Ahmose-Nefertari. Queen of Egypt. StatueAhmose-Nefertari, Queen of Egypt. Standing figure. Wood. Posthumous. New Kingdom. 19th Dynasty. 1200 BC. Thebes, Egypt. Neues Museum. Berlin. Germany
Decorative wall paintings from ancient Egypt
Coffin of King Nubkheperra Intef. Detail. 17th Dynasty. Second Intermediate Period. Around 1600 BC. From Dra Abu el-Naga (Thebes, Egypt). British Museum. London. United Kingdom
Egyptian wooden sarcophagusInner wooden coffin of Henutmehyt, covered in gold leaf. Decorated with representations of different deities as a winged goddess Nut, the boat of the Sun god and other protective deities
DEATH OF EPAMINONDASEpaminondas, Theban general, dies fighting the Spartans at the battle of Mantinea risking his own life to save that of his friend Pelopidas. Date: 362 BCE
A portrait of the dancer Seraphine Astafieva, 1915A portrait of the dancer Seraphine Astafieva as Bernice, Queen of Egypt in the ballet Theban Night, 1915 Date: 1915
Thebes, Upper Egypt, North Africa - Tomb of Queen HatshepsutThebes, Upper Egypt, North Africa - The Ramesseum, the mausoleum of Egyptian Pharoah Rameses II
False door of Senenmut. EgyptFalse door of Senenmut, architect and official government. Sandstone. New Kingdom. 18th Dynasty. 1480-1460 BC. West Thebes. Neues Museum. Berlin. Germany
Sarcophagus of the scribe Butehamon. 990-970 BC. EgyptSarcophagus of the scribe Butehamon. 990-970 BC. Dynasty XXI. Third Intermediate Period. Thebes. Egyptian Museum. Turin. Italy
Relief depicting the god Thoth. Ramesseum. EgyptRelief depicting the god Thoth as ibis-headed. Ramesseum. 13th century. Nineteen dynasty. New Kingdom. Necropolis of Thebes. Valley of the kings. Egypt
The Ramesseum - mausoleum of Pharoah Rameses II, LuxorThe Ramesseum, the mausoleum of Egyptian Pharoah Rameses II, with the fallen statue of Rameses, Thebes (Luxor)
Egypt. Valley of the Kings. Tomb entrance. New Kingdom
Egypt. Valley of the Kings. Tourists visiting the tombs. New Kingdom
Egypt. Valley of the Kings. TombsEgypt. Valley of the Kings. Tourists in a tomb entrance. New Kingdom
Egypt. Valley of the Kings. New Kingdom. Panorama
Ramesseum. Decorated capital shaped as lotus plant. Luxor. ERamesseum. Decorated capital shaped as lotus plant. New Kingdom. 13th century B.C. Valley of the Kings. Luxor. Egypt
Sacred solar boat carried by priests. Relief. Ramesseum. EgyRamesseum. Relief depicting the sacred solar boat carried by priests. 13th century B.C. Nineteenth Dynasty. New Kingdom. Necropolis of Thebes. Valley of the Kings. Egypt
Ramesseum. Relief depicting the pharaoh Ramses II before god Seshat. 13th century B.C. Nineteenth Dynasty. New Kingdom. Necropolis of Thebes. Valley of the Kings. Egypt
Reliev depicting the goddess Tefnut. Ramesseum. EgyptReliev depicting the goddess Tefnut. Ramesseum. 13th century. Nineteen dynasty. New Kingdom. Necropolis of Thebes. Valley of the kings. Egypt
Ramesseum. Colonnade with capitals shaped as lotus. EgyptRamesseum. Colonnade with capitals shaped as lotus. 13th century. Nineteen dynasty. New Kingdom. Medinet Habu. Necropolis of Thebes. Valley of the kings. Egypt
Relief depicting a Pharaoh making offerings to the god Onuris-Shu. Ramesseum. 13th century. Nineteen dynasty. New Kingdom. Necropolis of Thebes. Valley of the kings. Egypt
Relief depicting the god Ra. Ramesseum. EgyptRelief depicting the god Ra. Ramesseum. 13th century. Nineteen dynasty. New Kingdom. Necropolis of Thebes. Valley of the kings. Egypt
Relief depicting a Pharaoh making offerings to the god Ra. Ramesseum. 13th century. Nineteen dynasty. New Kingdom. Necropolis of Thebes. Valley of the kings. Egypt
Relief depicting a Pharaoh Ramses II before gods Amun, Munt and Khonsu. Detail. Ramesseum. 13th century. Nineteen dynasty. New Kingdom. Necropolis of Thebes. Valley of the kings. Egypt
Relief depicting a Pharaoh Ramses II with different gods. Ramesseum. 13th century. Nineteen dynasty. New Kingdom. Necropolis of Thebes. Valley of the kings. Egypt
Ramesseum. Army during a battle. Relief. EgyptRamesseum. Relief depicting an army a battle. 13th century B.C. Nineteenth Dynasty. New Kingdom. Medinet Habu. Necropolis of Thebes. Valley of the Kings. Egypt
Ramesseum. Pharaoh Ramses II with priests. Relief. EgyptRamesseum. Relief depicting the pharaoh Ramses II with priests. 13th century B.C. Nineteenth Dynasty. New Kingdom. Medinet Habu. Necropolis of Thebes. Valley of the Kings. Egypt
Rameseum. Pillars with osirian statues. Detail. EgyptRameseum. Pillars with osirian statues. Detail. 13th century B.C. Nineteenth Dynasty. New Kingdom. Necropolis of Thebes. Valley of the Kings. Egypt
