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Tessera Collection

Background imageTessera Collection: Roman mosaic. 4th-5th century. From roman villa of Pacs. Cat

Roman mosaic. 4th-5th century. From roman villa of Pacs. Cat
Roman mosaic. Geometric. 4th-5th century. From roman villa of Pacs. Catalonia. Diocesan Museum. Barcelona. Spain

Background imageTessera Collection: Roman mosaic. Fish and octopus. Spain

Roman mosaic. Fish and octopus. Spain
Roman mosaic. Scene Marina. Fish and octopus. Archaeological Museum. Albacete province. Castile-La Mancha. Spain

Background imageTessera Collection: Angel on the front of the Orthodox Church Saborna Crkva

Angel on the front of the Orthodox Church Saborna Crkva. Belgrade. Republic of Serbia

Background imageTessera Collection: Zoe Porphyrogenita (978-1050). Mosaic

Zoe Porphyrogenita (978-1050). Mosaic
Zoe Porphyrogenita (978-1050). Byzantine empress. Mosaic of the South Gallery. Hagia Sophia. Istanbul. Turkey

Background imageTessera Collection: Byzantine Art. Virgin and Child. Mosaic. Xi century a. C

Byzantine Art. Virgin and Child. Mosaic. Xi century a. C
BYZANTINE ART. GREECE. PANAGHIA KAPNIKAREA. Mosaic of the Orthodox church built in the eleventh century, dedicated to the presentation of the Virgin Mary. Picture shows the Virgin and Child. Athens

Background imageTessera Collection: Fragment of a Roman mosaic from the Great Palace

Fragment of a Roman mosaic from the Great Palace
Fragment of a Roman mosaic with frieze that decorated the pavements of the palace. Southwest corridor. 4th-6th centuries. Great Palace Mosaic Museum. Istanbul, Turkey. Date: 2013

Background imageTessera Collection: Italy, Pompeii. House of the Wild Boar

Italy, Pompeii. House of the Wild Boar (Street of Abundance). Roman mosaic of the atrium depicting geometric motifs. In the centre a hunting scene: dogs attacking a wild boar. Date: 2014

Background imageTessera Collection: Mosaic of the Great Palace Mosaic Museum. Istanbul

Mosaic of the Great Palace Mosaic Museum. Istanbul
Great Palace Mosaic Museum. 4th-6th centuries. Detail of a mosaic depicting two animals devouring a deer. Istanbul. Turkey

Background imageTessera Collection: Nicanor died after being defeated by Judas Maccabaeus. His h

Nicanor died after being defeated by Judas Maccabaeus. His head and arms are cut off. Mosaic. Sant'Evasio Cathedral. Casale Monferrato. Piedmont Region. Italy

Background imageTessera Collection: Roman Art. The Nile mosaic of Palestrina. Detail. Trireme

Roman Art. The Nile mosaic of Palestrina. Detail. Trireme
Roman Art. The Nile mosaic of Palestrina. Barberini mosaic or Niles landscape. Hellenistic floor mosaic depicting scenes in the river Nile.It was part of a Classical sanctuary-grotto in Palestrina

Background imageTessera Collection: Roman mosaic

Roman mosaic with a cube pattern giving a three dimensional effect. Glyptothek. Munich. Germany

Background imageTessera Collection: Roman mosaic depicting the Chi-Rho symbol with alpha and ome

Roman mosaic depicting the Chi-Rho symbol with alpha and omega. Found in Barcelona. Museum of History. Barcelona. Spain

Background imageTessera Collection: Anaximander (610 546 BC) with a sundial. Roman mosaic. 3rd

Anaximander (610 546 BC) with a sundial. Roman mosaic. 3rd
Anaximander (610- 546 BC). Pre-Socratic Greek philosopher who lived in Miletus. He belonged to the Milesian school and learned the teachings of his master Thales. Anaximandder with a sundial

Background imageTessera Collection: Dionysus fighting with the Indians. Mosaic. Palazzo Massimo

Dionysus fighting with the Indians. Mosaic. Palazzo Massimo
Pavement mosaic depicting Dionysus fighting with the Indians. 4th century. From Villa Rufinella. Roman National Museum. Palazzo Massimo. Rome. Italy

