Annie Besant / FullerANNIE BESANT English theosophist and Indian political leader - portrait
Theosophist First NoTHE THEOSOPHIST cover of the first number of Madame Blavatskys house journal
Annie Besant / PhotoANNIE BESANT English theosophist and Indian political leader
Maud Hoffman (1875 - ?) - American actress and theosophist of the Victorian era. Date: 1899
Annie Besant / Ilz 1933ANNIE BESANT English theosophist and Indian political leader in old age Date: 1847 - 1933
Annie Besant / Phil MayANNIE BESANT English theosophist and Indian political leader, with Madame Blavatsky and an apparition of Mahatmaism above her Date: 1847 - 1933
Annie Besant in 1920ANNIE BESANT English theosophist and Indian political leader Date: 1847 - 1933
Arthur Arnould / GillArthur Arnould. French writer, member of the Commune, journalist, historian freethinker, subsequently a theosophist. Writer under the pseudonym of A. Matthey
Satire on Annie BesantHOW TO BECOME A MAHATMA satire on Annie Besants career from social reformer to birth control advocate to spiritual guru
Annie Besant / Bibby sANNIE BESANT English theosophist and Indian political leader
Annie Besant in 1889ANNIE BESANT English theosophist and Indian political leader
Annie Besant in 1885ANNIE BESANT English theosophist and Indian political leader