Title page of 18th edition (1890) of Little Lord Fauntleroy by Frances Hodgson Burnett. Illustration by Reginald Birch. Date: 1886
Calligraphic title page with vignette from Zappe's Roman HistoryAllegorical scene with History seated on a cloud above Study with a history book, medallion with portraits, a globe and chart. Two winged genie write the History of Remus and Romulus
Title page with banner The Fabulous Pantheon and classical godsTitle page with banner The Fabulous Pantheon with classical gods Jupiter, Mercury, Diana, Venus, Cupid, eagle, hounds
Title page from Deorum et Heroum, 1715Title page in red and black with vignette of a herald crowning a bust with a laurel wreath, twins, Mercury and Minerva with owl
Title page from George Shaw's General Zoology: MammaliaTitle page with vignette of a deer fawn by Dr. George Shaw engraved by James Heath
Calligraphic title page with bas-relief of Roman historyCalligraphic title page with bas-relief of scenes from Roman history showing Romulus and Remus with a wolf and the kidnap of the Sabine women. Premier Frontispiece
Title page with calligraphic letters on a stone panelTitle page with calligraphic lettering inside a decorative panel with garlands and leaf carvings
Title page with calligraphic title and vignette of English Tudor country church
Title page with vignette of Balmoral Castle, ScotlandTitle page with vignette of Balmoral Castle, Aberdeenshire, Scotland. Scottish Baronial-style granite castle built by William Smith in 1856 for Queen Victoria and Prince Albert
Title page with vignette from Le Blazon des Armoiries, 1628Title page in red and black with vignette of two angels holding a crown and two escutcheons
Title page to The Passion of our Lord, 1784Title page to Le Passion de Notre Seigneur, The Passion of our Lord, 1784
Title page with vignette from Richard Dagley's Gems, 1804Title page with calligraphy and vignette of winged Cupid writing in a book. Near antique ruins with vase, plinth, coins, and bust with wreath
Title page from Volume 2 of Death's DoingsTitle page with calligraphy and vignette of the skeleton of Death with rope and whip looking at a man hanging from a gibbet, the Last of the Graceless
Title page from Volume 1 of Death's DoingsTitle page with calligraphy and vignette of three skeletons on a gravestone, the Last of the Graces
Title page of the volume on oviparous quadrupeds with vignette of lizard species, possibly the starred agama, Laudakia stellio
Title page to the Oviparous Quadrupeds volume with vignette of a fanciful species of crocodile, Crocodilo Terrestri, Aegyptico vel Arabico
Title page with vignette of hawk from Conrad Gessner's HistoriaeTitle page with vignette of a species of hawk, possibly the Eurasian sparrowhawk, Accipiter nisus, or peregrine falcon, Falco peregrinus, with bells on its feet
Title page with vignette of skull, scythe and funeral urnTitle page with vignette of skull, hourglass, scythe, lamp and funeral urn
Title page with allegorical figures from Iconografia. An angel with trumpet and laureate putto hold a wreath around the sun
Title page from California Perfume Company catalog, 1927Title page with landscape view of an overgrown garden with fountain, wisteria arch, flowers and shrubs
Title page to Volume II with vignette of Cupid and Psyche by Francesco Bartolozzi. Copperplate stipple engraving by Jean Marie Delattre after Francesco Bartolozzi from Andrew W
Title page to Volume I with vignette of Love and Fortune by Giovanni Battista Cipriani. Copperplate stipple engraving by Francesco Bartolozzi after Giovanni Battista Cipriani from Andrew W
Wild Sports of South Africa, William HarrisTitle page to William Harriss collection of drawings from 1839. Date: 1839
The Origin of Species title page - Polish editionTitle page of a Polish first edition of the best-known work of Charles Darwin, the British-born naturalist and writer
The Origin of Species title page - Italian versionTitle page of an Italian first edition of the best-known work of Charles Darwin, the British-born naturalist and writer
The Origin of Species title page - Russian editionTitle page of a Russian first edition of the best-known work of Charles Darwin, the British-born naturalist and writer
Journal of Researches - title pageThe title of page of Darwins Journal of Researches in Geology and Natural history
The Origin of Species title page - Spanish versionTitle page of a Spanish first edition of the best-known work of Charles Darwin, the British-born naturalist and writer
The Origin of Species title page - French editionTitle page of a French first edition of the best-known work of Charles Darwin, the British-born naturalist and writer
The Origin of Species title page - German editionTitle page of a German first edition of the best-known work of Charles Darwin, the British-born naturalist and writer
Title page from Stray FeathersTitle page from Allan Octavian Humes Stray Feathers A Journal of Ornithology for India and its Dependencies, Vol. 2, (1874)
Title page to Robert Hookes Micrographia (1665)Micrographia : or, Some physical descriptions of minute bodies made by magnifying glasses, with observations and enquiries thereupon. Hooke, Robert, 1635-1703. London, 1665
Title page of the Darwin - Wallace paperWP7/9 Title page of Alfred Russel Wallaces annotated copy of his joint 1858 paper with Darwin. Wallace papers, Natural History Museum, London
Historia Naturalis Title PageThe title page from Historia Naturalis (Natural History) by Pliny the Elder. This 1st edition was published in Venice in 1469. Incunabulum, illuminated with watercolour and gold paint. 400mm x 270 mm
Mark Catesbys Natural History... Title PageTitle page from The Natural History of Carolina, Florida and the Bahama islands (1731-43) Vol. 1 by Mark Catesby
Title page from Mineralogie Volume 2 (1790)Mineralogie Tome III Contenant les gemes, chorles, Feldspath, Asbeste, Plombagine, Bithume &c. Title page from Recuille complet de Mineralogie? vol.3 (1790) by F.L. Swebach Desfontaines
Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - title paThe title page from Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society, Volume 3, 1858
Title page from Cooks first voyage, 1768-1771Title page from Illustrations of the Botany of New Zealand during Captain James Cooks first voyage across the Pacific, 1768-1771. Commissioned by Sir Joseph Banks and Dr Solander
Metamorphoses TitlepageThe title-page of Grandvilles album, showing animals as showmen proclaiming his book