society of abstainers from alcohol - Salford Unity Friendly Society. Since 2004 The Rechabite Friendly Society has traded as Healthy Investment. Date: 1916
Japanese Wedding Ceremony series - Bride and Parents-in-Law
Three Mitford Sisters: Unity, Diana and NancyThree of the famous Mitford Sisters, daughters of Lord and Lady Redesdale, photographed in the street
Franco-British Exhibition - We are Enjoying the ExhibitionBritish Comic Postcard - Franco-British Exhibition of 1908 at White City (in West London near Shepherds Bush) - " We are Enjoying the Exhibition" (written in French and English!). Date: 1908
Strike Meeting / BoldonColliers wives are summoned to a mass meeting at Boldon, Co. Durham
Italian costumes at the Genoese court, early 16th centuryThe court in Genoa united against King Louis XII of France. A woman seated on a throne surrounded by maids and courtiers. A nobleman in short cape, doublet and particoloured hose
A brown bear attacked by an army of bees after overturning their hives in a garden. Bear and the beehives. Illustration of a fable by Greek author Aesop
Poland, A NationA portrait lithograph depicting a young Polish warrior, with one foot on an uprooted tree, clad in semi oriental armour of the 16th century
Certificate, Independent Order of Odd Fellows - Manchester Unity Friendly Society. 19th century
Unity Moore (1894-1981) Actress, born in Hampstead. Date: 1911
Victory Through Unity, WW2 envelope, CanadaVictory Through Unity, We Are United, WW2 envelope, Canada 1945, Roosevelt, Churchill, Chiang Kai Shek, and Stalin Date: 1945
WW1 - Flags of the Allies (Belgium, Great Britain, France and Russia) Date: circa 1916
Blue Chaise LongeOil painting of a grand interior
Official picket line outside Vauxhall Motors, DunstableOfficial picket line with placards outside Vauxhall Motors, Dunstable. Date: circa 1970s
SPANISH WAR POSTER 3The UGT and CNT unite - for unity is strength.... poster issued by the UGT and CNT together. Date: circa 1937
CARLIST SUPPORTER POSTERYoung and old stand together with pride as members of the Requetes, the Carlist militia movement who wanted a return to a traditionalist ultra- Catholic monarchy Date: 1937
WW1 - Peace - We ve All Pulled Together. Date: circa 1918
Franco-British Exhibition, White City - Palace of Musiccirca 1910s
Bonar Law and Sir Edward Carson, at NewcastleBonar Law and Sir Edward Carson, Unionists opposed to Irish Home Rule, at Newcastle in 1913. 1913
French poster, three patriotic dancers, WW1French poster, design by Bernard Becan, three dancers in patriotic costumes, British, American and French
German propaganda postcard, two Kaisers, WW1German propaganda postcard, Unity is Strength (Einigkeit macht stark), depicting Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany and Emperor Franz Josef of Austro-Hungary in uniform, shaking hands. Date: 1914-1918
WW1 - The Central Powers unified holding the Balkan ExpressWW1 - A propaganda postcard depicting The Central Powers unified holding the Balkan Express - symbolising the Victories in defeating (and capturing) Serbia in January 1916 and 18th January 1916
The Central Powers - Patriotic PostcardThe Central Powers in World War One. Austri-Hungary, Turkey and Germany. Soldiers from each country stand before their flags and join hands in a show of unity
WW1 - Ireland and Britain united in the common cause. Date: circa 1915
Genghis Khan (1162-1227). Engraving. ColoredGenghis Khan (1162-1227). Emperor of Mogol Empire. Engraving. Colored
Sale at Selfridges in aid of Belgian refugeesFamous actors and actresses selling chocolate in Selfridges department store on Oxford Street, London, to raise funds for King Alberts Belgium Relief Fund during World War One
Franco-British Exhibition - Marianne, England and BritanniaFranco-British Exhibition, London, 1908 - Marianne
WWII - Buy War Bonds - First Day CoverThe Roosevelt-Churchill " Atlantic Charter" of World Freedom - August 1941 - surplanted with a large red V for Victory. Date: 1941
The results of getting marriedBeautiful postcard by Lance Thackeray entitled Amateur Gardening - A Labour of Love. A handsome gent pushes his lovely wife around their walled garden in a green wooden wheelbarrow
Abdur Rahman KhanABDUR RAHMAN KHAN Consolidated his position as Amir after the Battle of Maiwand. Established stability in Afghanistan through unity
David Becomes KingDavid is recognised as king of Israel by the leading warriors, who hope that he will bring unity and peace to their divided nation
Postcard celebrating Czech - USA relations post-WW1Celebration of Czech-USA relations post-WW1. U.S. President Woodrow Wilson and the United States played a major role in the establishment of Czechoslovakia on October 28, 1918
Lord Kitchener with Allied flags, Unity is Strength. Date: circa 1915
President Emile Francois Loubet and King Victor Emmanuel IIIFrench President Emile Francois Loubet (1838-1929) and the King Victor Emmanuel III of Italy (1869-1947) (one of the shortest monarchs in history - only 5ft 0" tall)
The Rainbow Alliance of Allied forces during WW1. Date: circa 1916
Britain Russia & France join forces for good of CivilisationWW1 Patriotic postcard - Britain Russia & France join forces for good of Civilisation. Germany felt that She only needed to speak for people to tremble.... (but that is just not the case!) Date: 1915
