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Techniques Collection

Background imageTechniques Collection: Kitchener Poster C. 1915

Kitchener Poster C. 1915
Your Country Needs You This direct and graphic recruitment poster featuring Lord Kitchener, aimed to command and inspire

Background imageTechniques Collection: Hogarth / False Perspectiv

Hogarth / False Perspectiv
An exercise in false perspective. Date: early 19th century

Background imageTechniques Collection: Advert / Lawrence / Squire

Advert / Lawrence / Squire
Personality endorsement of Whitbreads India Pale Ale: Gertrude Lawrence and Ronald Squire

Background imageTechniques Collection: How Navajo Indian Rugs are made - USA

How Navajo Indian Rugs are made - USA Date: circa 1930s

Background imageTechniques Collection: Greek trireme. Engraving. SPAIN. Madrid. Navy

Greek trireme. Engraving. SPAIN. Madrid. Navy Museum

Background imageTechniques Collection: Malta - Lacemaking

Malta - Lacemaking
Lacemaking in Malta during WWI. Malta was not on the front line of World War I (unlike World War II) but did participate in many ways nevertheless

Background imageTechniques Collection: Eyre Massey Shaw / 1890

Eyre Massey Shaw / 1890
Sir EYRE MASSEY SHAW Leader of fire brigades and author on the techniques and technicalities of fighting fires

Background imageTechniques Collection: Florence Nightingale - Pioneer of Nursing Techniques

Florence Nightingale - Pioneer of Nursing Techniques
Florence Nightingale (1820-1910) - celebrated English social reformer and statistician, and the founder of modern nursing

Background imageTechniques Collection: Coal Mining Operations

Coal Mining Operations
Mining operations, drilling and boring, showing equipment and cross-section of mine. Date: 19th century

Background imageTechniques Collection: Young Native American Indian boy learning to shoot his bow

Young Native American Indian boy learning to shoot his bow and arrow - USA. Date: circa 1950s

Background imageTechniques Collection: Sandwich Board Man - Oxford Street

Sandwich Board Man - Oxford Street

Background imageTechniques Collection: Map of Gibraltar (XVIIIIth c. ). Etching

Map of Gibraltar (XVIIIIth c. ). Etching
Map of Gibraltar (XVIIIIth c.). Etching

Background imageTechniques Collection: Native American Blankets

Native American Blankets
Six blankets made by Navaho weavers using traditional techniques, from the collection in the Indian Building in Albuquerque, New Mexico

Background imageTechniques Collection: New Orleans (1881). Wharf on Mississippi river

New Orleans (1881). Wharf on Mississippi river. Etching

Background imageTechniques Collection: Recruitment poster parody WWI

Recruitment poster parody WWI
Amusing pastiche based on advertisements for drawing schools and gently mocking the recruitment techniques of World War One

Background imageTechniques Collection: FIREWORKS 1747 - 7

FIREWORKS 1747 - 7
Techniques of firework making in 18th century France : various types of whirling and spinning devices

Background imageTechniques Collection: Removing Stone at Mill

Removing Stone at Mill
Removing the stone at an old water mill at Ewell, Surrey

Background imageTechniques Collection: Launching of a Dhow - Aden Maalla Village, Yemen

Launching of a Dhow - Aden Maalla Village, Yemen Date: 1910s

Background imageTechniques Collection: Maggie Clifton music hall gymnast

Maggie Clifton music hall gymnast and equilibrist. Originally a member of The 5 Cliftons from Belgium. Demonstrated head and hand balancing techniques. Date: circa 1913

Background imageTechniques Collection: Poster, Paris 1937 International Exhibition

Poster, Paris 1937 International Exhibition
Poster, Art Deco style, Paris 1937 May-November, Art and Techniques, International Exhibition, by Leonetto Cappiello, 50ins. x 34ins. Date: 1937

Background imageTechniques Collection: Japan - Cooper

Japan - Cooper
Cooper, Japan. Date: circa 1920s

Background imageTechniques Collection: Japan - Cart Maker

Japan - Cart Maker
Cart Maker, Japan. Date: circa 1920s

Background imageTechniques Collection: Boys making a pigeon loft

Boys making a pigeon loft
School children at the school Abbotsholme building a pigeon loft. The school was set up by Mr George Allen. Who published a volume entitled Abbotsholme, 1889-99; or