Background imageTessera Collection: Roman mosaic. Female figure depicting the Spring (Hestas). 4

Roman mosaic. Female figure depicting the Spring (Hestas). 4th century. It comes from Villa Las Tiendas. Merida (Augusta Emerita). National Museum of Roman Art. Merida. Spain

Background imageTessera Collection: Roman Art. Italy. House of Bacchus and Ariadne. Floor mosaic

Roman Art. Italy. House of Bacchus and Ariadne. Floor mosaic in black and white. It depicts Bacchus with his wife Ariadne and the struggle of Eros and Pan (love and lust)

Background imageTessera Collection: Roman mosaic at the Theatre of Bosra. Syria

Roman mosaic at the Theatre of Bosra. Syria
Syria. Bosra. Roman Mosaic of the theatre. At the top, a camel caravan and, at the bottom, a hunting scene

Background imageTessera Collection: Dyonisus. Roman mosaic

Dyonisus. Roman mosaic
Roman mosaic depicting god Dionysus. Detail of the mosaic Meeting between Ariadne and Dionysus. 4th century. Anniboni. National Museum of Roman Art. Merida. Spain

Background imageTessera Collection: Roman mosaic. Female figure depicting the Summer. 4th centur

Roman mosaic. Female figure depicting the Summer. 4th century. It comes from Villa Las Tiendas. Merida (Augusta Emerita). National Museum of Roman Art. Merida. Spain

Background imageTessera Collection: Roman mosaic. Female figure depicting the Autumn. 4th centur

Roman mosaic. Female figure depicting the Autumn. 4th century. It comes from Villa Las Tiendas. Merida. National Museum of Roman Art. Merida. Spain

Background imageTessera Collection: The Aurigas mosaic. 4th century. The victoriuos charioteer M

The Aurigas mosaic. 4th century. The victoriuos charioteer Marcianus with his chariot. He carries a palm of triumph in one hand and the whip in the other

Background imageTessera Collection: Roman floor mosaic. Antonine Period. Alemdar (Istanbul)

Roman floor mosaic. Antonine Period. Alemdar (Istanbul)
Roman floor mosaic. Coloured stone and mortar. Antonine Period. Detail. From Alemdar (Istanbul). Archaeological museum. Istanbul. Turkey

Background imageTessera Collection: Roman floor mosaic. Cos (Istankoy). 2nd century AD

Roman floor mosaic. Cos (Istankoy). 2nd century AD
Roman floor mosaic. Coloured stone and mortar. 2nd century AD. From Cos (Istankoy). Archaeological museum. Istanbul. Turkey

Background imageTessera Collection: Roman art. Spain. 4th century AD. Mosaic

Roman art. Spain. 4th century AD. Mosaic
Roman art. Spain. Catalonia. Roman Villa of the Garriga. Lower Empire. 4th century AD. Mosaic. Floral decoration. Episcopal Museum. Vic. Catalonia

Background imageTessera Collection: Two children riding on a camel. Mosaic of the Great Palace M

Two children riding on a camel. Mosaic of the Great Palace M
Great Palace Mosaic Museum. 4th-6th centuries. Two children riding on a camel. Istanbul. Turkey

Background imageTessera Collection: Children playing a hoop game. Mosaic of the Great Palace Mos

Children playing a hoop game. Mosaic of the Great Palace Mos
Great Palace Mosaic Museum. 4th-6th centuries. Children playing a hoop game. Istanbul. Turkey

Background imageTessera Collection: Mosaic of the Great Palace Mosaic Museum. Istanbul

Mosaic of the Great Palace Mosaic Museum. Istanbul
Great Palace Mosaic Museum. 4th-6th centuries. Detail of a mosaic. Istanbul. Turkey

Background imageTessera Collection: Roman city of Italica. Mosaic at the Domus of Neptune. Spain

Roman city of Italica. Mosaic at the Domus of Neptune. Spain
Spain. Italica. Roman city founded c. 206 BC. Domus of Neptune. Mosaic. Andalusia

Background imageTessera Collection: Roman city of Italica. House of Neptune. Spain

Roman city of Italica. House of Neptune. Spain
Spain. Italica. Roman city founded c. 206 BC. House of Neptune. Mosaic detail. Andalusia