Cavour in 1855CAMILLO CAVOUR Italian statesman, architect of Italian unity, when President of the Council of Sardinia Date: 1810-1861
The Merchant Venturers College - Unity Street, Bristol, Bristol County, England. Showing Fire Damage Date: 1907
Votes for Women Unity is Strength. The fight for the vote unites women of all ages and all classes who dance together under the chorus Votes for Women. Date: circa 1908
Unity More in Shell Out, WW1 entertainmentUnity More (1894-1981), Actress, dancer and singer. Pictured as Little Miss Lancashire in the successful wartime theatrical revue, Shell Out at the Comedy Theatre. Date: 1915
Miss Unity MoreUnity More (1894-1981), Actress, dancer and singer
Patriotic stockingsStockings embroidered with the Allied flags, a fashionable way of showing off ones legs and patriotism during the First World War
Poster, Britain Today, showing the benefits and freedoms available
Hippodrome ladies home for soldiers pets, WW1Actresses of the London Hippodrome Revue posing with dogs they had provided homes for while their solider owners were away fighting at the front
Actors selling chocolate for charity, WW1A page from The Sketch showing various well-known members of the theatrical profession acting as sales-people at an unidentified London store
DMZ, De-militarised Zone, South KoreaLooking towards Unity installation art sculpture statues of anonymous people at the DMZ, De-militarised Zone on the South North Korean border at Imjingak, South Korea Date: 2012
Queues for Esperanto courses in RussiaA large group men and women queue next to a desk where they can enrol in courses to learn Esperanto. Date: Late 19th Century
Suffragettes, Irish Nationalists and Unionists unite for WW1WW1 - Another Triple Alliance - " We ve Stopped Hostilities - Now for the Germans
Franco-British Exhibition - Entente Cordiale - featuring inset portraits of King Edward VII and President of the French Republic Clement Armand Fallieres (1841-1931)
Unity between British Royalty and the French GovermentPatriotic Postcard produced for the charitable benefit of Young soldiers and French charitable Institutions - depicts the King and Queen of England (King George VI (1895-1952)
Girl Guides - 1941 - Thinking DayGirl Guides of the world united during wartime - 1941 - Thinking Day - sent from the 10th Dudley Troupe Date: 1941
Dutch patriotic postcard - WWII - VictoryVictory Sounding from all mouths: The Victory is won! Peace has been recovered. The " Ball" (referring to the unity of the Allies as depicted here) has not failed. No
Lieutenant General Sir Frederick FitzwygramLieutenant General Sir Frederick Wellington John Fitzwygram, 4th Battalion (1823-1904)
Friendship, unity and true Christian charity--Ancient Order of Hibernians of America, Certificate of membership. Certificate of membership in Ancient Order of Hibernians of America. Date c1894
Celebration outside St Pauls Cathedral, LondonA celebration outside St Pauls Cathedral, City of London, on the evening of 3 May 1951, the opening day of the Festival of Britain
Algeria - A couples tender moment, hand in hand Date: circa 1910s
Romania - Timisoara - Piata Unirii (Unity Square)Piata Unirii (Unity Square) at Timisoara (Temeschburg, Temeswar, Temeschwar, Temesvar, Temisvar, Tamisvar, Temesvar) - a city in the Banat region of western Romania and the capital of Timis County
United - Advert for Beechams PillsThree women representing England, Ireland and Scotland dance together to show the countries united by their faith in Beechams Pills!
Winston Churchill and Franklin D. RooseveltWinston Churchill together with Franklin D. Roosevelt, American President, during January 1942
The Anglo-Japanese Alliance: celebrations in JapanThe triumphal arch erected at Nagasaki in honour of the Alliance
Piludski at CeremonyMarshal Jozef Piludski takes his leave of the clergy after a religious ceremony affirming the unity of his military government with the church
Insurrection in BolognaLiberals in Bologna tear down the Austrian flag from the governors palace and replace it with the tricolore of Italian unity
Proclama Di RiminiJoachim Murat issues a proclamation inciting the people of Rimini to unity and independence
Garibaldi at GenevaWhen Giuseppe Garibaldi, hero of Italian unity, visits Geneva, there are massive demonstrations in his honour outside the Hotel Fazy where he is staying
Society Enrollment DocA large certificate for the Manchester Unity of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows Widows and Orphans Fund, showing a widow and family saved from Want
Tuscans Vote for UnityIn the piazza del Popolo, Firenze, the people of Tuscany vote to become part of the newly united Italy : while the pope controls Rome, Florence will be the new capital
Battle of Solferino 1The Piedmontese army advances en masse against the Austrians who are forced back across the Mincio : defeated, the Austrians make concessions which lead to Italian unity
Allied Soldiers KneelThe Allies kneel together to face the enemy as one in the First World War
French Utopia of 1850A French Utopia, with harmony between colours, creeds, scholars and labourers, young and old, male and female, the arts and the sciences amid the joy of nature & new technology