Background imageTechniques Collection: Cinemategolf

Cinemategolf, the latest in golf tuition. A pupil at the Portman School of Golf has her strokes filmed while receiving a lesson. Date: 1933

Background imageTechniques Collection: Basket Trap for Salmon

Basket Trap for Salmon
A basket trap, used for catching salmon in the River Severn. Date: 1933

Background imageTechniques Collection: Wicket Drying Machine

Wicket Drying Machine
A new machine for drying wickets being tried out at Lord's cricket ground. Running off electricity, it dries the wickets with a current of hot air. Date: 1931

Background imageTechniques Collection: Eastern Congo Fisherman

Eastern Congo Fisherman
A fisherman on Lake Edward in the Eastern Congo, using a basket to fish in the shallows. Date: circa 1925

Background imageTechniques Collection: Bronze sculpture of a WWI British trooper

Bronze sculpture of a WWI British trooper
Bronze sculpture of a First World War British trooper astride his horse.Born in Paris 26.11.1871, he learned the techniques of Sculpture from his father

Background imageTechniques Collection: SPAIN. Pasajes de San Juan. Spanish Civil War

SPAIN. Pasajes de San Juan. Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Fishing boat at the servixce of the Basque government

Background imageTechniques Collection: Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Armoured car

Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Armoured car

Background imageTechniques Collection: Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Armored vehicle

Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Armored vehicle with gun turret

Background imageTechniques Collection: Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). El receptor de

Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). El receptor de radio (The radio receiver). Poster dited in Valencia. SPAIN. Salamanca. Archivo Historico Nacional

Background imageTechniques Collection: Spain Civil War Requisition Of Vehicles By Organizations

Spain Civil War Requisition Of Vehicles By Organizations
spain, civil, war, requisition, of, vehicles, by, organizations, the, popular, front, drawing, vertical, upright, colour, color, outdoor, daylight, exterior, outside, daytime, sunlight, scene, group

Background imageTechniques Collection: Spanish Civil War. Republican side. Aviation

Spanish Civil War. Republican side. Aviation. Aircrafts Vultel, Dvokbrecd and the twin-engined Novlhrop

Background imageTechniques Collection: Futuristic advertising art. Date: 1951

Futuristic advertising art. Date: 1951

Background imageTechniques Collection: Exhibition of life-saving techniques at the Bath Club in Dover Street

Exhibition of life-saving techniques at the Bath Club in Dover Street. The swimming baths of choice for high society, the Bath Club attracted a well-heeled membership. Date: 1912

Background imageTechniques Collection: Instructions for the game of diablo or Chinese yo-yo

Instructions for the game of diablo or Chinese yo-yo, showing various tricks and techniques, early 19th century. Lithograph from Henry Rene Allemagnes Sports and Games of Skill

Background imageTechniques Collection: Madagascar - Shelling (De-husking) Rice

Madagascar - Shelling (De-husking) Rice Date: circa 1906

Background imageTechniques Collection: Shotgun with outside spring. Antonio Larranaga

Shotgun with outside spring. Antonio Larranaga en Eibar (19th c.). SPAIN. Vitoria. Museum of the Armeria (armoury)

Background imageTechniques Collection: MEDIEVAL WRESTLING C14

Various techniques used in medieval wrestling. Date: 14th century

Background imageTechniques Collection: Man diving and swimming

Man diving and swimming
The Art of Diving and Swimming - various diving positions, various swimming strokes Date: circa 1900

Background imageTechniques Collection: Advertisement - Railway Station

Advertisement - Railway Station
A large number of posters at Charing Cross Station Date: 1874

Background imageTechniques Collection: ADVERT / SANDWICH MAN 19C

Sandwichman advertising Babes in the Wood at Drury Lane Theatre Date: late 19th century

Background imageTechniques Collection: ADVERT / BILL POSTER 1880

Bill poster Date: circa 1880

Background imageTechniques Collection: Captain Eyre Massey Shaw

Captain Eyre Massey Shaw (1828 - 1908) Leader of fire brigades, author on the techniques and technicalities of fighting fires Date: 1871

Background imageTechniques Collection: ARTIST USING GRID

An artist uses a grid pattern to assist him in drawing a reclining model Date: 1525

