LEGGY SECRETARY 1920 SA leggy secretary sits by her typewriter and takes a letter, revealing her suspender in the process
Fishing WadersThigh length rubber fishing waders and boots with anti- slip studs on the soles. Date: 1960s
Musculature of a horse. View of the muscles of a horse. Par mastoideum, par trigeminum, par triangulare, windpipe, par longum, philtrum, cucullaris, deltoides, pectorals, serratus posticus, buttocks
Claude Pouteau's doctrine of tying nerves to arteries in amputatExample of Claude Pouteau's doctrine of tying nerves to arteries in amputations. Drawing of nerves imprudently tied in along with the Femoral Artery in Amputation
A ship's boy with a case of necrotizing fasciitisA boy with a huge sore wasting away the skin and muscle of the thigh
Marilyn Monroe, American film star and actress. Date: 1950s
Main festival in the town of Cuba, Route 66Main festival in the town of Cuba, located along the historic Route 66. Detail of a girl on horseback. State of Missouri. United States
Death attacks a Soldier with a thigh-bone, while another Death beats a drum behind them
Suits of armour from the Tower of LondonSuit of armour with lance rest, open helmet 1, suit of arquebus armour 3, and suit of arquebus armour with long thigh tassets 4
Jean Louis Petits machine to compress the femoral artery during amputation of the thigh 1, and bandages 2, aneurysm needle 3 and scissors 4
Pantomime poster, Red Riding Hood
Dick Turpin, with R. A. RobertsDick Turpin, starring R.A. Roberts (born Richard Arthur Roberts, 1870) in which he played five different characters, including two women. This version of the famous story was a music hall sketch
Iguanodon femurA fossil femur, or thigh bone that once belong to the bipedal herbivorous dinosaur, Iguanodon. This specimen shows marks where muscles were once attached to the bone
Mammoth thigh boneFossilised thigh bone of a woolly mammoth (Mammuthus primigenius) from Siberia. About 40, 000 years old
Muscles and tendons of the thigh.. Handcolored steel engraving from Dr. Joseph Nicolas Masses Pocket Anatomy of the Human Body, Paris, 1864
Muscles and tendons of the thigh and knee.. Handcolored steel engraving from Dr. Joseph Nicolas Masses Pocket Anatomy of the Human Body, Paris, 1864
Hip joint and thigh bones.. Handcolored steel engraving from Dr. Joseph Nicolas Masses Pocket Anatomy of the Human Body, Paris, 1864
Atlantosaurus thigh bone.. Lithograph after an illustration by J. Smit from H. N. Hutchinsons Extinct Monsters and Creatures of Other Days, Chapman and Hall, London, 1894
Homo sapiens, Red Lady of Paviland (Paviland 1)A Femur stained red with ochre from the oldest known modern human burial in Britain which dates back 26, 500 years
Female Type / SignorinaAn Italian signorina shows a daring glimpse of thigh. Date: circa 1920
Djerba Island situated in the Gulf of Cabes. Near the Castle of Es Suk, is a tower of skulls and thigh-bones of fourteen thousand Spanish soldiers from 1558
The Tango trouser, 1913Trousers especially designed for dancing the Tango. The outfit was made up of a skirt slit to the thigh, worn over a pair of Turkish trousers held at the ankle by a band of crystal beads
Naked sensualistsA group of naked women relax and lounge in an exotic landscape. One wears a rather becoming decoration around her thigh
Couple Dancing 1928He in top hat and cape, she in considerably less, dance the latest fashionable dance
Young Odysseus & BoarYoung Odysseus fights a wild boar and gets the wound in his thigh