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Triumphs Collection

Background imageTriumphs Collection: Sherlock Holmes / Reverie

Sherlock Holmes / Reverie
the great detective surrounded by memories of his greatest triumphs

Background imageTriumphs Collection: Rugby at Murrayfield stadium, Scotland

Rugby at Murrayfield stadium, Scotland
Scotland triumphs over England in the Calcutta Cup championship, during the opening match for the newly built Murrayfield stadium which was inaugurated in March 1925. Date: 1925

Background imageTriumphs Collection: The Un-locked cub

The Un-locked cub
The New Zealand cub is too powerful for the English lion; plus ca change... Date: 1905

Background imageTriumphs Collection: Spanish Civil War. 1937!! L'any del triomf

Spanish Civil War. 1937!! L'any del triomf (1937!! Triumph's year!). Cover of the Catalan magazine L'Esquella de la Torratxa. January, 1937. Drawing

Background imageTriumphs Collection: PETRARCH (1304-1374)

PETRARCH (1304-1374). Italian humanist and poet. Triumphs, Sonnets, and Songs. Miniature with the Triumph of the Death

Background imageTriumphs Collection: The Age of Brass, or the Triumphs of Womans Rights Date: 1869

The Age of Brass, or the Triumphs of Womans Rights Date: 1869

Background imageTriumphs Collection: Triumphs of Maximilian I

Triumphs of Maximilian I. Date: 1518

Background imageTriumphs Collection: Bradlaugh Triumphs

Bradlaugh Triumphs
In 1881 he is ejected as an MP because as atheist he refuses to swear an oath invoking God: in 1888 he successfully intro- -duces a bill permitting MPs to make a simple affirmation

Background imageTriumphs Collection: Britannia Crowned

Britannia Crowned
Britannia crowned by Victory, trampling upon the chains of France, holding the trident of Neptune, whilst Fame proclaims the glory of her arms by pointing to military triumphs

Background imageTriumphs Collection: Italy Triumphant

Italy Triumphant
Vittorio Emanuele II triumphs as ruler of united Italy

Background imageTriumphs Collection: Civilisation Triumphs

Civilisation Triumphs

Background imageTriumphs Collection: Jehoshaphat Triumphs

Jehoshaphat Triumphs
Jehoshaphat, king of Judah, triumphs over the neighbouring princes, being favoured by God as a reward for his pious behaviour : piety pays !

Background imageTriumphs Collection: Forth Bridge

Forth Bridge
A passenger train can cross the Forth Bridge while maintaining a speed of 90 km/h. Completed in 1890, it is one of the engineering triumphs of its time

Background imageTriumphs Collection: Joseph Triumphs

Joseph Triumphs
Joseph prospers in Egypt and rides in a chariot inferior only to Pharaohs own

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