Rameseum. Pillars with osirian statues. EgyptRameseum. Pillars with osirian statues. 13th century B.C. Nineteenth Dynasty. New Kingdom. Necropolis of Thebes. Valley of the Kings. Egypt
Ramesseum. Granite bust of Pharaoh Ramses II. EgyptRameseum. Granite bust of Pharaoh Ramses II. 13th century B.C. Nineteenth Dynasty. New Kingdom. Necropolis of Thebes. Valley of the Kings. Egypt
Ramesseum. Pharaoh in a chariot during a battle. Relief. EgyRamesseum. Relief depicting the pharaoh in a chariot during a battle. 13th century B.C. Nineteenth Dynasty. New Kingdom. Medinet Habu. Necropolis of Thebes. Valley of the Kings. Egypt
Ramesseum. Relief depicting the pharaoh making an offering to the gods Amon, seated, and Ptah. 13th century B.C. Nineteenth Dynasty. New Kingdom. Medinet Habu. Necropolis of Thebes
Relief depicting a Pharaoh making libations to the gods. Detail. Ramesseum. 13th century. Nineteen dynasty. New Kingdom. Necropolis of Thebes. Valley of the kings. Egypt
Relief depicting a Pharaoh, probably Ramses II, offering incense. Ramesseum. 13th century. Nineteen dynasty. New Kingdom. Necropolis of Thebes. Valley of the kings. Egypt
Goddess Tefnut (goddess lioness) and the god Ptah. RamesseumRelief depicting the goddess Tefnut (goddess lioness) and the god Ptah. Ramesseum. Nineteen dynasty. New Kingdom. Necropolis of Thebes. Valley of the kings. Egypt
Ramesseum. Temple area designed to barns or warehouses. LuxoRamesseum. Temple area designed to barns or warehouses. Nineteenth dynasty. New Kingdom. 13th century B.C. Valley of the Kings. Luxor. Egypt
Ramesseum. Relief with Tefnut and Ptah. Luxor. EgyptRamesseum. Relief with two Egyptian deities, Tefnut, goddess lioness and Ptah, creator god. Nineteenth dynasty. New Kingdom. 13th century B.C. Valley of the Kings. Luxor. Egypt
Ramesseum. Luxor. EgyptRamesseum. Nineteenth dynasty. New Kingdom. 13th century B.C. Valley of the Kings. Luxor. Egypt
EGYPT. VALLEY OF THE KINGS In the rock walls are carved tEGYPT. VALLEY OF THE KINGS.. In the rock walls are carved the tombs of the pharaohs of the New Kingdom. Entrance to one of the hypogea tomb
Valley of the Kings. Entrance to the tomb of the Pharaoh AmeValley of the Kings. On the walls are carved rock tombs of New Kingdom pharaohs. Egypt
Valley of the Kings. Entrance to the tomb of the Pharaoh RamValley of the Kings. On the walls are carved rock tombs of New Kingdom pharaohs. Entrance to the tomb of the Pharaoh Ramses IV. Egypt
Relief depicting god Amun. LuxorRelief depicting god Amun with great helmet covered with two large feathers and beard sitting on the throne. First court of Ramses II. New Empire. Temple of Luxor. Egypt
Luxor temple. Chapel dedicated to the Theban triad formed by the gods Amun, Mut and Khonsu. North side of the first court of Ramses II. New Empire. Egypt
PELOPIDAS Theban general, during his captivity Date: ? - 364 BC
Epaminondas (Seated)EPAMINONDAS - Greek (Theban) Soldier and statesman involved in conquest of Sparta Date: 418 - 362 BC
Colossi of Memnon at Luxor and the Nilometer in Cairo.. Handcolored lithograph from Friedrich Wilhelm Goedsches Complete Gallery of Peoples in True Pictures, Meissen, circa 1835-1840
Egyptian ship. RowersEGYPT. Dayr al-Bahri. Valley of the Kings. Egyptian ship. Rowers and helmsman. Decoration of Sennefers hypogeum at Theban necropolis (TT96). Dynasty XVIII (1550-1292 BC). Egyptian art. New Kingdom
Luxor Temple Complex - View of the Theban Hills Date: circa 1930s
Preparation of the mummies for the purification ceremony. 16th c. BC. 17th Dynasty. Wall from a Theban tomb. Egyptian art. Middle Kingdom. Painting. ITALY. Florence. National Museum of Archaeology
Heroism of EpaminondasAt the battle of Mantinea (between one clutch of Greek states and another) Theban general Epaminondas risks his own life to save that of his friend Pelopidas
Oedipus Tyrannus 2Chorus of Theban elders
Pelopidas Goes to ThebesThe Theban general Pelopidas (in green) and his men, disguised as peasants, set off for Thebes and are successful in freeing the city from the crushing Spartan occupation
Epaminondas (Profile)EPAMINONDAS - Greek (Theban) Soldier and statesman involved in conquest of Sparta
TIRESIAS, Theban soothsayer, blinded because he accidentally saw Athena bathing, but given powers of prophecy as compensation
Athenians Defeated 338BcMacedonian and Theban forces under Philip of Macedon defeat the Atheians at Chaeronea
Epaminondas (& Armour)EPAMINONDAS - Greek (Theban) Soldier and statesman involved in conquest of Sparta
Epaminondas and ArmyTheban General Epaminondas orders his army into battle