Background imageTessera Collection: Spain. Italica. Roman city founded c. 206 BC. House of the P

Spain. Italica. Roman city founded c. 206 BC. House of the Planetarium. Mosaic. Detail. Mercury. Andalusia

Background imageTessera Collection: Roman Art. Italy. Ostia Antica. House of Bacchus and Ariadne

Roman Art. Italy. Ostia Antica. House of Bacchus and Ariadne. Floor mosaic in black and white. It depicts Bacchus with his wife Ariadne and the struggle of Eros and Pan (love and lust)

Background imageTessera Collection: Ostia Antica. Mosaic depicting a cargo ship from Carthage

Ostia Antica. Mosaic depicting a cargo ship from Carthage. Square of the Guilds or Corporations

Background imageTessera Collection: Roman Mosaic of polychrome geometric motifs. 3rd century B. C

Roman Mosaic of polychrome geometric motifs. 3rd century B. C
Roman Art. Italy. Roman Mosaic of polychrome geometric motifs. Dated to 211 BC. It comes from Lucus Feroniae. Lazio

Background imageTessera Collection: Mosaic of Pergamon

Mosaic of Pergamon
Mosaic from the Palace V of the Acropolis of Pergamum. 160-150 BC. By artist Hephaistion. Pergamon Museum. Berlin. Germany

Background imageTessera Collection: Roman Villa of Pisoes. Polychrome mosaic with geometric moti

Roman Villa of Pisoes. Polychrome mosaic with geometric moti
Roman Art. Portugal. Roman Villa of Pisoes. 1st to 4th century. Polychrome mosaic decorated with geometric motifs. Detail. Near Beja. El Alentejo

Background imageTessera Collection: Roman Art. Syria. Farming. Collecting dates. Mosaic. Theatre

Roman Art. Syria. Farming. Collecting dates. Mosaic. Theatre of Bosra. 2nd century. Hauran region

Background imageTessera Collection: Ostia Antica. Mosaic of Baths of Buticosus

Ostia Antica. Mosaic of Baths of Buticosus
Ostia Antica. Baths of Buticosus. 1st - 2nd centuries AD. Caldarium. Mosaic depicting Triton and Nereid. Near Rome

Background imageTessera Collection: Square of the Guilds or Corporations. Ostia Antica

Square of the Guilds or Corporations. Ostia Antica
Ostia Antica. Square of the Guilds or Corporations. Overview. Near Rome

Background imageTessera Collection: Roman Art. Spain. Mosaic of Bacchus

Roman Art. Spain. Mosaic of Bacchus. 2nd century A.C. It comes from Italica (Seville). Bacchus crowned with vine leaves and armed with thyrsus topped with the spearhead

Background imageTessera Collection: Roman Art. Spain. Mosaic Spring. 2nd-3rd centuries A. D

Roman Art. Spain. Mosaic Spring. 2nd-3rd centuries A. D
Roman Art. Spain. Mosaic Spring. 2nd-3rd centuries A.D. It comes from Dos Hermanas (Seville). Archaeological Museum of Seville. Andalusia

Background imageTessera Collection: Baths of Neptune. Mosaic. Ostia Antica

Baths of Neptune. Mosaic. Ostia Antica
Amphitrite on a hippocampus with Hymenaeus and Tritons. Detail. Mosaic at the Baths of Neptune. 2nd century. Ostia Antica. Italy

Background imageTessera Collection: Roman mosaic. Pula. Croatia

Roman mosaic. Pula. Croatia
Croatia. Pula. Roman Mosaic depicting two peacocks on a platter. 1st century - 2nd century. Archaeological Museum

Background imageTessera Collection: Milreu ruins. Roman Villa (1st - 4th century A. D. ). Estoi. A

Milreu ruins. Roman Villa (1st - 4th century A. D. ). Estoi. A
Ruins of Milreu. Roman Villa (1st - 4th century A.D.). Mosaic detail. Estoi, near Faro. Algarve. Portugal

Background imageTessera Collection: Ariadne sleeping. Roman mosaic

Ariadne sleeping. Roman mosaic
Roman mosaic depicting Ariadne sleeping. Detail of the mosaic Meeting between Ariadne and Dionysus. 4th century. Anniboni. National Museum of Roman Art. Merida. Spain