Background imageTechniques Collection: BUILDING CONSTRUCTION

MEDIEVAL BUILDING TECHNIQUES as depicted in a manuscript representing the rebuilding of Troy by King Priam Date: circa 1500

Background imageTechniques Collection: Klecksography

Klecksographie of Justinus Kerner, the art of making pictures out of ink blots on folded paper. Date: prob. mid 19th century

Background imageTechniques Collection: Oxyacetylene flame cutting in a factory or workshop

Oxyacetylene flame cutting in a factory or workshop in Sheffield, South Yorkshire. Date: circa 1920s

Background imageTechniques Collection: Street mobile French Grape Press at Gien, Loiret, France

Street mobile French Grape Press at Gien, Loiret, France
Street mobile French Grape Press at Gien a commune in the Loiret department in north-central France. Date: 1910s

Background imageTechniques Collection: Haybox Cooking, Food Saving Exhibition, Institute of Hygiene

Haybox Cooking, Food Saving Exhibition, Institute of Hygiene
Hay Box Cooking Demonstration at the Food Saving Exhibition, Institute of Hygiene (which opened on 28th January 1918). A haybox, straw box, fireless cooker, insulation cooker

Background imageTechniques Collection: WW1 - German-taught Turkish Chemists preparing Poisonous Gas

WW1 - German-taught Turkish Chemists preparing Poisonous Gases - 12th June 1915. Date: 1915

Background imageTechniques Collection: Pounding Rice using large pestle and mortar - Chennai, India

Pounding Rice using large pestle and mortar - Chennai, India
Pounding Rice using large pestle and mortar - Chennai (Madras), India Date: circa 1920

Background imageTechniques Collection: South Korea - Joseon Province - Weaving and Spinning

South Korea - Joseon Province - Weaving and Spinning
South Korea - Joseon (Chosen, Choson) Province - Women Weaving and Spinning. Date: circa 1920s

Background imageTechniques Collection: Boatmens Children - pounding rice - India

Boatmens Children - pounding rice - India Date: circa 1910s

Background imageTechniques Collection: Malaysia - tapping rubber trees

Malaysia - tapping rubber trees Date: circa 1920s

Background imageTechniques Collection: French Trade Show - Algerian Ceramics of E Soupireau

French Trade Show - Algerian Ceramics of E Soupireau on display. One wonders whether the fine gentleman on the left is Monsieur Soupireau himself

Background imageTechniques Collection: Diorama. Extraction of salt. Wieliczka Salt Mine, Poland

Diorama. Extraction of salt. Wieliczka Salt Mine, Poland
Mining history. Diorama. Extraction of salt. Wieliczka Salt Mine, Poland. In use since the 18th century. Deutches Museum. Munich. Germany

Background imageTechniques Collection: Section of an underground mine. Model of a team in the secon

Section of an underground mine. Model of a team in the second half of the nineteenth century. Scale 1:25. Manufactured in 1906. By R. Brown. Deutsches Museum (Museum of Science and Technology)

Background imageTechniques Collection: Hiroshige woodcut - Seba: Moorise

Hiroshige woodcut - Seba: Moorise
Reproduction of a woodcut by Ando Hiroshige (1797-1858) entitled: Seba: Moorise'. Date: circa early 19th century

Background imageTechniques Collection: The Morse Cotton Baling Press. Cotton Hydraulic

The Morse Cotton Baling Press. Cotton Hydraulic Press, New Morse system. Installed in New York. 1881. Xylography

Background imageTechniques Collection: MEUCCI, Antonio (1808 - 1889). Italian inventor

MEUCCI, Antonio (1808 - 1889). Italian inventor of the telephone. Meuccis telephone. ITALY. LOMBARDY. Milan. National Museum of Science and Technology Leonardo da Vinci

Background imageTechniques Collection: Figure of the reliquary Bwete or Bwitti (Gabon)

Figure of the reliquary Bwete or Bwitti (Gabon). The Mahongwe practice an ancestor cult (bwiti or bwete) that was at the center of a system of beliefs and rites

Background imageTechniques Collection: Reliquary Guardian Figure (ethnicity Kota, Fang)

Reliquary Guardian Figure (ethnicity Kota, Fang). They protect the relics of the ancestors and are helpful to communicate with their gods and to curse their wives in case of infidelity. African art

