Steljes type-printing telegraph recorderA photograph of Steljes type-printing telegraph recorder, able to automatically transmit and print messages through a phone line, while callers were still conversing
Early fax technology in Paris, FranceEdouard Belin demonstrates his instrument to transmit pictures at a distance (an early example of fax technology) at the Salle du Theatre Femina, Paris, France. (2 of 2)
John Logie Baird transmitting a moving picture 1926John Logie Baird adjusting the transmitter on his new invention. Date: January 1926
During the wedding feast of James II (1267-1327)James II of Aragon, so-called the Just (1267-1327). King of Aragon, Valencia and Count of Barcelona (1291-1327), King of Sicily (1285-1296), King of Majorca (1291-1295) and Sardinia (1324-1327)
The wireless warfare: How the Admiralty's wireless installation that spook to any Britsih warships within 1600 miles of Whitehall
Royal Air Force Bristol Beaufighter Mk. IF V8341Royal Air Force Bristol Beaufighter Mk.IF V8341, on take-off with the undercarriage retracting
Diy HeliographA simple heliograph is easily constructed, and uses the suns rays to transmit messages, in morse code, over distances up to 100 kilometres
Germanic bards. Colored engravingBard. Among the ancient Celts, a poet who composed panegyrics and songs of war, but then went on to describe the heroic or lyric poet of any age or country. Germanic bards. Colored engraving
Listening to music transmitted by wireless from HollandAn English household entertained by a Dutch concert. Listening to music transmitted by wireless from Holland. A member of the family tuning in the receiver by simple adjustments. 1922
Fantastic Adventures - War of the Giant Apes by Alexander Blade. A giant ape uses a boulder to attack a truck with a scared man in it
Experiments on the phone from Dr. Alexander Graham Bell (1847-1922), to transmit the human voice over long distances. Boston, 1877. United States. 19th-century colored engraving
Railway Ring GearsThese giant ring gears transmit power from electric motors to the driving wheels on the new passenger locomotives between New York and Washington D.C. U.S.A. Date: 1930s
LCC-MFB mobile telephone / telegraph caravanWith the building of the new Streatham fire station, the caravan shown here was able to receive and transmit messages for the temporary station from Brigade HQ
Television MastA fine impression of the 750 feet high Television Mast at Dodford, Northamptonshire, England, which used to transmit the B.B.C. Thrid Programme and Network Three. Date: 1960s
Autographic telegraphyD Arlincourts autographic telegraph, able to transmit a copy of handwriting by electric currents
Pictogram receiving apparatusThree male operators in New York, at the receiving apparatus of a pictogram wire service, the first of its kind, to transmit images over telephone wires on May 19th, 1924, from Cleveland, Ohio
Bells PhotophoneAlexander Graham Bells PHOTOPHONE, which uses light to transmit sound