Background imageTessera Collection: Mosaic depicting Hylas and the Nymphs

Mosaic depicting Hylas and the Nymphs, dated between the late 2nd century B.C. and early Imperial Period. Tor Bella Monaca. Palazzo Massimo. National Roman Museum. Rome

Background imageTessera Collection: Mosaic. 2nd century. Imperial Period. Woman with a flower s

Mosaic. 2nd century. Imperial Period. Woman with a flower s
Roman Art. Asia Minor. Mosaic. 2nd century. Imperial Period. It belongs to a house of Daphe, (Antioch, Turkey). In the middle is depicted a woman with a flowers crown in her head

Background imageTessera Collection: Mosaic depicting two peacocks on a vase

Mosaic depicting two peacocks on a vase. Archaeological Museum. Pula. Croatia

Background imageTessera Collection: Struggle between two warriors. Mosaic. Italy

Struggle between two warriors. Mosaic. Italy
Struggle between two warriors. Mosaic. Sant Evasio Cathedral. Casale Monferrato. Piedmont Region. Italy

Background imageTessera Collection: Roman mosaic. Fish. Ostia Antica. Italy

Roman mosaic. Fish. Ostia Antica. Italy
Roman mosaic. Fish. From the Forum of the Corporations or Piazza delle Corporazione. Ostia Antica. Italy

Background imageTessera Collection: Roman mosaic. Floral decoration. Ostia Antica. Italy

Roman mosaic. Floral decoration. Ostia Antica. Italy

Background imageTessera Collection: Roman mosaic. Ostia Antica. Italy

Roman mosaic. Ostia Antica. Italy

Background imageTessera Collection: Roman mosaic. Floral decoration. Detail. Ostia Antica. Ita

Roman mosaic. Floral decoration. Detail. Ostia Antica. Italy

Background imageTessera Collection: Roman mosaic. Geometric decoration. Ostia Antica. Italy

Roman mosaic. Geometric decoration. Ostia Antica. Italy

Background imageTessera Collection: Roman mosaic. Neptune riding a chariot. Ostia Antica. Italy

Roman mosaic. Neptune riding a chariot. Ostia Antica. Italy
Roman mosaic. Neptune riding a chariot. Detail. Baths of Neptune. Ostia Antica. Italy

Background imageTessera Collection: Roman mosaic. Boat. Ostia Antica. Italy

Roman mosaic. Boat. Ostia Antica. Italy
Roman mosaic. Commercial boat. From the Forum of the Corporations or Piazza delle Corporazione. Ostia Antica. Italy

Background imageTessera Collection: Euphrasian basilica. Mosaic. Porec. Croatia

Euphrasian basilica. Mosaic. Porec. Croatia
BYZANTINE ART. CROATIA. Euphrasian Basilica. Byzantine church built in the sixth century. World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1997. Mosaic in the tympanum of the entrance to the temple. POREC

Background imageTessera Collection: Saint Mark in ecstasy. Mosaic. Saint Marks Basilica. Venice

Saint Mark in ecstasy. Mosaic. Saint Marks Basilica. Venice
BYZANTINE ART. ITALY. Saint Mark in ecstasy. Mosaic of the atrium in the Saint Marks Basilica dating between the twelfth and thirteenth century. Venice

Background imageTessera Collection: Pope Sylvester I (314-335). Mosaic in the Baptistery of St

Pope Sylvester I (314-335). Mosaic in the Baptistery of St
BYZANTINE ART. Pope Sylvester I (314-335). Mosaic in the Baptistery of St. Marks Basilica, dating between XII-XIV centuries. Venice. Italy

Background imageTessera Collection: Rudston Roman Villa mosaics during excavation 1 / 3

Rudston Roman Villa mosaics during excavation 1 / 3
Rudston Roman Villa mosaics during excavation - Rudston, East Yorkshire - dated to the 4th century. The villa contained some of the best examples of Roman mosaics

Background imageTessera Collection: Jews making mosaics - Syria

Jews making mosaics - Syria
Jews making Mosaic patterns in Syria. The tessera are being cut by a craftsman with a handsaw, while his young assistant mixes the suitable cementing adhesive

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