Aneurysmal tumor on the forehead of a young man, 1815. The tumor had been growing for seven years before it was cut out from Mr R---n, a 25-year-old man. Aneurism of the Forehead, Mr. R
Fatal aneurysmal sac from the broken leg of a man, 1815. The sailor died of gangrene before the leg could be amputated. Drawing of Mr. Harkness's case of aneurism
Claude Pouteau's doctrine of tying nerves to arteries in amputatExample of Claude Pouteau's doctrine of tying nerves to arteries in amputations. Drawing of nerves imprudently tied in along with the Femoral Artery in Amputation
A ship's boy with a case of necrotizing fasciitisA boy with a huge sore wasting away the skin and muscle of the thigh
Soldier with an abscess from a gunshot wound to the shoulder. Sergeant M'Gillivray of the 68th (Durham) Regiment was shot in the shoulder in the Siege of Nijmegen, 1794
Abscess from a gunshot wound in the forearm, 1815Abscess in a sailor's forearm from a musket-ball wound in a naval battle, 1815
Aneurysmal tumor on the face of a young boy N, 1815. The tumor had been growing for five years before it was operated on unsuccessfully. The boy at age 10 with the engorged aneurysm still growing
Rudolph Valentino with his Dogs 1926RUDOLPH VALENTINO film actor, exercising his two dogs. His tragic early death resulted from peritonitis after an emergency operation for appendicitis and gastric ulcers