Hieron I, Tyrant of Syracuse, Sicily, who sided with the Cumaeans in their battle against the Etruscans at the Battle of Cumae 474 BC Hiero
Joseph Stalin, Soviet Russian leaderJoseph Stalin (1878-1953), Soviet Russian leader. Seen here in uniform, waving. Date: circa 1940s
Damocles dines with a sword hanging over his headDamocles, member of the Greek court of Dionysius of Siragusa (Syracuse), Sicily, dines dangerously, with a sword hanging over his head. Date: 404 BC
White-headed marsh tyrant, Arundinicola leucocephala (White-headed tody, Todus leucocephalus)
Long-tailed tyrant, Colonia colonus (Peruvian flycatcher, Le Colon). Handcoloured copperplate drawn and engraved by John Latham from his own A General History of Birds, Winchester, 1823
Tawny-crowned pygmy tyrant, Euscarthmus meloryphus (Rufus-crowned tody, Lepturus ruficeps)
Eared pygmy tyrant, Myiornis auricularis (Great-headed tody, Todus megacephalus)
Spectacled tyrant, Hymenops perspicillatus (Spectacle or white-winged water-chat, Perspicilla leucoptera)
Masked water tyrant, Fluvicola nengeta (Mocking water-chat)
Crested black tyrant, Knipolegus lophotes (Crested-black water-chat, Blechropus cristatus)
Cock-tailed tyrant, Alectrurus tricolor. VulnerableCock-tailed tyrant, Alectrurus tricolor (Cock-tailed water-chat, Alectura azarii). Vulnerable
Streamer-tailed tyrant, Gubernetes yetapa (Scissortail or swallow blackcap, Gubernetes forficatus)
Ancient miniatures representing jousts from the Vatican Library
1909 / RUSSIAN TYRANTThe Russian tyrant is kicked out by Socialism. Date: 1909
USA, The Confederate Battle Flag and the Virginia State FlagUSA - The Confederate Battle Flag and the Virginia State Flag
Bronze helmet of Corinthian type. 5th century B. C. Olympia ABronze helmet of Corinthian type. 5th century b.C
Cupid the Tyrant by Flix de GrayA piece of art showing Cupid forcing love upon an unsuspecting girl sitting on a mossy log. Cupid holds out a heart to the back of the girl, who is wearing a blue floral dress
Theatre Characters -- a tyrant, a rival, a lady in waiting, a horseman, a townswoman an innkeeper, a fool and a soldier. (2 of 2) 19th century
Giovanni II Bentivoglio (1443-1508). Colored engravingGiovanni II Bentivoglio (1443-1508). Italian noble. Engraving in The Universal History, 1881. Colored
Folklore / RingPOLYCRATES, TYRANT OF SAMOS throws a precious ring into the sea, to ward off ill luck, but a fisherman finds it and brings it to him - and soon Polycrates is murdered... Date: circa 515 BC
The Tyrant by Rafael SabatiniPromotional postcard for The Tyrant by Rafael Sabatini. First produced Theatre Royal, Birmingham, 9th March and New Theatre, 18th March 1925
Suffragette Votes for a Man Apiece
Suffragette Defies the Tyrant Man. Depicts a very small suffragette carrying a VFW flag while a very tall policeman, hands behind his back, looks down at her from the pavement
Conseil Des 500Napoleon is assailed as Tyrant and Dictator by the Conseil des 500 in the Orangerie de Saint-Cloud : he dissolves the assembly and assumes power as First Consul Date: 9-10 November 1799
Pitangus sulphuratus, great kiskadeeA male specimen of the great kiskadee (Pitangus sulphuratus) held at the Natural History Museum at Tring
The rise of the kitchen tyrant; - and how she may fall
The great railway revolutionScenes and incidents showing the conflict waged in the southwest between the forces of honest industry and the agents of the arch-tyrant Jay Gould. Date: 1886
1909 / Russian TyrantSocialism expels the Russian tyrant - a somewhat premature cartoon : the Tsar has still eight years to go before his abdication
Hermias, Greek RoyaltyHERMIAS, tyrant of Artaneus and Assos, friend and patron of the Greek philosopher Aristotle
Hiero Ii / Syracuse / EngHIERO II OF SYRACUSE or HIERONYMUS II Tyrant of Syracuse who supported Rome in the First and Second Punic Wars
Talk with Peasant WomanIncognito, he asks a peasant woman of Tarare, near Lyon, isn t Napoleon like any other tyrant ? - No, because they chose him, whereas the old kings were forced on them
Periander, Greek RoyaltyPeriander, Tyrant of Corinth