Background imageTechniques Collection: Gymnastics at the Hermitage School, Brussels, Belgium

Gymnastics at the Hermitage School, Brussels, Belgium, founded in 1907 by Jean-Ovide Decroly (18711932), a Belgian teacher and psychologist. Date: circa 1920

Background imageTechniques Collection: Hot-air balloon from 18th century. Engraving

Hot-air balloon from 18th century. Engraving

Background imageTechniques Collection: Belgian gun with folding bayonet. SPAIN. Vitoria

Belgian gun with folding bayonet. SPAIN. Vitoria

Background imageTechniques Collection: Gun made by Ignacio Alberdi, Eibar 1851. SPAIN

Gun made by Ignacio Alberdi, Eibar 1851. SPAIN
" Gun made by " Ignacio Alberdi", Eibar 1851. SPAIN. Vitoria. Museum of the Armeric (armoury)."

Background imageTechniques Collection: Old Salt teaches knot tying to a young boy

Old Salt teaches knot tying to a young boy
An elderly sailor teaches a young lad how to tie some nautical knots. Watercolour painting by Malcolm Greensmith

Background imageTechniques Collection: Bedfordshire Lace School

Bedfordshire Lace School. Date: circa 1905

Background imageTechniques Collection: Diving

Natation (Plongeons). Page from Larousse Encyclopedia with photographs demonstrating a variety of dives. Date: 1930

Background imageTechniques Collection: Drying Fish on wooden racks - Nordland, Northern Norway

Drying Fish on wooden racks - Nordland, Northern Norway. Date: circa 1910s

Background imageTechniques Collection: Japanese Ceramic Artist decorating a large vase

Japanese Ceramic Artist decorating a large vase
An effective and unusual postcard illustration depictng a Japanese Ceramic Artist decorating a large vase. Date: circa 1920s

Background imageTechniques Collection: Japan - Winnowing the rice by hand and by machine

Japan - Winnowing the rice by hand and by machine. Date: circa 1910s

Background imageTechniques Collection: Japan - Planting rice in the paddy fields

Japan - Planting rice in the paddy fields. Date: circa 1910s

Background imageTechniques Collection: Communist China - agricultural training

Communist China - agricultural training
Scene on a farm in Communist China - an older woman trains three younger women in grafting and growing techniques on a cotton plantation. circa 1960s

Background imageTechniques Collection: Chinese farmers planting rice in a paddy field

Chinese farmers planting rice in a paddy field Date: circa 1907

Background imageTechniques Collection: Rome. Mausoleum of Hadrian, usually known as the Castle Sant

Rome. Mausoleum of Hadrian, usually known as the Castle Sant
Roman Art. Mausoleum of emperor Hadrian or Castle Sant Angelo. Built in 139 A.D. and turned into a fortress during the Middle Age. Rome. Italy. Europe

Background imageTechniques Collection: Traditional Japanese Archery Contest (and Contestants)

Traditional Japanese Archery Contest (and Contestants) Date: circa 1910s

Background imageTechniques Collection: Hiroshige woodcut - Full Moon on Kanazawa

Hiroshige woodcut - Full Moon on Kanazawa
Reproduction of a woodcut by Ando Hiroshige (1797-1858) entitled: Full Moon on Kanazawa'. Date: circa early 19th century

Background imageTechniques Collection: Hiroshige woodcut - Mochizuki: Moonlight

Hiroshige woodcut - Mochizuki: Moonlight
Reproduction of a woodcut by Ando Hiroshige (1797-1858) entitled: Mochizuki: Moonlight'. Date: circa early 19th century

Background imageTechniques Collection: Hiroshige woodcut - Taisha: Misty Morning

Hiroshige woodcut - Taisha: Misty Morning
Reproduction of a woodcut by Ando Hiroshige (1797-1858) entitled: Taisha: Misty Morning'. Date: circa early 19th century

Background imageTechniques Collection: Hiroshige woodcut - Shisaku in Snow

Hiroshige woodcut - Shisaku in Snow
Reproduction of a woodcut by Ando Hiroshige (1797-1858) entitled Shisaku in Snow'. Date: circa early 19th century

Background imageTechniques Collection: Training with hoses

Training with hoses
Despite their full workload new techniques of fire- fighting were being learnt on the time. The Corps of Canadian Fire-fighters

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